I love that the original stalker had multiple endings, and the "true" ending required you to do a non-mandatory side-quest that you could miss if you weren't paying attention.
@JendaCZE14 сағат бұрын
Is it the same for Heart of Chornobyl?
@Kebab1364 сағат бұрын
@@JendaCZE Yesn't. In HoC it's more like the multiple fake endings of SoC , but not. It all depends of your choices. You have a couple of important choices throughout the game and they will define your endgame and ending. The first one would be [PLOT SPOILER?] whether you give the Ward Sensors to Richter or to Zotov. If you give them to Zotov you're locking yourself from... certain endings... and vice versa. Not gona delve on which endings as not to spoiler anything from now on. And so on, there's three or four more major important choices that will define the ending. In Shadow of chernobyl the fake endings depended on arbitral rules, and the points of these rules were: 1.Do you have more or less than 50 000 Ru at the end of the game/ 2.Is your reputation Terrible, Excellent, or in between? 3. Are both Duty and Freedom leaders alive or dead? And there was a mix of rulesets including these points. 1. If you had more than 50 000 Ru at, you get "I want to be rich". It's the most common ending as getting 50k is easy and you always get this one if you do have 50k. All remaining endings require less than 50k Ru. 2. If your rep was Excellent and both faction leaders are alive, you get "I want the zone to disappear." 3. If you kill both Duty and Freedom leaders, you get "I want to rule the world" 4. If you have a Terrible rep, and both leaders are alive, you get "Humanity is corrupt and must be controlled" 5. If you don't meet any other criteria (so have less than 50 000 Ru, Rep in between of Terrible and Excellend, and at least one leader is alive), you get "I want to be immortal" In short, endings in SoC were 6+2 where 6 were condition based and 2 required do do some sidetrack and dig deeper, while endings in HoC are 4 and they all depend on your choices throughout the game [Spoiler free?](side with Ward/Spark, side with Homies/Gentlemen, side with TheGuy/TheDude, kill/spare TheFella).