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Sonic Bear Punch - Here in hell (Official Music Video)
Zene: Sonic Bear Punch
Szöveg: Horváth István "Pityesz" és Nagy Lajos "Lui"
Dob: Gábor Béla
Ének: Horváth István "Pityesz"
Basszusgitár: Kostyál Viktor
Gitár: Nagy Lajos "Lui"
A dobfelvételeket Farkas Zsombor rögzítette
A zenei részeket és az énekfelvételeket Nagy Lajos "Lui" rögzítette
A hangfelvétel keverése és a mastering Farkas Zsombor munkája
A videót vágta és rendezte:
Horváth István "Pityesz"
Köszönjük a következő művészeknek az eredeti felvételeket:
isakarakus, NguyenGianga2, MAKY_OREL, bellergy, Nick_the_Photographer, Rootka21407, Matthias_Groeneveld, Makri27, ShidenBeatsMusic, Gylfi, u_1mriq9ii8u,
callimasterx, Yasir_Javaid, Jackdrafahl, u_lgj8ze1di3, immikhan06, Viya47Tkal, ninosouza, zillurrahman1, Macb3t, KreativPixel, AndersonCampos, SnRSteeve, Jossiano, DaimsJean, bsotoiii, Erosartvideos, sako88, DangrafArt, QuinceCreative, DavidGallie, AlexKopeykin, Istifada, AlexKopeykin, u_9gyup2t4h7, tommyvideo, GrandStudio, Peggy Anke
Forrás: pixabay.com, pexels.com
I have no reaction,
I'm just keep cleaning my gun
just the same as everyday.
I have no fictions.
I know what i will do.
Just the same as everyday.
Save me from the harsh reality!
Give me a peaceful awakening!
Another day begins,
Another chance again.
and everyday I only hope
that someone hears me.
I know I will survive,
I'm not waiting for anyone.
I didn't learn from my
fucking mistakes.
I fight everyday deep down inside
I know I can never win!
I'm just waiting...my time will come.
Just take a look around
Where are we now?
We are trying to change
But, no one knows how.
There's no honor anywhere
and no humainity.
I wanna tell you
my last prophecy.
Save me from the harsh reality!
Give me a peaceful awakening!
"Brother kills brother,
everyone fights everyone.
In the name of your Lord
and under His flags,
You destroy your world,
sparing no one and nothing!
You hope to get in to Heaven,
but I know
that no one is waiting for you there!
cause there*s only one way!
It leads to me!
I waiting for you! here in Hell! Forever!"
Sonic Bear Punch 2024
Minden jog fenntartva
/ sonicbearpunchofficial