The debt part is for the standing charge. When you're using emergency credit, it doesn't take the daily standing charge. So when you top up it replaces the emergency credit and the outstanding standing charge which shows as debt.
@John.Spandli Жыл бұрын
When I put in £40 when not in emergency it takes £28. Explain that to me. I had a letter from SSE saying the noticed the mistake and gave me £35 for the trouble. But it was never fixed. Engineer came out and reset it but it made no difference. He put £10 emergency on it. When it got to 20p I called to get a top up as my card no longer worked and I was waiting for a smart meter. They said no! I still have service and to call back when it goes off. This was 30mins before they close. I said the 20p will certainly go before engineer arrives. They said ok...but engineer will be TOLD to drive away even if there is 1p left as you still have service. I agreed but they hung up on me coz I was letting them know how petty they are. Of course gas went off and I couldn't get through. So I spent all night in -3 temp with no heating. Called the next day and they sent someone and put £10 on it. Smart meter guy came and he couldn't fit in due to lack of signal between two boxes. So I'm still stuck with this meter and it ran out again and I had no card. They said I can pick one up at the store. They called multiple stores and none had cards. So they sent out ANOTHER engineer. They also said they'll change my meter within 28 days. 40 days have passed and I heard nothing. Still putting in £40 and getting £12. I call and they say there is nothing on my file that says I'm having my meter replaced!!! So I ask them to do it. Then ask for a supervisor. They said one will call me with 48 hrs. That was a week ago. I also haven't got a penny of my £67 monthly discount. The way I've been treated is disgusting.
@Monahmed2086 Жыл бұрын
Worst thing to have in a property. Pre payment meters have more expensive tariff rates compared to a normal meter.
@John.Spandli Жыл бұрын
This is just a video made to show SSE the meter is taking debt that it shouldn't be. They've been robbing for months and don't do anything.
@nik-gb1758 Жыл бұрын
@judgedurham2009 Жыл бұрын
Take that pic off your profile you are a embarrassment to the city. UTV