I genuinely enjoy your vlog, and I’ve also been learning Japanese from it! Please keep up the great work!!
@yoki908Ай бұрын
I’ve been enjoying your videos as they bring back so many nostalgic memories. During my high school study abroad and college years, I traveled to many of the countries featured, and seeing those familiar landscapes again is wonderful. At the same time, I can’t help but notice how crowded with tourists some places have become. Your videos really show a deep respect for the cultures of each destination, and I truly admire that. Filming while sightseeing is impressive! Personally, I often find myself so focused on capturing footage that I forget to enjoy the experience, so I end up taking more photos than videos. If you have any advice on how to strike a balance between filming and enjoying the moment, I’d love to hear it! 動画を楽しんでます。高校留学時代や大学生の頃に、旅行で訪れたことがあり再び見ることができてとても嬉しいです。どこも観光客で賑わって変わったなとも感じる部分もありますね。 旅先それぞれの土地の文化を尊重して楽しんでいる様子が伝わってきて、本当に素晴らしいと思います。 観光しながら撮影をするのは本当にすごいですね!自分の場合、映像を撮ることに集中してしまい、楽しむ余裕がなくなってしまうことが多いので、写真ばかり増えてしまう傾向があります。もし、撮影とその場を楽しむことのバランスをうまく取るコツがあれば、ぜひ教えていただきたいです!