After a million of weird videos, this one finally helped! Thank you so much!! ❤
@guitarplayer59322 ай бұрын
my god these long winded super detailed explanations
@MrOptisoin11 ай бұрын
Hi. Have you ever heard of DHCP IP reservation or static lease?
@ruidanin_rocker5 ай бұрын
Finally!!! After a long battle with my router settings and network settings that tip about NOT connecting the router cable to the ethernet port 2 was gold! Sometimes we are so in a hurry to get things done that we miss something in the chain! Great video/tip! Thanx a lot!!! 👌
@AkioHarris6 ай бұрын
I followed the instructions for connecting the external router (TP-Link). I'm able to access the UI16 control board using the IP address assigned but any adjustments I try causes a "Locked" error to flash. I'm not able to control the mixer now. Any suggestions?
@djpak6 ай бұрын This video shows why the mixer would possibly show "locked". See if this helps you!
@AkioHarris6 ай бұрын
@@djpak Thanks. I'll try this
@AlliandWill2 ай бұрын
Can we PLEASE get a new firmware update for the UI16????!! The last one was from 6+ years ago!! I bought this brand new recently, your company should be providing support still!! The UI24 has had 3 updates in the last 5 years that addressed known issues that the UI16 still has!! Please!!! Also make scanning wifi networks an option so we don't have to enter IP details so that we can control the UI16 via a browser and wifi network that is our main wifi network that all our devices are connected to.
@Mardy72Ай бұрын
I would love it if they fixed the HDMI problem.
@taraszakordonskk5731Ай бұрын
Can we use outboard pre amps without blowing up the gain stage?
@mixedbyaudiophil3 күн бұрын
Thank you very much! Worked!
@jobaecker9752 Жыл бұрын
Clarify - if I'm setup this way (to an external router), is the wi-fi hotspot completely disabled, or does it default back to the hotspot whenever my router connection is unplugged?
@FVDaudio Жыл бұрын
In my experience, I have ended up disabling it. I have stayed with the external router on duty that they have for the event, concert, etc.
@philsonjosol22719 ай бұрын
My ui24 won't boot, it keeps on blinking green light. Please help how to fix it
@MusicChannel-rf5zz2 ай бұрын
Will I be able to record 16 individual tracks using Soundcraft Ui16 for editing later on my DAW?
@urbanscott2 ай бұрын
No the UI16 only lets you record from the master out. The 24 allows you individual track recording.
@MusicChannel-rf5zz2 ай бұрын
@@urbanscott I guess the Behringer XR 18 does it.
@rickhutchins17044 ай бұрын
I have been using the mixer's router with no problems, now I would like to network the mixer to try to find a hardware controller that will control the mixer. Has anyone found a sound console that will network or operate the UI24 as a stage box? also maybe use the mixer as a Dante device? Thx
@Djdadd8 ай бұрын
Do you recommend disabling the UI’s internal hotspot?
@edencartwright157311 ай бұрын
I have a question that no one asks about the ui24. What’s the reason for the 2nd Ethernet port? Is it POE capable? Just asking because if that had that capability you could power IEM units which would greatly lighten and clean rig building
@KevinIlsen11 ай бұрын
I believe this is answered towards the end of the video (at about 7:40). That second port is currently only used with the "Cascade" feature -- i.e., connecting a second Ui24R.
@andrewgolba947110 ай бұрын
@@KevinIlsen So can you connect two Ui24r together???? Thank you Andrew
@KevinIlsen10 ай бұрын
@@andrewgolba9471 yes, that’s the Cascade feature. There are videos online about it.
@salajancalin783 ай бұрын
Nu înțeleg de ce ați complicat lucrurile asa mult! De ce nu ați făcut ca cei de la Midas, Behringer un buton de unde pot comuta pe wifi ....apoi sa am o aplicație și gata.... Sunt utilizator de UI16 dar sunt nemulțumit din acest punct...sper sa va gândiți la asta pe viitor
@malcgarda50429 ай бұрын
Help... when I navigate to settings/network tab...... try to press 'config'... it blinks but nothing happens- no login box appears waaaaa! Just blinks... Help
@guillehair Жыл бұрын
Thanks 👍😎
@madmark45810 ай бұрын
Guys please fix your software for these machines. I think they are awesome but as soon I upgraded my ui24r it gave connecting issues before that it went for months with out an issue