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@sketchtherapy12186 ай бұрын
I love the game but it’s unplayable. It’s also the first time servers are worst after freefly how is that possible ?
@GARfearfak6 ай бұрын
for me, the cargo rework will actually the game more convenient. when im salvaging with the vulture, or bounty privateering with some other ship, i'm looking forward to being able to drop my cargo of at a space station and later bring it all to the market via a cargo ship, rather than having to go to TDD every time my hold is filled
@Blah646 ай бұрын
Just use the landing pads at the nearest station and transfer your cargo to a cargo ship. 'Tis what I do.
@violentmnky6 ай бұрын
@Blah64 Not what he's talking about. He wants to stockpile and take a large load to sell all at once.
@GARfearfak6 ай бұрын
@@Blah64 strange. i cant use tractor beams on the external padds, because armstice zone. is there some trick to it, that im not aware of?
@Blah646 ай бұрын
@violentmnky I pile up multiple loads into my cargo ship, then take my cargo ship to the city to sell all at once. It's exactly what they're talking about.
@Blah646 ай бұрын
@GARfearfak It doesn't let me use my tractor inside the vulture, but outside the vulture & inside my cargo ships it works just fine, so I park my cargo ship with cargo bay open and looking into the cargo bay of the vulture then stand inside my cargo ship and pull the boxes from the vulture into my cargo ship.
@nixie24626 ай бұрын
My brain has decided that the Gala cancellation is all Henry Cavill saying "Why not meet ALL the fans??...why meet only wealthy ones?" and CIG abiding by his legendary (and awesome) nerdiness.
@theophanyy56986 ай бұрын
He is the omega nerd. We do as he commands.
@viscounttudon686 ай бұрын
Hail to the Captain-General
@Velticus6 ай бұрын
The Hazmat suits are for browsing the reddit when awesome things are released
@DaGhostToast6 ай бұрын
The cargo update will be really nice for my vulture. I like to overfill it and fill up the buffer as well. That results in me needing to store it, go to tdd and sell, retrieve it and empty the butter and then store it again. Having to transit back and forth makes it take forever. Now I'll be able to process it all and move it into storage in one go.
@ShadowGirl-6 ай бұрын
There was a time when loot drops in chests were generous and then they took that away... I really feel we need to to back to it being generous again. The drop chances seem astronomically low, which is just unfun, especially given how easy it is to lose things in game, often through no fault of your own. Besides that Im very eager for pledge item buy back in game through the item terminals. I want to look fashionable without as much worry.
@billkranz80356 ай бұрын
The game should be profitable, rewarding and fun.
@-NateTheGreat6 ай бұрын
The new Hazmat suits are for handling the toxicity in Spectrum 😂
@FernandoMartinOrtiz6 ай бұрын
best comment
@themisterwilson16 ай бұрын
No joke, that place is the worst. Not really reflective of the community at large fortunately
@thePrisoner10006 ай бұрын
Many of those people don't even play or haven't played recently but they spend a lot of time hanging out in Spectrum.
@jbirdmax6 ай бұрын
@GrowHealthyGetFit6 ай бұрын
Well played my friend. Well played.. 👏 👏
@AChungusAmongUs6 ай бұрын
Those hazard suits are pretty cool. Would love to see a patchwork armored version for pirates.
@thespacemonkey10006 ай бұрын
A stack all button would be awesome. I have pages and pages of multi tools that would be so much neater when stacked. Also weapon attachments.
@duxenstein6 ай бұрын
I wish they would introduce regular server resets / cleanups until they have the necessary tech to actually be able to run persistent servers. Server performance right now is just terrible.
@keldornify6 ай бұрын
Sometimes when you hollow out a baked potato you can fill it with icecream for an unexpected treat
@BoredGamerUK6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the cooking tips
@gearshiv5 ай бұрын
I'm terrified yet intrigued
@high_prince_of_dragon6 ай бұрын
I'm pretty excited for the personal hangers. It'll make some things easier for gameplay. And for CitizenCon, I will be watching it live on Twitch.
@Glandorray6 ай бұрын
The ability to launch multiple ships from the hangar at once sounds incredible, I'm looking forward to this.
@cmyk_ninja84846 ай бұрын
I found a pembook special helmet in a box that is now in my inventory and stays through wipes. Sadly I haven’t found the matching suit. But it’s clear that CIG is making good on persisting special items that are found in the verse!
@mattp13376 ай бұрын
The gala skip feels like a Squadron 42 internal timetable slip, where they'd hoped to be in a position to announce an imminent Sq42 release, but now it'll be well into 2025. That was always a possibility. But someone could definitely argue there were others reasons, like celebs not being able to make it, or insufficient interest, or perhaps it was of little benefit to justify the effort. But to me it says timetable slip.
@TheWhiteWolves6 ай бұрын
unfortunately the don't look to be sealed undersuits so aren't much use for general running around
@mcdiscret96326 ай бұрын
Really hope the new cargo patches fixes a lot of inventory bugs (seems like those would go hand in hand). Can't seem to mine in a rock for long before I encounter one or another. Also....tractor turrsnts in a lot of the ships don't work; hope that gets fixed as well
@BazureSkyslash6 ай бұрын
It kind of bothers me that the hazmat suits don't seem to have working headlamps despite the pictures showing them using them. Haven't gotten in game and tried it myself, but saw a review video that tried to turn on the lamp and nothing happened.
@gearshiv5 ай бұрын
Hopefully it will be functional once fully implemented or everyone
@MarkWolford-on6us6 ай бұрын
A stack all button will make a world of difference in the inventory. I believe it will even make it easier to sell a large quantity items all at once.
@CosmicTurtle136 ай бұрын
Been asking for a stack all button for years, nice to see they finally addressed someone asking for it.
@marteronde6 ай бұрын
had a so n so time, mostly the flying in general that has been the issue like i really enjoy the radiant events where you can suddenly find yourself "stuck" in-between a firefight between 2 groups of npc, that is really neat wish it happened more often when i am not salvaging but you know, it is what it is
@AnimusArcus6 ай бұрын
I would love it if they gave some more info on the player owned hangers and upgrade options still a question that lots are asking but no answers yet. Especially about the multi ship hangers that existed would love those back.
@Relinquolamia6 ай бұрын
Those hazmat suits look great! would be great if they allowed choice of of colour though. The hazard one being all black with the yellow warning sign would be chefs kiss.
@Vitnir6 ай бұрын
I want my poor gladiator to receive some love ❤ I love this ship so much but it I rarely use it because it’s not worth it doing anything with it. Though I keep it in my hangar and hope for the best
@Deathjester016 ай бұрын
I managed two days of fleet week before getting stuck in a 30009 error. Have to wait on the next patch for fix, nothing else has worked. :(
@ap1evideogame446 ай бұрын
I also only managed 2 days of fleet week before getting a 30009 error! I am doing the same. :(
@esteybarra6 ай бұрын
The hazmat suit is clearly to protect us from the rainbow dread zombies this month. And the Eclipse and Gladiator to take the fight to them.
@SpaceDad426 ай бұрын
I’d rather a new curb stomp animation for the rainbow warriors.
@Xzor6 ай бұрын
The new XT event was a lot of fun. I did it a few times... but performance degraded each time it ran on the server. They're going to push a new update today on PTU.. hopefully it's better. No word on 23.2 so far.
@elaalll-i1v6 ай бұрын
I'm more excited by "stack all button" than all the i strange?
@hephaestion126 ай бұрын
I wonder if the reason they hesitate over stack all buttons is because inventory management is supposed to be part of the game. I feel like once cargo changes, items will only really need stacking in boxes i guess? If the inventory was easier to sort and seach stacks wouldn't matter so much
@toroka6 ай бұрын
Look forward to hearing about the concept ships! Be they new ones, or current concepts :)
@AnnoRake6 ай бұрын
Excited for the hangar/cargo update! Really enjoy cargo, mining, and salvage - industrial-type gameplay - this one seems huge!
@cadorl6 ай бұрын
I was paying attention until I saw the birds in your B roll. They flap backwards. As a person of science, I found this impossible to ignore. none of anything else mattered other than "Why would they animate them with backwards flapping wings! Its all I can think about now.
@cdkraft6 ай бұрын
Bring player based economy and player crafting and I will be a regular player. Meantime I will sit on the side polishing my space marshal badge.
@AndreasMadsen6 ай бұрын
I can't wait for the cargo update! For someone who really only play the game alone and to find a bit of solitude, this is going to be awesome! Private hangars and stuff to do to keep my head busy (suffering from ptsd and depression) is going to be a game changer for me. Really looking forward to this one!
@AzraelAOD60436 ай бұрын
I will spend 5 hours a day decorating my persistent hangar when that drops. so excited
@SpaceDad426 ай бұрын
Be prepared to buy your furniture with real cash.
@wakelogger83576 ай бұрын
@@SpaceDad42 hope not haha
@lineus886 ай бұрын
The new hazmat suit in Star Citizen is a game-changer! Not only does it protect you from space germs and spills, but it also makes you look like the coolest intergalactic explorer.
@El-Gordo6 ай бұрын
How was "stack all" not just something they added from the beginning. Im here welcoming a total wipe because my inventory is trashed.
@Teafa5416 ай бұрын
I'm quite disappointed with the cancelation of the gala! I was looking forward to the tour portion. I really wanted a look inside CIG. Oh well!
@blackhatkid076 ай бұрын
Cargo can't possibly arrive soon enough! Not just the cargo but also ending the duper bugs and allowing tractor beams in our hangers again would be great!
@YooTuberian6 ай бұрын
The Freelancers would be awesome ships, if only they had the Prospector windscreen. 😀👍
@davebiscuits6 ай бұрын
Do we know if SCU storage containers will be more permanent when storing ships with the cargo update? Right now using them seems super cumbersome when trying to sell loot items.
@UltraVBluerayman6 ай бұрын
really looking forward to the hangers and the new cargo. I've not done much cargo running but I'm gonna give it a try.
@DieuNightsman6 ай бұрын
The Hamat suits look amazing, it's a shame they didn't make them actual space suits.
@TheShyoto6 ай бұрын
I'm just excited to be able to store the odd single boxes of RMC that I don't manage to sell somewhere other than in the Vulture that brought it.
@staceybertran526 ай бұрын
Always a great listen. Thanks for all your hard work on these updates.
@Schmeeda-wt9wm6 ай бұрын
Wonder if the toxic hazmat suit will actually work in Pyro to prevent radiation, would actually be useful then lol. Here's hoping its not just cosmetic.
@First_Chapter6 ай бұрын
The Gala suggested CIG was going to announce Squadron 42; the cancellation suggests such an announcement is off the menu.
@Cryost886 ай бұрын
Ive been having issues with the crash recovery pretty bad. if Im doing anything when it happens other then standing still I will have fallen through my ship or ground.
@MarcusKincaid_6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the update!
@BoredGamerUK6 ай бұрын
Any time!
@cyron24736 ай бұрын
Thank you for always keeping us updated 😊
@VladMcCain6 ай бұрын
Some of the cargo bit... Not most of it, but hopefully the cargo lift lets me allow to keep my boxes.
@darkbro1116 ай бұрын
Really hoping that the concept ship chat confirms details around the ironclad assault. Whether or not I keep the pledge on mine is based around whether or not the top opens.
@LastPlaceHero6 ай бұрын
It's a safe bet it won't. It doesn't specifically mention it, like it does with the base variant. They are normally pretty deliberate with their wording. Also gives the cargo variant some level of uniqueness also.
@darkbro1116 ай бұрын
@@LastPlaceHero yeah I know there's a good chance it doesn't, and if that's the case I'll either swap for the cargo variant or go back to the liberator I came from.
@deeked7006 ай бұрын
To be fair, considering the difference in purpose it'd make sense for the top to not open. Base version is a cargo hauler so that opening top is to facilitate easier EVA cargo loading and unloading. Assault is meant as a vehicle transport and repair dropship so the top being able to open kinda loses it's purpose, and to be fair, if the Assault opened like that hardly anyone would get the standard version, the loss of a bit of cargo space for extra guns and vehicle repair functionality would be a no brainer for almost everyone
@marinosbitter6 ай бұрын
Cargo elevators, but I do hope that we'll get an option to enlarge our hangars as we procure larger ships. Being stuck at an xs hangar from your aurora while you've bought an constellation would suck
@Tynrova6 ай бұрын
They let you use a public hangar for when you get bigger ships, at least.
@thePrisoner10006 ай бұрын
You should be fine for a Constellation, anything bigger might be a stretch though. I'm guessing they will readjust later on too.
@azmijohari006 ай бұрын
been waiting for the stack button for along time, really need that function for bunker mission
@elitepaperweight8215 ай бұрын
Hazmat suits are all good but I wish there was more need for them in the verse
@meonyatube6 ай бұрын
Personal hanagars - at last. Definately looking forward to these. Great update 😀
@DerKopfsammler6666 ай бұрын
Those hazmat suits look great, at least they will be pretty useful in the future
@BradTuttle6 ай бұрын
looking forward to testing the cargo patch/changes
@bezdownunder54816 ай бұрын
Not much point in sq42 predo if sq42 is another year away... its my thoughts as mm dies not yet work for different sized ships... and sq42 and pu both need same flight model
@snaggletoof19276 ай бұрын
Those hazard suits look cool. I wonder when they will become a necessity to have.
@cory04216 ай бұрын
I'm really looking forward to the cargo update, thank you for the extremely informative videos!
@Darthgenius6 ай бұрын
For sure I am looking forward to personal hangars. At some point I want to go to a Citizencon as well. I love watching all the content that is provided during the event.
@lostsamurai30636 ай бұрын
I'm really excited for Star Citizen this year. All these new features and just game changing updates that are coming really refresh the game. It also makes me look forward to the future of the game.
@baronvonschnellenstein28116 ай бұрын
Regarding the citizenCon gala cancellation, I'm thinking one or both of (a) IRL Actors featuring in Sq. 404 demanded a higher appearance fee than expected, or they all refused to show, or pulled out; and/or (b) CIG hadn't managed to make many sales for the gala event yet, so decided to cancel it to save face; Not particularly interested in the 3.23.1a patch because it doesn't have Persistent Hangars and they have not called out any specific fixes regarding cargo. Because it has xenothreat in it, it will further degrade performance of servers, which have already been performing poorly since 3.23 dropped.
@alastairstuart58006 ай бұрын
It beggars belief that a 'stack all' button hasn't been included early in the process.
@YooTuberian6 ай бұрын
Inventory constantly melting down since 3.14 tho
@pebegou6 ай бұрын
The video timestamp was over the thumb's "BUSY", so i just assumed it meant "BUGGY".
@RakasansLegacy6 ай бұрын
Hoping for the cargo test this week but I'm guessing maybe next week will have a better chance.
@tandemedge94336 ай бұрын
Very curious to see how the cargo changes will be implemented
@sargesyu6 ай бұрын
Will we need to do manuel unloading for things like xeno?
@Trampus10-46 ай бұрын
Prison is hard with no inventory and quick loss of O2. Need to quick buy O2 so it goes in to personal inventory.
@redshirt496 ай бұрын
XenoThreat has been okay. Certainly not a bug-free experience. Sometimes during intel raid, enemies just stop spawning. This doesn't mean you can't finish the mission but it does mean you sit there twiddling your thumbs until it's done. Also, no loot. The incursions sometimes randomly fail, the roaming enemies tend to just fly away from the mission and can be hard (if not impossible) to find again, it also rarely gives you the mission markers for the hostiles it should be giving you to compensate for this. The one with the keycard is probably the worst offender. The keycard sometimes doesn't have a marker (good luck finding that tiny thing in the dead of space), even if it does it may be impossible to pick up, even if you can there's a good chance it will just disappear when you do, even if you do get there's a likelihood you can't deliver it on location. I hated this mission.
@divinelyshpongled6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the update Bored!!
@tomson1296 ай бұрын
Really looking forward to the update, finally I have a use for all the decoration I have ^^
@Eshzra6 ай бұрын
A BarCitizen event is happening in my town this year! Looking forward to it!
@felixthomassin37916 ай бұрын
Anyone knows till when XenoThreat is online?
@DaveDaGarbo6 ай бұрын
interested to see where they take hazards in the future
@Gaphire946 ай бұрын
Can't wait to have my own hanger and thanks for the regular vids BoredGamerUK gives me something to watch in the morning.
@phantomx20036 ай бұрын
I wonder if since the flair items will be available in game that us folks that have sub'd forever will lose them upon death or whatever circumstance and have to earn them again in game. (In live that is)
@ze_cub56766 ай бұрын
Cant wait to get my hands on the juicy personal hangar and cargo changes, its gonna be nice to set up my own hangar the way i like.
@Zeoran6 ай бұрын
I am very sad that they canceled the gala. I was really looking forward to that, even though I had a small chance of getting a ticket. What are they going to do about the studio tour? It's not part of the VIP ticket like it was last year, although it should have been.
@hanthostaal71316 ай бұрын
Really looking forward to the hangars and cargo missions.
@Nicodemus_Archleone6 ай бұрын
Is that memory leak the reason for the servers crashing every 30 minutes?
@Goyahkla1006 ай бұрын
No, that's normal!! 🤣
@grimalldi45266 ай бұрын
Going to need regular suits, armored suits, cold suits, hot suits. And now hazmat suits. Anything I'm missing?
@scienz02206 ай бұрын
Flight suits and swim suits
@SkyForceOne26 ай бұрын
suit suits! more rep!
@philipp2707996 ай бұрын
Thanks for the Update!
@aaronpaul59906 ай бұрын
I am looking forward to the next patch ^^ I am curious how cargo will develop now
@Blurry__Bunny6 ай бұрын
another great video, love how quickly i get the important informations with your channel!
@EvnStwrt6 ай бұрын
I'm curious, the wild life on other planets/galaxies. Will those be dynamic or will it take 10 years to make more animals per planet? I'm curious how they will scale the content and make it unique for each location. The idea isn't clear yet.
@SpaceDad426 ай бұрын
There is only one galaxy in game.
@wakelogger83576 ай бұрын
@@SpaceDad42 system*
@Anachroschism6 ай бұрын
Do hazard suits mean there's going to be suits with varied filtering levels?
@nunyabelsen76536 ай бұрын
I am excited about the cargo changes. Can’t wait to see it in action.
@CitizenGrimm6 ай бұрын
I'm excited about stability!!! So that I can log in and do stuff! Going through withdrawels.
@eggshellboy916 ай бұрын
I’m excited to have hangers I think it will be cool when we can spawn stuff in grab our equipment out of a locker in hanger spawn a land vehicle load it into a ship and fly out.
@mrfluffyribs31416 ай бұрын
For some reason me and my friend both cant get back into our game, not the best but I'm super excited for more updates from the game and also your channel
@Brian-jy7dd6 ай бұрын
Haven't played on the PTU, but I agree with everyone on like that the servers are very degraded. Waiting for .1a to avoid the frustration.
@RavensRogueStreaming6 ай бұрын
i wonder what the Hazard suits will be used for?
@PvtDamion6 ай бұрын
Now with the hazard suits I might actually subscribe and add a couple (task) specific armour sets to my hangar, hope they'll add item recovery somewhat soon so I'll actually start using them
@Limberlumber6 ай бұрын
I wish the multitool would get some love, being not useable in armistice zones. higher penalties to box tossers?
@northernsarcasm76165 ай бұрын
I think I will enjoy the game a lot more when the cargo stuff comes in. Most important though is for the game to run well so I can bring friends in
@deafdingo6 ай бұрын
Love all the updates! New player here looking for a few people to play with!!
@MrFishstxx6 ай бұрын
Your videos have so much great information, thanks as always!
@RealGyouza6 ай бұрын
I am really mostly now waiting for 4.0 and the hope of increased stability. I know I may be hoping for a lot but I am allowed to!