2:12 also the actor learned English just to play Sol and that’s amazing dedication
@ToysAreTheWayАй бұрын
I know which is so impressive and awesome!
@swnerd-23203 ай бұрын
I only bought him to use as a genetic Jedi for my PT or Order 66 shelves.
@ToysAreTheWay2 ай бұрын
It's a great Jedi figure for sure!! ✨🙌😎🙌✨
@ultracarterzilla6939Ай бұрын
I too will do the same as I will get some heads from Marauder Gun Runners website to make a Jedi out of Sol once he goes on sale or on clearance.
@jasoncaldwell56272 ай бұрын
I want a ANH Kenobi like this.
@ToysAreTheWay2 ай бұрын
YES!!! 100% this is something we NEED in TVC! Same goes for PT and CW Kenobi ✨🤘😁🤘✨
@kiwimanMAKMCSWF2 ай бұрын
I'm a big fan of this figure. I hope it unlocks some retools of some prequel Jedi in dire need of an update. Great review as always TATW!
@ToysAreTheWay2 ай бұрын
Thanks Jason!! Yeah I think Sol is my favorite out of that wave, and I've picked up a few extras for custom Jedi. Definitely has me excited for more Jedi figures in TVC ✨🙌😎🙌✨
@Luna-cn4pjАй бұрын
I love Sol he reminds me of qui gon
@ToysAreTheWayАй бұрын
Same here!! He was my favorite in the show! ✌️😎😎✌️
@Howlrunner_base3 ай бұрын
Another great review!! 🔥🔥
@ToysAreTheWay2 ай бұрын
Thanks so much man!!! ✌️😎😎✌️
@Mecha822 ай бұрын
Image possible new Mace Windu with this engineering.
@ToysAreTheWay2 ай бұрын
YES!!! We definitely need a proper Mace Windu in TVC✨🙌😎🙌✨
@frederickkeith80543 ай бұрын
I'm looking forward to finally finding this one. I've seen the six inch figures a few times, but no one, true scale.
@ToysAreTheWay2 ай бұрын
375 is the way!! ✨🤘😁🤘✨ Hopefully you find him soon, he's a great figure. Pretty sure it's in stock on Amazon, and I saw it's hitting Target as well now.
@frederickkeith80542 ай бұрын
I haven't opened him, but I found Sol today! I'm crossing my fingers we get a Jecki to go with him, otherwise I may have to use an Osha/Mae head and a female Jedi body to make an Infinities Osha where she stayed in the Order.
@ToysAreTheWay2 ай бұрын
Oh me too!! Jacki was one of my favorites! Padawan X23 needs to be in my collection.
@NicholasHallows2 ай бұрын
Glad I'm not the only one who struggles to get him to hold his lightsaber firmly (maybe that explains how easily Mae disarmed him in the finale). I got him in the hope that we get The Stranger to duel with him.
@ToysAreTheWay2 ай бұрын
Hahahahahaha now it all makes sense! But yeah it's sadly a bit of a flawed design. The hand grip is just too small. I just set up a shot with him, and it certainly has me hoping we get the Stranger at a minimum ✌️😎😎✌️
@odwix7923 ай бұрын
I've been having so much fun posing and taking pictures with this figure. I loved him in the show and am super happy to have him as a figure. Great review!
@ToysAreTheWay2 ай бұрын
Thank you!! Yeah, Sol is an amazing figure, and he was pretty rad in the show!! Definitely hyped to have him ✨👌😃✌️✨