Saw these in a walmart a few weeks ago, bought them specifically for the containers they come in, seems that's where the budget went on these which is kind of surreal to me considering they seem to be going for a similar thing to gacha capsules minus the actual quarter machines, and a much higher price. You'd think they'd put just a tiny bit more budget into the paint on the actual figures themselves. Been thinking of using these weird orange and grey eggs for either something like paperclip storage or fodder for when I need a round-ish egg shaped part of a certain size. Unfortunately, almost all of these blind box capsules I've gotten just have had some weird defect where the shrink wrap fused to the tampos on the plastic a little. There's this weird glossy blue smudging all over one of the three logos on each copy as a result. They also have weird tiny black or brown dots on one part of them too and it doesn't seem to be a tampo or a scrape of some kind so I'm just completely confused as to what it is. Don't think it's fungus because it doesn't seem to be spreading. Might just be some kind of factory gunk that got lodged in the plastic wherever these were made. I think since these have only 8 figures in the line and the boxes I've seen are 8 each it's just one of each figure per set possibly. I haven't gotten a double yet but I got a feeling since I have 4 of them and didn't buy the whole box of the things if I ever grab some more of these I'm going to have doubles I'm probably gonna try to sell off or something.