M+ And Delve Updates, Why Seasons Feel Long And The Trading Post Feels Weird Now - Warcraft Weekly

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@SoulSoBreezy Күн бұрын
Thanks for being you, fam. No reason, just sharing some + energy
@twawrzycki Күн бұрын
For someone that missed a bunch of months I really appreciate all the outland stuff. I had been saving and feel great that I saved now.
@JodouTR 13 сағат бұрын
Outlet is simple really: buy the things you absolutely do NOT want to miss out on for months-years and move on. Then when things show up in the outlet you were on the fence because of price it will be a nice surprise.
@JudyIscariot Күн бұрын
The tender outlet not being guaranteed is likely to prevent this type of gaming it out and creating your own misery via relentless optimization.
@JudyIscariot Күн бұрын
Like sure you could skip months and hope it's in the tendie vendor at the anniversary sale, but if it's not guaranteed to be there you're gambling. All that said, I like the catch up since I wasn't subbed for most of DF after SL 9.1 killed my interest. I do wish they had made the tender change permanent and not just a bonus 500 one time.
@Nulgar Күн бұрын
@@JudyIscariot tbh Tender inflation (more Tender earned while prices or the number of monthly options soar) does hurt everyone. I'm fine with returning items becoming cheaper, or completed "sets" like the scarves/hoods going to the Store.
@ugladden Күн бұрын
I dont feel llike i wasted my tender because i got those items way early. Similar to me buying a video game early... it gets cheaper in price later on
@Bookofscrawls Күн бұрын
Yeah, divorcing in game cosmetic stuff from the fun of getting interesting cosmetics is just a way to make yourself sad
@hellviper423 Күн бұрын
Exactly! I have no regrets about buying some of these items at full price even though I see them at a discount now. By buying them at full price I have been enjoying owning that mount or that transmog for all these months. I think people are overreacting with the discounts. Lol
@vulkenite5476 Күн бұрын
This would be fine if tenders are not limited and can be farmed. You can't really compare real life money with tenders since real life money is not limited capped resource lol.
@Bookofscrawls Күн бұрын
@@vulkenite5476 Youre still ignoring the "I wanted this thing when it was available and now I have it" Im not going to waste effort and time min maxing the trading post calculating whether the cosmetic will be available or not in 9-16 months so I can save 200 tender.
@SoulSoBreezy Күн бұрын
Personally it's not even "I want it now" that matters at the slightest. I bought things cause I accepted the value as is without knowing they'd be sold at a discount someday. After this my motivation has shifted entirely away from new items and I'll just wait for the outlet. No minmaxing or additional thought needed.
@rafaelcalmon2858 Күн бұрын
2:55 Soul, that is a REALLY awful mindset. These items are so old. Feeling buyers remorse from these is like buying something on Steam and 2 years later regreting you did because now it's 50% off. There's value in buying new things because you get more time to enjoy them. By the time you've saved up for all that old stuff, there will be a bunch of new, and likely better quality, stuff coming out. If saving up and getting things 1 or 2 years later makes one happy, then it's great, but if it makes one miserable, don't fall for that trap. Balance in all things.
@Prismatic_Rain Күн бұрын
And I literally don't buy games on steam anymore because of this. Even games that I see and think "this looks awesome." I still wait 2-3 years to get it on 50% sale (or more sometimes). It heavily incentivizes players not to get things when they are new, not to get excited about the monthly trading post. If that is what blizzard is going for, mission accomplished!
@Darkdraven. Күн бұрын
@@Prismatic_Rain Not all previous trading post items are available. You still have no guarantee that the item you want to go on sale even will.
@caragas9331 Күн бұрын
Never buy a mount for the ingame store. They all come back eventually for tenders.. Look at the red mech horse, people paid 40$ for it and a year later i got it for 750 tenders...
@SoulSoBreezy Күн бұрын
IMO your premise is flawed cause your steam example involves money, currency used in all sorts of places, earned all sorts of ways at different levels based on who knows what. I too save on steam sales because I'd rather use my saved cash on other things. Tender is (basically) 1K/month no matter what we do or how good we are, and spent in only one place. Point I was trying to make is the 1K we get up till now had a predictable value, people spent or saved based on what they see in front of them. After today it's different *and that's totally okay,* cause going forward people will choose to spend, save, or wait to spend later (cause outlet). But for two years people spent this fixed, non refundable income that can't be re-obtained elsewhere. We can math it up and probably count in # of months how much spending power was "lost" we can't get back. If we chose to not be subbed and get tender for a given month that ain't the same thing, we made that choice to not be around for it. I'm not even a fomo person and it wouldn't be an issue at all if it was said at the start "a few years in maybe we'll introduce an outlet," I'd behave as you suggest and have something like 20K tender to blow this month.
@cancuniHD Күн бұрын
Totally agree, thought the same thing when he said that
@kafaen2 Күн бұрын
As someone who hasn’t bought much from the Trading Post, this outlet-sale should technically benefit me a lot, except there’s a reason I didn’t purchase the items in the first place, I don’t want them 😅 Totally understand people who feel frustrated, but it’s not like people like me gain a large advantage on those who have spent their tender every month. You got items you really wanted while I still look for items I want, that’s about it.
@theannoyedfiremage8721 Күн бұрын
I don't mind paying a premium for first-chance purchasing power. We as players CANNOT operate on the assumption we will get another chance at things when we have NO idea how Blizzard is going to treat things like this. They are notoriously known for radio-silence. For all we know, some of the monthly progression track items will literally never see an opportunity to be bought so if you didn't fill the progress bar for that particular month, you are permanently screwed. My sub lapsed mid-November so I missed the crocolisk mount.I would LIKE to believe and hope it will EVENTUALLY become purchasable for tender but even for regular items and basically "wasting" possibly thousands of tender? It's not worth the stress.
@SoulSoBreezy Күн бұрын
I think we've seen enough examples (and especially now) that my strat has shift to window shopping and waiting for the outlet. And that's fine, I'm just cooling off from the burn
@Pandan3D Күн бұрын
I dont think people would be complaining if they just made Tender more obtainable, they are so stingy with it
@helenwilliamson9002 Күн бұрын
Thank you for the updates you are very special to do this for everyone.
@mike__taco 16 сағат бұрын
Great video, but that last part really hits home hard. I really needed to hear that this morning. Thank you
@RogueAlchemyArts Күн бұрын
The third thought option, which is where I fall in the scheme, is that I spent the tender on what I absolutely wanted. Now I have a chance to get things that I passed by in favor of saving, if I want to. I'm still not going to buy much from the outlet to be honest, but I don't feel that my purchases were a mistake.
@Evil.Overlord Күн бұрын
6:30 You perfectly put to words how I've felt about this outlet feature since last night. I spent 90% of my tender on getting all the mounts, pets and toys. To see such heavyhanded discounts on a limited currency with the only solace being "you paid to get them early" makes me feel bad about spending tender, the exact thing they always said they want to avoid. IMO they should refund the sales discount to those who already bought the items before. They once gave a refund after pricing one of the Trade Post items too high, so they have the ability to do so.
@Prismatic_Rain Күн бұрын
Exactly. I'm going to be *very* careful about spending tender from now on. Only if it's an item that I'm going to use in an outfit right now, or a mount that will be my new #1 favorite mount right now. Buying things because I might want to use them later, or just want to collect them is done for me. No more of that. Wait for the Outlet.
@Ootini4 Күн бұрын
I like the idea of an archive or they could have just increased the amount of items we can freeze
@Estellux Күн бұрын
I think it’s worth noting that if you missed these prior, it’s possibly because you weren’t playing at the time. This gives you a way to catch up without being horribly penalized for it, which I’m greatful for.
@SoulSoBreezy Күн бұрын
I don't think anyone's suggesting items shouldn't come back more frequently, but the idea of "catchup" sounds weird since we're not talking about player power
@resistanceisduty25 Күн бұрын
For the trading post I am sick of the "everyone deserves everything" mentality. Its OK if you cant get everything or to have uncertainty on the price of stuff. Every bought gas? Ever feel like it was unfair that it was cheaper yesterday than today? Give me a break. They tried to do something for the community and give us a chance to get old stuff. Why do we have to find a way to whine about it?
@christopherdaffron8115 Күн бұрын
Timestamp 18:50; Blizzard has to weigh their ability to maintain a certain content cadence with players engagement with the content. If the content Blizzard provides within a given season is not enough to keep players engaged for the duration of the season, then some players will suspend their subscription while they wait for the next Season. However, if Blizzard tries to time-gate the content in order to force players to engage for the entire season before completing it, then players are going to complain loudly.
@Scuuurbs Күн бұрын
I was thinking about this last night with resonant crystals. I like to try and collect everything - especially if it’s not time-limited, but I was looking and I still need like 180,000 crystals, and that’s before all the additional stuff 11.1 is adding. I was thinking to myself “I’m not the most hardcore no-lifer, but I am an active player… who the heck planned out the resonant vendors? How long did they want people collecting this currency for???”
@chriskim6261 Күн бұрын
I disagree with the sentiment. You could wait but you miss out on present time value. I think it's a huge win for the community and a great nod to the Anniversary. Sometimes people are willing to pay more to have it now. We see this with BMAH and in human nature in general. But either way, I appreciate you coming back to clarify some assumptions that were not correct. Always look forward to your content.
@SoulSoBreezy Күн бұрын
Yeah we see catchups and discounts all over, difference here being the tender income is very tightly controlled and up till now we never imagined they'd discount stuff. Going forward I'll be looking at the TP differently but it's still an enjoyable thing to look forward to. Learning the system behind what and when items appear in the outlet would be helpful and reassuring.
@andrewrodriguez7493 Күн бұрын
The Casual King needs to give something for world content players to complain about. This is the same guy that advocated for WC only players to get tier sets when they returned in SL.
@SoulSoBreezy 12 сағат бұрын
Oh casual king I like that
@vincentr90 Күн бұрын
I like this down time because it gives me more time to go back and finish things from other expansions and farm mounts
@benderWestlund Күн бұрын
I like your analysis on the pillars of the game play!
@seriously58 Күн бұрын
Trading Post is free stuff...cmon...don't turn this into a buyer remorse etc thing. It only proves that players will complain about EVERYTHING and ANYTHING - Yes...I stand by it being free - hit me with "Duh..you need to pay a sub" and see me not care
@totallylegit4092 Күн бұрын
@sardonicspartan9343 Күн бұрын
This sounds like complaining 🤔 😂 Just playing around.
@totallylegit4092 Күн бұрын
@ i have been in business a long time. It fascinates me how free stuff is literally the thing people complain about the most. It is beyond funny.
@andrewrodriguez7493 Күн бұрын
This. Dude the casual player base will find anything to complain about. I don't get why people are upset. The thing is if they didn't buy the cosmetic when it first came out they'd complain about FOMO.
@jbroge 22 сағат бұрын
Do y’all know what the definition of free is? Because traders tender is a method to keep people paying the subscription every month. It certainly is not free.
@mvprime8 Күн бұрын
Bro what, the delves are tested with the max item level of the season (678)? Isn't the whole point of doing the delves to level up your gear? Why would you be doing the delves at already the max level? Even Tier 11? At max item level it SHOULD be easy, because then you are done. So my point is, people will actually be doing the delves with way lower item level than these tests. So the whole testing is completely ass backwards and pointless.
@Nulgar Күн бұрын
The only mistake I see here is not making ALL returning items cheaper by default. If some people wanna minmax their spending by waiting 1-4 years for the item to come back, go for it. In the meantime, I'll enjoy the items I got.
@adamtatusko Күн бұрын
Today is a good day. Tomorrow will be even better. 😊
@oceanvibes5692 Күн бұрын
I used my saved up in game gold for the mount. No real money. Thank you for the laughs and content Soul!
@VegasVenomX Күн бұрын
I can appreciate the "fixed income" supporting argument. But to still hold on to a "Buyers Remorse" standpoint is taking it too far. The trading post is an extra, free, fun thing and not the main game. There are months where I don't have enough tender to buy everything that I want but oh well. If someone looks at something and goes "well... I'll just wait for it to go on sale" then they didn't actually value it at full price in the first place. Don't take a discount on top of a free monthly battle pass system and make it as important as the rest of the game in terms of Effort = Reward
@SoulSoBreezy Күн бұрын
I'm in some minority of players who doesn't feel a sense of fomo. I can wait. If we were told that someday there'll be an outlet vendor I'd be like okay. I'll never buy anything new and always wait for the outlet. No problem. But we weren't so I gleefully spent however I liked feeling like I always got the full value of my purchases. Cut to now and I don't feel so great about it. NOW I will always wait for the outlet to buy things. Lesson learned, I'm just fanning the burn and I'll get over it. This has nothing to do with completionism, or how efforts equal reward or whatever. Attempting to speak objectively, they made the purchasing power of Tender more complicated when it really didn't have to. Do the outlet and give additional bonus tender or a permanent increase. Would have checked all the boxes just the same with no additional baggage.
@pauldacon828 21 сағат бұрын
The outlet discount doesn't affect you for buying new because paying full price isn't a waste since you get the satisfaction of having and using those items at your discretion without waiting for it to be discounted.
@galactic-pirates47 12 сағат бұрын
When I first started playing the game (Wrath) I asked the guy who introduced me to WoW whether he felt bad that I was getting things easier than he did. I can’t remember what provoked that question but I know he talked about mounts. In vanilla getting a mount was a much bigger deal than it was by the time Wrath came around. Anyway his answer was “no it doesn’t bother me that it’s easier now. I have had it longer. I’ve been able to enjoy having it for the past years/months etc. so the benefit for the effort was that time” I remember that response everytime it comes up with people saying it’s not fair it’s easier now about all kinds of stuff. I don’t begrudge any tender I spent in the past few years because I have enjoyed the item for the past few years. More stuff is added every month to the trading post - there’s always more things. By the time something comes on sale then the moment might be gone. Why refuse what present me wants, just because future me might feel differently. Like that’s a way to talk yourself into complete paralysis and never doing or getting anything because “what if”. What I wish they would fix is the log. I still get majorly irritated that the log tells me I am completing objectives when I have hit the months limit. I wish it would stop ticking stuff off, or give me that tender. I get there’s a monthly limit to stop people grinding it to max and burning out (with how WoW players are that’s sensible) but it’s a cruel tease at the moment.
@d.j.9739 Күн бұрын
I got that pink cloud serpent. I wish I didn't... Oh well.
@Ebbmaster2000 Күн бұрын
Soul í think u only one that invested in the traiding post 😂
@cedrickhached9555 Күн бұрын
@andrewrodriguez7493 Күн бұрын
Trading post tender buyers remorse is the most casual complaint I've ever heard, and this channel has a number of them.
@forsakenwolf1228 Күн бұрын
Thank you for your last little bit, your videos are always a glimmer of reprieve on this horrible space rock we live on. 💙
@orangeavenger1597 Күн бұрын
I dunno, I just started playing again and Siren Island was a great catchup to jump into current content iLvl wise.
@wvguy7238 Күн бұрын
You being paranoid about an item being cheaper in the future sounds kind of like a disorder. If you see something you like, get it, enjoy it, Or dont buy it and be salty that you didnt get it and it may not ever show up again. Or be happy that it will show up in the future and laugh at everyone who bought it now. No matter what, i think its not something to truly care about until it gets out of hand, which it isnt.
@linaori Күн бұрын
I don't mind discounts for older items, except that we're capped on income, meaning we permanently have less tender to spend compared to those who got it through a discount. They should let us farm more tender because this is just a stab in the back for those who played every month and get punished for buying early.
@Lizardon9762 20 сағат бұрын
Since the trading post is montly, having weekly sale on selected items during that month could've been something. It doesn't have to be all at sale, but lets say 5 random selected items gets a discount throughout the week of that month.
@yavvivvay Күн бұрын
I'm so happy I don't need to do m+ for my raiding any more.
@benderWestlund Күн бұрын
Great video again!
@nickd5117 18 сағат бұрын
4:00 - my philosophy is: I don’t know if I’ll be dead or alive for next months Trading Post, so just buy what I want/can and don’t think too much about it
@MSinistrari Күн бұрын
The discount vendors don't feel any different to me than when I buy something at the store and when I go back a week or two later it's on sale.
@Draeganfire 6 сағат бұрын
Okay, on the one hand I totally agree with you on the outlet prices.....ON the other hand, as someone who has gloated over getting to buy a mount on the Trading Post that previously could only be bought for $1500 on Ebay from a trading card, I can't complain that I bought one for $900 tender instead of $400, it is what it is. Sucks to be me like it sucked for them to be them I suppose.
@Eventwow Күн бұрын
Running a delve 11 as a solo player would be great if the gear upgraded to. I’m lucky to hit 630 in the next 2-3 months. My weekly cache drops the same item last few weeks
@mistformsquirrel Күн бұрын
I think most of the rewards this month are... fine. Ther eare a few *really* cool ones though imo - particularly I like the Jade Polearm. I just think it looks neat.
@christopherdaffron8115 Күн бұрын
Yes, all forms of progression content are available to players to participate in if they wish. If players wish to focus on just one form of progression, then they should be able to so without feeling they have to do other forms of progression content in order to progress in the one form they prefer. These changes to both Mythic+ and Delves for Season 2 hopefully will let players who prefer one form of progression over the other to comfortably stay in their lane.
@Obsidian0Sky Күн бұрын
I get wanting better communication, but buyers remorse? Seriously? Cmon man. That’s just sad.
@robertfrederick7125 Күн бұрын
Just finished my 38th and last gear and ring run on Siren Isles. 31 characters are between 594-597 and 7 are 614-619 in item level range. Normally I wouldn't even have this many characters' max level or think about getting them gear until end of Season 3 start of Season 4. Siren Isles just reminds me of Forbidden Reach but this time besides random pieces, I could specify what exact piece I needed as well for that alternate. I really do like that the ring could have gems inserted to powers I want, and we used a currency to upgrade the ring, but would been nice once you had done the campaign any further characters it started at its full item level of 658 as your main. Hoping they do more MoP re-mix / Siren Isles gear like this in future content.
@tentenbits Күн бұрын
i appreciate you for what you do.
@jmunkki Күн бұрын
I have been playing WW for four weeks now. I ignored Siren Isle the first week, so I think I did t10 delves with timewalking gear (I did one BRD raid). To me, Siren Isle is the pinnacle of pointless, boring contents with insufficient challenge to make the gameplay feel like fun. As far as gearing up, I have been doing timewalking weekly quests and delves. I have three characters at 80 and two running delves and pretty close to fully geared up (short of gilded crest upgrades). I was able to clear t11 with no deaths on the second week of playing, but they are a good challenge and I had to pull carefully and plan the pulls, which I do like. However, 15-25 minutes for a tier 8 vs. 45-60 minutes for a tier 11 for just a slightly greater chance to say hi to Zekvir isn't worth it, so it's good that the reward scaling goes beyond tier 8 in S2. I play too much WoW when I do play, so I'm not going to stay for very long, but I do have plans to try some S2 delving. P.S. For some reason, the restored keys on the vendor where not limited in any way except by how many undercoins you have when I bought some fresh keys today. Fresh/undocumented change or a bug?
@hariyadigoldman2193 Күн бұрын
Buutt i really want to buy the silvermoon sweeper ...now 😢😢 i just can't wait for a discount ...it's too loong 😂 i want to ride the cool broom with my BE priest 😢😢😂😂 .. Now ..
@SoulSoBreezy Күн бұрын
iirc when the love is in the air event rolls around there's a recolor of the same mount from the encounter drop. I say hold off on buying for now
@hariyadigoldman2193 23 сағат бұрын
@SoulSoBreezy oh too late .. 🤣 ..i just buy it ... yes but the colour diffrent ... I loved silvermoon BE theme and it's a cool broom yayyy .. .. Hehehe ...happy happy .. ❤
@Dahkeus3 Күн бұрын
@2:19 I don't see how it makes sense to get upset at old items being on sale. Yes, you spent more, but you also got to own that item when it was new. People buying it now spend less, but we are getting it late to the game. You paid 400 more tender, but there was value for that extra tender: You gained an earlier access and were able to be 100% sure that you would be able to get the item (since there's no guarantee when an item returns). You *could* just never buy anything new and wait to get it all on sale...but then you'll always be a year behind on the stuff you have and that's assuming that Blizz always returns these items and always returns them at a discount. There's no guarantee in that last part. I mean...this is just how sales work for everything, everywhere.
@Kelig Күн бұрын
I was something silly like 50 tender off the monthly reward and forgot to get the last bit... I'm devistated
@williamcolgin1987 Күн бұрын
7% M+ scaling means nothing without knowing how much harder the Base M zero will be over season 1.
@DoublebrutalCS2 Күн бұрын
The length of seasons is very long but that's probably a good thing. If seasons were only 3 months, we'd have no time to enjoy finally being max geared. The rat race would get exhausting. It kind of does already for collectors with all the rather grindy mini patches which take months to earn everything (think Azerothian Archives for example). If the main seasons also felt too fast like these event patches the burnout would be exhausting for everyone, not just collectors. For me alts keep me busy mid to late season, for others it might be changing games for a while.
@williamcolgin1987 Күн бұрын
Since Blizzard hasn't told us what the baseline M0 so we cant know if the 7% scaling will actually be easier. For example, Making the base M0 25% harder would would still give us harder dungeons despite the reduction of scaling from 10% to 7%. They are holding back a key variable for us to know if M+ will be easier. The breakpoints in rewards and affixes definitely seem better, but the actual dungeon difficulty could be harder in terms of mob damage and health.
@ScottKent 12 сағат бұрын
Kinda betting that the outlet items are just that...items that didn't meet a sales metric. If that's the case then you're taking a chance waiting for the outlet. Also, I wish that all gear was like PvP gear in that it has bonus levels in a particular "End Game Pillar". Like being able to craft gear at 619 standard, 626 in delves by adding some delve specific item (maybe the radiant memories or coffer key shards). Or gear that drops in delves is better in delves both in ILvl and in the bonuses...like having underwater breathing in delves or speed buffs in delves. Same for M+ gear making M+ easier. If they don't want to make different gear for every pillar, then make the additional buffs able to be crafted on...and hey, a new benefit for crafters too, but again, requiring something from the pillar in question as a crafting item.
@SoulSoBreezy 9 сағат бұрын
Some of the most popular items are on the outlet too, like the chain mail tabards. I'm observing it's a mix of popular items people want to see come back, items that haven't made a return at all yet, and items that were way overpriced during their debut
@muthergoose4084 Күн бұрын
If I want it and I got the money I will get it. If it goes on sale later cool. I had whatever until then. Live life and enjoy. Peace!
@jackbundy4788 Күн бұрын
Do you think player's housing should/could be a gold sink? Such as upgrading it being locked behind a gold wall, like buying another tab in your guild/warband banks. Adding a room on, 5k. Adding a 2nd floor, 10k. Upgrading from base shack to cottage, to manor, 500k etc.
@SoulSoBreezy Күн бұрын
It's gonna be a big feature so I won't be surprised if they approached this from every angle including trading post items, achievement drops, shop items, freaking twitch drop wallpaper haha Guess I'm saying I hope they have an open mind celebrating everything wow
@stevenmatthews9746 Күн бұрын
they've increased tender before on occasion, not sure why you'd assume it was a permanent thing
@mtaylor4527 Күн бұрын
I think this gives me the opportunity to get some things ih had to pass up before 😂
@mrs.alienrope5778 Күн бұрын
i dont play mythic plus, or pvp, im more of a raider, i thought they were going to cross reference this with a more recent achievemnt that everyone got to make it more accurate for the brutosaur mount and how many players there are. as someone who didnt play when the trading post came out, and for a good year or 2. im glad they make rotations and have this discount for items i didnt get. but i do agree i wish there was a way to get more coins besides buying a token or using real money. also as someone who wishes to use the token to buy monthly sub or even expansion upgrades, kinda sucks when prices skyrocket twhen mounts like these comes out. i think this will happen again if we get a flying mount with utilities on it. they can then keep having these mounts with different races or themes and people would buy them, but not at the 100$, maybe 50 or 30$. the prices will go down the more mounts like that we have access to. so they may have made this much because it was so new and game changing, but more they come out with, less people would buy since they alreayd have one. i wonder what other things people would be willing to buy at that price? what do people want that they would pay extra for in the store?
@TheMainCal Күн бұрын
Like a blizzard outlet mall lol
@TheDeekins 6 сағат бұрын
Soul tryna make us forget BFA had four seasons, not three, including a raid with 12 whole bosses. They've carved so much out of the game over the last decade.
@chiefputty Күн бұрын
You missed that the M0 dungeons, which are the "base" that all m+ dungeons scale off of, are being buffed to be harder. Some numbers I've seen put M0 at 25% harder numerically, which would mean that +2 through +9 are actually harder. Also, I look at the trading post as just being icing on the cake. I usually only like a few things each month, and get them. No need to try and get everything, and in no way does the outlet bother me.
@EddieCM_ Күн бұрын
This is an interesting debate. If we take the number you provided at face value (ive been told is lower, but for sake of argument lets say 25% is the actual increase) it means that a +10 will have a 125ish% increase, down from 135%. And the difference will only get more noticeable from that point onwards (especially since the extra % on +12 is gone) It seems the "breakpoint" is between +7-8 (lower numbers will be harder, higher numbers will be easier) BUT we have to also consider the fort-tyra wont activate till +7, which would means that on overall the difficulty would be lower (exceptions would be +2 and +3)
@highbred Күн бұрын
just that change wouldn't make them harder than they are now...
@rob-p9k 13 сағат бұрын
This isn't real estate, this is a game. I've been using the stuff I bought months ago. People who "save" for it to be on sale are only hurting themselves.
@khaosgaming6826 Күн бұрын
As someone who has been extremely critical of S1, alot of these are great changes, we will have to wait and see if Metzen allows it instead poisoning the playerbase. That being said, I still think they should just completely rework challengers peril as I think there are better ways to provide a challenging key experience to those few of us that enjoy that cutting edhe level of gameplay. I also still think they need to just get rid of key depletion for everyone, not just the top.
@SoulSoBreezy Күн бұрын
I'm still of the mindset that without depletions, people trying to push their key higher will have a horrible completion rate cause they'll reset or remake their group at the first sign of trouble. at 12+ the people aren't there for the gear anymore, are probably pushing the meta spec and are probably more open to resetting their keys.
@khaosgaming6826 Күн бұрын
@SoulSoBreezy that is a problem now, and will be till the servers shut down. However removing depletion would remove the punishment for Stacy the holy priest running from the PC to stop her kid from sticking his finger in a socket. Or the druid DCing....again. Or Bob the brewmaster had a power outage. It's better to not punish the regular player then to keep an aggrevating system just to attempt to punish the ones leaving like that
@SoulSoBreezy Күн бұрын
IMO a more nuanced fix would help, like a one time mulligan - a reset within the first X minutes that can be used once every X hours
@denniswolf8685 22 сағат бұрын
I agree with your takes on why it feels so long. But also heroic raid is just way to easy. My new guild that was 50/50 new to the game and veterans got Aotc a few weeks into the season. I wish it took atleast double the time. And our guild is to small to go into mythic.
@Aeleas 2 сағат бұрын
Personally I like the longer seasons because it gives me more breathing room to play other games.
@Ym-oi2we Күн бұрын
I wish the brutosaur was still available i just started playing and missed out
@KibblesDoesStuff 19 сағат бұрын
I think trying to minmax the trading post to this extent is just gonna drive you crazy. Not everything returned with the outlet vendors. Even if it did, buying the items you like when they first release let's you enjoy them for a full year+ before they're re-released to the outlet vendors.
@kensmith-sl6yt Күн бұрын
The big issue with WoW is that a lot of the progression is cap weekly. This annoys me to no end. I understand that people don't want to grind AP to no end. There gotta be a tangible benefit to playing the game regularly. Why are WQ only reset twice a week is beyond me. Why can't I dig for KP like I was able to do in DF? Trying to make mythic raid loggers happy is the wrong approach to the game.
@regalgiant1597 Күн бұрын
As a casual this tender is getting more and more frustrating.
@mugglescakesniffer3943 Күн бұрын
OK... here's what happened. they had the Felcycle thing going on and you could fish up the Bloodfin catfish farm for the flame sacs and something else. I made enough gold to get tokens and bought the thing with in game currency so, how do they know how much it is?
@SoulSoBreezy Күн бұрын
haha it'd be nice but I'm not counting on that level of alturism
@mugglescakesniffer3943 Күн бұрын
@@SoulSoBreezy Honestly I thought I was going to have to pay but I kept farming and was like maby I can actually do this. I was shocked I did it myself.
@omnipotentense Күн бұрын
Was sad that all the vagabond hoods didn’t come back 😢
@SoulSoBreezy Күн бұрын
lol yeah I wonder how they'll do that, maybe a hood/shoulder specific vendor at some point cause that's a lot of scrolling
@spunbearing Күн бұрын
It's not the difficulty keeping me from Mythic, its the flack.
@vttklazer Күн бұрын
Frankly im pretty tired of companies s***ing down my throat through anti-consumer behavior.
@mirandelf 20 сағат бұрын
Expecting a market to be entirely predictable so that you can perfectly optimise your buying strategy is ridiculous and is going to lead to a lot of upset as we see. I suggest you drop that expectation. I was happy to see some of those sets back that I missed when not playing during Dragonflight season 2. You can see that Blizzard are using this end of season sale to encourage players to stay subbed until TWW season 2 starts. It’s an obvious tactic which hardly warrants shock and complaint.
@barbarayoung3208 Күн бұрын
The items going on sale seems a little sneaky I think, but it doesn’t bother me near as much as the fact that during Plunderstorm, you can buy more trading post coins. So if you like PVP, you can pretty much max out coins -as far as I can tell? (I’ve not heard otherwise so I could be wrong on that). And I will never find out if there’s a cap on it because I cannot stand Plunderstorm. (Though I would enjoy it a lot if it wasn’t PVP). I tried it last time and I worked with it as much as I could, and I tried it again this time and it’s just horrible if you suck at PVP (I do) because there is ALWAYS somebody that’s determined to kill you right away. That’s the part that makes me angry about this rather than the sale prices. It just doesn’t feel like it’s a balanced choice that they made here not even close.
@Manicca Күн бұрын
No, you can only buy 2 packs - once. That goes for Now, and future. I earned those tenders during the first plunderstorm; I did not get to buy more trenders this plunderstorm - I've farmed out everything new tho.
@Sticklemako Күн бұрын
This is the best time to be in wow after WOWTLK.. people who are bored with wow can go take a break see the world and come back when the season is at its end.. ALL of us cant be 24/7 on wow(if this is the only part of your life doesnt mean it has to be so for everyone else) so alt friendly is the best..
@no-budhee6657 Күн бұрын
The trading post vendor stuff is pretty much useless and the fill the bar rewards are only sometimes good. It’s not worth wasting any thoughts on this system. It’s just a little gift for being subscribed.
@OWlsfordshire 12 сағат бұрын
Haven't players said for years that they dont even want all these affixes in M+? Most would rather have random fun buffs like Torghast. Blizzard is still missing the target.
@SoulSoBreezy 9 сағат бұрын
Just imo but adding only "positive" affixes wouldn't change anything. People would still need to do the mechanic correctly or they'd lose time. Can quickly stop being a fun buff and become a min max thing that success hinges on.
@kalidornsteelhoof Күн бұрын
I like the idea of them reducing the prices of old overpriced things to current prices but I do agree that just giving us a huge chunk of extra tender the month they do the outlet would be more fair. Also, I got my brutosaur with gold. After I earned the original one since the mailbox was too good to pass up. I think the season lengths are fine, it means I have a chance to play my alts, work on my collections, etc. I can see why it would bore non-alt raiders or m+ people though.
@CaiRobinson Күн бұрын
The discounting isnt really a problem, because if you buy it when it comes out your getting it then. buying it much later at a discount is a cost that you have to factor in. Time is money. If you want to wait months for something to go on sale then do it but thats months you dont have to use it.
@SoulSoBreezy Күн бұрын
The (personal) problem I have isn't about when I got it, it's if I got it at a good price.
@evstank Күн бұрын
It's not so much the pace of gearing being the problem, it's that the goal posts (KSM, AOTC) for the average player is way too short and only takes a few weeks at most to achieve.
@wiskeeamazingdancer4964 Күн бұрын
Then aim higher
@wolfshanze5980 Күн бұрын
I'm going to be honest... I think what we're seeing are PRICE CORRECTIONS on the Trading Post... we've had the Trading Post for TWO YEARS... and when it first came out, mounts were 500-600 and pretty much everything else was cheaper... as the months (and years) went buy, things became more and more expensive, where a single mount might well be 900 and an ensemble might be 750. A single nice weapon might be 500-600. In the last two or three months, i've seen prices slowly coming back down... as you stated in your other video on February Trading post, you were surprised to see the nice weapons (like the Firecracker mace) "only" be 300 and thought it would be much more... you got used to the weapons costing 600 in the past year, when in the first year, yah... they used to be 300 or so. All said and done, it looks like they're going back (more or less) to Trading Post LAUNCH PRICES on new stuff, and the "discounts" you see are more like bringing the vastly overpriced things back down to reasonable prices again. When Trading post first came out two years ago, you used to be able to buy 3 or 4 things (but not all)... 4 or 5 months ago, you could probably afford one nice thing and maybe one super cheap thing... so yes, when a single mount cost 900 and you only earned 1000/mo, the Trading Post SUCKED. I think Blizzard has realized this and are bringing prices more in-line with how the Trading Post once was on launch.
@SoulSoBreezy Күн бұрын
Looking at the data, mount prices have mostly stayed flat actually. It's pets and weapons that have gone down over time
@sardonicspartan9343 Күн бұрын
I have no interest in M+ no matter what they do with balance or rewards. Delves are why i still play.
@R8rRen Күн бұрын
Wow players will cry no matter what.
@twaggoner2008 5 сағат бұрын
valorstones hard to farm?? I have an alt capped on them
@Alexander-k9q1s 13 сағат бұрын
Trader points needs to increase
@OWlsfordshire 12 сағат бұрын
The items in the shop are WAY too expensive. These transmog sets and mounts shouldn't all be 650-800. Hell, the sabre mount from the outlet is 900 and the blood troll set is 800.
@SoulSoBreezy 9 сағат бұрын
Just to clarify, those're the monthly rewards people otherwise got for free at the time
@MonkeyBabba Күн бұрын
there was only 1 mount i haven't obtained well 2 actually, the parrot which i bought today and the monthly one that came out at the same time as the reward yet it isnt there, was i annoyed or gutted about the mounts being there cheaper after i bought them, well no i was just happy to get one of the 2 i had missing and i finally spent some of my 7k tender i had sitting around without this months reward, i actually don't care if they are cheaper personally, the only people moaning are the completionists and as a mount collector i understand, but the average joe like me don't care to be honest but i only collect mounts so i wouldn't be bothered about the cheaper prices.
@OWlsfordshire 12 сағат бұрын
All blizzard needs to do to fox this is add a little time locked progress bar for tendor spent. That way people cant hold it all for a year without missing the timed reward. Maybe 1 timed reward per blizzard earning quarter. 😂
@Ym-oi2we Күн бұрын
I get why ur upset but i’m a new player and this makes me so happy tbh
@prancinNOOB Күн бұрын
kinda weird to stretch your tender instead of just buying the things you like
@Drager00 Күн бұрын
Easiest "fix" for outlet sales would be to refund the difference to players when something goes to the outlet that they already had. At least easiest within the given system/implementation. All in all really bad implementation that is for sure
@no-budhee6657 Күн бұрын
I have an even easier fix… the players get over that they spent a little bit more of some fake money for some fake item made out of 1s and 0s in a fake world.
@benderWestlund Күн бұрын
It’s not like it was the beginning of an expansion with a broken, take forever time to get good, profession system that couldn’t possibly meet immediate player needs (due to massive decline in player participation), leaving the elitist gold makers (who designed the profession system for the elitist to only benefit the elitist gold makers) to spend the massive game time the elitists could afford that the player base couldn’t, and, and thus, the player base bought the crap out of wow tokens… the brutosaur sales story is a mere cover story… fix the time requirements of the profession system to meet the player base! Stop the transition of WoW to a pay to play game!
@Trevan2412 Күн бұрын
7:36 12% isn't "almost" 1 in 10 people, it's more than 1 in 10 people
@GloomSkullCandy Күн бұрын
I feel like the trading post is kind of a flop. Only every once in a while is there something worth getting tbh. There are only so many plain shovels or plain wooden swords or garden tools that can be put out there before I stop caring.
@cristobalarias5629 Күн бұрын
why can’t we have mage tower weapons return
@georgeadkins2352 Күн бұрын
Currently sitting at 9k tender. Not a big fan of pets/tmog unless it's something I worked towards and earned.
@Boomken76 Күн бұрын
cant balance cause the content is not balanced, NO ONE can walk into M+ ALONE
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