Star Wars Fans Watch *STAR TREK (2009)* for the FIRST TIME !

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@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
WOW, the amount of love this video got has really surprised us! More is coming, just stay tuned ! ("Push the goddamn button"😀) ~ The Geekheads Edit: p.s. Please guys let's be civil in the comments, thanks!
@EmbassyNerdcore 3 ай бұрын
the fact that you used the Johnathan Frakes "beyond belief" clip is hilarious, hes one of the most important people in the history of Star Trek
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
@nathancline4000 3 ай бұрын
@@TheGeekheads " to expand on that. FYI Frakes is First Officer William T. Riker in Star Trek : The Next Generation. He also has had cameos in several spin off shows, and Directed a ton of episodes, Including some of the movies featuring The Next Generation crew.
@ChrissonatorOFL 3 ай бұрын
Well, these newer movies are in an alternate reality. They also diverge greatly from the original material as far as design aesthetics, etc. go.
@tofersiefken 3 ай бұрын
Long-time Star Wars fan, since the O.T. in theaters. Longer-time Star Trek fan since watching the re-runs after school in the early 1970s. Welcome to the "Roddenberry Experience". This installment is a reboot of a beloved original that I hope you'll look into on your channel. (6 TOS movies and 4 TNG movies based on hundreds of hours of television series.)
@npkiv 2 ай бұрын
I prefer to say 5 TOS movies (we try to forget Final Frontier like it never happened) ;)
@3DJapan 3 ай бұрын
Yes, Leonard Nimoy (RIP) who played old Spock, was the original actor from the 60s TV series and early movies.
@EGWest65 3 ай бұрын
If you really want to get into Star Trek, would suggest that you go back to the start of it all. Start with the original Star Trek series. All the movies basically start after the original series. Just be aware that the original series was filmed in the late 1960s, so it is dated, but still good.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
We will definitely go back and react to the original series as well, since this video got such a warm reception! We just figured the newer movies would be more likely to be recommended for people by KZbin haha😄 but we will react to all the star trek there is as long as people are interested to see our reactions. Thanks for watching!
@mariadantzler2991 3 ай бұрын
Don't let the haters deter you. I love Star Trek (and Star Wars to be fair but I'm a trekkie 1st), my favorite series is The Next Generation but this movie was amazing to me as well. I LOVE the cast and I feel like the cast did an amazing job portraying the original series characters. I am also a huge action movie fan as well so I loved that part of the movie. It was a great combination for me and set in an alternate reality which I have no problem with. The original series probably is the least likely to have much action but all the other series all had action-related plots at some point in time... but overall ST is more about diplomacy & exploration vs SW that is mostly about espionage/warfare. If you decide to go more into the ST universe there will be less (NOT NO because most of the ST movies all had action in them like this one) warlike-action but the stories are amazing just the same.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
No worries, we don't mind! Star Wars Fandom is full of hating and fighting among the fans as well so nothing new haha. And we will definitely react to more Star Trek in the future, both new and old, thanks for watching!😄 ~ Nyfbie
@jontastic 3 ай бұрын
The longest running sci-fi tv/movie series are Dr Who, Star Trek, Star Wars, Alien, and Stargate. Of these only Star Wars uses fantasy elements like The Force.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Yeap! All of these shows, except for Alien, have political themes. However, only Star Wars, as its name suggests, is focused solely on warfare and the politics surrounding it, but interestingly is written in a more fantasy sense than the others. And since it didn't initially have any series format content during its early days, it didn't explore other topics until the prequels era. It's also surprising that Star Wars is the biggest franchise while having way less content than some of the other franchises you mentioned. Thanks for watching! ~ Crossroads
@mark-nm4tc 2 ай бұрын
Did you notice Kirk eating an apple in the Kobayashi Maru test?...just like Kirk in the wrath of Khan does when he explains how he beat the test. Nice call back!. Plus the Romulan at the end who says 'Sir that'll ignite the Red matter' isn't the actor on screen, its Wil Wheaton, 'Wesley' from Star Trek: The Next Generation. The guy-with-clipboard who they get past to get onto the Enterprise is Paul McGillion who auditioned for Scotty but lost to Simon Pegg. He played Scottish Doctor Carson Beckett in Stargate Atlantis and, co-incidentally, like original Scotty James Doohan, he's Canadian (but was born in Scotland).
@ac7ivesleeper610 3 ай бұрын
I don't know these two. I've never seen their reactions before. That being said, I do like the comment from the good looking guy on the right. (Not that the other guy isn't good looking, but come on.) He said he didn't like episode 7 of Star Wars because it kept the same plot as the first six. I watched the first Star Wars when I was a private first class in the US army. I saw it in our base theater. That's how old I am. Anyway, I've seen all of the Star Wars movies in the theaters when they first came out. That is until episode 7. After that I had to stop. I was a fan of both Star Wars and Star Trek. I had enough imagination for both until episode 7 of Star Wars. I thought episode 7 would be different and carry on with something new, but, the plot was the same old force this, and force that with father issues and I just knew they would keep that theme going, so I stopped watching Star Wars from then on. Now, I've seen all the Star Trek movies when they first came out too, but each movie is different from the first. However, in the Star Trek movies they make references to the original TV series which they have all the Star Trek series and all the movies on Paramount+. In each movie they give a little poke in good humor to the original series, like I said, but that's it, and if you've never seen the original series you won't get the joke, but that's okay. It never takes away from the movie you are watching. It's only meant as a nod to older fans. Wow, I said a lot.😮 Oh and by the way, I'm going to subscribe to this channel to see if they watch all three of this edition of Star Trek. I hope you do because you guys seem to make a great team. Just like Cam and Zay another great reaction team. (Not a plug)
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
It's great to hear about your experiences. Star Wars Sequel trilogy certainly has divided opinions among fans and we don't like it either, but Star Wars is after all more than just the movies just like Star Trek. We hope you'll stick around for more exploration into the Trek universe. Stay tuned! ~ That Other Guy... (PS. We ain't that young -Corporal, FDF)😄
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment and the confidence boost haha! ~ The good looking guy on the right😁
@formergoat9257 3 ай бұрын
The Enterprise is the flagship of the Federation.
@ChrissonatorOFL 3 ай бұрын
As far as I know, she wasn't always the flagship. However, she became the flagship. :D
@odojang 3 ай бұрын
@@ChrissonatorOFL Quite right. The Enterprise only became the Federation flagship in the 24th century with the Galaxy class Enterprise D of Captain Jean-Luc Picard (ref Star Trek The Next Generation). Before that (Star Trek the original series) in the 23rd century, the Constitution class USS Enterprise of Captain James T. Kirk was ''one among twelve'' (ref TOS episode Tomorrow is Yesterday) as some other Constitution-class starships were even commanded by higher ranking officers like Commodore Wesley of the USS Lexington (ref TOS episode The Ultimate Computer) and Commodore Decker of the USS Constellation (ref TOS episode The Doomsday Machine). The following Constitution class refit USS Enterprise (ref Star Trek the Motion Picture) then USS Enterprise-A (ref Star Trek V The Final Frontier) also under Kirk, then the Excelsior class USS Enterpise-B of Captain Merriman (ref Star Trek Generations) and then the USS Enterprise-C of Captain Rachel Garret (ref TNG episode Yesterday's Enterprise) were never called the Federation flagship either. And even before all that, the NX-01 USS Enterprise of Captain Jonathan Archer in the 22nd Century was only one of two warpships of United Earth, on the eve of the advent of the United Federation of Planets (ref Star Trek Enterprise). The JJ Abrams movies are set in an alternate universe to all that (as explaines _in_ the movie) and called the Federation flagship for that universe, nicknamed the Kelvin Timeline (refering to the very unique first ship see in the movie). Incidentally, this iteration of the Enterprise is often called the ''JJ-Prise'' because of all it's differences with the original.
@pokes404 3 ай бұрын
This movie is really good for what it is. It’s an exciting, fast-moving Summer blockbuster. The cast is really good as well, and any moment in this movie that captures some of the spirit of older Star Trek is due to the performances and feeling of camaraderie among the characters. But overall, a lot of fans didn’t take to this because Star Trek was always about the slower moments than it was the sci-fi action. This movie on the other hand is ALL about action with a few slower moments sprinkled in. It just really shook up the traditional Star Trek formula. I grew up a big fan of the franchise, and still consider it one of my favorites. I think this movie is a fun, modern take on Star Trek, but I don’t really consider it a part of the franchise. I kind of treat it as a “What If …” type of thing and not really a part of the actual canon. I appreciate the filmmakers setting up the alternate timeline the way they did because it makes it very easy to just take it for what it is, but not really have it touch anything that came before it. So in the end, no matter how a longtime fan may feel about it, it’s pretty harmless. As a Star Trek movie, I’d give it a 3/10. As a Sci-Fi Action movie, I’d give it an 8.5/10.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Even though I haven't seen the original movies yet, I fully agree with your take on the movie! If the older movies are slower paced like you said, it's clear that they wanted to go in a different direction with these new movies by hiring JJ who is very much known from making fast paced action packed movies. Can't wait to see the older movies as well, thanks for watching! ~ Nyfbie
@pokes404 3 ай бұрын
@@TheGeekheads Something else that I didn’t touch on was the convoluted license that was given for these movies. Long story short, the company that had owned Star Trek split into two separate companies in Paramount and CBS. Paramount owned all the previous Star Trek movies, while CBS owned all the TV shows and any future Star Trek material. So even though Paramount owned the old Star Trek movies, they had to acquire a license from CBS in order to make any new movies. At the same time, CBS didn’t want something that could potentially compete against any Star Trek projects they might want to do later down the road. So contractually, the “JJ” movies had to differ in visual style enough so as to not be confused with “Prime” Star Trek. There are rumors that the license mentions the new movies needing to be “25% different,” whatever that’s supposed to mean lol. All of that is to say that the filmmakers were put behind the 8-ball when it came to making something that would appeal to older fans. I’m sure there are things they would have done to keep it a little closer to classic Trek if they had total control, but they were contractually obligated to make sure it didn’t look too similar to what had come before in the franchise. And while the art style/visual design/ship designs don’t actually matter at the end of the day … it kind of does for something that’s been around for 40 years and always had a pretty unified look to the universe. General audiences wouldn’t have anything to compare it to, but it was definitely a little jarring for previous fans of the franchise. As Star Wars fans, if they did a reboot of A New Hope but with a Millennium Falcon that had elongated-pincers at the front, a gyroscopic cockpit, and giant bulky rocket boosters attached to the back; it would just feel off. Sure the shapes still invoke the original Falcon, and it wouldn’t really determine how good/bad the movie was in the end, but it would be the same kind of mental hurdle long time Star Trek fans had to get over when going into this movie.
@MongooseTales 3 ай бұрын
"There's always a bigger fish." Good job catching that little Star Wars homage in this movie. I'm pretty sure it was intentional.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Haha we definitely hope it was! I've heard Star Trek movies and shows have had some star wars references here and there so we're going to do our best to not miss them!😁
@top_gallant 3 ай бұрын
Southern Europeans literally blow up with emotion when Kirk's father sacrifices himself. Finnish people say ouch. Like. Ouch I was mildly discomforted with this but my countries mythology says this is just the normal way Finnish people die.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Haha true! I guess we are just desensitized like that lol
@ChaddMinchew 3 ай бұрын
Just subscribed to see more Star Trek reactions.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for subscribing! And definitely more Star Trek reactions coming in the future😄
@thereaver8083 2 ай бұрын
Been a fan of both franchises most of my life. Never understood the whole Trek vs SW rivalry thing. It's childish.
@craigm3353 3 ай бұрын
Saw this when it premiered in theater one of my favorites. Another one of my favorites you guys should react to that also involves time travel is The Final Countdown (1980) The U.S.S. Nimitz goes back to December 6th, 1941. It's filmed on the Nimitz. It's like Top Gun meets Back to the Future.
@jonbolton3376 3 ай бұрын
Great reaction, but biggest recommendation i can give you guys is check out the original series, and their films.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
We will 100%, thanks for watching!
@agentfatsuit9262 3 ай бұрын
This new trek or alternate timeline trek is different from the original. I think its better for the general audience, def more modern and updated, but the old series and the series that followed them, were more moral, philosophical, episodic shows about exploration and discovery. this movie series has some of that, but its much more cinematic and sci-fi action. personally really enjoy both for what they are, but they are definitely different flavours. if you were to explore the old series or the next generation, you will get a sense of what i mean. anyway, great reaction i hope you guys finish up the trilogy.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Thanks! So we've heard about the series. And we're definitely going to react to both the rest of the trilogy and all the different Star Trek series and movies.
@aldunlop4622 3 ай бұрын
You should start with the Original Series. Otherwise you'll think this show is canon, which it's not.
@FHB71 3 ай бұрын
I don't know whether the Kelvin timeline should really be considered Star Trek. It is nice entertainment, but .... well.
@roygo10 3 ай бұрын
The film is not an example of what Star Trek is all about. Not even close.
@N_F414 3 ай бұрын
Its hard to hear what you are saying at times. Maybe pause the movie, or lower the movie volume when you talk cause sometimes its drowning you out.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Yeah we talked about this after editing the video. Definitely need to pause the movie when we talk more, it also made editing harder if we talked over some important stuff. And also agree we should make the movie audio a little lower. Thanks for the feedback!
@danielhead8123 3 ай бұрын
Makes sure you react to the original films as well start with wrath of khan
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
We definitely will!
@julioverne579 2 ай бұрын
And you guys went for the most Star Wars Trek movie by the time it came out... Watch Insurrection to rate good Trek.
@TheGeekheads 2 ай бұрын
We will, no worries!
@bcn1gh7h4wk 3 ай бұрын
on this line of production, watch Strange New Worlds. it's the best way for total noobs to the saga to find a common ground with the old Trek, in modern TV. you can't watch the old saga if not in release order... it'd be a crime to watch it incomplete, but it's 700 episodes. watch SNW instead, which is the "prime universe" counterpart to this movie and a prequel to the 1960's saga.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the advice, 700 episodes is a lot indeed! We do want to react to all of Star Trek at some point but we'll definitely have to discuss in what order were going to react to them🤔 Strange New Worlds would certainly be a great option to start with.
@psychjay 3 ай бұрын
Love Star Trek more than Star Wars. But while I do enjoy new Trek (blasphemous to a lot of trek fans) it does pale in comparison to old trek series and a handful of old trek movies. The older movies themselves are inconsistent. The shows are where it’s at. I love Star Wars but that’s more of a heroes journey and good vs evil. While trek generally is more cerebral and commentary on societal issues while giving a great Sci-Fi atmosphere.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Sounds great, we thought it's be best to start with more recent movies but we are definitely planning to dive deeper into Star Trek and watch all the older movies and the original series as well!
@barbaraguitas8992 3 ай бұрын
I'm a Star Trek fan since the original series. Love the reboots.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
More reactions coming both to the original series and the reboots, we are on the Star Trek ride now haha!
@ChrisS-no3ft 2 ай бұрын
All respect to you guys. Great reaction. Horrible film. What they did to these beloved characters is a travesty. Destroying Vulcan? A staple of the entire mythos? Why wouldn’t Nero just go back in time and warn the Romulans of what was going to happen? And the ships are built and are launched from space. Face palm central here. I get it. Please no one roast me. Many of you love this film. But the original films have an intelligence and charm that these reboots are lacking. Its too bad. ‘We dont like Star Trek, so lets make it in OUR image’. Nit right. Great job guys. But you have to start with the original films. If this is your intro to Trek, then you have missed the entire reason it has endured. You have to start with 1979’s Star Trek:The Motion Picture, for at least the movies.
@TheGeekheads 2 ай бұрын
Thanks! You've made some good points about the inconsistencies with this film. And no worries, we'll react to both the original movies as well as the series.
@ChrisS-no3ft 2 ай бұрын
@@TheGeekheadsOkay. All respect. Just my opinion. There are things about the TOS films that people roll their eyes at too, so its a matter of perspective. 🖖🏼
@FosterTravis1071 3 ай бұрын
This crap is not Star Trek.
@Vlad.Larionov 3 ай бұрын
Great! It is very interesting to see your joint detailed reaction to the film Robocop 1987. This is a cool movie 🦾🤖🔥 Do you have any plans to do it?
@ChrissonatorOFL 3 ай бұрын
Vulcans have emotions, they just suppress them. Older Spock is played by Leonard Nimoy the OG Spock from the original series.
@michaelfisher1395 3 ай бұрын
As a very long time Star Trek and Star Wars fan, considerably older than you two, I absolutely love the reboot of this film!
@docdelta 3 ай бұрын
Same here.
@JFinSD2 20 күн бұрын
Me too
@jsaradar10 3 ай бұрын
The cast of this one matches the mannerisms and behaviors of the cast of the original series really amazingly well.
@JonInCanada1 3 ай бұрын
The thing I enjoy about seeing Star Wars fans watching Star Trek is the realization that yes, there is more our there. The way some people choose one or the other never made sense since both have unique perspectives. The simplest way to differentiate them is to note that Star Wars is Space Fantasy (fantastical ships, supernatural elements etc) whereas Star Trek is Science Fiction (science based technology, physics etc). Both have merit and are worthy bookends to the Sci-Fi/Fantasy Genres. Great Reactions Boys.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
I completely agree-both Star Wars and Star Trek offer unique perspectives and stories, and picking just one doesn't make sense as they are still super different. Also, I would love to see more serious and technical Star Wars that isn't as flashy fantasy as some of the new ones are... Glad you're enjoying the reactions, and stay tuned for more! ~ Crossroads
@civlwrbuf 3 ай бұрын
I heard it say that Star Wars is rock and roll, and Star Trek is classical music.
@JonInCanada1 3 ай бұрын
@@civlwrbuf That's another way to put it.
@ChrissonatorOFL 3 ай бұрын
The voice over at the end is the mission of the Enterprise from the very beginning. :D It sums up the entirety of Star Trek succinctly.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Nice detail, we probably just ignored it. Good to know! ~ Crossroads
@Jerralyng49 3 ай бұрын
The one speaking at the end was the original Mr. Spock, Leonard Nimoy. RIP🎉
@davidclarke7122 3 ай бұрын
This is known as the Kelvin time-line, to start in the original time line, go to the original 1960s series.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
We are definitely going to react to the original Star Trek as well!
@kev7161 3 ай бұрын
I'm an "older fan", but I found these new Star Trek movies far superior to the older ones. I liked old ST from years gone by, but I LOVED these new ones with the new cast and the better special effects.
@JoeCensored 3 ай бұрын
Interesting you're starting with the 11th movie. It's more action packed than most of the older ones, but the older ones are better for the characters. The 1st movie you'll probably find boring, but if you started with Star Trek II you'll probably enjoy it.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
We wanted to start with a bang, but hey stay tuned! ~ Crossroads
@ChrissonatorOFL 3 ай бұрын
The Motion Picture is definitely the most Trek Trek movie out of the bunch. In fact, the original pilot made in 1964 was rejected for being too cerebral (according to the studio, Gene Roddenberry basically said the studio was implying that audiences were too stupid)... so the second pilot from 1966 kinda changed it up a bit, and the rest is history. :D I would recommend watching the relatively recent 4K remaster of the Director's Cut if anything. I just watched it and it was phenomenal. lol
@turner3d1 2 ай бұрын
@@ChrissonatorOFL The original 1979 motion picture is NOT a good entry point into Star Trek for newbies. It's great if you're already a TOS fan, but it's WAY too long and drawn out to hold the attention of someone who doesn't already love it. The eye candy is impressive for the 70s especially in the remaster, but the entire plot could have easily fit into a standard 50 minute episode.
@scarymonsterrs 3 ай бұрын
Totally forgot Nokia was Finnish, enjoy the trek.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
I think Finnish people also forget that sometimes...
@npkiv 2 ай бұрын
Until Microsoft wrecked it.
@daniel385 3 ай бұрын
If you go back and react to the original series (1966-1969) I bet you'll have 10,000 subs within a year. (Edit: If you do, consider watching them in production order. No one ever does that.)
@civlwrbuf 3 ай бұрын
There are those that JJ would never have gotten Star Wars if not fir his treatment of Star Trek in this film. But there are those that say he took Star Trek into a direction it should not have gone
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
I can see OG Star Trek fans not liking his version just as I didn't like his take on Star Wars as an older fan, it's not giving the right vibes... Thanks for watching! ~ Nyfbie
@ac7ivesleeper610 3 ай бұрын
Actually, it was the writers and producers who did that. Just FYI. I'm glad they did because that's what got Leonard Nimoy on board as his original character. He agreed that's the only way to fit his older self into the new and younger cast of characters.
@civlwrbuf 3 ай бұрын
@@ac7ivesleeper610 I agree whole heartedly. There are alot of outside forces when dealing with a well developed franchise. It didn't matter to me either way but I tend to lean old school Star Trek. In the end it comes back to what would Roddenbury think. He even said even in later interview when TNG was going strong that he would love to see someone else take on Trek and snaz it up into big adventure and action film. I think he would approve of JJ, but we will never know. I do know his son liked what fan series Star Trek Continues did with the franchise.
@civlwrbuf 3 ай бұрын
@@TheGeekheads You're Welcome. It was nice watching
@EmbassyNerdcore 3 ай бұрын
love this guys. after this trilogy stay away from other trek movies until you see the TV shows. would love more!
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Seems logical to me!
@visionaryventures12 3 ай бұрын
I am one of those original fans. The new movies capture some of the spirit of Star Trek, but they’re diluted and too simplified. That is why fans have their qualms with these newer films. A good thing is that they introduce new viewers to what Star Trek is about, albeit only a taste.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
I can definitely see that, this was very much usual JJ style movie. But we enjoyed it and it still had a lot of heart and personality so we're excited to see more Star Trek in the future😁 And thanks for watching! ~ Nyfbie
@mikejankowski6321 3 ай бұрын
The way I describe it is the new Trek movies were Star Wars action with Star Trek characters and ships. Not "true" Trek as originally presented (both for the substance of the Federation and Star Fleet and also the stories/approach). This film I enjoy (very much) for what it is, and the way it was built as a bridge to the original. But I don't consider it in the same family. The second and third I don't want to talk about.
@brandonflorida1092 3 ай бұрын
This movie is good, but it's an alternate timeline and many things are different from the story that came before. I can see why the creators did that. If they hadn't set it in an alternate timeline, then in sequels, they would have been forced to reproduce all the events of the original series. My only problem with it is that the alternate timeline is quite different. The biggest difference is Captain Kirk's personality. In the original series, he wasn't a rebel like he is here. He had pretty sound judgement. Also, in the original series, Vulcan was a pretty significant player and now Vulcan doesn't exist. The movie has a lot of adherence to Trek canon, but the differences I mentioned are substantial. Also, we all know that while JJ Abrams does respect Trek, he wasn't a fan until he got this assignment.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
This makes perfect sense and exactly what we expected, thanks for the comment! Definitely can see it differing from the original movies like that as problematic for OG fans. I think that issue is universal across all remakes/reboots. Thanks for watching! ~ Nyfbie
@Lucalikesstuff 3 ай бұрын
It makes sense that his personality is different. He wasn't raised by his father, and ended up having a turbulent, rebellious upbringing as a result. I think the writers of this movie have thought through the timeline re-set pretty well. Everything that happens differently is a result of that one event and it allows them to tell different stories with the same characters and universe.
@brandonflorida1092 3 ай бұрын
@@Lucalikesstuff I agree, but not having the real Captain Kirk in a new "TOS" is regrettable to those of us who grew up with the show, read the novels, and went to all the conventions.
@TuomasLeone 3 ай бұрын
If / when you get to the original Trek, just understand that these J.J. Trek movies place much more emphasis on the "adventure" portion of what Trek is. The original Trek while it certainly had that, Trek was always know for more of a upotian vision of the future and using Trek as a vehicle to discuss the issues of today. The original TV series really leaned into this, with a number of big issues, such a race relations, war. etc. Trek is more science fiction, Star Wars more science fantasy as you mentioned. Hopefully you dig deeper into the Trek world. I'd really recommend a look at a few of the original episodes, while certainly from a different era, they really do help set up the characters and universe in which Trek, to this day is in.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the insight! We'll definitely dive into the original ones to experience their storytelling approach and explore more of the Trek universe! Stay Tuned! ~Crossroads
@trevorthomas-rx6jl 3 ай бұрын
First time star trek watchers should probably start with Star Trek lol. I loved this movie but most of the charm was the comparison and nostalgia to the OG LOL
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
That's what we thought, but ended up picking the wrong one, at least based on what most of the comments say! 😂 Well, Stay tuned! ~ Crossroads
@notmee2388 3 ай бұрын
…And you still haven’t seen Star Trek. J.J. Trek is like Disney Star Wars; enjoyable only to those who don’t know any better, but apocryphal and forgettable to fans.
@andymaclean3802 3 ай бұрын
Great reaction guys. You should go back to the origonal series to get a comparison. Then watch everything else trek theres some good stuff😁
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Going to check out the original ones they sound great, stay tuned! Thanks for watching! ~ Crossroads
@andymaclean3802 2 ай бұрын
@@TheGeekheads Nice one guys. Next Generation is my personal favourite but they're all good. Well most of them but you can judge them yourself dont want to give you any preconceptions😄
@rxlxviii 3 ай бұрын
I like this one and the next one better than the older movies. However, I can understand why people don't like the newer ones. They basically cheated by changing the timeline, so they don't have to adhere to the original source material.
@samiviljanen2751 3 ай бұрын
Leonard Nemoy is original Spock for star trek series and movies and only one in pilot episode, they recast everyone expect him for show after that. dont know why, dont care, rest in peace Leonard.
@mikejankowski6321 3 ай бұрын
The suits wanted Spock out but Roddenberry insisted he stay. So instead we lost the female first officer. The suits were uncomfortable with empowered women and aliens, and thought the audience would not go for them.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Interesting🤔 thanks for the little insight, I wonder why they decided to recast everyone else though! Anyhow, R.I.P Leonard🙏🏻
@TheGeezerGeek 3 ай бұрын
I am a Trekker, and a OG Star Wars fan, having stood in line for Star Wars opening day as a ten-year-old. But I literally grew up on Star Trek. Now for my Trek 101, Captain James T. Kirk, Commander Spock and Dr. Leonard "Bone" McCoy are best of friends. When advising Kirk, Spock is the logical, unemotional part, while McCoy is the passionate, human part of any advice given to Kirk. Vulcan is both the name of the planet and the race and is not destroyed in the original series. The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701 is the flagship of Starfleet due to Kirk's captaincy. This Enterprise is more modern and hi-tech since of course the original was made in the mid 1960s for TV. While I enjoyed this alternate universe of Star Trek, you do yourselves a disservice by not watching some of The Original Series (TOS) and its 6 movies. Finally, the hand sign is the Vulcan salute, which the famous saying "Live long and prosper" is said while giving the salute. Thats why old Spock just said "Good luck" instead of wishing himself "Live Long and Prosper" (LLAP).
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Wow, thanks! We initially chose the newer films as a starting point because they were readily available, and we also thought they might be easier to watch due to their newer special effects. However, I can see your point that it wouldn't be logical to start watching Star Wars from Episode 7 without seeing the original 6 films first, as the sequel trilogy feels like an alternative timeline and not true to the franchise. We are definitely going to react to those original ones, so stay tuned! Thanks for watching, Live long and prosper! ~ Crossroads
@scientiaorbis 3 ай бұрын
Yes, I like both. At least all Star Trek series I have seen so far cause there are some out of the franchise I wasn't able to watch to this day (e.g. Star Trek Discovery and Short Treks) while with Star Wars I only like the Skywalker Saga, so the old movies with Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher. Rogue One and Solo were o.k. too, but the prequels and other sequels? No, thank you. I have watched some of them, I really tried, but I found them boring and I didn't like the actors either. Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, all great actors, but not for this saga and Adam Driver, as son of Han and Leia? Horrible, just horrible. Also, the stories, all in all, not my taste. Georg Lucas selling Lucasfilm to Disney was, in my opinion, a shame and ruined the whole franchise. But those who grew up with those movies might love them just as much as I love Star Trek and episodes IV -VI of Stars Wars (before they were revised, I really did NOT need to see dinosaur-like creatures walking around Mos Eisley on Tattooine, completely unnecessary).
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
I hope you will have time to watch Discovery and Short Treks soon enough. As far as Star Wars is concerned, I get it. The original trilogy is iconic, and opinions on the prequels and sequels vary greatly. It's all about personal taste and when you come aboard. As for me, I'm not a fan of the sequels but I love the prequels. Live long and prosper, and may the Force be with you! ~Crossroads
@notmee2388 3 ай бұрын
I recommend adjusting the volume of the source material down in the future ; it is difficult to hear your commentary.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
There seems to be also a slight desync with the audio, our bad will be fixed!
@markherron1407 2 ай бұрын
Mr Spock is a version of Namor the SUB-MARINER Blessings and HUGS! 👑💜
@TheGeekheads 2 ай бұрын
They do look very similar🤔 And thanks, to you as well!💙
@javagiba2516 3 ай бұрын
Just for bonus...there is an R2-D2 Easter Egg in this film.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Haha, I found a clip of it that's so funny 😄
@guilhermesavoya2366 3 ай бұрын
Warp is different from hyperspace. In (Star Wars') hyperspace you go to another dimension to travel, and you do need to place coordinates and have a heading before jumping, if I recall correctly. You can't change course in hyperspace, only drop from it sooner or later, right? Warp is not like that, it works by creating a bubble of spacial distortion around the ship that distorts (warps) space-time itself allowing the ship to travel at faster-than-light speeds without going into another dimension. Technically, the ship itself doesn't move, it is space around it that moves. That is the reason why warp is one of, if not the only theoretically possible way to travel faster than light in the real world (though not necessarily feasible). So, Star Trek ships don't need necessarily to set a course or a destination, they can go anywhere with warp, change course at will while in warp, scan space and communicate from warp, and even fight other ships while in warp. The mechanics are very different from hyperspace.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
I think Hyperspace in Star Wars works as you said, but the ships have to do course changes when traveling through the galaxy at crazy speeds, but when traveling outside of "hyperlines" it's easier/safe to just drop out and go back in when making a course change. Also, time-wise traveling between star systems in Star Wars can take weeks and even months in time which is not really portrayed in the movies or series, is it the same in Star Trek? Thanks for watching! ~ Crossroads
@guilhermesavoya2366 3 ай бұрын
@@TheGeekheads There are no "warplanes", because you are in normal space, just travelling faster than light, you just have to avoid hitting anything, but they can do it while ate faster-than-light speeds without any problem. As for speeds, well. Though it more often than not follows the "speed of plot", there are canon numbers for warp speeds. There are many lessers known stardrives in Star Trek, some even as fast as SW hyperspace, but normal warp is a lot slower. The main plot of an entire ST show was "we are stranded on the other side of the galaxy and it would take use 70 years at maximum speed to go back home." So, the Star Trek galaxy (ours) is a lot less explored (the point of the entire show is Humanity exploring the stars)
@OzBaxter 3 ай бұрын
Great reaction! This is a good one to dip your toes into the franchise. If you like older productions and want to see what spawned it, take a look at some of the movies and shows from the 1960's-2000 or so. The Golden Age, so to speak. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing your other stuff!
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Yeah we thought so as well, this would be good first Star Trek to watch and also more likely to be recommended to viewers by KZbin than the original show for example. But we will definitely react to all the Star Trek there is as long as people want to see us react to it, I'm at least excited to dive deeper into Trek universe! Thanks for watching😄
@donhimmelman1736 3 ай бұрын
yea people my age have had the privilege of enjoying both. i am a big fan of star trek & star wars. this movie did an excellent job of catching the likeness of the original actors.
@mikejankowski6321 3 ай бұрын
Karl Urban did an especially good job of portraying McCoy close to DeForest Kelley's version.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
I am jealous haha! But at least we can watch them now later on to catch up.
@shallowgal462 3 ай бұрын
Star Trek has 13 films and over 800 TV episodes across 11 series, with more coming. Welcome to Star Trek!
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
"This little maneuver is gonna cost us 51 years" Stay tuned! ~ Crossroads
@shallowgal462 3 ай бұрын
@@TheGeekheads ❤
@Drd0229 Күн бұрын
I always loved both I never felt like I had to choose and they are both totally different shows. I don’t get why they were ever pitted against each other in the first place!
@susanfox6666 3 ай бұрын
In the 60's, I watched every single episode of the original Star Trek. As the motion pics of the original 60's crew continued, I saw all of those. THEN they came out with this one, and I totally loved it. I knew the original story lines and friendships, so I was thrilled they found just the right actors to reprise the originals only with a different history. When you know all the originals and the story lines, it's really something great what JJ Abrams did in both story and casting. Didn't care for the Picard era and stopped watching TV Treks. I also watched Star Wars in theatres when they came out and enjoyed them, but the original ST and it's 6 movies are way better. IMHO.
@portland-182 3 ай бұрын
Your comparison to Episode 7 is spot on. They just borrow too much from the past and speed it up. All surface and flash, but not really as engaging, even though the actors, action, and music are really good.
@fdsafsd806 3 ай бұрын
Great reaction guys! Can't wait to see more Trek from yall!!
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Thanks! Stay tuned 😉
@turner3d1 2 ай бұрын
Star Wars fans largely like the 2009 Star Trek reboot, because it is a complete departure from the original series. Abrams essentially turned it into a sci-fi action thriller, much like Star Wars has always been.
@TheGeekheads 2 ай бұрын
I personally wouldn't consider star wars much of a Sci-fi at all. But I get what you mean, this is definitely more catered to casual action movie fans than what I've understood the originals were through these comments.
@richardb6260 3 ай бұрын
Not real Star Trek. More like Star Trek for Star Wars fans.
@renoslash1890 3 ай бұрын
You sound like one of those boohoo baby SW fans. Does your mom know your on the internet unsupervised?
@inspectorpenguin4474 2 ай бұрын
Don’t be an infant.
@mrshadowbright4041 3 ай бұрын
the movie is a time line off shoot an is not part of the tv shows time line
@Lenkic13 2 ай бұрын
“Maybe it’s Thor…” Cue Chris Hemsworth. 😁
@scoutscrolls 3 ай бұрын
Welcome to Star Trek! (one i love the disc golf hoodie) two. Leonard Nimoy (originalSpock) said that Karl Urban's portrayal of Bones resembled that of the late Deforest Kelly (who played the original McCoy) that he cried.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Thanks! That's a sweet story, even though we haven't seen the originals yet, we did really enjoy Karl Urbans performance.
@christianlevesque5239 3 ай бұрын
I love Star Trek (2009) and subsequent movies BUT to me it's not Star Trek, it's something else in the universe of Star Trek. The TV show's (but not Discovery, at least up to the point where they lost me) are what Star Trek is about.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Fair enough, that seems to be the popular opinion on the matter. We will for sure react to the older movies and the series as well in the future!
@confidemus1869 3 ай бұрын
I'm a Trekkie. I do enjoy OG Star Wars however. Always feel however Star Wars is good vs bad space knights whereas Star Trek has always had powerful messages throughout history. They tackled trans issues and race issues in thr 60's. A lot of it is political too and it just appeals to me more than current Star Wars which has completely lost its way.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
That sounds intriguing! I personally love when movies and series have deeper meanings or moral/political questioning in the movie as well. Thanks for watching! ~ Nyfbie
@Unconsciouzone Ай бұрын
Fascinating entry point into the franchise. I would have never thought to reccomend starting with this one. There are plot elemnts which I woul;d think might be confusing to a non Trekker. Trouble is all the alternatives I can think of have issues as well depending on the audience. I grew up on the Original Series so naturally the first season would be my first inclination, but I would be concerned about losing a younger audience due to it being dated presentation wise. I guess i would have reccommended the even numbered OG Trek movies (plus Search for Spock) to start, then followed by the Khan episode from the OS to set the hook.
@TheGeekheads 20 күн бұрын
Yeah we have learned that the hard way lol. This was the only movie we found on Finnish Netflix and I had honestly no idea how much content there actually was so we just decided to start with what we found. It was very spontaneous decision and we never thought this video would get as much love as it did haha! Thanks for watching :)
@thespecialneedsgroup 3 ай бұрын
If you ever get around to "Star Trek: First Contact," you might be able to spot the _Millennium Falcon_ in the background. Actually, come to think of it, I'm pretty sure R2-D2 had a blink-and-you-miss-it cameo in _this_ film.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
I can't believe we missed R2-D2 cameo, now I have to watch this movie again just for that! And we are for sure going to watch First Contact at some point! Hopefully I can point out the Millennium Falcon.
@npkiv 2 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it. The movie works on its own with no previous Startrek experiance, but having knowledge of background lore does add a lot more. Being a Star Wars fan doesn't mean you can't be a Startrek fan. Enjoy them both for what they are rather than competing sci-fi shows.
@TheGeekheads 2 ай бұрын
Exactly, nothing wrong about enjoying them both!
@carlosvergara4132 2 ай бұрын
Guys, have separate recordings for the movie audio and your voice audio, you talking over the movie makes it really hard to get either (and is annoying as hell!), mute the movie if you start to talk. Have fun with whatever you watch next (I suggest Star Trek Prodigy).
@TheGeekheads 2 ай бұрын
Yeah sorry for that. Will be fixed for the future videos👍🏻 and thanks!
@domcoke 3 ай бұрын
your video/audio is WAY out of sync. I recommend doing a sync clap before recording, and then sync it manually in your edit. Cos whatever you're doing, it's not working, and it makes it semi unwatchable.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Yeah sorry about that! We're e recorded both audio with OBS instead of recording our audio seperately but my webcam had a small delay which caused the issue. We will fix it for the future videos though!
@EnsignAhkinum 3 ай бұрын
If you watch the top ten episodes of each Star Trek series you'd find more subscribers. Star Wars is like playing checkers, while Star Trek is like playing Chess, if you watch it. 🙂
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
We are planning on reacting to all the Star Trek series and movies, just need to plan in what order and how many episodes for every video because there's so many episodes. But it's coming!
@joe9739 3 ай бұрын
Do you guys think this and The Force Awakens feels alike in anyways? Just both being semi-dormant franchises rebooted by the same director? I thought they really would, but i can't think of too many comparisons...
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Yeah no, I agree. I think them both being directed by JJ and them both getting very mixed reviews and a lot of hate from the older fans of the franchise are pretty much the only things the movies have in common in my opinion.
@lukefallon8276 3 ай бұрын
Not really representative of Star Trek but not a bad movie. It takes place in an alternate universe and is a little different from the prime universe. Karl Urban plays an awesome McCoy. Great reaction.👍
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Karl was great for sure and I really enjoyed the chemistry between the actors. We're going to react to the older movies and the series as well in the future!
@lapillity 2 ай бұрын
as someone that grew up with these newer movies but has since gone back to watch the original series, I think the newer movies (the kelvin timeline) are great, and can easily be enjoyed by those who have never watched star trek before however after watching the original series, I can see why some fans might not like them as some of the characterization and tone of the story as a whole is definitely different. for example the spock/uhura romance was never a thing in the original series and feels kind of shoehorned in just to have some kind of romance to sell. the original series was also a sort of silly, monster of the week type show that didnt take itself too seriously imo, whereas the new movies definitely fit into a more steriotypical action/adventure movie format honestly i think both are great for what they are, but for older fans that wanted the new movies to be like the original series, i understand why they were disappointed!
@TheGeekheads 2 ай бұрын
Yes, this is kind of how I understood the situation! Might be a hot take but maybe it's even better to watch these movies first so you don't have any expectations for them created by the original series and movies, and so perhaps it's easier to enjoy them better for what they are🤔
@jeanine6328 3 ай бұрын
The next two movies are just as good and so fun. Star Trek and Star Wars just have a very different feel. Star Trek tends to be more character based and you feel like you’re part of it. Star Wars, to me, didn’t do a lot to get a connection to the characters and felt more like observing.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
That's true. Star Trek seems to be more about the crew and the people in it while star wars is more about the world Lucas has created and different groups inside of it. But that's just my observation after only seeing one movie, we're going to react to as much Star Trek as people are interested to see in the future and hopefully learn more about the franchise😄
@brnzro 3 ай бұрын
there is no Star Wars vs. Star Trek. one is a long time ago, in a different galaxy, the other one plays out in an alternate future of ours ;)) also, 2 different genres, so cant really compare ;)) i like both tho :)
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
That's how we see it as well👍🏻 Thanks for watching!
@dabe1971 3 ай бұрын
You're confused about the Spock timeline because you've jumped into a franchise near it's end which is madness. You need to go back to the OST and start there.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
That's the plan, no worries!
@Lucia-du5to 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad you guys liked this movie! It's one of my favorites and was the start of my Star Trek obsession! 🖖🙂 Enjoyed your reaction!
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Thank you! Hopefully it will be the start of ours as wel🖖
@williammurray4032 3 ай бұрын
R2-D2 makes a quick cameo among the space debris when the Enterprise first arrives at Vulcan
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
I can't believe we missed that! Have to watch this movie again just for that haha
@gregadams558 2 ай бұрын
You talked through where McKoy explains his nickname "Bones".
@TheGeekheads 2 ай бұрын
Yeah sorry about that! We will try to remember to pause in the future when we are talking so we don't miss anything :)
@AlanCanon2222 3 ай бұрын
Of course Finland (NOKIA) gets a shout out, y'all invented the greatest operating system in history (Linux). Glad you like Star Trek. It is not Star Wars, which is just a fairy tale with space ships. Star Trek is a promise that Gene Roddenberry forced the human race to promise to itself, starting in 1966, that we can overcome our difficulties, and explore the Universe together, as friends. Our differences, which cause us difficulties now, will turn out to be the only way we can survive as we explore together: it must be that way, or not at all. This movie, in 2009, perfectly captured the spirit of the 1966-1969 original. If you liked this, you like Star Trek.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Hells yeah, we are always proud when Finland gets mentioned or referenced anywhere in a positive way! And even though this was very different from Star Wars for sure, we enjoyed it for different reasons and can't wait to dive more deeply into Star Trek lore😄 Thanks for watching! ~ Nyfbie
@NoMoneyG Ай бұрын
Glad this reaction just popped up in my YT feed to watch. This movie is made for people who never watched old Star Trek. Old Star Trek was more about storytelling & used special effects sparingly over special effects used constantly. It's good for that reason & although I don't like how they changed everything away from original Star Trek, giving us the "Kelvin Timeline". That being said, it's a fun action movie. Just don't think about the plot too much! Enjoy the constant action, yelling, screaming, lens flairs & great special effects!
@TheGeekheads Ай бұрын
We're glad it did too haha! And yes thats exactly what we thought of this movie as well, simple fun adventure and action. Can't wait to see more of what the original Star Trek is all about though!
@onx99 3 ай бұрын
Watch real Star trek, Not this Jar Jar Abomination. DS9 is the best.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Jar Jar Abrams😂 haven't heard that before. We will react to the original Star Trek as well, no worries!
@commanderkruge 2 ай бұрын
Yah, you're not wrong - in the "original" timeline Nero didn't turn up, George Kirk didn't die and Jim grew up much more happy. And yes (probably was said 100 times before) - the old actor is Leonar Nimoy, the original Mister Spock. Oh - Vulcan, originally, also wasn't destroyed by Nero. :) All over the movie does a pretty good job presenting the main characters and who and what they are. The only thing it does different is to give everybody something to do. They also had episodes in which Checov or Scotty or Uhura had more to do and got some character moments, but the clear main characters of the old show is the "triumvirate" Kirk, Spock and McCoy. They are at the top of the crew of the Enterprise (the Doctor actually can give even the Captain orders under certain circumstances) and are close friends. Well - Spock and McCoy have this love / hate relationship. With Spock being so calm, reserved and logical and McCoy being a rather hotheaded human sometimes there is some friction. But below that they also respect each other a lot. And McCoys insults are kind of legendary... "You damned, cold hearted, green blooded somethingorother!". :D The thing with the Vulcans is: In Ancient history they were an incredibly aggressive and warlike species that nearly wiped itself out once or twice - until a philosopher named Surak suggested a path of constant meditation and surpression of emotions - which took foot and now, two thousand years later, is deeply engrained in Vulcan culture. So much so that some people believe Vulcans don't have emotions. They do. A lot. But they are VERY good at suppressing them their whole life long. (well, except for the time of "Pon Farr" every seven years - then their hormones go ape and they get incredibly emotional and aggressive. It's mating season. :D). Originally that stuff was told in little tidbits here and there over the series.
@TheGeekheads 2 ай бұрын
Interesting, thanks for the Vulcan lore! And respect to them for being able to control their emotions that well, I sure as hell couldn't do it
@commanderkruge 2 ай бұрын
@@TheGeekheads My pleasure. :) With Star Trek being around for 50 years now there's a whole bunch of background info the average Trekkie at least is aware of. The same as with Star Wars, pretty much. Both take place in - by now - quite complex and big universes with their own rules and history. The JJ Abrahams movies did an okay job imo to get new viewers into the whole matter, but of course they can't sit you down and explain everything. :D Oh, and I forgot one bit that's relevant to this movie: Vulcans and Romulans both have green blood and pointed ears - turns out they're basically the same species. While the lore about this isn't 100% definite (so far) it's likely the Romulans started as a Vulcan colony - and never went through the changes towards control and logic. The Romulan Empire, besides the Klingons, is one of the main adversaries of the Federation in the old show and to this day that hasn't changed (it did change in "Discovery", but that's 1000 years in the Future from TOS). There's a two-part episode in The Next Generation called "Reunification" that's about Ambassador Spock and his attempts to create at least peace between the two people again - so him helping the Romulans with the Supernova doesn't come out of nowhere.
@TheGeekheads 2 ай бұрын
I can only imagine how much lore there is behind Star Trek as well just like in Star Wars and we can't wait to learn more.
@KamramBehzad 3 ай бұрын
You have taken your first step into a much larger world.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
So it seems and can't wait to see more!
@Emburbujada 3 ай бұрын
OK, so now that this is out of the way, you can go back and watch TOS XD This movie is kinda fun, but it doesn't feel like Star Trek. It's OK if you watch this first, but do take into account that "real" Trek is quite different. If you do decide to try the original stuff, you can do a selection of the best episodes of the original series, there are lists out there. I think you'd love it =) And the fans will be watching for sure. Also, if you want more sci-fi, and if you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend Firefly! Too good!
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Haha we will for sure react to more Star Trek, no worries! I've never heard of Firefly before but I'll put it on my list of movies to watch for sure, thanks for the recommendation😄
@Emburbujada 3 ай бұрын
@@TheGeekheads It's actually a tv show. It's 14 episodes, and follow up movie called Serenity. I think you'd love it.
@TheInfamousRPGGroup-on-Rumble 3 ай бұрын
and you still havent watched Star Trek XD
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Damn it, stay tuned! 😄
@artlapham6380 2 ай бұрын
You should have started with the original series.
@TheGeekheads 2 ай бұрын
So we've been told! But no worries, we'll go back and react to it😄
@formergoat9257 3 ай бұрын
The new series, Strange New Worlds, is pretty good and has Pike as the captain. It is very reminiscent of the original Star Trek series.
@ChrissonatorOFL 3 ай бұрын
Yup, and takes place in the prime timeline. In-universe wise, Discovery season 2 takes place at the same time the 2009 movie does in its universe, which is 2257 into 2258. In this movie, it's 2255 when Kirk sees the Enterprise being built. It's still wonky to see, as a ship that size should be built in orbit, not on the ground, but alas.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Good to know, we will need to react to that series as well then! And definitely need to educate ourselves about the different timelines.
@SuStel 3 ай бұрын
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, i can see many similarities😄!
@matthew09ify 3 ай бұрын
Star trek wrath of kahn was good
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
We are planning on reacting to it as well!
@matthew09ify 3 ай бұрын
@TheGeekheads you'll love the music on it too
@senortrekkie 3 ай бұрын
Ah yes the worst trilogy ever.
@mem1701movies 3 ай бұрын
This isn’t STAR TREK
@ChrissonatorOFL 3 ай бұрын
Eh, it's an alternate timeline, so they're kinda free to play with it a bit. I'll allow it, even though I prefer prime Trek myself.
@TheGeekheads 3 ай бұрын
Well then we need to do another reaction, but what is Star Trek then?
@BarronK-kb8td 3 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@ChrissonatorOFL 3 ай бұрын
@@TheGeekheads I think most view the more deep stories as Trek, Trek has always been at its prime on TV, rather than the movies. Since with a TV show you can discuss a lot more over many 45 minute episodes vs a single 90-120 minute movie.
@winterhelmgames 3 ай бұрын
Nice Star Trek reaction ❤
@shauncraigparkinson8165 3 ай бұрын
This isn't real Star Trek... It's JJ Trek. Good try.
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