Solo Car Camping in a Snowy Field | Bluetti Elite 200 V2 | Wood Stove Relaxing Nature ASMR

  Рет қаралды 27,740

Small base camp

Small base camp

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@Smallbasecamp 23 сағат бұрын
皆さんご視聴ありがとうございます。 今シーズン初の雪の車中泊をどうぞお楽しみください。 もし良いと思ったら、「いいね👍」とチャンネル登録お願いします。🙏
@conniepate5221 10 сағат бұрын
@@Smallbasecamp You are welcome love the video of you and the truck it makes my day to see u camp like that fire place beautiful
@ctmcnjmwt 23 сағат бұрын
素敵な動画をありがとう! いつも晩酌しながら拝見してます😊
@Smallbasecamp 23 сағат бұрын
こちらこそ動画を見て頂き感謝です🙏 晩酌動画には最適ですね🍶🍻
@PeterMigliorini-x4o 15 сағат бұрын
It is always enjoyable to watch your winter camping offerings with snow cover. I do marvel at your wonderful ability to use your camera lens to support your storytelling. And as always, I really enjoyed your food preperation, especially the egg with fish sausage, the pot-de-feu, and the lasagna made in the wood stove. Thank you for shariing & best wishes for 2025!
@anndebaldo7381 Күн бұрын
So happy to see Yukio back again and he looks so happy to hold the lantern! What a lovely winter scene...feel chilled watching it! As usual, your dinner looks delicious...thanks so much for sharing this video with us. I always look forward to your next one. ATB
@Smallbasecamp Күн бұрын
I was happy to see "Yukio" again after such a long time. He was watching over us with a lantern ⛄️👍 Lasagna baked in a wood stove is the best ☺️
@amyv8416 21 сағат бұрын
Welcome back, Snowman!
@jewelz6506 18 сағат бұрын
Hi Yukio! It is good to see you again. ☃ .... Thanks for taking me along on this snowy trip. Very cozy. 🔥 😄
@ameliamurphy8416 14 сағат бұрын
Happy to see Yukio again. ⛄️ Thank you for the relaxing video.
@greensnow7831 3 сағат бұрын
@scooterhughes9118 10 сағат бұрын
Yay for the snowman is back!! Love the snow. Great video I enjoyed watching!
@ryandyches8449 9 сағат бұрын
One of the best things besides the quality and overall production of your videos, is the LACK of talking. There’s so many creators that try and take on this lifestyle and they do nothing but drive, camp, halfway cook and TALK. They feel the need to explain everything to us and they start pontificating and it’s just terrible. Same thing with podcasts. Your content is so well done and in all honesty, the language barrier actually makes it better IMO. I think it’s so well done and SELF EXPLANATORY without the mindless talking. Well done.
@tl9658 11 сағат бұрын
Thank you for your excellent & comfortable snow video🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤👍👍👍
@Arukutourusu88888 Күн бұрын
遂に雪の降る草原でのソロ車中泊キャンプ⛺癒しのゴールデンシーズンの再登場ですね⛺❄☃⛄🚛🔥🪵🔥 素晴らしい雪中での❄ゆきおさん☃とのソロキャップの醍醐味を感じる旅へワープさせて頂きました😍 雪中車中泊の醍醐味は何とも言えませんね! これからの冬の旅が楽しみです! ゆきおさんのお顔の表情がとても優しくて穏やかでそして頼もしくて とっても良い顔をしてますね💜いつの間にかお顔が出来上がっていましたね!🥰 ゆきおさんにお会い出来て嬉しいです。 今回は3段重ねでどっしりと鎮座されていますね😊 雪の中、テント内で珈琲豆を挽き煎れる珈琲の香りが漂って来ますね!😊☕ 外気が冷えて寒い雪中での暖かい珈琲は最高の醍醐味ですね😊 上空からの雪中でのハイゼットパネルバンとゆきおさんの姿はとてもマッチしていますね! ゆきおさんの立っている姿頼もしいです。顔も可愛らしくてホッとしますね💖 ポトフと薪ストーブで焼くラザニアは超一品ですね。 玉葱、人参、ジャガイモ、セロリー、ウインナーなど野菜豊富で栄養たっぷりの温かい ポトフですね。 沢山の野菜の量なので、朝食まで出来ますから重宝ですね! ラザニアは自然の中で焼く感じが良いですね。薪ストーブの炎の中ですね。 カルディは私も良くお店に行きますね。行くだけでも楽しいお店ですからね。 大好きなワインや生ハムやチーズやパスタや海外の食材が並んでいますね。 ポトフのスープもラザニアの材料も揃っていますので良いですね。 アムール貝やオイルサーディンやカマンベールチーズなどソロキャンプ時の準備も 料理材料は揃いそうですね。 ラザニアの香りが伝わって参りましたよ〜😊熱々を口に含まれて満足のお顔の様子を見ていましたら、こちらまで熱っ!と声が出ました私でした。😂 深夜の鳴き声を聴いていると闇夜ですからね。不気味さを感じますね😱 UMAでも出て来そうな気配でしたね。キツネさんだったら可愛いですけどね!😊 ゆうやさんが座ってあります椅子の毛皮のミンクの敷物も素敵ですね💜 ゆきおさんのウッディな器の帽子が可愛いです。 朝には雪が降り続いていましたね。ゆきおさんが雪で覆われていらして雪を払わないといけない位でしたね。それでも温かい朝だったのですね🙂 朝食の魚肉ソーセージと卵のアラカルトは素敵ですね😊 面白い焼き方ですね。私もやってみたいと思います😊 野菜たっぷりの温かいポトフは朝食にもぴったりですね✨ 食パンとソーセージと卵焼きの組み合わせにはやはりマリエ万能調味料ですね。 上空から眺める白銀の世界はとても綺麗な雪世界です。 白い雪の中でのハイゼットパネルバン車の空間の美がとても良いです。絵になりますね。 これからの冬の白銀の世界の旅🌟益々楽しみが増えました✨ これからの雪中での車中泊と冬の旅🌟ワクワクが止まりませんね🌟 素晴らしい雪中での❄ゆきおさん☃とのソロキャップの醍醐味を感じる旅へワープさせて頂きました😍素敵な旅を有難うございました🙏💜 Thank you so much.😊🙏💖✨
@Smallbasecamp Күн бұрын
去年は暖冬でどうなるかと思いましたが、久々の雪の車中泊キャンプを楽しむことができました。 何もない場所で、コーヒーで香りを楽しむ時間は最高です。 薪ストーブと白い雪はとても合いますね〜 翌朝は雪が降りましたが、それもまた良い感じでした👍 次の動画は年末か年始に2024年総集編を考えています☺️
@flexa120 13 сағат бұрын
Hello Yukio with this I wish you A merry Christmas and A ferry happy new year and good health , I hope to see you again in the new year. Thanks for sharing your videos. Greetings from the Netherland 👍
@luisamendes2794 12 сағат бұрын
Bem vindo de volta amigo Yukio☃️! Bela paisagem,boa comida, boa bebida...sem contar o passeio noturno 😊... parabéns! Saudações do 🇧🇷
@HappyWorldOrder 13 сағат бұрын
Great video to end the year...2024 has been a great year for you...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
@conniepate5221 12 сағат бұрын
I miss winter snow camping with you make me want to try it one time in my state
@chan-vx5jx 23 сағат бұрын
@Smallbasecamp 22 сағат бұрын
@SoulofSamurai 23 сағат бұрын
You were right, it was a fox...but it was a lot further out than you realize. If it had been in the tree line close to you, that scream would have sounded like it was right beside you. I love your companion and his little lantern. That meal looked absolutely wonderful, were you warm enough over night? Thank you for sharing, stay safe and I'll be waiting for your next adventure.
@Smallbasecamp 22 сағат бұрын
That voice was a fox. It seems that it was definitely a little distance away. I feel a little relieved now 😮‍💨 It was reassuring to have a snowman by my side after such a long time. Next time, we will be on another snowy trip. There will be a timelapse video 👍
@akiraguy 18 сағат бұрын
Nice snowman.
@ahju5566 22 сағат бұрын
Always so happy whenever you upload new video 🤗. Your the best! ❤
@GT_STYLE 21 сағат бұрын
항상 좋은 캠핑 대리만족하고 갑니다. 감사합니다.
@砂布巾すなふきん 19 сағат бұрын
とうとう雪の季節が到来ですね。 薪ストーブの本領発揮です。 やっぱりストーブが有ると心強いですね。
@lynhook7093 14 сағат бұрын
Beautiful merry Christmas and a happy new year ❤🎉
@ridgerunner66 9 сағат бұрын
What a beautiful winter day. Happy to see Yukio again. Meal’s looked really good. Another great trip in the books. See you soon!
@laurieann2714 6 сағат бұрын
Happy Holidays! And it feels like a real winter when I see your snowman!
@satishmishra6018 15 сағат бұрын
Great to see you again in winter with lot's of snow watching rm india
@mikechan12 4 сағат бұрын
@liezldionisio3127 17 сағат бұрын
My favorite part brewing coffee 😋
@Edgemash 13 сағат бұрын
I love your videos. One thing I keep wondering is your van all wheel drive? It sure gets you into a lot of places.
@TIMURMAKLAKOV 19 сағат бұрын
Отличная атмосфера ))) Снег, тепло, дровишки в печке )))) Эхххх красота )))
@StraightMountainSurvival 23 сағат бұрын
Wishing you a wonderful 2025 my friend
@Smallbasecamp 23 сағат бұрын
Thank you. I hope 2025 will be a good year too.
@kei-いつもおみつさんの味方です Күн бұрын
ラザニアの香り届きました 今年度最後の作品になるんですかね素敵な旅をありがとうございました
@Smallbasecamp Күн бұрын
香り届きましたか〜☺️ それはよかった〜🙌 実は2024年総集編も考えています。👍
@今井ちなみ 13 сағат бұрын
ポトフにラザニア おいしそうですね。 前にも言いましたが、キャンプで色んな料理が出来るものなんですね👍 🦊あんな声で鳴くなんてはじめてしりました。
@sarleshchandak1303 22 сағат бұрын
Love to see snow again❤❤, I enjoyed lot........ Cheers
@Lukey-Dukey-AUS 22 сағат бұрын
Hi the snow has come my favourite time for your relaxing videos. Thank you for your video Sir.
@alunjones9153 21 сағат бұрын
Great 👍 video!! Goo 2 see u out Nd about Christmas camp weren't bad next time I do it I'll get ready meals and maybe go pub 4 lunch didn't have a Christmas dinner as my green beans had gone off so had a poor man's meal rice 🌾🍚!! Happy new year still glad I did I could spend Christmas on my own
@cassianofraiha4931 18 сағат бұрын
It's great to see the snow again. It's very relaxing. I would like to know what model of chopsticks you use. Can I buy them here in Brazil? Thanks.
@jewelz6506 18 сағат бұрын
You are lucky to get to experience the sound of foxes though, I only have coyotes where I live, they get very noisy some nights, but then again, they are less of a threat to farm animals than a fox because they are too timid to come near houses. But both are beautiful animals.
@vr2uod Күн бұрын
Cheers 🍻
@Smallbasecamp Күн бұрын
@littlebugcamp 23 сағат бұрын
@Smallbasecamp 23 сағат бұрын
これでも岩手は平年並み?なんですよ〜 秋田や青森は凄い豪雪のようです😅 千葉は天気が良さそうで羨ましいです☺️ そういえばアソビトキャンプフィールドの動画とb-sideの動画見ました。 私の本を手に取ってもらい嬉しかったです。 そしてこの動画もアソビトキャンプフィールドですよ〜⛄️ 2025年はぜひお会いしたいですね👍
@k4s2j2 15 сағат бұрын
항상 잘 보고 있어요. 컵에 그려진 해골은 무엇을 의미하나요? 술을 너무 마시지 말라는 건가요? ㅎㅎ
@GargiChakravorty-j1d Күн бұрын
Yeah my birthday gift!!! Thanks
@Smallbasecamp 23 сағат бұрын
Thank you so much🙌
@GargiChakravorty-j1d 22 сағат бұрын
@@Smallbasecamp yeah 🙌
@VilleTVLouisville Күн бұрын
Such a big fan of your cooking in your channel. I try to copy your recipes. Hopefully one day I’ll be cooking in a motorhome, or a caravan, depending on what part of the world you are from. Have a happy new year, sir.
@Smallbasecamp 23 сағат бұрын
I'm glad you like my videos and the recipes. Please give it a try sometime. 👍 I'm sure it'll be fun ☺️
@jowechu4153 10 сағат бұрын
Hello Mr snowman! Nice to see u again 🎉
@miroslawm2417 7 сағат бұрын
Winter the best😊
@marybethfields1166 16 сағат бұрын
Merry Christmas! YUKIO needs a Mrs Yukio.
@stuarthightower418 17 сағат бұрын
What brand of knife are you using to prepare the potato and vegetables?
@therealdebater 10 сағат бұрын
@ramprashad29 8 сағат бұрын
I hate the cold and snow. May spring arrive soon 😂
@彭小璦-c9w 23 сағат бұрын
@Smallbasecamp 23 сағат бұрын
雪季終於來臨了。 ☺️ 我對即將到來的賽季感到很興奮👍
@kevinking330 11 сағат бұрын
@ariefpingpong4670 Күн бұрын
Musim salju yang sangat aku suka! Ditambah lagi dengan suara kayu bakar😍❄️🏕️🔥
@Smallbasecamp 23 сағат бұрын
Saya juga suka musim dingin dan kompor kayu👍 Aku senang kamu mengerti ☺️
@فاضلالفريجي-ق9د Күн бұрын
❤Thank you very much. I was eagerly waiting for your video. I love you
@Smallbasecamp 23 сағат бұрын
I'm glad you're looking forward to my video. Thank you ☺️
@Arukutourusu88888 Күн бұрын
Finally, the golden season of solo car camping in the snowy grasslands is back⛺❄☃⛄🚛🔥🪵🔥 I was warped to a trip where I could feel the joy of solo camping with ❄Yukio☃ in the wonderful snow😍 The joy of car camping in the snow is indescribable! I'm looking forward to the upcoming winter trip! Yukio's facial expression is very kind, calm, and reliable. He has a very good face💜 Before I knew it, his face had been formed! 🥰 I'm happy to meet Yukio. This time, he is sitting firmly in three layers😊 In the snow, the aroma of coffee being ground and roasted in the tent drifts! 😊☕ Warm coffee in the cold snow is the best thing ever 😊 The view of Yukio and the Hijet panel van in the snow from above is a perfect match! Yukio standing there is so reliable. His face is so cute and comforting 💖 The pot-au-feu and lasagna baked in a wood stove are the best dishes. This pot-au-feu is warm and nutritious with plenty of vegetables such as onions, carrots, potatoes, celery, and sausages. There are so many vegetables that you can make it for breakfast, so it's very useful! The lasagna feels good to bake in nature. In the flames of a wood stove. I often go to Kaldi stores. It's a fun place to go. They have my favorite wines, prosciutto, cheese, pasta, and foreign ingredients. They have the ingredients for pot-au-feu soup and lasagna, so it's great. It seems that you have all the ingredients you need for solo camping, such as amur shells, oil sardines, and Camembert cheese. The aroma of lasagna is coming through~😊 When I saw the satisfied look on his face as he put the hot lasagna in his mouth, I couldn't help but say, "It's hot!" 😂 It's a dark night when you hear the cries in the middle of the night. It feels creepy😱 It felt like it might appear in UMA. It would be cute if it was a fox! 😊 The mink fur rug on the chair where Yuya is sitting is also lovely💜 Yukio's wooden bowl hat is cute. It was snowing continuously in the morning. Yukio was covered in snow and had to brush it off. Still, it was a warm morning🙂 The fish sausage and egg alacarte for breakfast was great😊 It's an interesting way to cook it. I would like to try it too😊 Warm pot-au-feu with plenty of vegetables is perfect for breakfast✨ Marie's all-purpose seasoning is perfect for the combination of bread, sausage, and rolled egg. The world of silvery white seen from the sky is a very beautiful snow world. The beauty of the space of the Hijet panel van in the white snow is very good. It's picturesque. I'm looking forward to my upcoming winter trip in the silvery white world🌟 more and more✨ I can't stop being excited about sleeping in the car in the snow and traveling in the winter🌟🌟 I was able to warp to a trip where I could feel the true joy of solo camping with ❄Yukio☃ in the wonderful snow😍Thank you🙏💜Thank you so much.😊🙏💖✨
@user-sakuya 23 сағат бұрын
@Smallbasecamp 23 сағат бұрын
いつもありがとうございます😊 そして同時間の公開でしたね😁 私も少し参加してみました! 何度かやり取りをしたことはありますが、あの方は車中泊では別格なので、コラボはなかなか難しいと思いますがそうなったら最高です👍
@tomato-e5j 23 сағат бұрын
1年て早いですね😢 もう年末です。今年も楽しませて頂きました🎉ありがとうございます😊また、来年も宜しくお願いします❣️🎶
@Smallbasecamp 22 сағат бұрын
歳とると1年が早いですね😅 今シーズン雪の旅が楽しみです。⛄️ 2025年は良い年でありますように🙏
@juanitasullivan3372 6 сағат бұрын
That sure sounded like a fox to me. I'll never forget the first time I heard that sound. I thought it was a woman screaming and I almost called the cops. My neighbor up the road said no that's a fox. Really eerie sound for sure.
@gauri9817 21 сағат бұрын
You should do campaign with your family once
@kenkwok8437 18 сағат бұрын
你今年做第1個 雪人 ⋯⋯😄😄😄
@ivykong422 Күн бұрын
@Smallbasecamp 23 сағат бұрын
@annapintus9490 15 сағат бұрын
Saluti dall'Italia Mi spiace che non ci siano I sottotitoli in italiano. Peccato
@Smallbasecamp 3 сағат бұрын
Scusa. Aggiunti sottotitoli in italiano.
@nativeamericangodfirst1083 7 сағат бұрын
Very nice. Any fishing in the area?
@yfgf319 19 сағат бұрын
الشيء المستفز هو رجل الثلج ،، اعتقد انه من العاب الاطفال
@莊佳瑜-v9g 3 сағат бұрын
@karyu9494 52 минут бұрын
una lampara para el muñeco de nieveeeeee!!!!
@nsbhagwat 5 сағат бұрын
Is the snow around you useable to melt and drink?
@andrewfairs6394 10 сағат бұрын
very good video . I have watched most of your videos and they are excellent . maybe it's time to be more ego friendly . Get rid of the oil and wood burning and more with the times (future ) and show people what they can do in the outdoors when camping with more planet friendly heating materials just a idear
@赤池優-g3q Күн бұрын
@Smallbasecamp Күн бұрын
ご視聴ありがとうございます☺️ 雪の車中泊は、とっても楽しいですよ〜☃️
@遅咲きサクラ咲く 23 сағат бұрын
@Smallbasecamp 23 сағат бұрын
Rv Bus Camping|Heavy snow warning! We'll be sheltering here tonight
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