Sonic's Bed is in Ruins | BumbleKast for Dec. 7th - Ian Flynn Q&A Podcast

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While Ian has written the story for Sonic Frontiers, he is not able to answer questions regarding the behind-the-scenes aspects of the game at this time due to a legal non-disclosure agreement with SEGA.
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Patreon Perk - Jump to the Q&A: 0:54
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@ae_double Жыл бұрын
What if Orbot and Cubot, having ruined Eggman's roast, were to purchase fast food and disguise it as their own cooking?
@waypastcoolkid Жыл бұрын
Delightfully devilish, Double.
@J.R.Unbound Жыл бұрын
December 7th, 2022 Question Timestamps: ------------------------------------------- *Note 1: Some questions in this video are about Frontiers spoilers. You will not find these questions in this comment. You will instead find them as a reply to this comment, as I don’t want those looking through the timestamps to be spoiled. If you’ve finished the game, or just don’t care, you can find them there.* *Note 2: If you want to talk about Frontiers in the comments, please denote if it has any spoilers in it. Please, and thank you. I’m planning on having this notice in the timestamps until around 2023. Happy scrolling!* ------------------------------------------- 0:54 - What made you write Sonic in Archie with those kind of less "heroic" traits compared to his game and IDW counterparts? It's an alternative interpretation of the character I've grown to really love. 1:46 - Was there any discussion of having a Transformers/Sonic crossover? With Sonic's philosophy being really close to Optimus Prime's (if you squint), a conversation between Sonic and Megatron would have been enlightening. As of More Than Meets the Eye/Lost Light, Megatron is an Autobot who has taken a vow of pacifism, the complete opposite of who he was during the war. He's the ideal (and extreme) example of Sonic's philosophy in action, but over the millions of years of the war, Megatron has destroyed thousands of plants and millions of sentient lifeforms. Since Sonic is probably more in line with early-war Optimus/Orion Pax, I have to wonder if Megatron would try to convince Sonic that his mercy for enemies might cost more in the long run. Eggman hasn't caused NEARLY as much damage, but at what point would Sonic realize there's a limit? 3:13 - The Mettaton action figure in IDW #49 implies the existence of Undertale on Sonic's earth, which implies the existence of Toby Fox on Sonic's earth. So I must know, is this multiverse variant of Toby Fox a human or a nermie? If he's a nermie, is he a fox or is he an annoying dog? 4:11 - Mr. Flynn I gotta know. What do I gotta do for you to unofficially continue the mega man series please Ian I need to see what you were gonna do with Blues 5:33 - Considering how he rivals Sonic and Knuckles in terms of strength, how would a Mighty vs Shadow fight play out? 8:12 - This month my partner and I are celebrating our tenth year as a couple, which is fantastic but complicated by the fact that I live in Australia and she lives in Canada. We have recently started talking about taking the next step, and agreed that it would make the most sense if I was the one to move to her rather than her move over here. So Ian, I was wondering if you would mind talking a little bit about your experiences and challenges you faced when you moved to Canada yourself, if it's not too personal? I'd be extremely grateful for any advice you can offer or anecdotes you're comfortable with sharing. Thanks in advance, my dude. 15:43 - Something I’ve been VERY happy with lately is the return of the sonic cast, just the way you remember them. And one character I was so happy to see Sega change their mind on is Big the cat. As we all know, sega announced years ago they were retiring the character, but they’ve since gone back on this. I always loved when Big appears in games when he has nothing to do with the story, like SA2, or now frontiers, but a BIG (lol) part of me misses when he did have some involvement with the story. Do you see Big ever getting a larger role in a game (or idw) again? Big in general was always the everyman, just an average joe thrusted into a story way bigger than him, so it makes sense why he isn’t involved much, but I’d still love to see him like heroes again. 17:42 - I've played Sonic Frontiers 2 times now, despite some personal issues, it's a fantastic game! Congrats Ian! But with Frontiers.. many people have described it, as us entering a new "era" of Sonic.. so.. it made me think: My first game and introduction to Sonic was Generations, so I never grew up with the series, so..for you, who grew up with it, what was it like when SA1 was released, and the series first entered its "Modern" era? With the new designs, new tone, ETC ETC ETC? What was that whole experience like? 23:55 - Fun scenario time: you are locked in a cell where the doors are indestructible & so are the walls. You stuck in there for a whole month with Surge the Tenrec. How will that go? 24:50 - Because of the lyrics of Vandalize, should we assume that Sonic's racecar bed is destroyed? You know, because his bed is in ruins after f*cking the pain away? (Bumping up this standard question by Tik Tik because I absolutely need answers immediately. I am sorry, but also not.) *Small correction: They changed the "bed" to "head" in the game. There is no bed in Frontiers. Don't worry. It's safe* 26:25 - Asking for my artist friend "Space Cadet": "A lot of people consider Sonic cute as he is cool, do you ever consider this when writing him? Like maybe adding a little something here and there that might be deemed “cute”? 27:45 - Hey since it was stated that Gerald gave shadow and emerl souls does that mean souls are scientifically understood things in sonic's world that can be replicated with scientific means and not beyond scientific comprehension. In that case would ghosts also be considered scientifically understandable things in sonic's world. Considering ghosts are the souls of the dead. *Well if Undertale did happen in Sonic’s world, this implies a lot of things* 29:34 - I know you don't like the rabbids but Sparks of hope put some much needed development on their species. With the Rayman dlc coming out there might be a small possibility for either Sonic DLC or an entire Mario & Sonic + Rabbids game. So how do you think Sonic characters would work if this Timeline were to happen? Story, characters, Weapons, Abilities and stats. 32:30 - Can wisps combine powers? Since they are purely energy beings, I imagine wisps like burst and quake could merge to create magma or something. And before you call it a fan idea that you can't use now, technically they did before to create the final color blaster in the end of Colors, as well as a few multiplayer exclusive combos, so it's in official media already. So, is this on the table? 33:27 - Hi, so there have been some grumblings here and there on the Twitter. How would you describe the current character direction for Amy Rose? I personally love her in IDW and Frontiers. 33:59 - With Lanolin the Sheep going on to make an appearance in the upcoming Eggperial City arc (according to various wikis and previews), should we expect a return of fellow Restoration member the Chief Mechanic, aka Grease the Orangutan (name pending)? If so, how would you like to flesh out his character? I personally see him serving as a more experienced foil to Tails, and his personality being an odd cross between Wasabi from Big Hero 6 and Filmore from Cars; he appears chill and laidback, but can get anal-retentive and testy when his system gets boogered up or people don’t take it seriously. Also, a little bit of a conspiracy nut about “organic fuel” and the like. (“It’s all part of their evil plan, man! Another plot by Big Oil to keep us down!”) 34:50 - You're both commissioned to make an open world VG that also has Capcom beat em up & JRPG elements. The name of this game "LaVar Burton's Arrgh-mageddon '98: The revenge". Your budget is Yakuza levels cus the CEO has gone loco. What's the plot, who's the composer and who's the director? ------------------------------------------- 53:00 - Thanks to those who support the show 56:02 - Outtake 1 56:52 - Outtake 2 58:06 - Outtake 3 *Important Sonic/Wisp Relationship Lore in Outtake 3*
@J.R.Unbound Жыл бұрын
Frontiers Spoiler Zone: Click “Read more” if you dare… 38:55 - Since you wouldn't argue about the IDW comics being canon to the games, does this mean that the events like the Metal Virus until issue 50 happened before Sonic Frontiers? Or will there be small changes to adapt the characters and their stories to the games? (Totally not asking because I'm worried for Dr. Starline being dead in game-verse too, nope, not at all)" 40:31 - If Sage owned a chao what nickname would she give it?" 42:27 - How would a Scourge Frontiers go? How would this history go on moebius with the titans and the end?? What is anti sage and kintobors relationship? And Let's not forget the moebius version of the Coco. 46:47 - How do the Gaia Temples factor into the new chaos emerald lore introduced in Sonic Frontiers? SAGE says that the Ancients came to earth (along with the chaos emeralds) tens of thousands of years ago. After The End attacked yet again, a small group of Ancients brought the emeralds to what is now known as Angel Island. The Emeralds remained on Angel Island until the Knuckles clan was destroyed by perfect chaos 3,000 years ago (according to the Japanese Sonic Adventure Navigation Guide). But according to Sonic Unleashed, the temples of Gaia were also created tens of thousands of years ago and are integral to the cycle of the planet and the time of awakening (Dark Gaia vs Light Gaia). The temples couldn't have existed without the emeralds so they must have been created after the Ancients came to earth, but they couldn't have been created before the emeralds left Angel Island after the extinction of the Knuckles clan. How could the Gaia Temples exist? 50:12 - Regarding Frontiers' Egg Memo 10 and 11, there seems to be some confusion around what Eggman found. For example, when he says the Ancients died within a generation after attempting to rebuild, did he mean the entire race? Or was it limited to the ancients who remained on the island, while whatever small group who took the chaos emeralds managed to escape such a fate? More importantly, Eggman specifies that the ancients' DNA corroded over countless years into something unrecognizable. Is this referring to their kind somehow escaping a fate of extinction by evolving into a new species after the fact, superseding the previous memo? Or is it referring to an initial evolution that led them to become their forms seen in the flashbacks, akin to how Chaos evolved from his chao form using the emeralds?" *Get your keyboards ready, wiki editors!*
@J.R.Unbound Жыл бұрын
I am surprised this has that many likes considering it isn't pinned. Glad to know people care enough to look for them! :)
@heroessquad2019 11 ай бұрын
I think you need to be pinned for this.
@DarkAngelBluejay Жыл бұрын
"You're locked in a room with Surge for a month, how does that go?" Surge eats well for a month.
@andtails Жыл бұрын
58:07 - Is this how Sonic ruined his bed?
@stevena488 Жыл бұрын
All of them... Coming together.... It's a frightful thought
@Domino_X Жыл бұрын
Surge would absolutely call her Chao “Lil’ Ass Kicker”.
@MONKEYmaddness54 Жыл бұрын
In relation to the spoiler question at 46:47 I agree that the Gaia Temple thing isn't as big a problem as some make it out to be. IIRC no in-game scripture or research actually mentions the Chaos Emerald's role in the conflict, it just comes up when Pickle tells Sonic about the temples. I've always imagined that since Light Gaia and Dark Gaia have been fighting since the dawn or time or whatever, and the temples were made "tens of thousands of years ago", that a civilisation came along much later to tip the scale in Light Gaia's favour by building them. Before then the two would probably fight more evenly and the world would take much longer to heal- no emeralds involved. I also agree that there is no reason the Chaos Emeralds had to stay put at the Altar on Angel Island all that time before the Knuckles Clan 'discovered' them. We know they have a bit of a mind of their own. Hell, Tikal's Grandma passed down an old prayer that ended up being about them! Those gems get around! Actually, thinking about it, maybe that solves one of my own issues with the story. I was a bit disappointed that the Ancients also called them 'Chaos Emeralds' when the lore given in the guides states the Knuckles Clan came up with the name in reference to Chaos himself. However, the prayer does use the word chaos (albeit Japanese word 'conton', not the English one, creating a distinction). So really, that's just their nature. I've also accepted the idea that different civilisations can come up with the same name independently- Plus you can play with the idea that what we see in the subtitles are just a 'translation' and their native words (which phonetically sound more like 'Chaos Gems') are simply similar by coincidence. Superman logic.
@stevena488 Жыл бұрын
Man, lookit Sonic in that thumbnail. That's that "And I'll f****** do it again!" Smirk... Destroy your beds, kids. It's what Sonic sez
@nexisvids Жыл бұрын
58:06 And then they go "This is a family show!" xD
@flamingoodness4923 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for answering my question! (I'm the one who asked about Big the Cat.) I agree that the running gag is THE BEST role for big. He entered meme status so long ago, and yet the memes haven't overshadowed the character like other memes do. I think it's important to have him involved once in a blue moon, but since the beginning, he was always a character made to make players laugh. I mean, he's LITERALLY a cat fishing for a frog. Thanks again!
@scruffymatt42 Жыл бұрын
I can't believe I poured my heart and soul out to Ian, and the first thing he responded with was a rant about how horrible Australian wildlife is. SMH. 🤣 Seriously though, thank you for the advice. I really appreciate it!
@juiceDpunk983 Жыл бұрын
Imagine a Super Sonic Vs Super Shadow fight with the frontiers gameplay that would be brill. The 2 have fought in Sonic X in their super forms. Do you think they could fight in the super forms in the games too? Honestly the concept seems brilliant just super fighting until someone loses all their rings.
@ThatSoni Жыл бұрын
For fighting the pain away, we ride on the Algorithm Quest!
@ExcelHedge Жыл бұрын
@BumbleKingVideos Жыл бұрын
Sure, ExcelBedge. -Kyle
@PigDan Жыл бұрын
@@BumbleKingVideos Sure, Kevin.
@JomaXZ Жыл бұрын
58:48 Thanks Kyle. That made my day.
@kittensolder8818 Жыл бұрын
Question: Surge, at the absolute peak of her psychosis, runs into Sticks! Who is crazier? Who reacts to who harder? Can Sticks interact with and beat the crap out of hallucination Starline? Could this meeting actually be exactly what Surge needs?
@TheLanydx Жыл бұрын
Here is a what if for you: Sega has you make spiritual sequel to Sonic CD with Sonic, Amy and Silver as playable characters to stop Metal Sonic and reintroduce Dr. Nega, what time periods are used for stages?
@JomaXZ Жыл бұрын
28:19 I like that the editing error makes the answer funnier.
@charleschamp9826 Жыл бұрын
Question: If it were the Freedom Fighters in Sonic Frontiers, Sally, Antoine, Bunnie, and Rotor, what do you two believe their respective Memory Tokens would be?
@Tyulenin Жыл бұрын
plot twist: souls don't exist, ghosts are aliens and Tikal is chaos thingamajig
@HedgeThatDamn Жыл бұрын
Total side note, I'm pretty convinced Vandalize is about Eggman and Sage. Taking the censored lyrics into account.
@CyberSonic72 Жыл бұрын
Considering that it plays at the last scene with Sonic and friends leaving the Islands and that the creators of the song explicitly said they made it with Sonic in mind (source; there's a video on the Sonic Yt about the making of the song and music video). It's not meant to be about them. Besides Dear Father is for them, and there was never a game where the ending theme wasn't about/meant to be sung by Sonic except for games where either Sonic wasn't the only playable character, or a game where Sonic isn't even the main character like Shadow's.
@J.R.Unbound Жыл бұрын
Oh my god this video made me realize something. Sonic is Papyrus! - Similar "no kill" moralities - They both have blue attacks - They both have race car beds - They wear red - Have short "brothers" In short, Undertale is a continuation of Toby’s version of Sonic, with Sonic never being able to get home, adopting the name Papyrus, and accompanied by sans, a former Nermie, an alien force able to speak English and still equipped with his shoes, and signature height, but without any knowledge of Nermie things... like the Tornado. The pieces all just seem to fit. Now all we need is an appearance from Knuckles and we’ve got ourselves a true sequel. But hey, that's just a theory. A GAME THEORY! THANKS FOR READING!
@PhilipAJones Жыл бұрын
Makes me (SonicPAJ) feel less cringy about my Undertale comic dubbing on my channel. Haha.
@lucasmaximusdemello1240 Жыл бұрын
The way he says it makes me think that the ancients somehow were the ones to build the gaia temples, but... they dint had an influence outside of the starfall islands... i just hope this can be explained at some future game
@BlueKnightV20 Жыл бұрын
Question about Team Sonic Racing: Since TSR takes place between Forces & Frontiers, where does that make the game take place in the IDW comics? The only reason I ask is because of Zavok's presence, and the game not making it clear as to why he's working for Eggman, or if Eggman even found another Conch. The only other Conch to have appeared since Lost World was the one Starline summoned during the Metal Virus Saga, which was later seen amongst some rubble.
@ChaddyFantome Жыл бұрын
Sonic isn't really a pacifist. He is just pro-freedom and living life to the fullest. Gerald's logs make it clear he gave them independent thought, the capacity for emotions and free will. That is what the games meant by "sou". He didn't literally craft spirits, lol.
@slateoffate9812 Жыл бұрын
As a fanfic writer, I have to ask, do the Ancients in Frontiers have a name? I know in Aurora the Ancients only ever called themselves "the people" and were referred to by others as "the Mountain Folk" but if multiple Ancients from different series met or were mentioned in the same story, would they have names? Or were they originally called the Koco, and the things we see in Frontiers only called themselves Koco because of the memories?
@marvellux4654 Ай бұрын
Head makes more sense in game story context cause Sonics mental health had to have been bad dealing with the Coruption
@TheIDcard123 Жыл бұрын
What time are these live Bumblekasts? I always seem to miss them.
@J.R.Unbound Жыл бұрын
They start at 23:00 (GMT time. If you're American, take off 5 hours), and stream near the end of the month on a Saturday.
@TheIDcard123 Жыл бұрын
@@J.R.Unbound Thank you!
@katieee_llyn Жыл бұрын
What do I have to pay to get that Mighty vs Shadow event to happen!?
@bromeliad9683 Жыл бұрын
I’d personally would love Sonic to crossover with Rayman instead of the Rabbids.
@thefantasylife Жыл бұрын
What would an anti tangle and whisper be like?
@J.R.Unbound Жыл бұрын
This was answered on the November 16th, 2020 BK (at 21:25).
@1970Camaro Жыл бұрын
I don't know if I got it right - if Ian ever decides to write down anything for Mega Man, would that be on Twitter or on Patreon? I don't use Twitter but I would totally pay for Patreon for anything related to the Mega Man Comics
@J.R.Unbound Жыл бұрын
It would be on his Patreon. He was just saying that if anyone would like to know when/if it'll be out, that looking at his Twitter would be the easiest way. Hope this helps!
@littletimmythefifth29 Жыл бұрын
Here at 36 views. Wow, first five minutes, nice! On with the never ending algorithm quest! :]
@ashyslashy950 Жыл бұрын
Question: This Question may stem from a misunderstanding of copyright laws, but I would never know if I don't ask, so here I go. in previous episodes of the bumblekast, you had said that original characters made for the OVA because of copyright issues. there is a little thing that bugs me about that statement, however, that being the Hat he wears in the OVA. to my knowledge, the hat that he wears is something that was originally created for the OVA. This hat has appeared a few times in modern media. Why is it that these characters can never return because of copyright reasons, but the hat is perfectly fine? (just to be clear, I'm not accusing you of lying, I'm just wondering.)
@soulsparx Жыл бұрын
i hope grease the orangutan does show up some more, if for no other reason than that i love when sonic characters have non-standard body types
@RenoKyrie Жыл бұрын
Spoiler talk to 46:47 Yeah i allways thought people are overthinking with the Chaos Emerald predating the Temples, its allways been in Unleashed lore that Light Gaia CAN heal the Planet by himself, and the Chaos Emerald was never involved fully in the Dark Gaia fight it just soo happen the Chaos Emerald are SIGNIFICANTLY more powerfull than Light Gaia, hell in the Perfect Dark Gaia Fight it was Super Sonic who does the most to damage Dark Gaia not Light Gaia soo my theory is during the travel of Ancients searching the Master Emerald they found Chip first and it was sometime around the next fight with Dark Gaia, then the Ancients due to being from a different planet introduced Light Gaia the Chaos Emerald which boost its Strength to be on par with Dark Gaia instead of having lower chance of winning
@TheSwordsman100 Жыл бұрын
Well since the continuity is repaired and we're back to one world that is Earth and one timeline there really is no reason to not have Mighty vs. Shadow....Mighty can't be a missing person forever, right? Personally I thought Vandalize was referring to Sage's impact on Eggman.
@TheSwordsman100 Жыл бұрын
Spoilers in my next comment. Huh, I had thought that since the Ancients were blindsided by the Master Emerald that somehow the Chaos Emeralds were moved off world, after all it wouldn't be the last time aliens were interested in the gems. If the Ancients really are responsible then I wonder how they were blindsided and how the Gaias play into this. As while you can justify the temples from a human building perspective, the Gaias are outright deities and thus should predate humans as well.
@CyberSonic72 Жыл бұрын
Considering that it plays at the last scene with Sonic and friends leaving the Islands and that the creators of the song explicitly said they made it with Sonic in mind (source; there's a video on the Sonic Yt about the making of the song and music video). It's not meant to be about them. Besides Dear Father is for them, and there was never a game where the ending theme wasn't about/meant to be sung by Sonic except for games where either Sonic wasn't the only playable character, or a game where Sonic isn't even the main character like Shadow's.
@OccuredJakub12 Жыл бұрын
F the pain away
@PigDan Жыл бұрын
@justleaveitalone Жыл бұрын
"Don't even ask."
@manikdx2000 Жыл бұрын
@Twilord_ Жыл бұрын
Woo! Nermies!
@user-nm5kt2mb4x Жыл бұрын
Question what Is the scale of super sonics power? It is stated that he has infinite power but what does that mean? I assume that means all His powers or at the very least his speed are boosted to infinite, but what’s your head canon? If the former is true does that mean silver is the strongest super form, because he can do everything everyone else can do. But also telekinesis if the latter is true to what extent are the other abilities of boosted. INCONSISTENCY IN MY SANIC GAME GET OUT OF HERE?
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