Starfield Has Reached Mostly Negative Reviews and EVERYBODY is MAD

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6 ай бұрын

#starfield Reviews for Bethesdas space game have reached Mostly Negative Recent Reviews, and it keeps delivering as the source of Controversial Content for everyone! Some of it brought on by Modders claiming that the game is unfixable, some just not wanting to work on it, as well as the AI Reviews, Emil Pagliarulo attacking Critics, and now there's even conspiracy theories about content creators building a hate train for the game.
As per usual, this behaviour is unacceptable, and a very bad sign of the future of the developer ahead of Elder Scrolls 6 or future Fallout games.

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@Mugthief 6 ай бұрын
Inb4 the "Well I've played it for 500 hours and love it" comments that didn't even make it to minute 2 in the video. Remember to subscribe for more content on better games.
@BastosFC2 6 ай бұрын
Well I've played it for 0 hours and hate it
@thorssensgamesNCC1701 6 ай бұрын
I played it for 500 hours and uninstalled it and won't be back for 6 months to a year. Bethesda failed.
@garlottos 6 ай бұрын
"They see a crater, soypog, then leave" -Sseth
@Grogeous_Maximus 6 ай бұрын
I played it for an hour, then bought NMS.
@Telorath 6 ай бұрын
I played it for ~267 hours and loved most of my time with it. It's okay for me to admit it's a bad game that I just happened to enjoy because its flaws didn't bother me and its strengths really clicked with me. Liking a bad game doesn't make me a bad person. lol
@blackestyang7528 6 ай бұрын
the best argument against Starfield is realizing you can't heal on your ship's own medbay
@chrisgibbs4227 6 ай бұрын
Even when you recruit a dr
@Rifky809 6 ай бұрын
@SZABICHEF1984 6 ай бұрын
There is a mod for it 😂😂😂
@thesorrow7499 6 ай бұрын
Or the fact that all NPC's have Diminished Gluteal Syndrome (DGS) - no ass.
@Zodroo_Tint 6 ай бұрын
What is this free healthcare for everyone? You want to heal go to the hospital on planet hospital, or eat 12 cheese wheel!
@zalamael 6 ай бұрын
I really hope the rumours of the modders abandoning this game are true. Bethesda has relied on modders to carry their bad games for decades, and the modders always make their games better. It is about time the modders walked away and let Bethesda rot for the way they treat their games and customers.
@anthonyrousseau8050 6 ай бұрын
Agree at 100%.
@excessivelysalty_81 6 ай бұрын
I'm torn, because I love what modders do and they've improved Bethesda games so much, that I'd love to see them improve Starfield. Although the other part of me says let it burn, and make Bethesda fix their own game for once.
@LunaNL 6 ай бұрын
the engine is so bad that the walk away
@Auesis 6 ай бұрын
@@LunaNL Modders love this engine, it's great to work with. The game is just garbage. Nobody can be bothered to polish a turd.
@carlosleyva-calistenia6400 6 ай бұрын
@@Auesis Tell us how you have never touched the CK or Papyrus without telling us you have never touched the CK or Papyrus.
@twentygoodmen 6 ай бұрын
one hilarious thing you forgot to mention is how fanboys constantly move the goal posts to try to invalidate these reviews negative review with under 100 hours? "you didn't play the game long enough to see till it actually gets good" negative review with over 100 hours? "well...obviously the game is good if you played it for that long"
@bulkvanderhuge9006 6 ай бұрын
@twentygoodmen EXACTLY!
@robovinefilms1811 6 ай бұрын
Even better is: "You haven't even played New Game++++++ yet."
@babytiny5807 6 ай бұрын
Fuck that, my 50 painstaking hours is enough to know I dislike this game. I'm not keeping 125GB on my fancy SSD for this
@zalamael 6 ай бұрын
Yup, standard Left wing logic. They can't create cogent arguments, so they rely on whatever they can come up with. They wont argue with what they consider to be good about the game, they instead try to invalidate your reasons for not liking it. In any way they can.
@videogamerlexis 6 ай бұрын
Or the whole "Sony ponies are buying the game on steam to make bad reviews on it" argument.
@JacobYaw 6 ай бұрын
The fact that Starfield sold so well is a death knell to any future Bethesda games. Because Emil straight up said they only pay attention to the reviews if the money stops rolling in. They. Will. Never. Change. Remember this when TES6 gets a trailer.
@valentinvas6454 2 ай бұрын
It's about change IMO. Starfield made a lot of people more cautious even Bethesda fans. The fact that this was a new IP supposedly 8 years in development and current gen only and it's still so mediocre is pretty telling about their future.
@slipstream7324 6 ай бұрын
Even as a fan of modding, when Todd revealed starfield and talked about procedural generation and 1000 planets, i looked at my wife and said "it's gonna suck." Bethesda bugginess with numb procedural generation bored me just thinking about it.
@MegaTerryNutkins 6 ай бұрын
They don't even understand procedural generation and how it relates to game progression though, the best games that use it will be clever and have a variety of enemies with different abilities which gives an element of strategy to combat when coupled with varying terrain, everything can be dangerous as you have to assess each situation and be on your guard as you don't know what's around the corner. Betheseda just made a shooter with generic enemies in a big empty space. Procedurally generated games with differing biomes and crafting will also have rare but essential resources which gives the player an incentive to explore and take risks as they will unlock more of the game. It's like swatting bloatflies in the Capital Wasteland over and over again - boring. They used procedural generation purely to expand the game size without any thought as to how it would be fun, it's just a tool to paper over a lack of creativity rather than one to stimulate it.
@vvitch-mist20 6 ай бұрын
I didn't like the idea either, tbh lol. I couldn't pass it up to more than a feeling at the time, so I didn't say anything about it.
@Eleriol84 6 ай бұрын
"hello we are Bethesda a company known for hand crafting fantastic worlds that people love exploring in and nooooow lets do away with all that in favor of p-p-procedual g-g-geeeeeneeeraaation!" woo said no one
@vvitch-mist20 6 ай бұрын
@@Eleriol84 They didn't wanna make a game. They wanted to just make everyone think there is a game.
@slipstream7324 6 ай бұрын
@@vvitch-mist20 Like an infinite platform to sell mods and therefore modder's work.
@lebitelexie9350 6 ай бұрын
I spent a good hour or so just pouring through the Starfield reviews on Steam and it was a wild ride. The negative reviews are many but most of them are very well constructed. Summarizing the game's issues, displaying honest oppinions of people who pushed sometimes nearly 200 hours into the game already. In contrast, many of the positive reviews seems to exhaust in "I had fun so its good." type of reviews. Some even throws a hissyfit at the negative reviews. But the most interesting part is how Bethesda had someone answer to the negative reviews. And the answer mostly includes: "You are not playing the game right."
@Bestname_Ever 6 ай бұрын
dang i couldn't believe a company could have this much copium. borderline fanatic id say.
@adamgerald849 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, reading their replies is wild. They all read like they're AI generated. I think they stopped replying once more people saw it and started giving it even more negative reviews and mocking them. I guarantee you the replies was one of Todd's ideas. Bethesda lost their touch and went full corporate. I'm surprised people expected a great game after Fallout 76. That should have been the writing on the wall. I'll admit I was hopeful but I managed my expectations. Another thing I've noticed is how many youtubers who got an early review copy refused to say the game was bad. A lot of them said it was great, and another larger portion kept saying "it's not the best game ever but I like it. It's flawed but fun. It won't be for everyone but Bethesda fans will probably like it." Which all just sounded to me like they were convinced to give it a positive review and were trying to leave their opinion open ended to save face. It also had a surprisingly decent Metacritic rating which makes me think it was botted. It's really easy to bot metacritic user reviews and the critic reviews were awfully good too. Idk maybe I'm crazy but I wouldn't put it past Bethesda. They've been scummy for years now.
@Shattered_Entertainment 6 ай бұрын
​@adamgerald849 I agree fallout 76 made me skeptical then hearing procedural generation I had no man sky initial release flashbacks however unlike hello games making no man's sky Bethesda is a AAA company they don't deserve the let us fix it treatment no man sky got they should be releasing finished working games one of the biggest problems in gaming is we are letting the big companies treat us like an abusive partner
@minisithunknown5568 5 ай бұрын
I see a lot of negatives just going about the Award show by them selves. The reviews are mixed as should be but mostly negative is an overstatement with reviews that are mad about some award show. But even with them added on the overall score is 60% recommended which is close to what I think it should be, a bit above positive. Not everyone has to like it or agree with the game. But it is popular and not bad for a game. The gameplay is there and the story and NPCs is better than their past games to be honest. Just not the best in gaming. It is less buggy than previous games too. I just never seen this game as to be the masterpiece everyone thought about because it was silly with Bethesda's past games. Bethesda PR is a bit weird this time around. lol
@DisDatK9 5 ай бұрын
My favorite was the "Well the Astronauts had tons of fun on the moon and thats just a barren wasteland!" Like yeah, no shit, we'd all be pretty psyched if we literally left our planet and traveled hundreds of thousands of miles in space to land and walk on the fucking moon. But this isn't reality, and the loading screens every time I want to leave a procedurally generated box called a "planet" ensures that I won't have even a modicum of the immersion I experience watching my dog take a shit, nonetheless walking on our actual moon.
@LuizOtavioZen 6 ай бұрын
If you look to the Bethesda's track record you can see that their games where on a decreasing complexity route since Morrowind, and though this isn't bad from an objective pov, there is just so much you can take away from a RPG complexity till it ceases to be a RPG. Skyrim was the final reasonable version of that and even Skyrim wasn't as great as most of us remember, at least without modding it beyond recognition. Starfield was the reasonable guess of what it would be given the studio track record.
@Zodroo_Tint 6 ай бұрын
Bethesda went from game developer company to a product factory. If they could build planned obsolescence into their game would do it.
@AaronTheWolfos 6 ай бұрын
Calling Skyrim an rpg is a bit of a stretch but overall I agree with your sentiment.
@outoforder2079 6 ай бұрын
For real, Skyrim In the middle of Morrowind and Starfeild
@euanbrooks6764 6 ай бұрын
Agree 100% with everything else but Skyrim is so damn good
@planescaped 6 ай бұрын
Skyrim was great... in 2011. By today's standards it is pretty far behind without modding it, yeah. But even then I think it is okay. Not as good as vanilla Morrowind mind you, but not as bad as some people paint it to be.
@Mantelar 6 ай бұрын
Remember this is the company that chose to dumb down the AI in oblivion rather than view it as an opportunity and fix it. It started there.
@JoeyP7998 6 ай бұрын
This is the same company that made Fallout 76 with ZERO human NPC’s, and then charged people for a DLC that adds them back. If that isn’t the scummiest shit… Also to add to your Oblivion point; Bethesda basically created the modern day micro transaction with their bullshit horse armor! Been a wicked spiral down ever since.
@Zodroo_Tint 6 ай бұрын
Yes, they did that. I remember how bored I was playing Oblivion, but with that AI it could have been fun. But it started earlier. When they decided they gonna build small theme park like cities and areas and they will go full causal, that is when it started because that was the moment what ended right here. Now Bethesda makes games as casual as it could be. There is nothing special in Skyrim.
@JJ18355 6 ай бұрын
@@Zodroo_Tint Which small theme park like cities game are you talking about?
@matthewcarroll2533 6 ай бұрын
@@JJ18355 Riften, Whiterun are great Skyrim examples of cities that feel like a "theme park" instead of actual cities that're lived in daily. I think that person meant that's how Bethesda started making their towns/cities feel and for me personally, I only noticed cities/towns feeling like this in Oblivion. Then later of course with Skyrim, FO3, FO4, 76 (post npc update) and now Starfield.
@pbacon95 6 ай бұрын
​@@matthewcarroll2533 You're right. Skyrim cities are at best village/small town sized I understand having to scale down areas for gameplay purposes and hardware limitations but come on
@chickenpotbiebro202 6 ай бұрын
Starfield and RedFall could have been fun games if Bethesda actually cared
@Zodroo_Tint 6 ай бұрын
What's that? "Bethesda actually cared" What is that thing in the end: "cared"?
@Cessna172SNavIII 6 ай бұрын
76 as well
@blumoon131 6 ай бұрын
And yet their games only worsen in quality with each release. They're burning up the merit of their laurels.
@effishcent317 6 ай бұрын
They just work for the paycheck they don't care trust me that's the work protocol.
@haruhirogrimgar6047 6 ай бұрын
Meh, Redfall was doomed from the start. You get a team of people specializing in immersive sims, hiring new talent off their reputation for immersive sims. And then press them to make a live service looter-shooter? If you did the same to the Baldurs Gate 3 devs but with spectacle fighters it would go equally terrible.
@woodrowsmith8333 6 ай бұрын
My friend bought the game after upgrading his computer for it. Based on his experience I decided to wait til it went on sale to buy it. Then I saw Bethesda's anti-review posts on steam and Emil Pagliarulo's asinine tweets and decided to never buy another one of their games again.
@ApocGuy 6 ай бұрын
There are less than honourable ways to get the game 😉
@haruhirogrimgar6047 6 ай бұрын
​@@ApocGuy The honorable thing to do is to go play + support better games instead. There were thousands of games released on Steam this year, with a pretty competitive GotY for almost all types of gamers. Why pirate Starfield at this point?
@LiberatedMind1 2 күн бұрын
@@ApocGuy Not worth the hassle, game blows cock.
@Disco_Tek 6 ай бұрын
The thing about review bombing is hilarious. I bought it during early access, put 6 hours into it, wrote a review and pressed refund. Because I wrote my review before it released the review was removed. There were lots of refunds at and around early access.
@camraid9 6 ай бұрын
bad press attracts bad press.... It's still fair to review it in hindsight after watching long youtube disections of its problems.
@BoneBullet 6 ай бұрын
Sony dodged a bullet when Microsoft made this game an exclusive. Who'd have thought.
@cburn-YT 6 ай бұрын
In fairness, Bethesda has had a hard time from Sony anyways, with the PS3 architecture and allowing mods on PS4, in all honesty they probably saw it as a blessing
@Hesadryt 6 ай бұрын
Put it down at about 4 hours after the main quest sends you to two uninteresting locations to find some guy. Filler quest design, game didn’t grab me so never picked it up again.
@DanTheMan-yx9vw 6 ай бұрын
Same here, just went and bought the Elite Dangerous Odyssey DLC instead and haven't stopped playing it since
@DeadlyAntelope 6 ай бұрын
The main quest is just a glorified fetch quest designed to push you into NG+.
@FelinaFaerlaingal 6 ай бұрын
The end part, the whole "Reviews help you decide if the game is for you, play what YOU want. Bad reviews don't mean you should not play the game, it means you need to read the review to see if the downsides would be downside for YOU." is soooo true. An exemple of that: a couple years back I was looking for a small game, to busy a few hours. I was in a bit nostalgia period for games from my childhood. I found a cheap point and click on steam, with majorly negative reviews. Reading those, all of the negative points they mentioned were things that I was, at the time, looking for! I bought it for 3 bucks, played it, had a lot of fun because it was what I wanted to have fun with. Left a review that indicated that. Scores must not be taken at face value, reviews are the important part!
@matthewfuller9760 6 ай бұрын
if steam db is accurate, starfield has at least 10x less active players right now versus baldurs gate. That number is not normalized for total sales though.
@Rapunzel879 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, but Starfield is on Gamepass.
@matthewfuller9760 6 ай бұрын
@@Rapunzel879 true. There are a lot of factors to consider. But at least 10x is a huge difference.
@smergthedargon8974 6 ай бұрын
Starfield _supposedly_ sold a lot and came out more recently., so that's just more points in BG3's favor.
@TheMarcHicks 6 ай бұрын
​​@@smergthedargon8974did it sell more, or was it *downloaded* more? According to Microsoft, Starfield has had 14 million *downloads*, yet more than half.of those downloads were via Gamepass.....and there is no guarantee that all 7 million of those Gamepass subscribers are playing the game today.
@1yu8omir 6 ай бұрын
I don't really understand the thing of buying the game that you can play on pass for free ​@@Rapunzel879
@PHDarren 6 ай бұрын
The defence on Reddit is hilarious, they talk about it being so popular in sales on steam, but when the real stats from steamDB show how few are currently playing it and more people are playing Skyrim on steam than Starfield (and 15 times the number are playing Baldur's Gate 3) and they bleat about the thousands playing on xbox gamepass, but there are no gamepass live stats available so it's a completely unproven statement.
@TheGallantDrake 6 ай бұрын
Imagine watching PatricianTV’s 8 hour video, one that’s really well structured and has a cohesive point to make, and still thinking that this is “just a bandwagon”.
@absta1995 6 ай бұрын
There can be both bandwagons and legitimate critiques in a 'movement'. Starfield is currently at 20% negative for recent reviews. That's worse than most every game I know. I don't think Starfield is even close to that bad. It's a mediocre and disappointing game for sure, but 20% is ridiculous
@EBProGamer 6 ай бұрын
​@@absta1995Yes, it isn't the worst game ever made, however, it is a terrible game coming from a multi million dollar developer and publisher that is owned by a multi billion dollar company. They have the resources to make it good. And if you watch the patrician video about Skyrim, the devs literally said they dumbed down or even half-baked certain parts because they knew the community was gonna fix them. That's why the reaction is so negative because many more people are waking up to Bethesda policies such as half baking and relying on modders or all the shit they pulled recently with Skyrim modding, which are outright insulting to their fans
@Johnajaeger 6 ай бұрын
I watched the entire 8 hours - exceptional content. As someone who played SF for more than 500 hours, completed all achievements and quests, his video helped me understand why I did not enjoy the experience the way I had hoped.
@absta1995 6 ай бұрын
@@EBProGamer tbh I wanted to watch his content but any critique that starts off saying skyrim is overall bad and the people that enjoy it are too ignorant to realise why, is a miss for me. Skyrim is a legit great game. Sure it has a lot of faults, but outright denying its quality is a massive red flag for me. I thought that guy was pretty miserable ngl
@EBProGamer 6 ай бұрын
@@absta1995 I have to agree with you on that point I personally loved Skyrim And there is a certain fog of negativity over all his Videos, even in those in which he praises the game such as his Morrowind. Can't really tell what it is tho
@PJBlows 6 ай бұрын
At 8:12 when he shoots while looking through the scope, the bullets come in to view from above the scope 😅
@2wheel_freedom 6 ай бұрын
Caught that at 5:08 and thought some one else was shooting at it maybe NPC crew what ever . Now seeing it with your comment i see it's a thing . " It's JustWoRkS" LOL
@user-ef5ug6jx5n 6 ай бұрын
pre release - games journos: "Starfield is a great game, no problems, buy it with confidence!" Months later - players "After finishing Starfield I can confidently say: this game is crap" Games journos: "BUT YOU BOUGHT IT SO IT MUST BE GOOD!" games journos are very very stupid people. I also disagree compeltely that it's just bad for a Bethesda game. It's a bad game full stop. Bethesda don't make good games any more.
@JoeyP7998 6 ай бұрын
Bethesda defenders are parroting the exact same ‘logic’. It’s been fun to watch the mental gymnastics.
@scubasteve2189 6 ай бұрын
No, game journos are very, very INCENTIVIZED people. There’s a difference. 😉👍🏻 (Also, they might be stupid as well 😂)
@ummerfarooq5383 6 ай бұрын
​@@JoeyP7998microsoft need to make a lawsuit against these fake reviews and defamers
@user-ef5ug6jx5n 6 ай бұрын
@@scubasteve2189 Stupid people are more likely to be bought and sold. They are stupid, so they don't see any problem with it. Fair point though.
@wolfwing1 6 ай бұрын
these are the same shills that gave it 10/10 and put it as #2 game of the year for them....yeah WTF???
@infrared6973 6 ай бұрын
I couldnt get over how awful the ai behaved and how the entire game felt very weightless with your inputs and the creation engine is clearly just miserable and outdated by decades it feels like.
@Cyromantik 6 ай бұрын
The weird thing is IMO is BGS's over implementation of loading screens. Years ago I installed a "true open world" mod that removed the loading screens upon entry to Whiterun and the other walled cities, and the game ran without a hitch on the budget PC I had at the time. I don't understand what the deal is with Bethesda on one hand treating our systems as if they're potatoes but on the other hand poorly optimizing their games' code as to cause system hangs and crashes.
@flowerthencrranger3854 6 ай бұрын
@@Cyromantik It’s not that our PCs are potatoes. Maybe the engine is literally crying or something.
@J.B.1982 6 ай бұрын
I love the creation engine as it’s designed to allow easy modding. I think many players overlook the bugginess because there’s still a good core experience with their games. In Starfield, they abandoned all the good parts of their game design. Emil’s writing on the other hand, we’re seeing the absolute bottom of his creative and craft ability. He needs to go. They also keep watering down the more nuanced game design. Starfield is crap on almost every level.
@incomprehensible3945 6 ай бұрын
@@Cyromantik the game engine is not made to handle that, the farther away you travel from your origin point the less accurate the game math becomes and thus the glitchier it gets. loading different areas separately prevents this
@JayV27 6 ай бұрын
​@incomprehensible3945 yea I'm pretty sure minecraft solved this by making the player the origin point. Bethesda would have to overhaul the entire game and engine to implement it
@johnthomas4868 6 ай бұрын
In my experience as a 53-year-old meat popsicle, when people are happy, they tend to sit content quietly in their happy bubble, and do their thing. When people are pissed, they bitch and whine and complain and will take the time to go and write a review detailing their awful experience so they can share it with the world. The fact that thousands of people have taken the time to go and write bad reviews (most of them very detailed) tells me everything I need to know about Starfield and how fans have received it. I’m just thankful that I’m on PlayStation, otherwise I would’ve gone and plopped down all the money for this turd like everybody else and been extremely upset when Skyrim in space turned into Solitaire in the toilet.
@spliffingrat5469 6 ай бұрын
a friend of mine "enjoys" starfield. he also enjoys playing RTS or other turned based games and needs 30mins-2h for one round, while the rest of us just has to sit around and watch YT videos on a second screen( i tab straight out cuz im a broky). so yeah, there are players out there enjoying starfield. but to quote the smartest man in the multiverse "i saw what makes you cheer, your boos dont mean anything to me" btw said friend hasnt touched the game in a month . so it seems like its not so great afterall if he doesnt even finishes the game lol
@heatherharrison264 6 ай бұрын
If a game requires a grinding slog of 100+ hours before it becomes good, then it is not a good game. I'm always amazed when I hear this, and it is very rare for me to hear something like this applied to any other entertainment medium. It is beat into the heads of aspiring authors that a novel needs to hook the reader on the first page, or even the first paragraph. I've never heard praise for a movie because it is boring until it becomes exciting in its last 15 minutes. A TV series that starts out poorly is likely to be canceled before it even gets a chance to become good. It is true that some TV series hit their stride after two or three seasons, but there must be something good in the first season to hook viewers in the first place. I haven't bought Starfield yet. I know better than to get into a Bethesda game right after it comes out. Judging from the information I have gathered from watching various videos, "mixed" seems like a fair assessment. There might eventually be enough good in the game to keep me entertained for a while, but I do not expect a Morrowind level masterpiece, as Bethesda has been incapable of accomplishing something like this for a very long time. In two or three years, I'll probably pick up Starfield when it is on sale and give it a go. I'll most likely ignore the poorly written quests, and instead wander around aimlessly, collect junk, and build a base, which is what I do when I play Fallout 4. By then, hopefully there will be mods that short circuit elements of the grind that I don't care to pursue. Or maybe I should just stick to No Man's Sky, which is a space game that is perfect for these activities and doesn't need to be modded.
@patwilson2546 6 ай бұрын
i ground through more than 100 hours. It still wasn't good. There was enough to hook me to keep trying. Also, I am a big fan of Bethesda games and thought it just has to get better. It didn't. Bad NPCs. Bad dialogue. Bad quests. Really mind numbing stuff.
@heatherharrison264 6 ай бұрын
@@patwilson2546 This is sad to hear, albeit not surprising. The first Bethesda game I played was Daggerfall, and I have been a fan ever since - or at least until Fallout 76 happened. Bethesda isn't the first video game company I have watched with great sadness as it goes down the toilet. The franchise that got me going on RPGs was Ultima. Ultima III was my first in that series, and Ultima VI and VII were the peak. During that time, Electronic Arts bought Origin Systems, and as always happens when EA buys a studio, it went into decline. (The same fate awaited Maxis after EA bought it, and SimCity, another of my all time favorite video game series, was ultimately consigned to the dustbin of history.) I was disappointed when Ultima VIII had lost some of the magic and was released in an unfinished state, and I was even more disappointed when Ultima IX sucked and had little redeeming value. If not for Ultima, I probably wouldn't be a gamer today. Daggerfall, and later Morrowind, helped to fill the gap left by Ultima's demise. I have learned not to get attached to any company or franchise - they all inevitably run their course. Bethesda, and with it Elder Scrolls and Fallout, may be on their way down the toilet, but Baldur's Gate 3 has revitalized the classic CRPG genre, and there are indie studios making interesting games unlike any that have been made before. I may mourn their loss, but I can let go of Elder Scrolls and Fallout, and look elsewhere for something new.
@patwilson2546 6 ай бұрын
@@heatherharrison264 My experience with Bethesda starts with Daggerfall as well. It stinks to see Bethesda decline but there are others stepping up. BG3 was great and I enjoyed the Cyberpunk reboot. My favorite game of the last decade is Kingdom Come. I am also a flight sim fan and there has been a good amount of activity on that front. I still play and enjoy a heavily modded Skyrim. Starfield was surprisingly disappointing to me. We have all played some clunkers in our time, but Starfield was the worst combination of high expectations and bad results that I have ever experienced in a game. I'm pretty old, so that is saying something. It is far from the worst game that I have played, but it really disappointed.
@lordcrayzar 6 ай бұрын
It doesn’t require 100 hours though. You could play it for 10000 and it still wouldn’t be good.
@karltech1012 6 ай бұрын
100% accurate review I bought the early access, paid like $95 with taxes, played 200h and now I can't stand it, I fell in the hype train with the game, until I realized that is the same cryogenic lab, the same empty caves, the bugged quests, the lack of a vehicle and the worst of all: a huge amount of load screens to travel from one place to another.
@shayanali8771 6 ай бұрын
Why did you even put in 200 hours if you thought that the game was mid?
@karltech1012 6 ай бұрын
@@shayanali8771 Because I was excited, I loved Skyrim so much, I played Fallout 4 a lot, years ago, that I wanted to play another Bethesda rpg, and I first I wasn't that bad, is with the time I spent playing that I got tired of the same places again and again, the inventory management, and so on... I lost a lot of materials I gathered and stored in the apartment you are rewarded after the UC quest, it was a glitch I lost armors, weapons and materials, I loaded the game one day and everything was gone, still I kept playing until one day I just get bored and tired of the repetition, meaning most of it the distance you have to walk between POI. The same caves, the same laboratories, the need of scan 6 or 7 times the same animal, rock and plants.
@What_do_I_Think 6 ай бұрын
"You have to play 100+ hours" -- I would ask, is this a game or a Stockholm syndrome? Where the gamer is the hostage?
@adamgerald849 6 ай бұрын
No, it's just something people who already liked the game in the first place say. It's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. It's on par with people saying "it gets good after episode 150" when talking about One Piece, lol.
@babayega1717 6 ай бұрын
A space game where you travel by watching pictures of the space game you're trying to play.
@user-kz7dy1tg3r 6 ай бұрын
As the head of a tiny studio myself, something difficult every game developer needs to learn is that there is going to be criticism that you fundamentally think is wrong. That doesn’t matter though. That is what those people think, and literally nothing you do is going to change it.
@ummerfarooq5383 6 ай бұрын
Is your studio getting 100 million active sony playstation users defame your product?
@user-kz7dy1tg3r 6 ай бұрын
@@ummerfarooq5383 No, but what is Bethesda going to do to change that? There’s nothing they can do. Also, as a tiny studio, I’d kill for 100 million people talking about my game. It’s better for people to know it exists than for no one to.
@amazinghorizon8270 6 ай бұрын
@@ummerfarooq5383 Do you think playstation users care? Why do you think Steam has such bad reviews? Steam is for PC not for Playstation.
@Badookum 6 ай бұрын
@@ummerfarooq5383 Oh shut the f*ck up with your pathetic console wars, Starfield is a bad game, PS fanboys arent review bombing it the game is just objectively mid at best and bad at its worst.
@ummerfarooq5383 6 ай бұрын
​@@Badookum you are the spent shavings of a trendy playstation pony. The pony appeaser. The kind who opened the gates of Troy.
@Agent_N7 6 ай бұрын
Starfield started out fun, but when I step outside of the quests and try to work on outposts, leveling up, exploration or gaining money the enjoyment value just plumets
@SynthLizard8 6 ай бұрын
Brings me back to the days where Fallout 76 went from stepping in one cow pie to another every other week.
@downix 6 ай бұрын
Indeed. And now it is a pretty good game.
@haruhirogrimgar6047 6 ай бұрын
​@@downix It is not. Don't spread misinformation. It is still buggy. It still has terrible QoL systems you are expected to buy your way out of. The loot systems are extremely unbalanced. And the player engagement mechanics are still stunted with only contradictory writing to fail to compensate.
@ionseven 6 ай бұрын
The cope is insane. Fanbots are claiming "uSeR rEvIeWs dOnT mAtTeR!!!11!!" If we look at the Overwhelming/Very Positive games, they are that way for a reason. Now they "dont matter." Come on man.
@TheMarcHicks 6 ай бұрын
Justified criticism of a poor launch can be good for a developer, if said developer chooses to listen. Larian are a great example of this (even though their launch of BG3 was amazing, they still listened to criticism), & CDPR has proven to be a great example of this also, over the last 3 years. Meanwhile, the responses of Bethesda, so far, makes me feel that they will *never* learn from constructive criticism.
@dabluflcn 6 ай бұрын
It's really shocking how out of touch Bethesda has been on this. They've changed so much I have a lot of doubt about Elder Scrolls 6 now.
@jaminschmitt 6 ай бұрын
Starfield, the gift that keeps on giving. I spent 3 hours playing the game before deleting it and probably watched 30 hours of people complaining about it. 😬😆
@ooklathemok2941 6 ай бұрын
The minute Emil opened his mouth, he made the decision for me. I removed it from my Wishlist, and I'll stick to No Man's Sky, thank you.
@johnnyalejandro4717 6 ай бұрын
Lol its insane to see someone like Paul Tassi give Starfield 9.5/10 and watch him constantly defend the game for weeks now.
@kiki_de 6 ай бұрын
Welcome to everyone who got woken up by Starfield. Welcome to the new world. You will aways remember the Game who taught you a very valuable lesson. Mine was with mafia 3 in 2016.
@JoeyP7998 6 ай бұрын
I think Mafia 3 was the first time I played a game and was mature enough to actually realize ‘nothing this repetitive is fun’. Starfield is a lot like Mafia 3, in that regard.
@Triggernlfrl 6 ай бұрын
@@JoeyP7998 Have the boring mafia 3 experience so i know for sure i do not need to get Starfield.
@slicedtopieces 6 ай бұрын
Mine was FO4 although I didn't have to buy it. I could kinda tell from the promotional stuff that it was never going to live up to what I love so much about FO3 and FNV.
@JoeyP7998 5 ай бұрын
@@user-gd2gffwea oh dude I’ve got a lot more complaints than just the repetition. This game is fucked from the bottom up.
@igotes 5 ай бұрын
I pre-ordered Duke Nukem Forever because I really enjoyed playing Duke Nukem 3D some 15 years prior. Lesson learnt.
@vvitch-mist20 6 ай бұрын
I hope people take Starfield as a warning about what happens when you allow people to go without proper criticism for too long. His team is a team of failures, and they only have themselves to blame.
@albert2006xp 6 ай бұрын
What does that even mean? The last game they did got criticized to hell and back. And for good reason as it was some online only garbage version of a former game. If Starfield was released by some random studio, the reviews would be "Very Positive". So many clowns acting like this huge game that's only like a 7/10 is some Gollum level flop.
@vvitch-mist20 6 ай бұрын
@@albert2006xp Yeah but how many people defended it? People saying you gotta play Starfield for over 70+ hours before you can criticize it, bffr.
@albert2006xp 6 ай бұрын
@@vvitch-mist20 People wouldn't have to defend it if so many people wouldn't be so obviously eager to criticize this game more than any game they've ever played. If they were put in a room without prior knowledge of Starfield and not told who made the game, they wouldn't feel the need to come out with these stretched criticisms. They'd be more reasonable and say "eh, it's alright, maybe get it on sale or gamepass if you want a long talking to NPCs RPG". You know how Starfield criticism sounds to me? "Well it's not literally the greatest game ever so it's a huge disappointment and my family and I have been personally offended by Todd Howard". Anything less than a Baldur's Gate 3 or RDR2 and it would still be criticised to hell. It's like, don't pretend you haven't played much worse games than Starfield THIS YEAR. As a general rule, if you're a youtuber or game journalist you should fully complete a game before reviewing it anyway. That's not something unique to this game. I've bitched about Yahtzee on so many Zero Punctuations because he just clearly barely played the games he's talking about.
@vvitch-mist20 6 ай бұрын
@@albert2006xp You proved my point.
@stefanlewis7773 6 ай бұрын
​​@@vvitch-mist20😂 yes he did. Copium probably.
@slingshotmcoy 6 ай бұрын
I can't think of any one entity that's so well known for being bad on literally every single account, but wildly successful in spite of it somehow.
@haruhirogrimgar6047 6 ай бұрын
The Pokemon Company/Gamefreak. Known for bad writing, bad graphics, braindead easy gameplay, Terrible QoL, poor/overpriced monetization, etc. But people are still buying and defending their games en-mass.
@TrickyJebus 6 ай бұрын
it was the same for Cyberpunk/ a friend told me he never encountered bugs at all and denies everything the MAJORITY says about how bad Cyberpunk was on launch.
@m0ose0909 6 ай бұрын
Initial reviews from game reviewers were largely highly positive - it ended up being a lie, but I guess a lot of people bought based on those high scores.
@TecTitan 6 ай бұрын
It's really fucking embarrassing that Bethesda can't put together a modern video game with anything impressive or interesting.
@1yu8omir 6 ай бұрын
It's your approach what matters, any game if met with nitpicking and focus on bad stuff would be surprise a bad experience
@AngRyGohan 6 ай бұрын
@@1yu8omir Boy sure tell us what does Starfield does thats even above average/not mediocre. Exploration? Nope. Melee combat? Hell no. Gun combat? Extremely lacking in variety, a cover shooter with bullet sponge enemies is always going to be mediocre. Main story? Nope. Do i need to go on? How is any of that cherry picking if you literally dont think there is one aspect thats good in it? No, being able to build a ship does not make it a good game, you will spend less than 1% of your time doing that.
@TheMarcHicks 6 ай бұрын
@@1yu8omir oh look, we found Todd Howard's Rent Boy 😆
@cburn-YT 6 ай бұрын
What blows me away is one of the game design principles you learn early on as a hobbyist or someone looking to get into the field is, your game needs to be fun from the get go, this comes from the presentation of the game from the main menu to your first seconds playing, and Bethesda somehow indoctrinated countless people to eat garbage for 100+ hours and got away with it, I'm genuinely impressed
@Suzuki750Rizla 6 ай бұрын
The ONLY reason starfield got to mostly positive reviews is because it released early to die-hard fans who paid extra. Once the average person got ahold of it we saw it steadly decline in rating.
@NightLexic 6 ай бұрын
As one of the "Die Hard" fans this game is unsalvageable. I put multiple runs in for the NG+ experience and it just kept getting worse in my eyes.
@barryevans791 6 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure that Fallout 4 had mostly negative reviews until they fixed a load of bugs and implemented survival mode. In fact, this seems to be a common thing for Bethesda games. What I don't understand is how people could play previous Bethesda games and act shocked that it didn't meet their expectations? Does anyone remember Fallout 76? Overall, this is the most bug free release I have ever experienced from them, even though bugs do exist.
@kbdc 6 ай бұрын
It's crazy that the diehard fanboys think it's a black & white situation w/ this game. Like it's great that you enjoy the game. But if the overall consensus of the game is mixed or negative, then it's time to take off the rose tinted glasses and think critically. The hate for this game isn't forced. Realize the constructive criticism this game gets are either fans of Bethesda games or rpg/sci-fi fans that know this game is outdated by modern standards. Not just PS fanboys downvoting the game or bandwagoners. Starfield's competitors such as CP2077 & NMS exposes the flaws the game has from a game design standpoint. Even without them, this is something game critics would've pointed out when you consider the gap between Skyrim & Fallout 4 to this game. That's objectively true. You can't tell me it's fun going through a loading screen within a loading screen or flying in space looking at a PNG of the planet and would prefer it over what CP2077 & NMS offer respectively. This is just one aspect too. And if you're one of those ppl where you preach "tHe mOdDiNg CoMmUnItY wIlL fIx ThE gAmE...," then your thinking is so flawed. Mods are meant to enhance the game experience; not fix it. I didn't need to play Skyrim w/ mods to enjoy it. If the dev of the Skyrim Together mod gave up on making a variant for Starfield, that alone speaks volumes of how weak the vanilla Starfield experience is. These modders create these mods because they love the game. Not to fix Bethesda's lazy and outdated approach to their open world games
@machine-shopbilly6584 6 ай бұрын
How is Fallout 4 eight years old and leagues and bounds better? Did they all get brain damage in that eight year span?
@h13n12 6 ай бұрын
what's worse is that fallout 4 is not even that good of a game so the fact that it is leagues and bounds better than starfield just hammer it home how bad starfield truly is.
@Zodroo_Tint 6 ай бұрын
This was a process what started 2 decades ago. And here we go.
@MLPDethDealr32 6 ай бұрын
Only with mods. Vanilla Fallout 4 is an insult to the past games. Daily Reminder that Bethesda didnt create Fallout, they gutted it.
@machine-shopbilly6584 6 ай бұрын
Well yeah, but the vanilla game works, it has more basic quality of life features and the NPCs don't look like CPR dummies
@jarodjohnson4357 6 ай бұрын
I didn't get past 10 hours on either of my attempted playthroughs. The menus and maps were frustrating to navigate and on the first attempt my character sprained his ankle on a jump i could possibly accomplish irl and that also sprained the fun factor of this "game"
@zc8673 6 ай бұрын
Im obsessed with Starfield. Its like watching a trainwreck.
@petrusjnaude7279 6 ай бұрын
As far as the so-called "bandwagon effect", I agree that people would not make analysis videos that are 2 hours or more just get join in on the hate. Originally I was pretty neutral on the game before release, and adopting a wait and see approach. When it released I was going to wait more, because the price (in my country on Steam) was a little ridiculous and I had some great fames to keep me busy, Baldur's Gate 3 and Phantom Liberty among them. Now I'm glad I waited.
@AngRyGohan 6 ай бұрын
I personally feel the opposite although not to Starfield because i didnt even like Bethesda going as far back as F3/ Oblivion, let alone Skyrim, but to Cyberpunk. If i didnt play at launch before the bandwagon went full on overdrive, i would have believed people saying "its a buggy mess, with no good quality underneath" While its weird how i can count on one hand how many bugs ive seen and feel completely alien to the buggy mess or the performance critique ( game runs on full ultra on my shitty Rx 580 while being the prettiest game out there, but i bet AC or whatever game wouldnt run that well ) , but the "nothing good underneath" was just a pure nonsense reaction, where gigs ( pretty much radiant quests ) had more effort put into them in writing ( or how non linear they are ) than most games's main story, especially the Phantom Liberty ones.
@CyberJellos 6 ай бұрын
Bought oblivion recently with all dlc, playing it for the first time and having a lot of fun. Steam prices right now in Canadian dollars: Starfield: $97.49 Oblivion: $6.24 Play some older games you missed when you were a kid, folks!
@blumoon131 6 ай бұрын
It truly feels like Bethesda made this game to fail on purpose given the insanely stupid design decisions plaguing its core. How can a studio keep regressing in quality so bad with each release, while expecting modders to do all the heavy lifting post-launch, spend 8 years on an original IP and learn *nothing* from all the criticisms past?
@TheSoxor123 6 ай бұрын
A buddy of mine bought the Constellation edition of Starfield and everytime I critique the game he defends it like his life depends on it. I noticed its because he needs to justify his 200 dollar purchase for a mid game. He doesnt even wear the watch anymore.
@1yu8omir 6 ай бұрын
Because the game gets trashed and if anyone likes it considered stupid, that's the narrative YT follows 😅
@ovidiusurubaru9281 4 ай бұрын
​@@1yu8omir sad but true
@econundrum1977 6 ай бұрын
Here's the thing I debated with myself BG3 or starfield. I'm pleased to say I opted BG3. Not because I've heard starfield isn't great, more because BG3 is the best game I've played in 10 years and certainly the best value for money. But I have watched detailed reviews and they do give me pause in buying starfield at all, still if it drops below £20 I'll probably give it a go. But if I have to say why would I play a game that isn't fun until I've clocked 70 hours when BG3 is fun straight away.
@ANGRYWOLVERINE2060-ft2nc 6 ай бұрын
Bethesda wanted to make this a 10 year game where they could bring a bunch of unnecessary updates to break the script extenders. They wanted paid mods. They wanted to put the game on as many platforms as possible even stuff like Android and I-phones. They wanted a ton of mods including large mods like some of those skyrim and Fallout 4 had to keep interest in the game high while ES6 is cooking. Now all their hopes dreams indeed beliefs about the game have gone up in smoke. There have been accusations made by modders about the float points and form ID changes making modding difficult. So we will have to see if that is true.If it limits what their creation kit can do. If true Phil Spencer might not be so happy with Todd and he may retire earlier than intended.
@ashroskell 6 ай бұрын
That’s it. You nailed it. Tell people they need to sink MORE TIME into a game that didn’t entertain them within 20 hours and you’re ASKING for angry, disgruntled reviews. People will resent their time being wasted. And that’s what you’re seeing now. People saying, “I did what you asked, wasted 100 hours of my life and now I wish I hadn’t trusted you!”
@dessertstorm7476 6 ай бұрын
11:56 WOW never heard "recommendations" pronounced this way before. Achievement unlocked.
@ConorKelleher 6 ай бұрын
Haven't actually played the game yet but I've seen so many videos about it I feel like I'm already a burnt player who's put in over 100 sub-par hours with it 😅 Just came to say great video - particularly the audio quality. Subbed and looking forward to seeing your channel grow 👌
@keungwan5901 6 ай бұрын
I think it's genuine curiosity about a game that technically looks okay, if not great, but there seems to be something wrong with it. Trying to pin that down... is elusive. Is it Creation Engine, is it Woke, is it bad design, is it rushed development. Was it just a Bad Idea - Arnie, Predator. Is it just old?
@Zodroo_Tint 6 ай бұрын
Me too, usually I like to see videos where someone put a lazy developer to its place but I can hardly watch it when it is Starfield, the game is just so blank. This "NASApunk" is crap. BTW NASApunk doesn't make any sense. NASA is as establishment as it could be.
@naacaruso652 6 ай бұрын
⁠@@keungwan5901BGS have their formula and as time goes on people people want more expansive versions of it. The procedural generation is a big thorn in their identity as even though past games were not up to date, their dense and explorative world building made up for it, and even made a niche. They took quantity over quality route and they paid the price. NV being a decade+ older and having a better story and freedom is alarming. (Starfield’s story felt like a tutorial) Especially with how well received BG3 has been their mistakes have been highlighted even more. Honestly, I didn’t think the developers could seep lower than 76 but they cut corners and produced and unfinished bland product. The game feels restrictive like F4 in that their is no real ‘evil’ choice and to have to possibly wait for multiple DLC drops for it to come shows what they intended to do. Cyberpunk’s developers took the time to fix the game and completely transform it. BGS have relied heavily on modders who complete their games but they weren’t bland IP’s. This universe has 5 key areas and 15 semi developed ones. 980 are fodder, let that sink in
@adamgerald849 6 ай бұрын
Same. I loved their older games but I'm not getting this one and for some reason I love seeing negative content about it lol. I think it's because I'm resentful towards Bethesda for selling their soul and being so bad at something they used to be so good at.
@GeorgeNoiseless 6 ай бұрын
To borrow a point from a recent, somewhat related NeverKnowsBest video: The Pac-Man port for the Atari 2600 was one of the console's best selling games, yet universally panned as a turd. The argument that it is in fact this Best Seller, and not the infamous E.T., killed the 80s console consumer enthusiasm.
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 6 ай бұрын
2:17 not only are folks valid for enjoying the game, the feedback + frustrations from gaming evaluation + analyses channels are important info for Bethesda & the models to come. Day 1 Vanilla Skyrim is so different than the game-family it became. CDRed's disastrous Cyberpunk77 launch is experiencing a lot of re-evaluations in the light of DLC & changes. If people see promise in some areas & Bethesda lets the mods + devs cook, it could be a better. That doesn't change the fact it's UNCONSCIONABLE to keep releasing games in an unfinished state. But that's a tangential long discussion impossible to encapsulate here. It's a related problem that deserves time, space, + attention too.
@ImmortalKyle 6 ай бұрын
Starfield is a 6 out 10, simple as that. I doubt it will ever get a sequel, maybe a mobile game. And a good note that Bethesda failed to explain is if you beat the game 4+ times, the NewGame+ mode starts giving you different universes, like one where Cora is an adult Starborn or one where Constellation is driven by evil desires. Starfield has a multiverse after you beat the game several times. That's about the coolest aspect of the game, honestly.
@airdragon11studios 6 ай бұрын
I heard about this and got excited at the idea of jumping to new multiverses! But, 4 times?! The multiverse should be the first newgame+ and random or atleast a choice. Like would you like a similar universe or different one?
@infrared6973 6 ай бұрын
Thats one of the worst aspects of the game and totally kills replayability cuz the people who did all that have no desire to start a new character which goes against everything bethesda has ever done.
@ImmortalKyle 6 ай бұрын
@@infrared6973 I've beaten Skyrim over a dozen times, each with a new character. You can do the exact same thing in Starfield OR if you choose, you can continue your main character and go through a multiverse situation. Unfortunately, Starfield is too big and it's content is spread too thin so it makes going through multiple playthroughs a real chore. Luckily, there are options to skip parts of the game to speed that up.
@ImmortalKyle 6 ай бұрын
@@airdragon11studiosI agree, 4+ times is a little much lol there are ways to skip the game though if you want to rush it.
@babytiny5807 6 ай бұрын
This was an excellent video, you have great thoughts about this situation and you're much more objective than I am, yet we still mostly align with opinions on this
@user-hb7py7xy7b 5 ай бұрын
Phill Spencer: "there are around 12 million players in Starfield." That's about 6 mil copies sold in month if we will be generous and assume that only half of the players have GamePass. 6 mil copies in month is a disaster. Fallout 4 sold 5 mil in first week.
@_Sammy_J 5 ай бұрын
Starfield is a soul-less dead space boredom simulator.
@michaelmurphy2786 6 ай бұрын
While it was always going to have problems, being a Bethesda product and all, while trying to be such a vast experience, I do feel that it could of been a little better if they'd been able to stick to the original timeline as I remember The Todd going on about how the game wasn't going to be due till around 2025 and possibly 2026. To me, it seems like it was given the push towards the door to try justify the expense of Microsoft's purchase, with it coming out two years before the original estimate and being a half-baked mess of Bethesda's typical two-thirds baked mess, so it could of been more than it is but ultimately the overall design was flawed as it was trying to be too many things already.
@flcl7154 6 ай бұрын
When did Todd say this , in an interview?
@robovinefilms1811 6 ай бұрын
I'm happy with Skyrim and Fallout 4 being my Bethesda cutoff until they get their act together. ES6 is going to be an important release.
@StreamlinedGaming_ 6 ай бұрын
Honestly, as a massive Fallout fan, Fallout 4 is where they lost me. So many retconns, such horrible writing throughout, no meaningful dialogue options. Going from New Vegas to 4 was like whiplash
@robovinefilms1811 6 ай бұрын
​@@StreamlinedGaming_I agree with everything you just said. I would never play Vanilla. Bethesda is in the top 3 best modding communities and I treat F4 like a Gary's mod or Little Big Planet. Skyrim on the other hand I can play MOSTLY vanilla.
@bulkvanderhuge9006 6 ай бұрын
@@StreamlinedGaming_ Same here, also the Bait and Switch with the Season Pass really made me mad.
@StreamlinedGaming_ 6 ай бұрын
@@robovinefilms1811 haha I love it. It’s a very fun game to mod I’ll give it that. Even there tho I think the New Vegas modding community has it beat at this point. The animations those guys make work on Gamebryo are mind blowing !!
@StreamlinedGaming_ 6 ай бұрын
@@bulkvanderhuge9006 that was so bad. They also never patched the 0KB glitch on PS4 and PS5. I lost a 200 hour save because a pip boy skin I purchased from the creation club broke my save… I’ve never had that issue with free mods yet the ones they charge money for can do that 😂
@Sound557 6 ай бұрын
Using the fanboys’ logic: ‘the Fast & the Furious movies make money, therefore they are high quality.’
@Shadowhunterbg 6 ай бұрын
Long may it burn alongside the studio that made it. Any game company that releases poor games, made with the bare minimum effort, just to rely on it's own scammed out of their money customers to do the work for it while also having the audacity to charge 70$, deserves to be punished severely. What is EVEN MORE disgusting is that Bugthesda wants to charge people by monetizing the mods that were created to fix their mess in the first place. I am sorry but at this point i would rather give EA money than to Bugthesda. This studio, those in charge Todd included deserve to be actually investigated under the law for fraud and false advertisement for years! Nothing will bring me more joy than seeing Todd "I didn't steal the last cookie" Howard behind bars, just like the protagonists in each of his games. But unlike them, he stays in the dungeon where he belongs.
@THE-DIESEL999 6 ай бұрын
I played for a little over 90 hours because it was supposed to get better… it didn’t
@gigglehurtz3167 6 ай бұрын
Yep, BGS got me, i pre ordered and was convinced it would be a BGS game like i expected and frankly wanted. I was so disappointed when i didnt like the game.
@asddap 6 ай бұрын
Bruh, I dodged the bullet. My option was between Starfield and Cyberpunk. I decided buying Cyberpunk + DLC was a wisher decision. And it actually was.
@Peregrin3 6 ай бұрын
I played it for 300 hours and it get worst the longer you play because all it's problems become harder to ignore.
@sorcesscores5366 6 ай бұрын
Idk about everyone else, but I need to be pretty passionate/upset to leave an online review. The first wave of reviews were from people that wanted the game to be good, and now the reviews from people that bought the game because the reviews said it was good, are very upset!
@vensroofcat6415 6 ай бұрын
Well, I don't think Starfield is a bad game. I would rate Starfield at 6.5/10 or close. Based on streams. Engine is obviously ancient, story bland and limited. But it's not completely bad. The thing is, I don't play games below 8/10. Not worth my time. Pretty much everything besides some niche games is over 90% on Steam before I buy it. I was waiting for Starfield, but then I saw the dead eyed trailers in June and YT after release confirmed my suspicions so Starfield left my Wishlist rather quickly. Mediocrity.
@yarou3124 6 ай бұрын
If the price is 60 dollars, it better be a masterpiece. Otherwise, not worth buying.
@vensroofcat6415 6 ай бұрын
@@yarou3124 and it was more like 70. That level of self confidence is really impressive. But doesn't really help business. Release at 40+$, acknowledge shortages and being "only AA", work on improvements. Release few significant DLCs at reasonable price... improvise. Just don't act like every gamer is stupid.
@bulkvanderhuge9006 6 ай бұрын
There are gamers out there that will defend every single game they buy, to the D3ath just because they paid for it, and if they admit that the game is bad, they will feel ripped off, so they'd rather just blindly love a game whether it's good or not. Those gamers are the ones that Game Devs use and abuse over and over again, and they're why we have Horse Armor, overpriced Season Passes and Day one DLC.
@ramagdehz9400 6 ай бұрын
BG 3 is updated and fixed like crazy, same time Starshit has the same perk bugs it had on release. Key perk which should regenerate your health during combat doesn't work. The whole game is a downgrade from previous Bethesda games.
@nature_laughslast6438 6 ай бұрын
For Bethesda to have any chance of saving the next game and learning they need to take a huge L here. I expected little from Starfield but somehow was still disappointed. Not because I didn’t see some issues coming, but the obvious steps back from the things they did right in the past and no improvement on aspects they weren’t good at. Needless to say I think the next game is screwed unless they make massive changes.
@rayanemargad1409 5 ай бұрын
the fact it got most innovative game of the year by steam makes me want to die
@Mrannoyus 6 ай бұрын
My counter argument to people saying "if it's so bad why did it sell so well" well I have one word. Marketing. There are dozens upon dozens of horrible games that have sold well due to excellent marketing, with the most recent example I can think of being the scam that is "The Day Before"
@K.C-2049 6 ай бұрын
the idea of spending 150 hours, which is roughly how much time I spent each in Horizon Zero Dawn, AC Odyssey (I know I know lol), Witcher 3, RDR2, San Andreas, FFXII back in the day on PS2 etc. etc. loving every minute of it, just *waiting* foir the game to finally get good is absolutely bonkers to me. I'm pretty intuitive and I do not like wasting my time, I usually know within the first 5 hours if a game is for me or not. with Starfield, I don't even think I need to bother with the 5 hours lol
@franzeusq 5 ай бұрын
I think that many of the 100 thousand individuals who bought this game did not have those 60-100 dollars left over. And out of simple pride they like this game so as not to feel regretful.
@Xsuprio 6 ай бұрын
Hype has momentum. When SF was about to come out... BIG hype. And when it was out, people were "scared" to say, it just wasn't that great. When finally a few people did start saying "meh", the train slowed... then stopped... then flew straight up into the air, flipping around wildly. I'm glad I resisted buying this game. Even when people were saying it's actually good after release. Truth be told... I learned that lesson the hard way with No Man's Sky.
@lexdeobesean 6 ай бұрын
300 hours here. 50% of it was me being enamoured with the ship builder, the ships, the details, landscape designs, sounds, the potential, the big dangling carrot of 1000 planets... ... then it was 30% of gradual heart breaking realisation, getting annoyed at the repetitive POI, the nonsensical main quest, the moralistic companions, the linear and dull faction quests (except vanguard), the unkillable npcs, the pointlessness of asking 'what's out there?' Because it's either nothing or a copy pasted factory... ...then 10% of just hate, frustration, speedrunning the endgame in god mode, trying to glitch the game, etc... ... the 10% of returning every week for 30 mins just to briefly enjoy the ship builder and the ships, only to give up remembering they're useless. 💔 I'm back to fallout 4 in my 35th playthrough, having a blast. I doubt mods can save starfield. I hope I'm wrong. Mods generally don't change the base game and quests, and mods with new poi and quests are rare and usually kinda weird. I mod myself bit I don't see myself bothering with SF. There's nothing to mod.
@klaykid117 6 ай бұрын
If anybody's wondering why exactly. The game is currently getting negative reviews when before it was getting mostly positive. There's three things 1. Old players who have played for several hours are now getting completely tired of the game in a way they didn't with fallout 4 in Skyrim compound that with multiple KZbin video essays doing a really good job of pointing out and summarizing all of the flaws 2. Many people just got the game for Christmas and are regretting asking for it 3. And this is the biggest one: Bethesda was actively responding to negative reviews which is the dumbest thing they could have done because all it was encouraging was people to leave negative reviews so they can have the novelty of saying they got responded to directly by Bethesda. Ironic isn't it in trying to gaslight players into believing it was a good game? They've literally destroyed themselves because now people who thought it was okay to good or leaving thumbs down reviews just so they can have the screenshot of being replied to
@uberbyte7467 5 ай бұрын
A further point: The game available to a lot of people through early access, if you pre-ordered the game. Obviously the die-hard fans all pre-ordered it and thus the game got a flood of good reviews, when the average player got a shot at it, the game got reviewed by the standards of the majority.
@peacefusion 5 ай бұрын
3. yes, the moment you talk to a toxic review, the more you just create drama fuel for them. Take note all my indie devs!
@heeverhashiscage 6 ай бұрын
It's a solid 7/10. Here's my very long, cool, and totally worthwhile review. First, the good stuff: The world building and role playing elements are actually pretty good. NPC's have tons to say about the world and their lives, definitely more than in previous BGS games. You can tell that the devs really wanted to make the world feel believable, immersive, lived- in, and rich in history. You just have to be down with a more serious space setting. Your background and skills come up in dialogue way more than I thought they would. I dig the art style of the ships, spacesuits, and weapons. Futuristic, but still grounded. Nice! The music is epic and great. The graphics are an improvement over Fallout 4, especially on things like lighting, NPC's facial expressions, and hair physics. I especially liked that they brought back the front- facing camera angle for dialogues from Oblivion and Fallout 3. Nice! Silent protagonist! I thought the starmap was well designed, and easy to navigate. The ship building, while admittedly pretty clunky, was a major highlight for me. It was very satisfying to build cool spaceships, though I wish there were more detailed descriptions of all the parts and their manufacturers and stuff. The outpost building is a giant leap better than the settlement system in Fallout 4, which may not be saying much, but nonetheless it was an area of the game I very much enjoyed. The ship flying and ship combat was pretty good. I liked having to relegate power to my ship's systems, and target specific enemy systems to disable their weapons and engines and stuff. Ship hijacking is wicked fun. The jetpack. Some of the best quests BGS have ever designed. The Ryujin questline on Neon was excellent. It's fun to rotate the sandwiches and foam cups. The diseases and ailments are cool, but I wish they were harsher! The towns are large, detailed, and fun to explore. The astrophysics and exploration worship stuff was fun and interesting to immerse myself into. The presentation and retro computer aesthetic in general is fresh, slick, and cool. The stuff I didn't like: The skill challenges are needlessly grindy. Just give me a standard perk system and I'm good. Some skills are totally pointless like geology and nutrition. No city maps, which is utterly baffling, and cups serious pouch. No survival mode, which I think would be an excellent fit for a space game. Like NMS. No vehicles like moon rovers or moon buggys for fun, varied traversal. No seamless flying around and landing on planets like in NMS. The procedurally generated planets, structures, and encounters are procedurally generated. The inventory menu is quite cumbersome and not user friendly. The writing is a bit bland, or sanitized. I guess it is meant to appeal to all ages, which is fine, but I vastly prefer the more mature tone in games such as Baldur's Gate 3 or the recently engoodened Cyberpunk 2077. Could use a couple more enemy types and energy weapons. The enemies you fight have dumb brain and are very not smart. The game is buggy and it can be pretty noticeable. They range from the standard funny and quaint BGS wackiness we know and love, to progression blocking or game breaking stuff which totally sucks. Ok, there it is. That's all the stuff I can think of. Big Todd and co. just wanted to make a fun space game, and everybody is hating on it. Which is kind of a bummer. It's definitely got issues, but despite its flaws, It's a pretty darn chill time. In a year or two, with some patches, dlc's, and mods, It'll probably be even better. Goodbye.
@Syrhunter1 6 ай бұрын
The content creator conspiracy is pretty jokes actually. I know a youtuber or two who were dying to make Starfield content but stopped or never started because the game sucks. Jabo so badly wanted to explore every planet, but early on realized it would never be worth it. Camelworks has 2+ hour videos just walking around a region or Skyrim, and explaining the story told by the environment. I think there's even Doom lore coverage on his channel. But Starfield just didn't have anything positive to cover somehow.
@ggboogy1 6 ай бұрын
Excellent video. Xbox-x player and was soooo looking forward to this game and then played it on gamepass. Thoroughly disappointed. Just thought it was boring and not anything new or worthwhile to spend my time on.
@j.d.4697 6 ай бұрын
There are people who call the current situation of players with hundreds of hours in the game giving it bad reviews "review bombing". 🤦 Surely that kind of a copium dose must be lethal? And what about the tiny player numbers now? How do they explain that? All those people who allegedly love the game are forcing themselves to no longer play to troll Bethesda? 🤨
@JackVogel2024 6 ай бұрын
Be aware, that this game might be the turning point for Bethesda, where they finally confront and handle all the issues they've built up over the years, in one glorious attempt to redeem themselves and find a way back to the magic they once held - for themselves, for the fans. Also be aware that this game might just be the beginning of the end, as often is the case when a company grow large and loose touch with that which made it great.
@MrMastrmonstr 6 ай бұрын
i know the feeling man i had some things to say about the "next big F2P FPS" The Finals got 2k views and about 3 different negative comments on how i can't put out a video on a game when it's only been a week this and that but yeah i think 30 hours in to a mutiplayer only game is enough to get a good feel for the game's good stuff and bad just like 70 some hours is enough with any single player game even a long one to have a good opion on how you feel about it.... i spent 135ish hours on this game i had SOME fun but at the end i was just sick of the game the last thing i did was i went outa my way to explore off the beaten track found nothing on any of the planets then realized i was gonna have to sit thru 5 more loading screens just to get back UGH
@twofarg0ne763 6 ай бұрын
Content creators had nothing to with my OWN impressions of the game. I played it and it was a boring game. All Bethesda did was create a massive game by using cheap cut and paste development.
@happydan20 6 ай бұрын
It takes longer than 2 hours for the illusion to break. That's outside the refund window. That's how you get a best seller with bad reviews.
@SubinVJ008 6 ай бұрын
Todd Howard hoped modders would fix starfeild and make it amazing like they did with Skyrim and many fallout 4 too, but putting faith in modders is a bad idea. Just because they made Skyrim great doesnt mean they can do it to anything you try to make.
@mikeandre7364 6 ай бұрын
That ain't the worst part about hate-installing a game or hate-consuming media. You're giving your money to the premise of hate essentially, which the higher ups directing this media don't care about, all they care about is your money and profits. So if they see that their shitty creations with reduced budget and cut-corners make good profits, why on earth would they stop there? They'll keep pushing out crap. I'll be very surprised if Bethesda does any of this experimental stuff on elder scrolls 6, which is pretty much as well known as gta.
@tirirana 6 ай бұрын
"Yes Emil, you don't work at the Twinky factory, but if you open one and it's fuzzy, green and smells of rotten eggs, you're no gonna eat it, are you?"
@UKGeezer 6 ай бұрын
Bethesda really haven't done themselves any favours with their defensive stance and responses. They would have been better off just keeping their mouths shut and providing us with a roadmap of updates and bug fixes.
@CappoMcBadass 6 ай бұрын
If the Devs werent so adamant about "Its not a bad game, youre just playing it wrong!" I wouldnt get as much joy out of it Falling lower and lower.
@StateBlaze1989 6 ай бұрын
A ton of these people on the content creator conspiracy train boil down to "this person is toxic because they didn't blindly praise a game I like." They can't fathom something they enjoy getting any sort of criticism, like something has to be wrong with the content creator or reviewer.
@Trace153 6 ай бұрын
Yea the console warrior crap is very silly. The plastic box is not all there is to games. And SF is perfect example of a dev just failing to hit the mark to the consumer exceptions.
@bobb9994 6 ай бұрын
it’s good that some people did genuinely enjoy this game. I personally didn’t like the game as I found it empty and boring. What I don’t care for are the people saying it’s trendy to hate on this game because I have read some positive reviews that seemed AI generated and metric changed my 1 out of 10 review to a 7 out of 10 review even though it was a clearly negative experience for me. I had to change it back to 1 out of 10 even after it was approved. I hope you and others that found this game fun continue to enjoy this game and have many more hours of fun. I’m not stranger to likening a game that everyone seems to hate MEA had a lot of negative reviews and I genuinely like the game but I also acknowledge there are a lot of faults in as well.
@lemonapocalypse414 6 ай бұрын
I'd like to enjoy it but my temple quests bugged out and now I'm stuck until Bethesda MAYBE fixes it in a month or so...😡 My patience for Bethesda & their bullshit is running very thin. I havent left a review yet but if they dont fix it...
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