🌸遠く 遠く 続く 長い 道の上 誰も 知らない 夜を 越えて 見える景色 On the long, long road Lies a scenery beyond the night nobody knows 🍞憧れ いつの間にか 分け合う 人がいて 🦀幕が 上がる 夢に 今も胸は 焦がれる Suddenly there are people I can share this admiration with My chest is still burning hot For the dream of the rising curtains 夜明け前鞄に 詰め込んだ希望 懐かしい思い出に さよなら歌って I backpack hopes before dawn And sing farewell into old memories 選び取った答えに 傷ついてもきっと 胸の高鳴りは 止められない Even this answer I chose may hurt me This heartbeat won't stop 星の 行方を追いかけて Chase the wheregoes of the star 🍞果てなく広がる世界の 向かい風に飛び乗って 🌸始まりは無邪気な決意 🦀もう時計の針は戻せはしない Riding the headwind In this endlessly expanding world, The beginning was an innocent determination But the clock hands won't go back anymore 🌸迷宮に溢れてる 困難もスパイス 🍞運命の地図を越え その先を描く様に Problems filling the labyrinth are spices So I can draw the continuation Beyond this map of destiny 夜明け前鞄に 詰め込んだ希望 懐かしい思い出に さよなら歌って I backpack hopes before dawn And sing farewell into old memories 選び取った答えに 傷ついてもきっと 胸の高鳴りは 止められない Even this answer I chose may hurt me This heartbeat won't stop 星の 行方を追いかけてく Chasing the wheregoes of the star 🦀遠く 遠く 続く 長い 道の上 誰も 知らない 夜を 越えて 見える景色 On the long, long road Lies a scenery beyond the night nobody knows 🌸憧れ いつの間にか 分け合う 人がいて 🍞幕が 上がる 熱に 今も胸は 焦がれる Suddenly there are people I can share this admiration with My chest is still burning hot For the dream of the rising curtains 地平線が白く 溶け出していく 正しさも汚さも 琥珀に染まって The horizon line melts into white Both pure and dirt painted to amber 選び取った答えの 行き先は知らない 胸の高鳴りは 鳴り止まない 星の行方を 追いかけてく There's no hint where this answer will lead me to But this heartbeat won't stop Chasing the wheregoes of the star 🌸幼い日に聞いたおとぎ話 🦀その遥か先で僕らは出会い 🍞汚れたこの手が描く未来を 英雄に重ねて That fairytale I hear long time ago We encoutered far beyond it The future this dirty hand will draw Pile up in the hero's tale 🍞やがて 幕が降りる 長い 夢の跡 誰も 知らない 夜を 越えて 見える景色 Then the curtain fell In remains of a long dream A scenery lies beyond the night nobody knows 🦀憧れ それは今も 消えない 胸の奥 🌸次の 幕が 上がる それを 待っている This admiration still won't disappear Staying deep inside Waiting for the next curtain's rise
sora tob sakana and bandset is a perfect combination.
@jokerxrebornXIII5 жыл бұрын
I will never forget this glorious day! the day I fulfilled my dream of watching osakana live! The energy of the stage, the passion of the fans, the mastery of the band, and the full dedication of the girls. I was in another world, osakana's world
@ミツキ-m6c10 ай бұрын
@fukeifukei23855 жыл бұрын
What an awesome performance from the girls and the band. I wish i was there 😭 I didn't expect that ending tho, so cool 😆 オサカナ大好き 🇮🇩💕
@nabuna373 Жыл бұрын
i love this... im late to support you, sorry... i hope everyone that was a part of this is having a good moment right now. ❤
Wooow! Fantastic performance! And what a band! And what a song! So much music in it! One of the best Osakana performances I’ve seen. I do hope I can see them when I’m in Tokyo in February.
@jokerxrebornXIII5 жыл бұрын
Chris Conway You have to go watch them ! It’s a complete delight 😌
@unclechristo Жыл бұрын
@@jokerxrebornXIII I did see them in the end in 2020 - a wonderful memory 🙂
@rapthor6665 жыл бұрын
Gonna rewatch danmachi 2 just for the song 💯👍
@fernandoguillerme37394 жыл бұрын
han sido parte de mi vida durante estos años jamáas las olvidaré
@fernandoguillerme37395 жыл бұрын
Un saludo desde Argentina para las pescaditas mas lindas!!!!