SPA Delhi campus tour | School of Planning & Architecture walkthrough 2024

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Lilac Journals

Lilac Journals

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@PawniAgrawal 2 ай бұрын
Fabulous campus... U must be enjoying the college life well .😍🤍
@lilacjrnls 2 ай бұрын
@@PawniAgrawal yess def💗
@AMITAVADUTTA-l7l Ай бұрын
I am going to visit the campus soon.
@lilacjrnls Ай бұрын
@AMITAVADUTTA-l7l Ай бұрын
@@lilacjrnls Actually, my son is studying in your college.
@AaryaShah-e6q 25 күн бұрын
Its my dream college
@lilacjrnls 24 күн бұрын
@@AaryaShah-e6q 🫶🏻🫶🏻
@AaryaShah-e6q 24 күн бұрын
@lilacjrnls hey I am glad you replied ... I am currently in 11th std I have joined coaching for nata n jee 2 ... Would u please give me some extra tips for prep.. like regarding aptitude maths
@lilacjrnls 24 күн бұрын
for apt I only did the material given by my coaching and as for maths I would recommend you to do pyqs after concept strengthening of each chapter
@AaryaShah-e6q 23 күн бұрын
@@lilacjrnls thank you😊
@AaryaShah-e6q 23 күн бұрын
@@lilacjrnls thank you 😊
@ojas9605 Күн бұрын
Hey 👋 I have a question Is NATA enough to get admission in SPA?? Or you have to give jee like is it compulsory??
@Dont_tweak_Leo Ай бұрын
Well i have a few what is the criteria to enter, Is Jee b arch exam tough ? Is collage alloted or we have to apply for admission?
@lilacjrnls Ай бұрын
@@Dont_tweak_Leo JEE BArch is the exam req to enter spa. I feel the maths section of the exam is tough, also the college is allotted via josaa counselling for which you have to fill the form when time comes. The clg does have a sports team and several sports events throughout the sem.
@Dont_tweak_Leo Ай бұрын
@@lilacjrnls How did you prepare for your exam ?
@lilacjrnls Ай бұрын
@@Dont_tweak_Leo I joined a coaching which helped me a lot for aptitude and for maths i did pyqs and studied from yt
@Dont_tweak_Leo Ай бұрын
@@lilacjrnls I read a math section of the exam's PYQ and Damn the head went blank ...... I have a few books for aptitude like my brother's coaching institute's guide and an arihant guide for JEE b arch do you think that is enough for aptitude? Did you watch a specific channel or just Topic wise vids for maths?
@lilacjrnls Ай бұрын
@@Dont_tweak_Leo yeah I believe that the coaching material should be enough for apt( I didn’t use Arihant for the prep so no idea about that). Also I watched Neha Agarwal mathematically inclined’s yt vids for maths prep
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