well said for the whole video! I'm back Sonny:) Been following your tips and techniques in 2021 and get a satisfied score and now I need to do PTE again, the first thing comes into my mind is SONNY ENGLISH in KZbin!!! Keep GOING I will keep up with all the videos you going to do with PTE🥰🥰🥰Hope I can still get a good result for the test on 6th January I am so ready to start studying PTE again with all your videos😝😍!!! Appreciate all your efforts putting in KZbin❤❤❤
@SonnyEnglish5 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for your kind words! All the best on your test in January. Keep me posted.
@diegoolove30526 күн бұрын
Over and over again U prove it the hard way, but that’s why U r the best. Thanks Master 🙏
@SonnyEnglish6 күн бұрын
Thank you for the support, I appreciate it.
@susmaniroula65056 күн бұрын
You’re one of the best PTE tutor to achieve desire scores for students Great job Sonny you did it 5 times with in 5weeks
@SonnyEnglish5 күн бұрын
Thank you very much Susma!
@thanhhongbaonguyen5000Күн бұрын
Exactly as you talk, I lost whole 15 point at speaking coz of temple (with a bit change by myself).
@ankitathakur25273 күн бұрын
i always fumble in while describing the image what precautions should i take while that ….
@SonnyEnglish2 күн бұрын
It's more important that you can speak consistently about the image. You lose more points for fumbling than saying something wrong.
@ankitathakur25272 күн бұрын
@ i will try more concentrate on my fluency now thankyou do much for being so generous
@TKlolTKlol-mc5mx23 сағат бұрын
So If I haven't foundation, how long can get the 50 points and which part to focus ? Thank you !!
@israelluna1314 күн бұрын
I've been searching for information in general about the PTE test as I'm taking it in four days now. I've taken the previous known CAE exam from Cambridge and attained C1 level which is a lot more serious, but it was a long time ago. I'm only taking PTE now because it is accepted regarding what I'm applying and its results are fast. However, I have to say I'm seeing a lot of indian people making videos about these templates. I was expecting to find general tips, useful information of structures used, etc and I see people selling the approval by using templates. What happened to actually doing what is given to you by your own thoughts? Studying an AI shouldn't be part of an English test and if they do use AI they better make sure it doesn't fail.
@SonnyEnglish3 күн бұрын
I totally agree with you. After all, it is an English test. People have always over relied on templates in the PTE. The truth is those tasks don't carry a lot of points. No matter what score is needed, reading and listening is what gets the job done.
@elakchiouianwar8319Күн бұрын
@SonnyEnglishКүн бұрын
I would like to see the skills profile for that score.
@elakchiouianwar8319Күн бұрын
@ can i send it to you by mail or instagram please
@elakchiouianwar8319Күн бұрын
@ please sir i need your help I’m wasting my money bro please 🙏
@elakchiouianwar8319Күн бұрын
@@SonnyEnglish where can i send it to you sir please 🙏 i need your guidances.
@Cherry-Avyaan.20223 күн бұрын
Hi I need help with writing module I got 65 previously, but now I need 75 in writing module I need some essentials tips to score high in writing please
@SonnyEnglish3 күн бұрын
In order to score high in writing, you must do well in the reading and listening. The writing module gives the least amount of points for writing. Focus on writing when you know the reading and listening are sufficient.
@michellehayasaka9616 күн бұрын
I keep asking myself if these PTE youtubers are trustworthy in some way, because they never post their full skills report, and nowadays it’s so easy to edit the numbers and just post it… btw thank you for your video! I’ll give a look at the PTE examples to analyse and study them!!
@SonnyEnglish6 күн бұрын
You are welcome!
@umcasalmuitolouco2 күн бұрын
My friend this is sonny,the god of PTE!!!!
@SonnyEnglish2 күн бұрын
@ctd.6 күн бұрын
I assume PTE wants to be a more valid exam throughout the world. Because any university's graduate programs never accept PTE in the US. Besides, some universities accept TOEFL only. I also think that PTE should be beyond a stereotypical exam with these templates.
@SonnyEnglish6 күн бұрын
That’s a good point! I agree with you.
@abdallahelhajj95274 күн бұрын
I feel very disappointed.. Now it's hard to get the 79 I was hoping to get.. What can I do bro 😥.. I can get 65 easy but for the 79 after these changes.. I really don't know.
@abdallahelhajj95274 күн бұрын
Even the summarize written text technique doesn't work anymore? When we copy 3 sentences and make a complex sentence structure out of them?
@Ali_el68Күн бұрын
Wait what? The summarize writing text, you cant copy paste the 2 sentences anymore?
@usmancheema16243 күн бұрын
Is essay and SST old templates are working are not ? in which a lot of keywords are used please confirm and thanks.??
@shvaaansdeeq9633Күн бұрын
Please why they gave me over all score 60 but when i calculate it i shoud have 62 speaking 74 writing 57 listening 54 reading 64
@SonnyEnglishКүн бұрын
The overall score is not an average of the 4 scores.
@QannitaRathore34_4 күн бұрын
I have my test in five days and i need to score 85 because it is my required score can you help me with the writing any tips please And for summmerize spoken text as well.....
@QannitaRathore34_4 күн бұрын
So summarize written text Where you copy two sentences and connect them and put a full stop at the end... That doesn't work anymore????
@MuhammadAbdullahKhan-y9w4 күн бұрын
It wasn't like that before, and you need to properly summarize the written text. But it may work in some paragraphs.
@QannitaRathore34_4 күн бұрын
@MuhammadAbdullahKhan-y9w That did work before for some of my friends.. they used this strategy and got 7/7
@davidwillian682223 сағат бұрын
yes that what he said, it doesn't work anymore
@avaykhanal21763 күн бұрын
What to do in SWT You said you copied same paragraph and connected to make one sentence and you got zero Then what to do on this task ?
@SonnyEnglish2 күн бұрын
I wrote it by myself.
@mothersearth40865 күн бұрын
Sir some channels now suggest just using the structures in describe image practicing and that's totally fine right? and last time when I am doing retell lecture I never used any template I just noted the points and repeated it I think it worked. but what to do in summarise written text? sir my target is around 67 overall. please help me and I also need one more help shall I take notes for wfd through typing or in a note?
@SonnyEnglish5 күн бұрын
The only way to know if something works is by trying it on the exam. Did they people test the techniques multiple times to demonstrate it worked consistently? I cannot tell you if someone else's theory works or not because I have not done it that way myself. It would just be a guess.
@mothersearth40865 күн бұрын
So shall I write an essay my own without using any template? My english is not so strong.. any alternative??
@SonnyEnglish5 күн бұрын
It's all relative to the score that you need. The number 1 goal is to not get a 0 for the writing. If we are not aiming for 79, we don't need all of the writing points. We can afford to make mistakes in our writing. We will still get points. However, if they detect a template, there is a high change we get a 0. We can either take that risk or spend some time working on our sentence mechanics to earn something which is always better than nothing.
@Anuchamchisom5 күн бұрын
So the summarize written text where you copy two sentences doesn’t work anymore?
@SonnyEnglish5 күн бұрын
@@AnuchamchisomI presented my findings with multiple tests and gave my recommendation. It’s your decision now.
@mohammadkutubuddin225 күн бұрын
@@saferforenvironment5850 have u used any template ?
@monikasaini66414 күн бұрын
@@saferforenvironment5850 Congratulations for your scores. Could you please tell what did you follow for DI and RL in speaking?
@Devop25663 күн бұрын
Respected sir a lot of confusion Mostly indian KZbiner say in Read aloud one line strategy work I request you to please guide me and also request please tell me How To write essays to get maximum Marks please answer My Exam in few Days
@SonnyEnglish2 күн бұрын
I wrote the essay by myself. I made sure I used a correct essay structure.
@Devop25662 күн бұрын
@@SonnyEnglish thank you so much for your feedback its possible to guide me how to essay structure hopefully to get answer and also discuss about one line strategy in read aloud any opinion about one line strategy
@SonnyEnglish2 күн бұрын
You're exam is coming up right? My next available appointment is in the middle of January. I don't think I will be able to meet with you before that.