Stanley Phillip Lord Captain of the SS Californian

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Merseyside Films

Merseyside Films

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Stanley Phillip Lord (13 September 1877 - 24 January 1962) was captain of the SS Californian, the nearest ship to the Titanic on the night it sank on 15 April 1912, and, depending on which sources are believed, likely the only ship to see the Titanic, or at least its rockets, during the sinking.

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@mikederp9612 Жыл бұрын
All he had to do was wake up the radio operator at first discovery of a ship in the distance shooting rockets and such to just see whats going on. It was negligence. They even admit it was acting weird so maybe you should check it out.
@Tom-lr4os 4 ай бұрын
That's the main thing for me, fine to have been seeing stars and whatever because it's a trick of the light, but yeah when there's a bit of confusion and uncertainty then does it hurt to wake the guy up and see if he can hear a shit ton of SOS'?
@hoytivontotiy 2 жыл бұрын
So Californian sees a ship firing rockets (like Titanic did) and tilting in the water (like Titanic did), .... If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck
@manticore4952 Жыл бұрын
According to testimony the officer on watch saw rockets and lights consistent with an ocean liner. When the Captain got on the bridge most of the lights were out and he said he saw lights consistent with a smaller vessel. He believed the rockets to be company signals, back in Titanic's day ships would sometimes fire rockets like the way truckers will beep their horn to passing truckers. Each company used different colours, white might be for White Star Line. After Titanic the rules were changed so rockets were only to be fired in distress.
@Injectedracing Жыл бұрын
They thought he was 15 miles away and he was more like 30 miles away. How well could you see from 30 miles?
@vinniemoran7362 Жыл бұрын
Not that simple. The Smithsonian Channel has a doc that provides the most viable theory. There was a cold air mirage that night. A number of survivors spoke of a drastic drop in temperature in the space of one hour, before the iceberg struck. This caused layers of air of different temperatures creating a mirage. Its the reason why the lookouts didn't see the iceberg until it came very close. It's also why Capt. Lord saw a ship much smaller in size than it really was. In his interrogations he insisted he saw a steamer that night, not the Titanic. An optical illusion. Captains of other ships passing these waters at that time wrote "Much refraction" in their log books. Seamen in Newfoundland are very familiar with this phenomenon, where some days a large iceberg or ship looks small and small one looks large.
@ExothermicRxn Жыл бұрын
@@manticore4952 Captain Lord did not go to the bridge until the morning, around 4am. However, he had asked the officers on watch to inform of any changes to the ship they saw off in the distance and to continue to Morse them. When he was informed by one of the officers on watch that he saw rockets, Lord asked what the rockets were like and the officer on watch asserted that they were white rockets, not discharged at distress signal frequency (1 rocket every minute or so according to international regulations at the time), and that they hadn’t gotten a response to their Morse signals. There was nothing to indicate to Lord, who was resting after a 17 hour shift while still keeping an eye out for updates, that the ship they saw was in distress. It was only later, that one of the officers on that watch (iirc it was the 4th officer) claimed to have seen the ship listing and that he thought it could’ve been in distress. Records from the other officers did not corroborate this, but the inquiry still chose to go with it so they could blame Lord.
@royfr8136 Жыл бұрын
100% I agree. Thsi 'documentary' does not hold water.
@KebabMusicLtd Жыл бұрын
I don't believe people are simply dumping their prejudice on Captain Lord. The simple fact remains that RMS Titanic fired 8 rocks and the SS Californian reported seeing 8 rockets. The fact that RMS Titanic's wreck might be further east than had originally been recorded is not relevant. It is possible SS Californian would also have been further east than she claimed. The one ledger that could have solved this question was the SS Californian's scrap log-book and if Lord was telling the truth, he would have known that this one book would have vindicated everything he claimed. Yet when they asked for it during the British Enquiry, Lord stated that it had been lost. That fact, sadly, throws into question every other comment that Lord made. 'She looks queer out of the water' 'A ship isn't going to fire rockets at night for no reason' These were the words of Lords own crew. It wasn't just the Britsih Inquiry that questioned Lords actions that night, but the American one too. I do feel sorry for Lord. I feel that events overtook him before he fully appreciated the imprortance of the information that was being passed to him. RMS Titanic herself wasted the first hour after the collision trying to work out how bad the ship was damaged. It took even more time to convince the well-to-do passengers to get into the lifeboats and even later before she even considered sending up rockets. It is very unlikely SS Californian could have reached her in time to prevent the tragedy that we all know about. Had she tried however, I feel that history would have been kinder to her and Captain Lords' efforts.
@bigwoody4704 3 ай бұрын
yes the fired rockets to see there was not as a distress signal as there was no moon just stars..And the closest ship was the Temple Mount a Canadian vessel. Capt Smith blindly set his course and went to bed. When other ships in the area cast anchor waiting for light of morning to navigate.When the titanic was found in '85 it proved the theory that it had sent out a wrong coordinence/location. PBS did a wonderful segment on this the closest ships had their wireless turned off and they were anchored until daybreak
@Alex-cw3rz 2 ай бұрын
He never said the scrap log was lost it was standard company practice to destroy them.
@bigwoody4704 3 ай бұрын
PBS series - Secrets of the Dead,Abandoning the Titanic Season 18, Episode 5-they conclude properly the the captain and crew of the Titanic are to blame. Other ships in the area had their wireless shut off for the night and waiting for daylight - the was that much ice.Even if they knew they couldn't get there except thru the ice that had just punched holes in the largest ship afloat.The Ships owners said under no circumstances were they to risk going thru ice flows at night
The Ships owners said under no circumstances were they to risk going thru ice flows at night. Well, Captain Arthur Henry Rostron certainly disobeyed that order if the owner of the Carpathia actually told him that. He didn’t really think that the Titanic would really sink, but he still knew that the Titanic’s people really needed his help so he took great risks dashing through the dangerous iceberg fields during that moonless night to reach them as quickly as possible.
@shiningbluenebula 4 ай бұрын
Problem one the Titanic sent out a distress signal at 12:15 AM thirty five minutes after hitting the iceberg which wasted valuable time. Problem two the location where Titanic was sinking was wrong by 13.2 miles which means that the Californian would have been going to the wrong location while attempting to navigate through a vast icefield and risk crashing into an iceberg. Problem three there was a fire in the forward coal bunker where Titanic hit the iceberg making the Titanic not fit to be put in service as the crew was told not to tell the British Board Of Trades about the fire because Titanic would not have been put in service. And the biggest culprits in this tragedy is the British Board Of Trades investigating a tragedy that they caused for having outdated safety precautions which includes not having enough life boats aboard ships equivalent the maximum passenger and crew capacity of all vessels. And why was the Titanic speeding in a region of the North Atlantic Ocean known for Icebergs fogs and visual distortions? Why did the Titanic ignore an ice warning that would have prevented a collission? Captain Smith had previously crashed the Olympic and he should have been retired not given command of the Titanic. Stanley Lord had to stop his ship the night of April 14th at the edge of a vast icefield after almost crashing into an iceberg all of the previous factors mentioned establishes reasonable doubt about guilt. Stanley Lord was made a scapegoat for the incompetence of others may he rest in peace.
@andybb 4 ай бұрын
Very true and the rivets had problems as well
@heartSLB Жыл бұрын
They could see the titanic from their station. The lookouts and first office could see the light of the ship, they could see that the ship they were seeing had a heavy list to port. They could see it all, so that means they’re close enough to reach the ship at least 1h after impact and save many many people. They simply did nothing and for that they will be forever at fault.
@Firemarioflower 7 ай бұрын
I don't know. There were other ships between them. The Mount Temple, who was closer and made contact with Titanic, but cowered away, as well as the Samson, a small seal hunter that didn't want someone to see them do this illegal activity
@joshuakruty6967 Жыл бұрын
Everyone forgets the cold water mirage effect. His position was correct and was only able to see titanic over the horizon because of this effect. Same with the carpathia seeing the green flares. It's awful to think he was being lazy and unwilling to risk his ship.
@jdgarcia2004 Жыл бұрын
So the closest ship was the one to not go help. Carpathia 50 miles away arrived. Incompetence by Stanley Lord.
Yeah, Arthur Henry Rostron was a brave, caring, selfless, loving gentleman whereas Stanley Phillip Lord wasn’t a very nice captain and just didn’t want to start up the ship again and resume navigating the dense iceberg fields while it was still dark.
@Firemarioflower 7 ай бұрын
Actually, there is a lot of mystery and misunderstanding in this story. It was not the Californian, but the Mount Temple that was closest. Senan Malony had digged up more evidence it was this ship, that had cowered away from helping Titanic', while Californian's position was misplaced by the Inquiry and she was further northwest, 20 miles away.
@dave5857 6 ай бұрын
Please. The Californian crew saw multiple rockets fired, just as Titanic had. They saw the ship behaving abnormally, in accordance with how Titanic (or any ship in distress) had. Lord changed his story on multiple occasions. The absolute best case scenario for Lord is that he saw multiple white rockets (whether from Titanic or otherwise) and thought it not worthy of even waking someone to check the radio. He was, at best, grossly negligent. He deserves to be remembered as he is. A bully and a coward.
@@Firemarioflower The Mount Temple was closer to the Titanic than the Carpathia, but definitely not as close as the Californian and the Mount Temple actually tried to dash to the Titanic’s rescue, but unfortunately, she got lost doing so. People at the inquiry predicted that the Californian was about 20 miles away based on the coordinates the Titanic had sent out when she was sinking, but Bob Ballard had proved that those coordinates were to the wrong location and that the Titanic was really no more than 10 miles away from the Californian when he discovered the wreck of the Titanic on September 1, 1985.
@johnkeester3739 Жыл бұрын
Look if you can plainly see a ship in the middle of the night it can’t be very far off just a few miles they should have taken Mr. Lord back to the exact site of the sinking and around 2 am thrown him overboard
@defcon2544 Жыл бұрын
They saw the rockets, during the same time that the Titanic was firing them. They were close enough to see the ship, and did nothing.
@robbiekeen5028 2 жыл бұрын
I did a colourisation of Stanley Lord as he is buried in Wallasey cemetry, close to me. I read up a little on the story and I just cannot believe an experienced seafarer like him just left titanic to its fate. He seemed to be unfairly portrayed in the film 'a night to remember' too as he wasn't woken wearing his pyjamas, he was asleep in his cabin in uniform. Not only did he go to his grave without clearing his name, but his son too. Very sad.
@mkphotofilm 5 ай бұрын
he wasn't even sleeping in his cabin, he was n the map room. Even less glamourous.
@peterjones4621 4 ай бұрын
Oh I see, the negligent captain that got a good night's sleep while HUNDREDS FROZE TO DEATH IN ICE COLD WATER was totally right in doing nothing. BALONEY. All Captain Lord needed to do was awaken the radio operator from his warm cozy bed for FIVE MINUTES and ask the ship in the distance if they were in distress, INSTEAD HE DID NOTHING.
@WoodyAllenManiac Жыл бұрын
Lord was rightfully vilified. He was a bad man who deserved a great deal of blame for the loss of Titanic. He had blood on his hands.
@_MT_1 Жыл бұрын
I think it is not his fault. This is because when the titanic was first set onto the ocean, som1 forgot to put red flare which was supposed to show help. When the titanic was falling, Lord felt something bad, he saw white flare go up, but it wasn't red so he thought they were having a party, also the flare was shot every 15 min. Usually a red flare should be put every 1 min. Lord woke a crewmate which knew how to signal to other ships and after finding out abt the sinking. He with all speed rushed to the titanic sinking place. Keep in fact there ship was very far away. This shows that Lord was an innocent man and that it was unfair for him to get all the lies on him.
@EuniceM-cx1xe Жыл бұрын
Californian warned titanic about the ice berg but the operator in titanic just told them to shut up. It's not their fault
@WoodyAllenManiac Жыл бұрын
@@_MT_1 it’s not all his fault, but he stopped his ship in an ice field, refused to move it through the night, refused to wake up his wireless operator when he saw another ship’s signals, and refused to acknowledge that the Titanic was a tragedy for the rest of his life.
@_MT_1 Жыл бұрын
@@WoodyAllenManiac but it was. Ice field no captain would willingly sail through that. Plus he didn't know if the Titanic was in danger he saw white flare which didn't show distress (which is a red flare) so he didn't understand. He tried to communicate, but the person from the Titanic told him to shut up. I don't think it is his fault as he didn't know what was going on
@HinckleyBranchRailfan Жыл бұрын
@@WoodyAllenManiache didn’t see the Rockets. Only his officers did, and they reported it through the speaking tube.
@norobbery 10 ай бұрын
If you see a boat out at sea apparently listing and firing off rockets, wouldn't that peak your curiosity? The investigator here is talking out of both sides of his face. On one hand, he says Lord basically did nothing wrong and was unfairly treated. Then he says Lord could have gone to the rescue, but he doesn't think it would have made much difference. If that be the case, then, on the other hand, it could have made a difference. Any way you cut it, Lord chose inaction over action when there were obvious signs pointing to possible distress. After all, there was ice around and perhaps this other ship had hit something and was in trouble. You never know. Why take the chance of doing nothing? A good sea captain would, at the very least, investigate.
@reptreptilian 3 ай бұрын
I've always believed the Titanic could easily have passed the Iceberg and had better visibility than people make it out to be. Even a top speed the turning circle was enormous making the ship's ability to turn quickly and widely an easy task. Nobody seems to ask - why - did the Titanic hit an Iceberg? I have heard very bad answers that doesn't much water. As for Lord, some of his answers in the American inquiry was strange. Some contradictions and deceptive language was used especially around the subject of him leaving the bridge to go to his quarters to rest, etc.
@krist6074 5 ай бұрын
It was Captain Smith who, with all his experience, just went reckless into an ice field. HE is the one to blame, nobody else! You can't blame bystanders for someone wrecking his car into a tree driving 120mph. Same thing right here! RIP to all the victims!
@peterjones4621 4 ай бұрын
WRONG. Captain Smith was following orders. Captain Lord was horribly negligent in not responding to the multitude of distress rockets sent up by the Titanic desperately asking for help from the Californian. Had Captain Lord JUST had the wireless get out of his warm cozy bed for 5 minutes and asked the Titanic if then needed help then FIFTEEN HUNDRED innocent lives could have been saved. Captain Lord should have been charged with negligent manslaughter with EVERY LIFE LOST on the Titanic. Captain Lord was FIRED in August of 1912 due to his extreme NEGLIGENCE and was viewed for the rest of his life as a buffoon and responsible for the huge loss of life on the Titanic. Captain Lord should have spend the rest of his life in prison for his criminal negligence.
@Tom-lr4os 4 ай бұрын
No but you can blame the person standing by while someone's beeping the car horn because they're trapped inside and need help
@bigwoody4704 3 ай бұрын
@@Tom-lr4os no ,there was an ICE field in front of them and the ship was the Mount Temple not the California.Poor captain LORD got blamed until his dying day he was exonerated postumously.When the titanic was found in '85 it proved the theory that it had sent out a wrong coordinence/location. PBS did a wonderful segment on this the closest ships had their wireless turned off and they were anchored until daybreak .
@Tom-lr4os 3 ай бұрын
@@bigwoody4704 and yet, the Carpathia made it to the survivors
@bigwoody4704 3 ай бұрын
@@Tom-lr4os coming from another direction and the closet ship was the Mount Temple not the California
@laurieanne3763 Жыл бұрын
Not to mention he was captain of a very slow boat with a small crew
@andybb Жыл бұрын
Very true
@ExothermicRxn Жыл бұрын
Yep, the 1992 reappraisal of the British Inquiry (while still failing to assess all available evidence) did conclude that even if Lord had woken up his wireless operator at the first instance of his officers’ report of sighting the rocket, they would have never reached the Titanic in time. And let’s say that for whatever reason he had decided to head to the Titanic without waking his wireless operator (maybe reducing the time by about 30 minutes) and did not encounter any difficulty on the way, he still would have only managed to reach her just as she was going under. The Californian had 6 lifeboats (iirc) and a crew of 48. How exactly would they have saved more people when the vast majority of those who ended up in the freezing water died within 15-20 minutes? There was absolutely no way that he could have readied his entire crew (most of whom did not have training in operating the lifeboats because why would an engineer or an oiler have that training?) to row over to the wreck in time to save those people. Now if there had been enough lifeboats onboard the Titanic, if Captain Smith had ordered them to be readied and operated as soon as it became clear that they were going to sink, if Smith had not cancelled the lifeboat drill, if the crew had been trained well enough to conduct the lifeboat evacuation in a quick and efficient manner, then there would’ve been more people for the Californian to save once they actually made it over. In the absence of that, it’s nonsensical to blame Lord, but of course why would the Board of Trade hold themselves accountable.
@rezortaliz1170 Жыл бұрын
Its not about if they arrived on time or couldve saved more lives Its the fact that he didnt do anything or even tried to at all
@mrmikeriley Жыл бұрын
​@@rezortaliz1170That makes absolutely no sense, he would have put his own ship and crew at risk trying to traverse the same minefield of icebergs the Titanic went through for what ultimately wouldn't have changed a single thing.. if you don't blame Titanics crew and the Board of Sea trade first and only you are a complete fool, simple as that.
@chillpengeru Жыл бұрын
​@@ExothermicRxnso did Lord know that he couldn't have saved them and that's why he didn't bother to take any action whatsoever?
@Dragonsketcher1996 Жыл бұрын
2:46 except it wasn’t an assumption? Both ships were found not to be exactly where they said they were at the time of the sinking, but corroborated evidence from both ships was found to be nearly identical, plus the fact that the Californian’s log book had very clearly been doctored not to mention this ship at all, let alone that it was firing rockets.
@ExothermicRxn Жыл бұрын
This isn’t based in evidence at all. The Californian’s position where they stopped could be corroborated by a couple other ships who had received their wireless message at the time. This was several hours before the Titanic struck the iceberg so it would be nonsensical that they would broadcast a false position in anticipation of needing to have an alibi for committing a very serious crime. Neither the US nor the UK inquiry, btw, bothered to do their due diligence to determine whether there were other ships who could prove or disprove the Californian and Lord’s stated position. Changing a ship’s official log is a very serious crime, and there had been actual evidence for it, Lord would have been penalised.
@theeagle9466 Жыл бұрын
​@@ExothermicRxnexactly but it is human tendency to blame someone after something tragic happens. If there was someone really guilty it was the crew of the titanic who even after repeated warnings of icebergs went on with a full speed on a moonless night but because they were not alive, the US and UK govt wanted someone to shift their blame on, so they made lord the scapegoat.
@Turkiye958 Жыл бұрын
RIP Stanley Lord ❤
@titianakincade-wz4qn Жыл бұрын
Common sense if you see someone firing rockets 🚀 at sea 🌊 the ship is in destress
@vladicopter Жыл бұрын
This is disturbing 😮 example of Complacency
@jimmye15 4 ай бұрын
All this video, and the experts within, conclude is that the Titanics ship wasnt where it said she was. But that changes nothing to the fact that Lord and the Californian did nothing anyway. They saw rockets, the Titanic sent distress signals, the lights on her looked "queer" according to her crew, meaning that she was listing. It changes nothing, Lord was responsible for his inaction and was rightly villified for it. Had they done something, sailed towards Titanic, but failed to reach her in time then the story would be different. It's also interesting the crew noted Californians scrap log book showing her true position was lost shortly after the next morning. My view is that given the distances invovled and that Californians engine had been shut down for the night, sailing towards her wouldnt have made a difference, but at least every piece of aid that could've come would've. And the Captain and wireless operators on Titanic would've known that those lights on the horizon were coming for her, that help was on the way abd her efforts weren’t in vein. The tragedy is the lights everyone saw (the Californian) were doing nothing, remaining static, indifferent to her distress signals. One might even conclude that if all senior crew knew the lights they were seeing were coming towards them, a more organised evacuation effort may have happened. Imagine, when Smith signals to the half full lifeboats to come back he can caveat it and say the lights to the north are coming for aid, that come what may, help is on the way and can be seen with the naked eye.
@Ayatron34 Жыл бұрын
Criminal negligence of Stanley Lord.
@vinniemoran7362 Жыл бұрын
The negligence was Captain Smith's. First and foremost.
@brynt9835 Жыл бұрын
@@vinniemoran7362how are you both right & wrong at the same time….
@thevox1075 Ай бұрын
I’ve believed this for decades.
@christophercohen8712 Жыл бұрын
Unfairly treated seriously? He was there and didn’t help actually he was 4 miles the he could see her deck light with eye ball ! Why didn’t he wake up his wireless operator and made sure !! The only thing that prove lord’s position the scrapp book vanished !
@chillpengeru Жыл бұрын
What a garbage fluff piece this is, with the emotional music and semantics i.e. "can you IMAGINE the ASSUMPTION." It doesn't matter if Californian could or could not have saved all, or many, or none of the titanics passengers. For all anyone knew, they could have saved them all. The fact is they didn't even try. They saw the titanic completely stopped, they saw it listing, they saw the the flares, they knew about the icebergs, and yet they made no effort to approach and didn't wake their radio operator. All they did was flash a light.
@davidahrens2841 Жыл бұрын
Captain Lord's fault, IMHO, was that he did nothing Or at the most, took very little action. He assumed that all was well Based on the evidence he had at hand And the environment he was in In retrospect, I think he should have done two things: One Woke up his radio operator to signal the Titanic, (Even though they had told his operator to 'shut up,') Just to check Two Start heading, even if slowly, (as the dangerous icebergs were still out there) in the direction of where they thought the Titanic was located. Even if this wouldn't have helped, And in the end, would have made no difference, It would have certainly looked good And Captain Lord's reputation would never have been brought into question
@Tom-lr4os 4 ай бұрын
As far as I'm aware, they told him to shut up because it was loud - they'd had radio problems during the day so had been trying to fix it, and the messages had backed up. So they had a ton of work and they were trying to hear the very faint responses from Cape Race so when the ship basically next to them came over the wireless with the volume of someone right next to you, they told him to shhh so they could hear the messages. Rather than 'ahh shut up, there's no ice' which some people have understood from hearing the 'shut up' quote
@tastycocoa1 Жыл бұрын
It was his fault he chose sleep instead of assisting.
@gambleaway8252 Жыл бұрын
He was beyond unfairly treated
@kohl57 11 ай бұрын
This is excellent. The only real seaman that night was Capt. Stanley Lord. He came upon ice at night on a moonless night and did the prudent thing: he stopped his vessel for the night. He did not steam it at full speed into a repeatedly reported ice field. Nor improperly handle his vessel to avoid a berg that exposed the full flank of the ship to danger. By the way, Leyland Line and White Star Line shared a commonality not often mentioned: they were both owned by the same American combine: IMM.
@andybb 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for the info
@norobbery 9 ай бұрын
Now that would be funny if it weren't so tragic.
He wasn’t entirely a real seaman, Captain Arthur Henry Rostron was. Even though those iceberg fields were extremely dangerous for ships to navigate, the Carpathia went beyond the speed she was built to go at while watching extremely carefully with extra lookouts and successfully dodged every iceberg in their path throughout their mission to rescue the Titanic’s people. Captain Rostron also made very efficient preparations to give the Titanic’s survivors great hospitality and didn’t care one bit about the bitter rivalry between the White Star Line and Cunard Line.
@Firemarioflower 7 ай бұрын
NO! A good seaman would go and help if there's signals of distress, that's the rule and tradition of the sea, an unspoken, unwritten agreement. Californian wasn't the nearest ship, but she could've done more and Lord even ignored Rostron's request of looking for bodies, which he blatently didn't. The Mount Temple however was worse, her captain just followed company policy and didn't go and help Titanic, faking a distance of 50 miles when it was just 5. Both captains are shameless. Rostron was the ultimate hero of this story, he did the right thing and wasted no second, even though it was impossible to reach her in time, but he didn't know how fast Titanic was sinking.
@peterjones4621 4 ай бұрын
Oh I see, the negligent captain that got a good night's sleep while HUNDREDS FROZE TO DEATH IN ICE COLD WATER was totally right in doing nothing. BALONEY. All Captain Lord needed to do was awaken the radio operator from his warm cozy bed for FIVE MINUTES and ask the ship in the distance if they were in distress, INSTEAD HE DID NOTHING.
@christophercohen8712 Жыл бұрын
Come on you trying to cover for lord he new the it’s was titanic he he was no mor then 10 miles away that why he destroyed evidence !!! You know the scrap book
@Turkiye958 Жыл бұрын
We can’t blame this captain 👨‍✈️
@dovetonsturdee7033 Жыл бұрын
Fortunately, Captain Rostron, much further away, showed a little more concern than the 'blameless' Lord.
@peterjones4621 4 ай бұрын
Oh I see, the negligent captain that got a good night's sleep while HUNDREDS FROZE TO DEATH IN ICE COLD WATER was totally right in doing nothing. BALONEY. All Captain Lord needed to do was awaken the radio operator from his warm cozy bed for FIVE MINUTES and ask the ship in the distance if they were in distress, INSTEAD HE DID NOTHING.
@greanfinisher4014 Жыл бұрын
Captain Stanley Lord was as incompetent as they come. I mean, his crew had repeatedly awakened him that night about the white rockets that they had seen being launched from a ship. Sadly, Captain Lord simply chose to ignore it. Well, I should think that any seaman would know that if rockets are fired from a ship, one would have to assume that they would be distress rockets.
@Turkiye958 Жыл бұрын
How can you blame a captain 🧑‍✈️ who’s 20 miles away from another boat ⛴️
@dovetonsturdee7033 Жыл бұрын
Because his officers were worried enough to bring their concerns to his attention, and he chose not to react. He was not responsible for the sinking, of course, but his failure to investigate was remarkable.
@greanfinisher4014 Жыл бұрын
How can we not blame a captain when his own crew had repeatedly informed him that they had seen white rockets being launched from a ship?
He was actually no more than 10 miles away.
@Firemarioflower 7 ай бұрын
What about the captain who was 5 miles away> Boxhall saw her: It was the Mount Temple. Yet, white distress rockets were sighted, by Lord's officers, Californian should at least have attempted to reach out with the wireless.
@peterjones4621 4 ай бұрын
Oh I see, the negligent captain that got a good night's sleep while HUNDREDS FROZE TO DEATH IN ICE COLD WATER was totally right in doing nothing. BALONEY. All Captain Lord needed to do was awaken the radio operator from his warm cozy bed for FIVE MINUTES and ask the ship in the distance if they were in distress, INSTEAD HE DID NOTHING.
@annc6046 Жыл бұрын
He was portrayed very accurately for the cold calculating, sociopath he was.
@vinniemoran7362 Жыл бұрын
He wasn't. He was concerned enough to send the Titanic several ice warnings and then suddenly became a sociopath?
@annc6046 Жыл бұрын
@Vinnie Moran He sent ice warnings but ignored distress signals, knowing most likely the ship collided with the very ice he warned them about, even after he never showed one ounce of sympathy or regret for not being able to respond. YES SOCIOPATH.
@ExothermicRxn Жыл бұрын
What a ridiculous and baseless assertion.
@JoshB2 Жыл бұрын
@@annc6046he didn’t ignore the distress warnings. Regulations in 1912 didn’t require radio communications 24 hours, his crew went to sleep.
@_MT_1 Жыл бұрын
This guy doesn't even know the true story and calls him a sociopath. He sent warning signals to the Titanic but the Titanic crew told them to shut up. Plus they had a slow ship so it would be hard to get to the Titanic on time.
@richardpane7624 4 ай бұрын
@christophercohen8712 Жыл бұрын
Actually!!!!!! When he saw the flares if captain lord could’ve put his ship parallel to titanic and saved everyone!!! he had at least 1& half hour
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