Hello, Is there any way to check data source for a table Like i need to check from where a table getting data
@hasanmougharbel80302 жыл бұрын
Hey there, god bless your efforts. Glad to meet again with a general enquiry. Is "where" and "having" clauses similarly applied in sql? Thanks for taking care of this.
@hasanmougharbel80302 жыл бұрын
Glad to meet again.. As a new sql learner i hold a simple enquiry. SQL Server 10.50.4000 How these numbers (10.50.4000) reveal anything about the version of sql server? Thanks a lot
@analytics4all3272 жыл бұрын
That is the version number of your sql server core. You can run this query ( select @@version ) to get a more detailed break out of your sql server version (including year, etc.) Also, if you are using Management Studio, you can go to Help>About to get version information on the other components you have installed.