I am a fan of both the Jo and the Bo. For now, I'm just using a broomstick until I can save up for a proper staff. Nonetheless, the practice is great, and I'm getting better and better! Thanks again, Matt, for all the great videos and insights. I look forward to meeting you in future online lessons. Keep up the good work, sir. Greetings from South Africa!
@MarshOakDojoTimPruittАй бұрын
thanks Matt
@AlitaAvengerАй бұрын
Thank you for another great lesson! I also like all staffs (do not have Bo staff yet due to low ceilings). My Jo is made from pine wood, because buying oak with a good diameter is not that easy where I live. I have a great Hanbo made out of oak though, 3cm diameter, very close to the American 1 inch and a quarter. Have a good rest of the day 🙏
@joeburnham636Ай бұрын
I like the Jo Staff. I went to Lowes and got a oak 3ft dowel to use until I got a better one. But I want the kali sticks too from your site eventually. I got a 3ft dowel and cut it in half to use temporarily for Kali sticks.
@joeburnham636Ай бұрын
I keep a big hardwood staff from the woods by my door though-- it still has the bark on it. :)