Slowly helps whenh letters 🔠🔠🔠🔠 light 🕯️ up ,! Makes it easy to follow!!
@teedtad25349 ай бұрын
Wonderful tutorials ! Enjoyed!!! 😊😊😊😊
@teedtad25343 жыл бұрын
Good lesson! Slow and easy for a beginner! Great! Enjoyed! ,🌀🔥🌀🔥🔥🔥❤️
@hayleebear9574 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much this is one of my favorite songs
@eddted28763 жыл бұрын
Love this channel site ❤️ 😍 cause SLOW and EASY to follow!!.
@eddted28763 жыл бұрын
Teacher , this dummy is happy to be your student ! I will master this song because it is SLOW and EASY to follow! Enjoyed ! Do more pop famous songs! Please do impossible Dream by Tom Jones! His best KARAOKE version is on KZbin piano style! ! Wow! Your letters are there to see on the piano too while keynotes light up! So EASY to follow!!
@21058004 жыл бұрын
It's amazing!!!
@PianoTutorialEasy4 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@boozle41632 жыл бұрын
Hi just started to try learn piano. I have a silly question I know but I’m 100% newbie - so how do yo know what cdefgba are u suppose to use during a song ? Is there some Kind of symbol that tells you ? I know middle c fyi. but how do I know I’m not suppose to use the E all the way to the left or is it the one down the right ? Lol follow me. Thx for any help.
@coconutwr82104 жыл бұрын
Bro Could you please make a tutorial for Summertime Cinnamons... I know that Summertime Cinnamons are hard but please make it🥺
@MC-vr4xi4 жыл бұрын
There used to be another easy piano rendition of this song on youtube but now I can't find it. It was a similar type of video, except the shot of the keyboard was from further away and the the rendition did not have as many sharps and flats as this one. I've been trying to find it for hours now, so i'm wondering if maybe that particular channel was taken down? If anyone has an idea about what channel i'm referring to, please let me know!! thanks!
@Princess_justice1284 жыл бұрын
The channel that I think yr talking about is called Piano Midi Tutorials 😁😁Hope this helps.
@kudlkraut42764 жыл бұрын
Could you make a tutorial of Emerald Eyes by Anson Seabra? :)
@isii21384 жыл бұрын
Hello, please play "La valse d'amélie Yann tiersen" in slow advanced please, thanks you 🙏🏻
@crystelroque31744 жыл бұрын
Recommend a piano or keyboard for beginners pls
@Pyrolyz4 жыл бұрын
Get keyboard
@nickhuman54234 жыл бұрын
if you want to hear the song normal speed just speed the playback to 1.75.
@agakubicka23504 жыл бұрын
Meeeega!!!!! A nie masz moze nit do tego żeby ćwiczyć , bądź jakiegoś zapisu akordowego?
@agakubicka23504 жыл бұрын
Ojh sorry ... i wrote the comment in my language ... i asked if you don’t have any written chords? 😀🎊
@LucidVisionn4 жыл бұрын
@samcooper75564 жыл бұрын
So hard 😪😪
@samcooper75564 жыл бұрын
I just don't get it it's so hard for children
@samcooper75564 жыл бұрын
Love it
@Pyrolyz4 жыл бұрын
I’m only 12 it’s very easy if you try to learn the first 10 seconds then 20 then 30 then learn a minute and keep going up 2 weeks ago I didn’t get it now I can play it with my eyes closed basically
@rodanteilagan463 жыл бұрын
Does anyone have any tips on how to correlate both the baseline and the Other part together because this is hard