Tahoe is majestic.. I feel so lucky to have grown up in Sacramento and spend winter and summer vacations there with my family...Now as an adult I still go back every year. We must do our part plus more to keep this beautiful place in pristine quality..It breaks my heart when people treat Tahoe like a trash can...
@balootube30992 жыл бұрын
This brings back memories when I was a 70s kid going to Tahoe . Had my first Buffet dinner at Sahara.
@wokewokerman5280 Жыл бұрын
...me too, so cool back then....I used to save Ike dollars for the slot machines....
@allanreinap45413 жыл бұрын
I lived there in the 70s. I was in my 20s and had the best time ever! So many great memories!
@donpatterson67353 жыл бұрын
Hello I am from lake Tahoe went to school there in the 60s and went in the service when the Viet Nam war was going on was no fun at all now IAM retired and trying to go back home but can't find a place for a$1:000 a month I don't have much time left I sure wish I could go back home before I die IAM now 75 yrs. Old wish I could go back home to lake Tahoe God bless thank you.
@allanreinap4541 Жыл бұрын
4:32 Reread your reply. Hope you’re still wanting to return to Tahoe. I live in Reno and try to get there when I can. South shore has changed dramatically. I still have great memories. Stay safe
@robertsledge5993 Жыл бұрын
It's just amazing! What a GREAT channel! I did not know that today's gondola had a predecessor! These videos are out of sight! Thanks so much!
@susant7003 жыл бұрын
My mom and I were blessed to live in South Shore during the 70's. We lived in the Bijou area. And yes; there was a drive in movie theater back then. We loved our wonderful neighborhood. Waking up to the scent of pine trees, hearing blue jays chirping away and the refreshing clean air. Summer time especially is nice; you can sleep at night: with cooler temps. Hoping the city government will PUT A LID ON EXPANDING ANY MORE CORPORATE CONSTRUCTION. Hated to see so many structures torn down in the last renovation. Some of them needed to go; because of weather damage and age. Just hoping the city of south shore makes more right choices; than wrong ones for the future. It would be beyond tragic to turn beautiful Tahoe into a massive corporate vacation destination. Please tourists: treat Tahoe respectively. Locals; keep you fed and serve you when you come into town.
@speedspeed1213 жыл бұрын
I was at the beach bar at the State Line for the 4th this past Summer. There was no fireworks, but when the sunset, it was amazing.
@danholmes70392 ай бұрын
That's when the Dixie ran out of Timber Cove in Ca It moved and it's home port became Zephyr Cove to this day The Dixie in this movie was in the TV show Bonanza it got added on to in width and height over the years it is now a work boat and is at the tahoe keys they fire the fireworks from her every year on the 4th My first job was as a dishwasher on the Dixie
@dilippatel3268 Жыл бұрын
good old days
@dolcevitausa64482 жыл бұрын
My parents would take us to Tahoe every August for three weeks growing up. I think we did the Dixie boat tour once or twice. Great memories, wish I could time travel.
@wokewokerman5280 Жыл бұрын
...me too, I water skied on the lake in 1971, man was it cold...from North Shore in a Chris craft, been snow skiing there my whole life, what a great place and memories....
@allanreinap45412 жыл бұрын
My second comment. Near end of video shots of Harvey’s and Harrah’s. Harvey’s was the last place I worked before moving to Reno. Very early 80s
@mtbalpinecounty Жыл бұрын
Urban sprawl..ya gotta watch what you wish for.. Been here since 69 Not a resident but a Skier. 84 I moved here and seen the last turn into Shite... But nature is my thing. No problems there.😊
@DavidLofgren-u8l2 ай бұрын
Awhile the early 70's. Best time to be and live at Tahoe. Lived in Incline from 74 to 96. 96 was getting to crowded and with the IVE GOT MINE BUT YOU CANT HAVE YOURS attitude across the area. Went from a small town to a political nightmare. Where to me still remains that way. I'm so glad to had lived there then.
@walkingwithsierra2 ай бұрын
Typical "mountain town native/local" attitude... (which I loathe.) • hates any development of said town • hates population growth in said town • Cares not for economic growth in the town as if it's infringing on their sacred place • lives in the past (lol) • has no concept of what's actually good for the growth of a town in the long run • ends up moving out of town anyways (lol)
@dethray10003 ай бұрын
i lived there in '74 right out of college--dang traffic was horrible on weekends and holidays even then--massive drug use,alcohol abuse,being a nature boy got tired of it all-moved down to reno,then Bishop,Ca--Bishop was the bomb back then--now the LA people have ruined it too
@walkingwithsierra2 ай бұрын
To be fair, ANY ski resort town in this country was much different 50 years ago then they are today... I don't get it when boomers say places have "gone to shit" or "it used to be so much better... Sure, from your perspective I bet It has become more populated and more developed, but that's how the world works, and how population growth works. Can you really blame people for wanting a better life in the mountains? And furthermore, did you expect a place like tahoe to stay "small town" forever? I just moved here a year ago from living in mammoth/bishop and I feel it's a much more livable place and i absolutely love it.
@dethray10002 ай бұрын
@@walkingwithsierra each to their own--my family owns two ranches in owens valley--i ran my tanker trucks out of independence and bishop--tahoe is beautiful but just too busy on weekends and holidays--80 percent of the people in the "mountains" are wanna bees--i would not live in mammoth no way but go there all the time--been ski pass holder for over 50 years-never once skied a weekend or holiday ever- i could live on east shore of tahoe--had contracts out of Verdi off I-80 stateline--it was ok--you lecture me like i don't know something--only a fool talks like you--i know the eastern sierra like the back of my hand--every trail,road,lake--knew the macoys who opened mammoth ski area--i knew a lot of the casino owners in tahoe--all are dead now and the familes barely holding on who are still in--go find a five year old to talk to,change you handle to @fartingwithsierra
@walkingwithsierraАй бұрын
Again... boomer take on living in a mountain town... "ive lived in this place for decades so everyone else does not belong here in "my town" and is a newbie flatlander kook" Understand the reality sir. Desirable california ski towns will continue to be Desirable to us "flatlanders with money"... If you want to be that typical salty local, than so be it. Its not gonna stop the growth of a desirable place wether you want it to or not...
@walkingwithsierraАй бұрын
@fartingwithsierra would be fitting, if i was a gassy old boomer like yourself. I actually walk with my dog so walking is more fitting.
@walkingwithsierraАй бұрын
You talk like you have some kind of ownership over the sierras... who are you to make those statements? Your family owns ranch land... ok, great... That means nothing... the eastern sierra is for EVERYONE...