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Synopsis: The story of Sonic Colors begins when Dr. Eggman (also known as Dr. Robotnik) reveals a new plan to dominate the universe. Instead of using his traditional weapons and robots, he has built a giant space amusement park called "Eggman Land", located in space. The park is made up of several colorful and attractive zones, but Eggman's true intention is to use the energy of the Wisps, small alien creatures, to power a machine that will help him dominate the universe.
Sonic and his friend Tails discover Eggman's plan and decide to rescue the Wisps and stop the villain from carrying out his plan. To do so, they infiltrate the various zones of the park, which are decorated with different themes and colors, while facing Eggman's robots and unraveling the mysteries of the amusement park.
Release date: November 11, 2010.
Platforms: PC, Switch, PS4, Xbox One, Wii, Nintendo DS.