Hey man! As a phone user, I really appreciate you uploading the vods to KZbin. Also, the bubbles (bubble doodles I guess? Have no idea what they're called) are great! They do make it easier :)
@hibye-die Жыл бұрын
I know as a fellow phone user without internet until about a month ago twitch absolutely hates its mobile users
@jocelynec176 Жыл бұрын
time stamps: game 1 (transporter): 00:02:40 game 2 (undertaker): 00:16:30 game 3 (snitch): 00:27:45 game 4 (vigilante): 00:38:55 game 5 (vigilante): 00:50:30 game 6 (detective): 01:03:13 this game was posted to the main channel here: kzbin.info/www/bejne/eJ-6fZWEe8aHi9E game 7 (amnesiac): 01:17:50 game 8 (medic): 01:26:25 game 9 (arsonist): 01:41:35 game 10 (transporter): 01:57:15 game 11 (sheriff): 02:12:30
DK's theory that Kimi was bad simply because he shielded her, and no one attacked her is utter bs. The only thing it proves is that Kimi never came into contact alone with an imp.
@ShimrraJamaaneАй бұрын
Skadj proposed it as a possibility, not dk. He didn't lean on it heavily, though. The odds are still really good that kimi was evil based on the fact that neither she nor him were attacked; the theory wasn't that kimi wasn't attacked, but that they both weren't attacked.
@alcaim80453 ай бұрын
39:33 ... you had the perfect opportunity to say "what's going on" to the lobby and you skipped it!
@tanarmy13 Жыл бұрын
1:29:23 your laugh is beautiful and very contagious!!!!!! Pls don't say that 🥺
@finncohen9494 Жыл бұрын
yeah literally the only thing i’ve ever heard said about his laugh is how much people love it
@ElizabethDurell Жыл бұрын
Agreed!!! Had you playing on my phone and you laughed and a coworker that was walking by goes “that Dumbdog?” And we had never realized we were both fans soooo yeah we love your laugh! ❤
@Dallows65 Жыл бұрын
I like his laugh, makes me wonder what other noises he can make with the right stimulation…
@hyper_fn_al145911 ай бұрын
dont tell me what to do xD
@JubbysDragons15 күн бұрын
I hate it but I will still watch. I usually hit forward ten seconds if he starts cackling
@Ticklestein4 ай бұрын
I would vote Gumi every time she says specimen.
@Kittekassitar Жыл бұрын
I love you laugh man
@Zahyr097 ай бұрын
Dumbdog singing broh, he so cute. Also love his laugh Thanks for upload the vods. Saludos desde Argentina
@Ticklestein4 ай бұрын
That last game. When you’re so unlucky that you get pushed out by the Jester at final 4. Holy.
@wickast4941 Жыл бұрын
loving Steve's fursona
@lithiumclearsАй бұрын
Oh he doused both importers round 1 and then died before igniting. Unlucky.
@lunar1227 Жыл бұрын
1:16:07 why did hafu not guess kara as medic after all that info and jannet dying
@Davvefuling Жыл бұрын
I dont think they have NK can guess on.
@ShimrraJamaaneАй бұрын
@@Davvefuling Correct. At this time they had NK assassin disabled.
@chrisbennett62362 ай бұрын
There's no way Hafu can be the lobby's number 1 crew when she is this lost all the time.
@horseluver4ever623 Жыл бұрын
Why does Gumi say "specimen" like that?
@jujumariex Жыл бұрын
it drives me insane lol
@Yumiko-je1to Жыл бұрын
@fisheatsyourhead8 ай бұрын
Same reason she puts on a voice, for her weird fans
@curlyxcoco5 ай бұрын
y’all don’t have words that y’all mispronounce on purpose? i have inside jokes about certain words
@Ticklestein4 ай бұрын
“She’s just quirky like that” - I would vote her ever time she says it like that though. It’s like anti-ASMR for me.