Why do people offend like this. There are so many fish in the sea- and you chose a tadpole.
@bcpr9812Күн бұрын
Emotional immaturity; a need for control; wanting a partner that they can manipulate and shape into what they want, before the minor has a chance to figure out their own identity... there may be others, but these are the ones that come to mind when I think of the infamous case of Mary Kay LeTourneau and Vili Fualaau.
@iwilltackyoursoulКүн бұрын
@IAmVanessaMGКүн бұрын
I have the same doubt. I mean, the easiest thing to do is to not sleep with someone!
@unturned606623 сағат бұрын
She specifically chose a kid under the legal age. Even if they waited till he was legal, she did this because she knows what she's doing.
@pigcatapult22 сағат бұрын
Same reason older men creep on teenaged girls: Full-grown adults are more likely to spot red flags and less likely to put up with manipulative behavior.
@toriladybird511Күн бұрын
In the UK many men complained they wish they had teachers like Rebecca who did that to them. Those same guys were posting about harming males who did the same to girls. As a survior of SA IT hurts you no matter what gender you are.
@mailman6315521 сағат бұрын
Yes, I would have been jealous of the boy when i was in school.
@annmariebarratt421317 сағат бұрын
I’m afraid it’s not just men in the UK😭 Many men wished the same……. Sick men, with absolutely no morals or standards!!!! Jet many of them ‘change’ there minds when they have daughters of there own. Many of them then seem to get acute dementia and forget…… They were the same as the men that now are ‘eyeing’ there daughter🙁 It used never happen in the first place!!!!!!
@aprilforever8 сағат бұрын
THIS. The double standard is disgusting.
@roadkill665Күн бұрын
as someone who has been sa'd, the guilt is unreal, i can understand the feeling of need to protect them despite the stuff they've done.
@Dear_Kixunna05Күн бұрын
same man it's hard to get over a situation that contains someone crossing your space tbh
@iceshecall7 сағат бұрын
Bro your profile picture looks like one of my enamel pin
@brandylou91322 сағат бұрын
I am so sorry
@Dear_Kixunna05Сағат бұрын
@@iceshecall imao fr?
@JosselinVuurКүн бұрын
I was briefly a substitute teacher for my old highschool at 21 years old. When I looked at those kids, even the 18-19 year olds it was clear to me that they were children. Even that tiny age gap of 2-3 years was huge at that age because of life experience. The fact that 16 is the legal age in brittain is insane to me, 16 is a baby. She should've gotten life in prison for what she did to those boys
@unturned606623 сағат бұрын
The problem is that it's not too young if they're having relations with each other. But in my country, there's a grace period of 2 years. So if you're 3 years older than a minor, it's illegal.
@sandraw972918 сағат бұрын
@JosselinVuur That's because you have a normal brain and aren't a groomer of children.
@CoMorbiditty16 сағат бұрын
Its crazy she didnt learn from her first mistake, and did it AGAIN??? No shame.
@michellesood44199 сағат бұрын
I totally agree having also been a very young teacher of similar age groups. I've always seen every single student of mine as not only a child, but somebody else's child which I've always treated as an enormous responsibility which requires absolute honesty and integrity. Very sad for these boys, and their parents!
@MD_48057 сағат бұрын
Valid, but when I was 16 I was working 60 hours a week, and taking care of myself and my sibling. When i turned 18 I had saved up enough to buy a house, moved out, still worked 40 to 60 a week, bought a couple cars, and during all that still worked on the family ranch about 20 hours a week on average. Had alot of relationships with older women, one was a teacher, one was my counselor, most were girls in college, a few where still in high school. I did all this before graduating from high school. No one could sit here and tell me i didn't feel like an adult but instead I was somehow a "child" at that age, the idea is preposterous to me, my mind set hasn't changed since then, still out here grinding, things are just much easier now with multiple sources of passive income coming in. This was all less then a decade ago, I know people mature at different paces, but for someone to say I was a child as a teenager is absurd and I cant wrap my mind around it. Life experience isn't some magical thing earned by a number your given each year your alive, life experience/maturity is only earned by the situations we find ourselves in, and the goals we set and accomplish during that time.
@paulahobbs4411Күн бұрын
6 1/2 years.... You're absolutely kidding me? She should be serving life and NEVER get to be around that baby! 😮 How disgusting. 🤢
@toriladybird511Күн бұрын
Yeah My disgust when the case came up.. I knew she would be wrist tapped..
@AdviceandAdventuresКүн бұрын
Female privilege.
@dezinke3862Күн бұрын
How dare you to demand equal treatment you sexist bigott !
@christinabrown644220 сағат бұрын
Double standards.
@MKUltra4218 сағат бұрын
UK sentencing always shocks me.
@devinsauls9137Күн бұрын
That is just DISGUSTING! 🤢🤮
@venetiathomas674112 сағат бұрын
I'm 44 now. I was the victim of a predator. My 10th grade math teacher claimed I said I was 18+. I was 1 of 7 that year to come forward. The only 1 to get pregnant, that pregnancy then being in an investigation. He lost his credentials. I gave the baby a loving family. I was sued to reimburse his college tuition, as his degree was rendered useless. (I won) he photographed me out with my girl friends and said i was stalking him. I wasn't. Every 5 years, he's allowed to reapply for a substitute teaching license. I receive a subpoena testify on behalf of the state to keep him away from school kids. There has never, ever been justice, only a life of regret from knowing 1 human.
@Duchhy59 минут бұрын
So sorry to hear that. As a fellow victim (but different situations) I hope you can learn to heal from the mistrust that pos gave you.
@TheOfficialTarynTotsКүн бұрын
I saw one of these cases recently from Texas in 2016.The boy was 13 but the thing was that his parents were ok with it and were supportive when she got pregnant. I think she was also helping the parents with their bills so they didn't care.
@Ninnjette-Күн бұрын
That is crazy!! 13 is so young! My son is 12, he still has adult teeth that hasn't come in yet! They are still babies at that age, I would flip out..
@tbonimaroniКүн бұрын
That's messed up in so many ways.
@PooSkidsКүн бұрын
that's GROSS. that's still a child and now they've lost their entire freedom
@twit3537Күн бұрын
They were essentially pimping out their kid then, the parents should be charged
@amiraavenetti3692Күн бұрын
That’s disgusting
@Toshi554Күн бұрын
😭 if this was a male teacher with a young girl it wouldn't be a question that he was guilt
@unturned606623 сағат бұрын
It certainly isn't here, either. Stories of female predators get 10 times more coverage.
@nothankspleaseКүн бұрын
@kingofichigo16 сағат бұрын
Good question. She needs to be investigated as well
@Laineyklarb15 сағат бұрын
My brain thought in all caps when I heard that too.
@CoffeeCrazzee2006Күн бұрын
1:51 My jaw dropped when I heard them say "boy A." There's more than one?! That is despicable 😢😡
@poundcake47Күн бұрын
My thoughts exactly! There's a whole alphabet of potential victims. I wonder if there were others we don't know about. I'm so sad for those kids.
@crunch-munch87Күн бұрын
Those poor boys never deserved any of that. It doesn't matter what gender you are, abuse is abuse.
@BeebohismКүн бұрын
so the friends mother lied about where boy a had been?? she knew the whole time and just lied to mother of boy a???? why didn’t she ya know CALL THE POLICE
@toriladybird511Күн бұрын
She should have been held accountable
@unturned606623 сағат бұрын
She maybe didn't realize the significance until after a while, where she then called the mom.
@CoMorbiditty16 сағат бұрын
Yeah I didnt really understand that part. Weird
@iprobablywontseeyourreply.7193Сағат бұрын
Bc she was a “cool mom”
@Beautyisvain456Күн бұрын
The power imbalance is beyond.. the fact that she preyed on their innocence and lack of knowledge.. 😢
@DJBeaconКүн бұрын
having a kid before level 18 is INSANITY
@N0rth_StarКүн бұрын
Lil bro, even under 25, is bad, especially 18-21a minor is even more insane
@N0rth_StarКүн бұрын
That poor kid is gonna live in poverty and domestic abuse with his dad and mom fighting
@ivyluna3057Күн бұрын
Its actually like.. the norm throughout history
@emmyjulianne6850Күн бұрын
@@N0rth_Starif you mean age, having a kid in your mid 20s is not bad lol. i’m 23 and i have a 3 month old, i stay home with her bc my partner makes enough money to support us. it’s situational for sure, but there are a lot of people in their 20s that are in perfectly fine shape to have kids
@ilickgrandmas2854Күн бұрын
So many teen pregnancies in the UK... just from my neighbours I have 3 families on my street alone with pregnant teens (14 and 16 year old sisters both pregnant, one 13/14 year old boy and his pregnant girlfriend of the same age living with the family, another family with a 15 year old girl who's baby is almost 2...) It's mad. Saddest part? Everyone is happy for them, congratulating them and the mother of the girl with the baby was telling me how excited she is to be a nan. She had her daughter at 14, is now 29 and a grandmother.
@LawnmowingmylawnКүн бұрын
Is it just me, or do teachers get pregnant a little too much😭?
@mindyourbusinessxoxoКүн бұрын
Teachers are the single most fertile group on the planet. I swear.
@Bluebonnet-oz3vcКүн бұрын
@iwilltackyoursoulКүн бұрын
Today my music teacher told us that she was pregnant 😭
@MatrlipaКүн бұрын
Either that or having all of the teachers who's like in their 50s xD
@pinkdollyКүн бұрын
What does this even mean
@elizabethdautremontКүн бұрын
My mom was a teacher for 40+ years and has said/continues to say that there was never a teenage boy she would be willing to throw her entire life away for. She taught high school religion. I am 38 years old and there isnt a teenage boy on this planet that i would want. Im too old for all that. I want someone who will sit on the couch with me and watch true crime documentaries.
@EleonorS11 сағат бұрын
So your reasons for not SA-ing children is that your mom didn't find one who was worth throwing her life away for, and you're "too old for all that"? Not that you'd be SA-ing CHILDREN?
@dezzi2006Күн бұрын
I actually went to school with the two victims so I know a lot more than what was publicly shared. I felt very bad for the boys as they have been taken advantage of although one of them did brag about “banging” a teacher to his mates. Never expected anything like this to happen in my time at school very crazy…
@Jacob0590Күн бұрын
Spill the beans what did spill missed ?
@toriladybird511Күн бұрын
It must have been awful and knowing what I know as a CSA victim it messes you up. I hope all you got support as well.
@irisravenhild9060Күн бұрын
And there you have the reason why people don't take grooming and SA seriously on boys. Behavior like that is a sign that they are 100% willing to the situation and have not been groomed into it, because they are the ones who sought out (as in this case) the teacher. Why do I have the feeling that it was Boy B, who boasted?
@unturned606623 сағат бұрын
@@irisravenhild9060 this may not be a case of coercion, but her taking advantage of male culture and their naivety to put minors in such an imbalanced relationship is serious.
@onettaviator539622 сағат бұрын
@@irisravenhild9060Kids can't consent, genius. Even if the kid "enjoys" it, it's still morally reprehensible on the ADULT's end. It's still an abuse of power & it is absolutely still grooming.
@tavmarie_Күн бұрын
what happens to the baby? does she go to foster care ? & does the victim have obligations to said baby???
@ryniepan303814 сағат бұрын
I believe that the father has obligations and rights to the baby, unfortunately children have children all the time. The 16 year old mother gets to keep her baby, why wouldn’t the 16 year old father? Ya know?
@Sophiecjp9 сағат бұрын
All very good questions. Would love to know the answers.
@Misdrex8 сағат бұрын
@@ryniepan3038 thats true. It makes more sense that him and his parents are raising the baby
@RayneSaltairКүн бұрын
This was fought about in a few video games I was in. Literally, the school age boys were all talking about how flattering it is to have a hot teacher like them. They were talking about it being the co-worker type relationship. Only thing I could interject into the conversation was no you aren't a co-worker. It's the same as a surgeon, doing something with his unconscious patient, you legally can't consent even if you say you want to.
@CoMorbiditty16 сағат бұрын
Of course adolescent boys are going to talk about how hot a teacher is. We all did it as teens. It doenst mean it's right to do it. We all knew, it was not right. But I do remember, 2 years earlier at my high school, our music teacher married one of the grade 12 students. I didnt hear anything more about what went on. That must have been in the mid 70s and he wasnt fired.
@moonymoon841Күн бұрын
Goodness i hope the baby never meets her mom
@samsalamander8147Күн бұрын
I’m wondering how many boys didn’t tell.
@nothankspleaseКүн бұрын
all these nasty bs need to be in prison for life. poor kids. ):
@toriladybird511Күн бұрын
Absolutely it's worse than stranger danger this is a person acting in loco parentis.
@dogeche_Күн бұрын
My jaw dropped just from the title omg-
@PinkLemonSharkКүн бұрын
Your profile picture is my discord picture-- we follow the same people.
@HarleysDucksКүн бұрын
I know this girl did not actually blame COVID of all things for her criminal actions😭😭😭
@oreolover9321Күн бұрын
14:27 her face expression once she realizes the camera was facing her direction 😂
@LyJo515 сағат бұрын
Pathetic, creepy, and she should be in prison for LIFE. This is disgusting and she IS a predator. Period.
@Marylovesfood21 сағат бұрын
I am in anger of how SA is treated especially to boys who are teenagers! People have NO respect for victims and publicly make fun of them by simping for the person who SAd them. Disgusting.
@ЭнхмөнхУ19 сағат бұрын
why are people not taking this seriously? She literally groomed and SA a minor Firstly, she’s a teacher so she said a higher position of power so the relationship has a power dynamic And also the other person is a minor and she’s double his age It is disgusting that she is going through his messages to see if she’s talking to other girls
@AmyandIrving20 сағат бұрын
Back in the '90s, Mary Kay and Vili shocked the world with their story. These days this sort of thing seems to be somewhat of a regular occurrence, leaving so many of us just a little.............numb. Just WTAF.
@alicethemadrabbit184216 сағат бұрын
Right..... this isn't okay at all. Under the jail with all of them.
@thewaverlyplace100Күн бұрын
Poor guy, he is really struggling from this. I hope he can heal and be there for his daughter
@BadBellaEntКүн бұрын
This is a hard watch.... its so so sooo sad that people are going after KIDS. its DISGUSTING
@allusernamesweretakenКүн бұрын
what are those eyebrows…
@heather9413Күн бұрын
Yeah!!! As if the story alone isn't appalling enough!
@homeschooljunkie22 сағат бұрын
I was a bit confused. But, then, Bam! Almost forgot what the story was about.
@tashlester778317 сағат бұрын
@TheCyanCrewmateКүн бұрын
0:57 Nice scam
@Aimu1Күн бұрын
@Username0467Күн бұрын
These things aren’t really scams. Just takes a long time to get money.
@rofalmattКүн бұрын
why was this not in mainstream news ?
@khaimk4r4suКүн бұрын
It was buit not with the complete details
@mingiinimene3335Күн бұрын
It was. I've read about before but I did not know there was a boy B.
@dezinke3862Күн бұрын
It sure was but you bet that the language used turned off any further interest of those who saw the report.
@berserkagain797623 сағат бұрын
It was
@thisperson529419 сағат бұрын
It was. You need to look at better news outlets.
@RayvenLunaNiteКүн бұрын
Not once, but twice, and then way too far. How do teachers like that stoop so low?
@SloanPeterson512Күн бұрын
3:25 EYEBROWS! Lol
@dracyoolaКүн бұрын
should be a crime in itself tbh 😂😂
@nikkireignsКүн бұрын
@vylit.Күн бұрын
I wasn’t ready to see those 😅
@brandihubacek8585Күн бұрын
Surely those aren’t real 😮
@babymoon762423 сағат бұрын
“Well fit” lol
@alejandracarlos625Күн бұрын
How is her family standing by her?!!
@tylerskissКүн бұрын
While I never had a thing with a teacher, I did have a thing with an older woman when I was young and she had that same possessive attitude about me. It was bizarre. It felt like being owned.
@toriladybird511Күн бұрын
I hope that you are in a much better space now.
@unturned606623 сағат бұрын
Often people who insist on getting into relationships with those much younger are in it specifically for the power imbalance.
@kostantza115 сағат бұрын
No relationship should feel like that,and if anything an older person should know better. I hope you're doing well.
@mpb518516 сағат бұрын
Why do they make so many remarks of her being "hot/attractive" even if she was, why does it matter? Also, I can't help but be upset over the other mom not saying anything sooner, that's a minor and she had to say something to the mom right away.
@LiquidTopazEyes33016 сағат бұрын
I have a 15 yr old boy. I'm not sure Id have the decorum to sit in the same room as her and not attack her.
@K4TL0N1Күн бұрын
she has brow blindness like W H A T
@laura121684Күн бұрын
My thoughts too, way too dark, blocky, and in two different zip codes.
@K4TL0N1Күн бұрын
Using ductape to wax is no bueno
@audreym3777Күн бұрын
Right?!?! 🥸
@michellesood44199 сағат бұрын
@@laura121684Lol, thanks because I needed that laugh amidst such a grim sad tale!
@Jackie-il4hv14 сағат бұрын
I can’t even tell you what I would do if an adult did this to one of my kids. This is so disgusting and disturbing. It’s one thing for adults to have a relationship when they’re eons apart but to go after a child is a whole other level. Female or male you’re sick and you need to be in prison.
@despairer23 сағат бұрын
Only decided he was a victim once responsibility for a baby was involved lmaooooo
@CyclamentheButterflyWCUEКүн бұрын
wth is wrong with this teacher even if she was doin the thing with her student she dont have to be so overdramatic with entire rose hearts and secret messages 😭😭👍
@Rebornation0712Сағат бұрын
She is such a predator! I can’t understand what attraction any adult has to a child! It’s sickening and disgusting!
@bellec2590Күн бұрын
It’s so rare to have a female teacher taking advantage of a male student.. it’s usually the other way around. Thank you for raising attention to the fact that it DOES happen to young men as well
@Mel-zv1gfКүн бұрын
Recently if you look at the Law&Crime Network (among others) I feel like it’s been primarily women! Obviously I know there are more female teachers but it’s unbelievable!! I grew up only hearing about men and now it’s just one woman after the other.
@vidal9747Күн бұрын
Society has convinced them they are "lucky". There is probably massive underreporting.
@cjb2749Күн бұрын
Not so rare anymore
@laura121684Күн бұрын
@@vidal9747 I agree that it's likely been underreported for many years. Also, I think that female offenders make a bigger splash in the news because they are/are thought to be much more rare than male offenders, so I think we're more likely to see the news stories where the teacher is female. So either this kind of thing has been underreported for years, or the news media is just making these stories more available to all of us, or a combination of both.
@kostantza114 сағат бұрын
Don't think it's rare nowadays.
@daniii_1018Күн бұрын
Her eyebrows is insanely hilarious lol😂😂😂😂😂
@SkinnyEatWorld95Күн бұрын
Do dumb shit, get dumb prizes. She should have known better and been better. This happens a lot more than people realize.
@drewdrew5319 сағат бұрын
He felt different after all them people told him how to feel about it...
@laurym8498Күн бұрын
Am I the only one who thinks it's not fair he didn't get to know anything about his kid
@hatsunereese8822 сағат бұрын
This is sad, The boys deserve better :(
@Crowski18 сағат бұрын
I mean…they chose to be involved knowing it was wrong…
@kostantza114 сағат бұрын
@@Crowski You can say that about all kids abused who weren't snatched from the street, drugged or subdued with physical force. Many girls, too.
@katrina356013 сағат бұрын
@@Crowski adolescent choices are based on illogical mental conclusions. Protect the children.
@MoneyPlan-y3e10 сағат бұрын
Wow, the way the story unfolded was wild-I didn’t expect that twist at all. How do people think they can get away with stuff like this? Unreal!
@ЭнхмөнхУ19 сағат бұрын
7:00 WHAT DO YOU MEAN gurl he is a minor what did you expect 😂😂😂
@Ru1_Kamishir0Күн бұрын
@atropiaveteran4 сағат бұрын
Did Boy B get custody of his daughter?
@EyeCue2312 сағат бұрын
“She doesn’t fit the profile “???? Smh society is so weird bruh!!!
@BillieHijabiКүн бұрын
this is appauling 🤢🤮
@nicolec100419 сағат бұрын
3:30 I am crying at the eyebrows 😂😢
@tiddlywinks82835 сағат бұрын
"...if it wasn't for the fact that you were still a child yourself." Literally gagged.
@MeowsyMcdermottEsq.19 сағат бұрын
This sounds like a nightmare for these poor boys. Actual horror movie levels of terrifying. What a disgusting and deluded person.
@AngelaC.-iz4ts13 сағат бұрын
The first time I ever saw something like this happen was in the states around the mid/late ‘90’s. A middle school teacher had an ongoing affair with a 13 year old boy. She was in her 30’s, married and had several children. When she was caught, she was thrown in jail and they found out she was pregnant. She had the child while serving her sentence. A year or so later she plead her case to a judge and was let go on a conditional release. About a week later they found her and the boy in a parked car down the street from his home in the middle of the night. They hauled her back to jail where they found out she was pregnant again. She served several years in prison. However, when she was released the boy was twenty. They hooked up again, married and got custody of the two children they had from his mother. It was one of the creepiest things I’ve ever heard of. They were in People magazine and all over TV for years telling their story. The ex-teacher recently passed away.
@liz_suhКүн бұрын
Just absolutely disgusting….
@SandyMeeshell12 сағат бұрын
Wait, what happened to the baby?! It was taken from her, but there did she go from there?!
@Vakrios12 сағат бұрын
3:25 I wasn't prepared for that eyebrow jumpscare, they must have their own zip codes that far apart.
@catwilk821314 сағат бұрын
I actually know of a case where a female student blackmailed 3 teachers. By saying that they sexually abused her to get absolutely anything she wanted. Because. It is absolutely detrimental to those teachers. That they appease her .Otherwise they could lose absolutely everything
@Worthless.Күн бұрын
those eye brows...
@strawberryskygirl44Күн бұрын
it's Pamela Smart all over again, just with cameras
@Lyrixmood15 сағат бұрын
Now that is the true definition of eyebrow blindness ☠️
@WarbandGames13 сағат бұрын
She should be arrested for those eyebrows alone.
@GoldieeTVКүн бұрын
I wonder if he still gets a chance to be in his child’s life kind of sad and innocent child won’t have parents due to moms mistakes
@pdig296317 сағат бұрын
I'll never understand how an adult can look at a child in that manner 🤷♀️ SMMFH 😡
@sisseholm4869Күн бұрын
She looks like she gets all the water in her eyes when it rains
@LisaLee-sm9rn13 сағат бұрын
Lol sorry made.me.laugh
@sunneinsplendour84596 сағат бұрын
I'm happy to see people talking about female predators. There are undoubtedly more incidents that went undetected or were ignored because the perpetrator was a woman.
@unturned6066Күн бұрын
"This will leave you guessing how they screen teachers" I don't think they do
@realfarmerboyКүн бұрын
This is some freak behavior bro 😭
@Duchhy57 минут бұрын
I have 2 boys and I talk to them about the bias and how differently they're being treated unfortunately. We have to change SOMETHING
@albawehuntКүн бұрын
Love your videos, I’m omnivorous and pension off at 37 now 43 getting $83,000 biweekly. This video has truly inspired me in so many ways!!!
@GLAMOURvКүн бұрын
I’m feeling truly inspired. Can you provide additional insights about the bi-weekly subject you mentioned?
@GLAMOURvКүн бұрын
$83k biweekly is extraordinary, please more context.🙏🏻
@albawehuntКүн бұрын
I raised 175k and Maria Luisa Clare is to be thanked. I got my self my dream car 🚗 just last weekend, My journey with her started after my best friend came back from New York and saw me suffering in dept then told me about her and how to change my life through her. Maria L. Clare is the kind of person one needs in his or her life! I got a home, a good wife, and a beautiful daughter. Note!:: this is not a promotion but me trying to make a point that no matter what happens, always have faith and keep living!!
@buckmillerschuererКүн бұрын
Whoa 😲 I know her too! Miss Maria Luisa Clare is an incredible person who has brought immense inspiration and positivity into my life.
@buckmillerschuererКүн бұрын
I meagerly kicked off with $2k, and the results have been Jaw-dropping TBH!!!
@kimmiaera5 сағат бұрын
I was a temporary teacher for 12 weeks and i could never for the life of me, look at my teens students and feel.. whatever she felt. These are like your kids 🥲
@britt365417 сағат бұрын
How embarrassing
@sugarkid5562Күн бұрын
Fun fact:cats can jump 5 times their own height!
@Mr.Afto.nКүн бұрын
How 'bout big cats? (Tigers, leopards, etc.)
@nata3698Күн бұрын
not the time
@moonymoon841Күн бұрын
😅 do we need this now
@BloodGTRproductionsКүн бұрын
Fact: this kid got jumped twice
@infinitygamer-un4qq16 сағат бұрын
@@BloodGTRproductionsor the kids jump on the women 😂
@TwistedQuestionMark10 сағат бұрын
Does he say least have custody of his daughter?
@kimmiedimmie35408 сағат бұрын
A seemingly harmleas math exercise....guessing the missing digit of her phone number? That aint a math exercise and its not "seemingly harmless". That is wildly inappropriate.
@Xamry18 сағат бұрын
3:27 those eyebrows needed attention
@frockabyebabyshabbychic2611Күн бұрын
Level 18???? What do you think they were playing - Tetris?
@AltClev375 сағат бұрын
A belt for $350??!! What a waste of money.
@ashleighdahlstrom43315 сағат бұрын
Some actually don’t know that the person they’re sleeping with is a minor, this teacher has no excuse, she is evil to do that to a child, sick minded.
@Lambchop718 сағат бұрын
The music in this video is too loud. It was hard to finish.
@catwilk821314 сағат бұрын
And then these little boys have to pay child support
@GrumpyOldSoldiers13 сағат бұрын
just another reason why mainstream media isn't worth watching.
@Christelle42415 сағат бұрын
those poor children being exploited by people who are supposed to protect them 💔💔💔
@Sophiecjp9 сағат бұрын
I think they should raise the age of consent. I think about myself at 16 and I did not have the maturity to make huge decisions and especially could not raise a child.
@1911spyderco19 сағат бұрын
Please stop with the background music. It's atrocious and distracting
@Jacob0590Күн бұрын
As a [SA] Victim myself it never traumatized me i was molested by my 16 year old neighbor when i was 5 😂 and at 10 by another 16 year old. Edit: however as a 29 year old adult it pisses me off seeing the abuser act like a saint near me and my family.
@unturned606623 сағат бұрын
Yes, a lot of the issue is with the abuser more than the abuse itself. These people knowingly seek out a victim, knowing they're unable to consent or understand. Their intent is to prey upon them, whether the victim feels that way or not.
@berserkagain797623 сағат бұрын
Ok cool your in the very few(mostly the men's side of victims) that liked it good for you ig?
@kostantza114 сағат бұрын
@@berserkagain7976 That was a disgusting thing to say.
@pustulio815 сағат бұрын
3:24 Looking at those eyebrows leaves me NO DOUBT that she was a math teacher. She clearly used an equation for those things lol
@Y_na7Күн бұрын
13:56 her face....
@almasantiago110020 сағат бұрын
6yrs?! She got a slap on the wrist!!
@summerbb333Күн бұрын
3:26 Those eyebrows give it away. Something ain’t right there
@jonahmagnus9833Күн бұрын
i swear to god I've seen this on Law and Order SVU and, to be honest, more times in news sites
@Soul-OnFire4 сағат бұрын
Im old. All i can say is i still have to survive my trauma. It never goes away but it gets quieter as time goes on if that makes sense. I dunno why some adults abuse children but if you find yourself in a situation thats not good its best to get out of that situation by any means necessary. So tell a trusted adult and if that doesnt work go to another trusted adult until. You seek help until you get it. Never give up hope. Your loved.