Hi Stephen~ 想請教一下 最近想學拍片, 拍一D大自然既片 但得一個人要攞腳架, video head , 滑軌, 仲未計機同鏡(BMPCC)一個背包袋曬, 行到一半已經得返半條命..... 會唔會有更好既替代方案 ? Gimbal 會唔會係更好既選擇(代替腳架, video head , 滑軌) ? 帶轆仔case(例如PELICAN)會唔會好D ?
For wildlife/bird photography, l want to use correct white balance to show the real life color of the animal. It would be weird for a lion to look blue. So it all depends. 有冷氣聲就關冷氣,一針見血。