To the question you answered where someone asked about the Y-37, 67, and 111... you answered that more and more people are getting the Y-37 (to basically be on the FTDNA system) and then getting a specific SNP pack... yes, I agree. What I'm getting (well, what my father is getting, since I'm female), based on the recommendations of the I1-Z140 Haplogroup Project manager, is the Y-12 test from FTDNA and the I1-Z140 SNP pack from YSEQ. I can always upgrade from the 12 to 37 if we need to, but this was the cheapest course of action for us for the time being. BTW, the reason we know my father is I1-Z140 is because we tested with 23andMe and I went through his raw data and was able to confirm Z140, which helped us in many ways but was also a financial help!