Splatoon 3 Side Order is HARDER than you think...

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@sethfeldpausch4337 9 ай бұрын
Playing this mode with zero hacks is a STRUGGLE dude! I've found myself just needing to play SUPER cautiously and as smart as possible! For anyone struggling: be sure to paint up the walls and abuse verticality, as the Jelletons have nearly identical AI to the Salmonid in SR, so you can manipulate their pathfinding by swimming up walls.
@c001Ba30nDuD 9 ай бұрын
I just used splattershot and went slow.
@tomatoprincess2709 9 ай бұрын
I didnt have that much trouble myself...
@sethfeldpausch4337 9 ай бұрын
@@tomatoprincess2709 Did you skip the vending machines and only go for the most difficult options? THATS a challenge😂
@tomatoprincess2709 9 ай бұрын
@@sethfeldpausch4337 i skipped the vending machines and actually focused on buildinh my weapon with good chips lmao i still wanted to have fun
@sethfeldpausch4337 9 ай бұрын
@@tomatoprincess2709 That's fair. There's a YT creator named Jermex that is doing runs with no hacks, no vending machines, and the hardest options only, so his builds are purely random and he has to basically solely rely on his own skills as the only constant in any run! Definitely a challenge for sure!
@MizunoKetsuban 9 ай бұрын
2:14 There's a misunderstanding here. That symbol isn't saying that you start with a speed boost, it's telling you that you have a higher chance of getting mobility color chips throughout the run. Think of it like brand affinity in the base game. That's also what the "Color Bias" hack is referring to: It increases those odds even further than the default.
@OneCoolCatKC 9 ай бұрын
This mode allows you to choose your own difficulty. That's what makes Side Order so good! You can have fun customizing weapons to you hearts content. I made a Charger Build that made it a makeshift Grizzco Charger with max special charge up and poison ink that slows them down. There is just so much to do and the only limit is your imagination.
@sd1gaming 9 ай бұрын
With the right amount of speed, ink speed, and moving ink regen for specials, you have an unstoppable loadout full of dopamine (Sheldon's pallette)
@Inmortuae2233 9 ай бұрын
Honestly though, If you wanted to actually play a roguelite, there's so many better options like Dead Cells, Enter the Gungeon, Risk of Rain, etc. If you wanted to play specifically a splatoon roguelike, then side order does its job ok. Its just hard to call side order an "amazing" DLC due to some GLARING issues that I wont rabble on about because you don't want to hear that. tl;dr - Side Order is good if you wanted to specifically play a Splatoon roguelite, but if you want a better experience, support indie devs and buy Enter the Gungeon, Risk of Rain, or Dead Cells!!!
@CallMe_No_One 9 ай бұрын
@@Inmortuae2233 no hades? or tboi?(maybe spelunky) I sadly have to agree that side order isn't a great roguelite even compared to other "dlc" roguelites/roguelikes. I hope they see side order as a test to see if a splatoon roguelite would work and eventually expand on it either with splatoon 4 or a spinoff game(that's my new copium)
@sheepsquad4453 9 ай бұрын
Crazy thing is I was gonna comment on the same thing you said in a way. It depends on how you set the difficulty of how you want to play the game either playing through the tower at its maximum difficulty making it lmost freakishly hard or having it be very simple with all hacks and having it be a breeze or near most a breeze.
@sethfeldpausch4337 9 ай бұрын
@@CallMe_No_One Which DLC Roguelites were better? I played both TLOU and GOWR modes and both of them were underwhelming for me, but Side Order is still a blast for me personally!
@adamkaldeway4794 9 ай бұрын
10:37 dude was about to drop the next f bomb 💀
@000Dragon50000 9 ай бұрын
The thing about favoured colour chips is a LOT of weapons actually rely on chips they don't favour. Brella basically NEEDS either the cooldown reduction or shield not launching, but both are purple, and actively less likely to appear if you have colour chip bias on.
@HIMB667 9 ай бұрын
Saying that side order is too easy while having full hacks and lives is like saying that octo expansion is too easy because you kill yourself on purpose to get the "skip station" hack and win instantly or alway choosing the easiest weapon in the selection.
@CallMe_No_One 9 ай бұрын
I see where your coming from but atleast you still have to beat the level and not just skip them.
@HereWhereTheWorldIsQuiet 9 ай бұрын
​@@CallMe_No_OneThere is a hack for that but it's not free in SO but u r right
@meowmeowcat99 9 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@HereWhereTheWorldIsQuiet uh where is the *hack* that *skips* levels? I am near 100% completion and not a single thing exists for *skipping* levels in the hacks area. (have all palettes done, near every hack full maxed just the bonus gear/banners/stickers for PVP and a few palette chips left for the palette chip collection left to do)
@CallMe_No_One 9 ай бұрын
@@HereWhereTheWorldIsQuiet I only know about 8's palette but didnt know there was also a hack
@Inmortuae2233 9 ай бұрын
I get your point, but I don't see how just disabling more options available to you could be considered a good difficulty slider. Its why nobody really likes Master mode in Terraria, because it just ups enemey health, damage, and defense while providing no unique AI or benefits to playing Master Mode other than for cosmetics/decoration.
@Yahoomst 9 ай бұрын
Poison ink is literally the goat in no hack runs, if you ink the bottom of a portal it gets inked too, so it deals damage while you run from enemies
@Dan-tq5vn 9 ай бұрын
Quick story: I failed the spire for the 3rd time and I just got big man’s pallet… I chose big man and jokingly said “is big man gonna be my savior?” And then I completed the Entire story… I guess Big Man’s my favorite Idol now. 😂
@zanpakutoman4225 9 ай бұрын
My first Clear was with Big Man's palette, the first time I used it too. Inkstrikes are SO powerful, they're pretty much useful in any challenge except maybe the 8-Ball challenges. After I cleared the tower, I immediately got the Pearl drone's Inkstrike Chip hack. Inkstrikes demolish the spawn eggs, they stick to the tower and speed it up, They help paint zones, and strategic placements can hit the fleeing foes or at least trap them. They also completely wreck all the bosses, but especially the rotating tower boss. Suction bombs are also amazing for when you have to train/funnel a group of enemies and the Slosher itself is great cause of how vertical a lot of stages are. Big Man's palette is Top Tier.
@zandikaa 9 ай бұрын
Can confirm after doing the same sort of thing, side order was a LOT more fun for me when limiting myself to actually make it a challenge. There's also something about making it to the top with a single life and no continues that's just so satisfying and makes you feel really proud of yourself.
@jabrio3584 9 ай бұрын
Just as a note, the color chip bias actually increases the chance of the common tones for a palette, not how strong they are For example, Marina's has Drone and power chips as her first and second most common tones respectively, so those become even more common with the hack
@6drago9 9 ай бұрын
This update is so well balanced and also rage inducing, especially if you play the wrong cards when taking on an aggressive challenge. I don’t think it’s bad I just got swarmed into a map that I knew was not gonna let me complete the run. And the color chips are so random and so are the floor types. I had to take a break last night before my anger takes control from that devilish threatening floor
@mk4-matt6290 9 ай бұрын
People underestimate how bloody dangerous Accelerandos are.
@Mad-Goose 9 ай бұрын
Remember guys, no amount of lives is gonna get you through Sisyphean + Danger
@dragonempress8367 9 ай бұрын
Who the heck programmed that? How did they pass it?
@SuburbanNightmareChannel 9 ай бұрын
The big question: is there a badge for NO HACKS run through floor 30? If so, this badge is the ULTIMATE prize for Side Order! Great video!
@AnotherTrixieFan 9 ай бұрын
Small tip: The armor regen time and broken armor jump synergy very well when you get cornered, as you can jump off the map to make a jump on purpose and reposition while gliding
@Rose-df4ep 9 ай бұрын
yeah but the broken armor jump is a hack. this is a no hack run
@TheJezterGuy 9 ай бұрын
Watching this live was tragic…
@yuh_aj 9 ай бұрын
this update was too good
@tomatoprincess2709 9 ай бұрын
when i play i LOVE investing in lucky bomb drops. think, one enemy drops a bomb, it kills 3 more, one of those drops a bomb and its like a chain
@Clefablestarz 7 ай бұрын
Don't forget that increases your lucky chain, which increases bomb drop rate
@giganticmoon 9 ай бұрын
might be a silly thing to say, but when in pursuit of Panicking Alla Mambo, use Toxic Mist. Hindrance Damage would also be a helpful color chip to use
@sethfeldpausch4337 9 ай бұрын
Burst bombs are also OP with them, Cause you can bait them out with them, and if they run from the bomb, they run into you, and if they run from you, the floor is painted and it slows them to a crawl!
@engineergaming3830 9 ай бұрын
I love making enemies slower with insane area control it's still scary with low upgrades but it's bearable
@SupraShade 9 ай бұрын
its rlly simple to deal with them if they get in a corner. if you shoot *ahead* of them on the opposite side youre on, theyll run into your ink and then you can pick them off.
@Rose-df4ep 9 ай бұрын
he's not using vending machines, he can't change his sub weapon. dualies has curling
@giganticmoon 9 ай бұрын
@@Rose-df4ep ah alr
@SuburbanNightmareChannel 9 ай бұрын
Maybe the best video on SIDE ORDER ever. And honestly, SPEEDRUNNERS, the NO HACKS, ONE LIFE is the ultimate speed run. When I see others claiming SPEED RUN with lame lobby/shop resets and all hacks on MEH! What DUDE is doing above is the ULTIMATE way to play SIDE ORDER. And whoever does it first is the KING of SIDE ORDER. I wonder, do you get a badge for a NO HACK run? I will definitely be watching you try to do this (and btw, I have died on floor 30 that way! With TWO CONTINUES, 18 lives! Didnt make it though now I can easily breeze through all levels with all hacks on. Tried one with NO hacks, got to 13. But NO HACKS/RISK REWARDS is the ultimate way to play this great great game!)
@NineSquids9 9 ай бұрын
I don’t know if anyone has said this but the weapons don’t come with a beginning buff, it just means that those types of chips will appear more(eg. splattershot makes range appear the most
@ashdotmp4 9 ай бұрын
I've 100% it already but i definitely had extra lives and a whole bunch of other stuff. Very good job. :3
@renamamiya2279 9 ай бұрын
You know, you could have done this challenge if you had collected the Octo Shot by opening all the lockers. For what? Because the Octo Shot has an effect that says the more hacks you have, the fewer chips you will have. If you have all your hacks for example, you can only have 6 chips, but if you disable some hacks, or maybe ALL of your hacks, you can have the maximum chips you can have in a palette. Which means you could do the no hacks, one life challenge again, with this weapon when you unlock it OR making a "less chips challenge". :) But for that, you'll have to complete the Tower with ALL weapons, so good luck. :)
@Ru_nie 9 ай бұрын
10:09 Dog looking one's? HAHAHSJSHA those are beluga whales, they are fun creatures I love them so much, the bump on their foreheads are squishy and I think nintendo made them attached to the infinity balls because beluga whales in aquariums usually they like to play with balls, I think, I'm probs wrong about that, but yeah those are beluga whales, they are adorable and good serotonin sources
@ThatSrb2DUDE 9 ай бұрын
I love those dogs they're so cool.
@CallMe_No_One 9 ай бұрын
I also started this challenge yesterday(except that I used vending machines might also ban them since getting 3 chips + floor skip is op) I started after completing every weapon(with hacks enabled) and still struggle quite a bit so respect for doing them "blind". I'm doing them in order and brella took me like half the day(but I got the splattershot first try after that so that makes it even) wish you luck and hope you won't struggle as much with brella. Also I definitely see that I underrated poison-ink after seeing you and prochara use it so thanks for mentioning it again will definitely use on some weapons now.
@ClassicSTH 9 ай бұрын
we all gonna ignore how the octoling's soul turned into an inklings at 11:32
@maketheeup7856 9 ай бұрын
I saw the tentacle smack live and my heart stopped! After such a sick run that was some mean luck! Saw you finish it like a boss tho!!! I’m at the stamper run on your other video. Go dude!
@SilverShadowKitsune 9 ай бұрын
Funnily enough, the weapon I first cleared the Spire with was the duallies, which makes sense, since I main them in regular play. Splattershot has been difficult for me, becuase it feels so different than duallies. But yes, I love how you can customize how hard the game is. If nothing else, I will be much better in Salmon Run going forward!
@SomeGalNamedEve 9 ай бұрын
That death on the final boss was so tragic 😭
@machupichu18 9 ай бұрын
18:30 the EXACT same thing happened to me when fighting the Overlorder for the first time. I was also only about a few frames from actually defeating it fully as well. I was... I was not happy yeah.
@serdac2376 9 ай бұрын
You're right, it's very difficult, when you're on the 29th floor with only ONE life and there was no vending machine and I lost, that is to say: all my progress was ruined.
@RodrigoVolt 9 ай бұрын
that is exactly what I've been doing and having a blast with Side order! I've started doing this with the dualies as well and I've got to level 30 twice but the psychological pressure also plays a huge role in this challenge. What you said about focusing is totally the right way to face this challenge! Good luck for both of us! =]
@MrBig1997 9 ай бұрын
18:25 While not pulling out the pearl drone was a mistake, the one before that was going towards the edge of the stage to avoid the launch. If you stay on the higher area and get relatively close to smollusk, you can land and have plenty of time to dodge without pearl.
@ttb2313 9 ай бұрын
Honestly a lot of people say to not use hacks to make the game harder, but i personally hate artificial difficulty. It makes the game fell more bs than hard, like oh i shouldn't have died to that, why is that a thing vs oh i could have done that instead. On top of that getting faster charge on a charger destroys the DLC no matter the difficulty.
@Emaster5000 9 ай бұрын
One thing with the dualies, the dodge roll attack is also really strong, like the squid attack, it throws the enemies away from you, plus it's extra damage
@splat338 9 ай бұрын
I'm glad to see other people doing the No hack run and honestly it can be fun or difficult depending on the player
@Nihonguy 9 ай бұрын
I did a 1 life no hack run myself and managed to do it with roller, rng REALLY loved me that particular run though i got several toxic ink, hindrance ink and sticky ink, the chips that let you roller faster and crush things harder and paint wider and nearly every floor all enemies that dont fly just burnt to death while i did the objective, this also made the bosses substantially easier as well, also got a few chips that let me recover ink while I move and this combo just meant i never ran out of ink either. it was so much fun combos like that is why you play side order
@jonquils1 9 ай бұрын
Thank you, Dude. I followed your choices.. made a big difference to my game and I made it to the end. Inspirational that you got so far not utilising all lives.
@Inhaledcorn 9 ай бұрын
Ooooh, that's what Hinderence Damage does. I didn't understand it because it didn't seem much different from Poison Ink, but noooow I get it.
@Ariariiiiiii 9 ай бұрын
IM LIKE "why do i always die on 12F?"
@a-ramenartist9734 9 ай бұрын
side note poison ink plus piercing are genuinely like, the most important combo for every weapon, it makes fighting hordes literally a breeze, since you paint isn't blocked by the jelletons
@nullvoid1x 9 ай бұрын
The reason side order is so good is that depending on the floors you choose you could have am incredibly easy time or have it be insanely difficult it all depends on the run. I gave up on floor in particular because it was poorly made and then immediately started another run
@nullvoid1x 9 ай бұрын
Cruel_Sisyphean_Eight-Shaped.Floor - Rigorous the floor that broke me
@jsCP94 9 ай бұрын
The only issue is that some veterans are still too skilled to find the game challenging even on 0 hacks. The hack system is nice, but the opposite should be in there: modifiers that make the game harder in exchange for more prlzs at the end.
@CallMe_No_One 9 ай бұрын
yeah something like a "one health" mode would be nice and more risk/reward hacks would also be great like speed X2(everything is faster) and maybe some fun ones that don't give prlz and don't count for completion but are more unique like a "boss rush" or 8-ball player physique(infinite health no weapon but have 8-ball physiques) etc. Still happy with side order.
@freuner-merris 9 ай бұрын
Playing vending machine-less sounds like a nice challenge. I oughta give that a try! Though right now I'm trying to max out all the colour chip data, which is much quicker and easier done with the help of hyperhacked vending machines, so perhaps such challenge runs will have to wait...
@user-gb4jn4my6j 9 ай бұрын
I just finished the tower hackless with Eight's weapon today! (That sweet, sweet badge is mine!) Took me a couple hours over 3 days but I'm so happy ^^ If you need it here are some tips if you wanna attempt it (I don't play the game in English so hopefully specific terms still make sense) EDIT: finished the video! separating tips that were already mentioned from new ones Already Mentioned: Chips that have to do with inked turf (more dot, slows down enemies more, etc) are a great pick. Killer Wail is one of the best things you can give Pearl. New Tips: Jelletons won't ever willingly jump off ledges (well, except the jumping ones), if you ever get swarmed while on high ground just dip, that'll give you time to recover. Personally when picking chips I mostly focused on Lucky ones because cod knows you'll need those drops. Chips that have to do with explosions pair well with Portals... well, exploding! Helpful to clear out even more enemies. That chip that makes your... octo roll become an attack? Take it too, it's a good "get off me" tool. If your armor gets broken, don't panic. Obvious I know, but also: keep a balance between running away and shooting down your pursuers. You are not outrunning them for 12 seconds, so you gotta keep them at bay too. Pay extra attention to sound cues. There were many times where I would have gotten backstabbed by a homing Jelleton fired off-screen had I not heard it coming. With the constant chaos happening you gotta keep that in mind. Ignore danger floors. Even if it's on an easy floor. Even if the chip is godly. Just ignore them. Swim Speed and Run Speed Up... aren't actually a must. If you have good ink coverage you don't even need them. I personally didn't. And finally but most importantly: BE PATIENT. I can't stress this enough. It doesn't matter if it takes 10 more minutes, if it's getting too much, retreat. Lead the enemies away, and try again. Anything that isn't the smallest Jelleton will one-shot you, don't tempt fate. (PS: All or Nothing doesn't count as a hack, since it doesn't affect gameplay, so enable it you cowards-) Overall, it wasn't that bad of a grind. I wasn't frustrated like when I was trying to beat Inner Agent 3, because every time I died was due to a skill issue on my part, and I felt motivated to try again. Will not attempt this again though, that was enough pain for me. If anyone else has more tips to add in the replies, go ahead!
@SilentGlaceon94 9 ай бұрын
Personally for me, it's a good amount of challenge for me. I found out quickly that my biggest weakness is that I stay in one place for too long. I have to remind myself to keep moving no matter what. My best run was definitely with Marina's palette where I got to 27 floors.
@adamting4637 9 ай бұрын
I used the 3x Priz hack 0 hack and no extra lives when doing octo shot. With vending machine though, i felt it is a waste of money not using it.
@Evixyn 9 ай бұрын
I had recently completed completed the default one life challenge with the splatter shot, as it is familiar to me. I mostly used toxic ink, slow down, damage taken while in my ink and additional damage taken while in my ink when fire at. The additional chips I used on pearl for the splat bomb, music disc, armor drop, two luck bomb, ink recover up, swim speed up, and piecing.
@smidge742 9 ай бұрын
I did floor 23 for run speed and honestly idk how I won but Ink storm saved my life a few times. Right now I’m back in the Spire to unlock Tri-stringer I’m coming for ya Smollusk.
@saiaichan2000 9 ай бұрын
11:57 and 18:30 Is my mental state as i'm trying to earn the secret badge. (Complete 1 run with 4 or less hacks using the Octoshot) Lol but i won't give up! Just subscribed! :D Edit: I got the badge two days ago! So proud of myself! You've got this Dude! :D
@Dochy02 9 ай бұрын
The full knockback bucket is funny
@neruoue123 9 ай бұрын
so... I've been grinding Side order for a while and finally beat it after 6 runs with decent hacks and using splattershot... all I can say is... dude REALLY DO HAVE massive skills doing and completing this freaking challenge! are you sure your not a masochist dude? cause just watching it is pure torture and I'm getting some PTSD watching your VOD runs
@roomismoor 9 ай бұрын
2:49 squid attack is OP, especially when u get the rush knockback cuz u just launch everything away off the map xD (also love the vid, it has a lot of great points, and one thing is ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN! U CAN NE SUPER OP AND ACCIDENTLY POWER OFF YOUR SWITCH)
@Yandere2048 9 ай бұрын
i just recently did this challenge with the octoshot and i know that pain you felt all too well. i cant tell you how many runs ended bc i fell off the map from the knockback. but yesterday i managed to complete it and i got the badge that goes with it. kudos to you tho for deciding to do it with all weapons. i could never as the one was enough for me
@Saltience 9 ай бұрын
I plan to do every weapon hackless. Pray for me, because roller might be a real struggle.
@thunderbolt1074 9 ай бұрын
You know, I think I have to try this out. I recently 100% side order, with 8's pallette being the most challenging one, only having 3 lives as my only hack, but I did use vending machines.
@doesleeknowreallyknowtho 9 ай бұрын
thats what i'm doing too, using vending machines and having 3 lives, but i'm currently stuck with dualies and its so annoying 🤣😭
@Teeengu454 9 ай бұрын
I'm not saying you have to use this, but I would try using lots of bomb damage with lucky bomb drop because it helped me SO SO MUCH during my runs, the best specials in my opinion are 1. Splashdown 2. Inkstrike 3. Wave breaker | I also loved using curling bomb because it doesn't just bounce off enemies
@Maddox_Animations 9 ай бұрын
Oh my god Dude I've been doing this same challenge with every weapon myself LOL! I'm currently halfway done myself. I also think you were right, as someone who loves soloing in hazard level max on salmon run (not having a dedicated team) this DLC is practically a field day for me, it's really fun!
@juangarcia6473 9 ай бұрын
Homing + Charge Speed + Range + Distance Damage = the fastest I’ve ever gotten through the spire
@NSWMongoose 9 ай бұрын
Poison ink is amazing. I got 800 on it and it really helped. Thanksfor the tips i'll give the dulies another run later :)
@im.always.sleepy 9 ай бұрын
I love the replayabilty of side order so many possiblites with, or without hacks or different weapons. This DLC is soo good. Jesus ❤ yall
@froinky 9 ай бұрын
Dude tries to not fall of the stage *CHALLENGE* (IMPOSSIBLE)
@stephenrichter8940 9 ай бұрын
I chose to play without any hacks other than possible drone upgrades and vending machine discounts. My most recent run I had a fantastic kit on the dualies but got wacked offstage on round 28, and had to just slowly float to my death.
@stormingisraphel 9 ай бұрын
Personally, I find it very fun, challenge run or not. I did a run recently with all purples on the Charger, and it was so ridiculously OP that it felt like I was hacking the game. I was giggling pretty much the whole time, especially on floors that I previously had difficulties with. As of now, it's the best run I've gone through.
@Jumpman-ch7xq 9 ай бұрын
My mistake with this dlc is beating it on my third try, though playing with weapons I never use really makes me come back for more
@sirtvhed 9 ай бұрын
I tried a pure lucky run , and it was way easier than I thought, in fact even OP
@UCDitto 9 ай бұрын
We're not gonna forget that you thought Ink Saver Main would be a downgrade for your weapon
@ThatSrb2DUDE 9 ай бұрын
@bbluay 9 ай бұрын
i did a run "Everything on hard" (saying in "..." bc some floors didnt have the option of hard or Rigorous) with stamper and was pretty easy ngl
@projectill 9 ай бұрын
Side order is hard but so much fun. I beat final boss with the most unlikely build possible...mobility perked brush that charged super in 2s from running around.
@CallMe_No_One 9 ай бұрын
Also had a funny one with brush max move speed while inking and inkfill by moving so I could run forever(not op by itself but really fun)
@grayvere5741 9 ай бұрын
the chips to get with charger (from experience): charge speed damage (distant) damage run speed damage (close) poison ink charge storage main range I was able to beat side order with this for my first time
@ItzMiKeKirbY 9 ай бұрын
It’s short and sweet honestly. Rogue-like is for everyone but there’s no excuse for calling it “too easy”. I’m happy with my purchase.
@joji2432 9 ай бұрын
@grizbear4115 9 ай бұрын
"THAT" palette is hard af to complete with. If you finished ALL the palettes, you know which one I'm talking about....
@raetedr2246 9 ай бұрын
It's fun and that's all that matters
@HeliSplat612 9 ай бұрын
Honestly is not hard or easy, you can kinda choose the difficulty and if you choose easy levels you can reach the top with a couple tries, and the marina hacks can help too! This dlc is so fun, specially because is different from other story modes
@mysryuza 9 ай бұрын
Why y’all constantly putting yourselves near the edge of maps? The one thing you should always keep in mind is “never corner yourself,” because in Side Order, those Jelletons will not stop attacking, even worse when they’re surrounding you. It doesn’t hurt to back up sometimes. Having range up helps a LOT because it gives you more time to move and plan your next move with the distance Dude got the right idea in the certain prioritized chips
@s2a5 9 ай бұрын
What I mean when I say Side Order was too easy, I beat floor 30 on my third try. I had only gotten an extra life and damage reduction to 1,5x only. I was expecting the difficulty to stack up after floor 20, but it completely stopped getting any harder, even on “Rigorous” difficulty
@MudakTheMultiplier 9 ай бұрын
Oh *that's* how hinderence damage works? I thought it did basically the same thing as poison ink...
@_ENTITY- 9 ай бұрын
I did a run with the charger expecting it to go terribly. I can't aim even if my life depended on it. Then I saw homing and I was like...no that can't work. Safe to say fastest clear I've ever done.
@hellboros2790 9 ай бұрын
Once u figure each map and mode out its getting easier but patience is key. On another note: fuck danger lvl with full enemy paint plus no vision.
@goldenfoxy7137 9 ай бұрын
Just play salmon run guys, basically the same thing except you have other abilities. This is also coming from a person who also made it to the boss twice.
@dragonempress8367 9 ай бұрын
I usually refuse to use hacks unless I have enough priz. Even with them it's hard for me since the game gets rid of normal levels once you get past 20F
@heyo9309 9 ай бұрын
I would've definitely liked an infinite mode or something, something that gets progressively harder or something
@CallMe_No_One 9 ай бұрын
This and maybe more bosses would love if this would become a stable in the splatoon series like salmon run did(although that might be a bit to much)
@takokola 9 ай бұрын
i'm doing the no hack run on the octo shot and i died on the 28th floor...
@letlemon. 9 ай бұрын
i feel your pain while watching this, countless losses is not fun at all
@Oswerb 9 ай бұрын
I know you said no hacks, but please use the risky rewards hack. It doesn't boost you in any way but you will get 3 times the Prlz if you win.
@CallMe_No_One 9 ай бұрын
I also said that in his first side order stream but it might not be a great idea since he wouldn't get any prlz for losing so he would have to win around every 3 round which is unrealistic after watching this video or the streams(not sure how many runs he lost in this video but pretty sure it's over 3) I'm using it mostly as a motivator to try harder(definitely hurts more then it helps with 0 hacks) it's pretty good if you use hacks though since you atleast get a 10% increase and you could also use a couple hacks to make your runs easy enough and still get a higher boost highly varies by skill level though(I still get around 2-2.5x with my comfy hacks)
@Senan_is_cool24 9 ай бұрын
Luna was the most fun to play for me I don't know why because I've played a blaster like 3 times
@dountwrap 9 ай бұрын
@Rilakkuma_bear 9 ай бұрын
I was able to reach the 30th floor with almost half of the weapons you earn. I'm currently working on shivers palette.
@animegirlsfan02 9 ай бұрын
I died 6 times, lol. I never gave up, and I keep trying. I got up to 30 floor. I was doing well, then the boss splat me on last where he used laser thing.
@cadenkat 9 ай бұрын
this is kind of a spoiler but the last palette makes it so if you have a lot of hacks enabled the amount of chips you can get in a run is decreased. the minimum is 6 i believe, and it got me thinking. would it technically be possible to do a no hacks no chips no vending run? the hacks you would need to enable would have to be ones that are related to the vending machine/pearl chip unlocks or serve no true game play advantage like seeing the F10 and F20 bosses ahead of time. to actually achieve "no chips" you would have to get pearl drone charge chips without unlocking any pearl drone abilities. if you were able to get things like "drone splat gauge" and "drone paint gauge" enough times you would effectively be stuck with the base version of your weapon. to me this would probably be the penultimate run that you could theoretically do because you are not able to make up for the things you lack without hacks with chips, and while it may be difficult to start due to rng you could allow floor resets to get the required chips, but that is theoretically not required. i kinda want to try this myself but im trying to 1000% the game rn so im more focused on that. if anyone knows of a way to make this harder please feel free to share
@boonduckgod1655 9 ай бұрын
12:32 yes because he’s new
@infinityheart_tm9270 9 ай бұрын
So I’m just gonna guess Pearl Drone Glide was out of the equation for the challenge because if it wasn’t… oh boy do I have news for you.
@Lolilola23 9 ай бұрын
@tripledyou9580 9 ай бұрын
I still think it’s super lame that the other pearl abilities are locked behind hacks. It’s just locking out options that should realistically be there by default.
@_Amorii 9 ай бұрын
I did 2 no hack runs took a while to complete but now im getting all color badges
@BeeLy1011 9 ай бұрын
Wait how did you not see the Ball boss' rolling attack until then, that's like its main attack 🤨
@NDeRam-rv8ml 9 ай бұрын
name of background music at 6:46 ?
@elnic_kai 9 ай бұрын
dude explains: self imposed difficulty scaling
@Zkiller8740 9 ай бұрын
have u tried using the octo shot yet? 6 chip slots is an issue (still did it HA). Anyway's its not hard if you played other rouguelikes/rougelites and slap it on to this. Looks like Risk of rain payed off
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