Starfield Immersive Gameplay Combat Overhaul 1.03 - Attack on a Pirates base

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ekRapid Mods

ekRapid Mods

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A showcase of the combat flow of Immersive Gameplay 1.02 for Starfield on normal difficulty.
Immersive Gameplay is a large combat overhaul that transforms Starfield into an intense fair and realistic shooter.
It is the successor of the successful Immersive Gameplay for Fallout 4 which had over 1,000.000 downloads and contributed to the happiness of many players for hundreds of their gametime.
Weapons used in this video, Maelstorm, Hard Target, Big Bang, Magsniper, Drumbeat.
Enemies fought, Pirates, Robots.
The biggest changes this mod brings to the game are,
*Spacesuits and combat armor regenerate health from 0% to 100% in 6 seconds. (Due to players' requests I've uploaded optional files that add delay to this effect or lengthen the time to heal)
*The player and his human enemies deal equal damage to each other, without any hidden multipliers.
*The world is mostly unleveled, human combatants have 300-400 health.
*Ballistic weapons damage is caliber-based and they do the same damage in auto as they do in semi-auto.
*Laser weapons have no recoil, are accurate, and deal less damage.
*50 cal sniper rifles and Magsniper will kill all human enemies in 1 headshot.
*Only particle, shotgun, and laser perks add damage, the rest improve accuracy and reload speed, and the damage particle and laser perks add damage. the damage they add is greatly reduced. (Shotguns will likely receive a different perk in the future)
*More aggressive enemies. Enemies will try to utilize more efficient tactics to kill the player faster without resorting to cheap tricks.
*Ammo is cheap and abundant.
*Particle weapons have a cooling-down system like their inspiration in Mass Effect and the lasercutter.
*All weapons are combat-worthy at any level. (Except for some of the melee weapons at the moment.)
The mod is balanced around the normal difficulty and I recommend players to change the difficulty to the difficulty that suits them the most.
I've published detailed descriptions of the changes in this mod on its pages on and the Nexus.
Examples of improved AI in the video - The biggest change you can see is the robot's behavior, to combat Human's regenerative armor, the robot attempts to close in aggressively for the kill. In another attempt where the recording was unfortunately interrupted. I died due to this aggressiveness.

Пікірлер: 25
@Baja-Kitty 8 күн бұрын
I love the mod and all, but I felt this was important to address. This mod is preventing the REV-8, from spawning. I know it sounds weird, but I went through my entire mod list and isolate it to this specific mod. I found myself in the constant trying to buy it, but it won’t set it as active. I figured you would want to know this. I’m not a mod creator, but I can only assume because it’s something to do with the ammo editing. They’re nevertheless, I really do enjoy this mod.
@ekRapidMods 7 күн бұрын
I'm waiting for xedit to be available to fix the issue. Right now, it's possible to deactivate Immersive Gameplay, buy REV-8, and reactivate Immersive Gameplay.
@ekRapidMods 29 күн бұрын
Would you guys like to see more videos like this? For Starfield, Fallout 4, and other shooters?
@indeedgaminghere401 18 күн бұрын
I like everything in the mod, I just think the health regen is too fast. Now I’m also wearing extremely good armor, so that could be part of it. And I still need to do further testing cause I’ve only ran it coincidentally at the same outpost you’re at in this video lol. But it seems to put the game in a position where you’re either too strong or to weak if that makes sense. In certain cases I got blown up and shot so I died so fast that I was basically 1 shot. In other cases the enemies were so weak that even while standing in front of a robot with a automatic laser and punching me I was in little danger. I think the nanite perspective makes a lot of sense, cause realistically. One bullet should compromise the protection the suit gives us from space and we would die. So I think it’s a really good lore way to mitigate that. But 6 seconds may just be a little fast. Maybe 12 seconds would make it seem a lil more grounded. Cause in the multiple runs I did it seemed like I was always either too strong or too weak. Or perhaps that’s kinda what you were looking for? Cause it does still put you on edge cause you can still be killed. And since you can’t or haven’t put together an armor system yet, this truly may have been the best option. Speaking of an armor system, out of curiosity. And I ask this cause I genuinely know nothing about modding and how to do it. Which part makes implementing an armor system in the game difficult? Is it the programming, displaying the armor system accurately on the screen, balancing or all of the above?
@ekRapidMods 18 күн бұрын
Thanks for your comment, what version did you run it on, was it 1.04 or higher? I did make changes to counter the problem you mentioned in 1.04 while even this video was taken with 1.03 or 1.02. Because I wasn't getting killed enough by enemies. The reason I went with 6 seconds, although initially it was 4 seconds, is because I wanted to make combat faster. I have to balance the game between time to kill, and combat flow and pace. 8 seconds or 12 seconds slows down the combat pace too much. The main problem could come from high leveled armor which mitigates too much damage. Can you tell me your defense rating and what armor you were using? I also recommend changing to hard difficulty if you're having too much of an easy time for your liking. Some enemies are stronger though, so I think it's fine if you feel a little bit like a superhero when you blow your way through pirates. The armor system is a combination - of Health, Weapons damage per second, armor defense rating, special hidden modifiers, melee animations constraints, legendary effects, weapons and armor modifications, health regeneration speeds and healing items, related chems, and weapons accuracy,. But overall I would sum it to how many seconds it takes to kill the enemy or play from a certain distance. Defense rating calculation - for each 100 armor ratings you get a 10% damage reduction. Someone with 600 armor would receive 33% more damage than someone with 700 armor rating. That's a huge difference.
@indeedgaminghere401 18 күн бұрын
@@ekRapidMods I was using 1.04 armor ratings were 140 physical 144 energy 144 em, 56 physical 60 energy 56 em and 40 physical 42 energy 44 em. Perhaps I just need more to get use to it and try seeing it more from your perspective. I’ll keep playing with it and see where I’m at with a few more hours in. Hmm, would it be easier to cater the armor specifically to physical damage? So special effects like incendiary or corrosive with deal tick damage to the health bar specifically (somewhere between 2 and 5% every 2 seconds for 5 seconds after being hit. Which isn’t a whole lot, but since it’s bypassing armor it shouldn’t be too strong I think). Then you can focus on ballistic, explosive and energy damage for armor. And if you’re using a EM weapon it doesn’t start effecting the character until the armor is depleted by physical damage. Armor piecing does an extra 15% damage to armor. Full armor plating or whatever you’d wanna call it take say 1000 damage and the nanites recover armor specifically not health. That way health items still have a use, but your nanite idea which makes all the sense in the world in this context is still there. Just once depleted it takes 5 seconds before the armor starts to regenerate and it takes 5 seconds to regenerate. That way the extra survivability you want for the faster combat is still there because now you’re stacking the armor and health bar. Basically, I guess I’m asking would separating regular damage and special effect damage like that work? Or is this one of those things where you really have to have the numbers laid out in front of you to understand how difficult it is? Also, this is just random, would you be able to mod in a separate so that being hit makes when it’s hitting armor vs regular health? I saw someone did it with the mandalorian armor in a video for starfield and thought it could be a cool immersion addition
@Px2Px2Px2Px2 Ай бұрын
I'm using a translator, so I apologize for the odd sentences. When I first saw the previous version of the video, I, like a few others, was puzzled by the instantaneous and fast health regeneration, but I've learned a lot from your answers about your design intentions and this video. When I first watched the video, I thought the health regeneration didn't work until the end of the video and then suddenly happened, but after watching it again, I see that it was working correctly from the beginning. It made me realize that if you don't land a series of hits, the health regeneration will cause the enemies to all heal and this will force you to re-position yourself to where you can get a kill, which is why we switched the effect of the rank boost from the combat perk to increased accurate. As I watched the video, I felt like it was a constant firefight, and it's like watching a cleverly plotted movie to be able to enhance gamer fun in this way. However, I do feel that even with the oxygen penalty, the items and perks related to health regeneration are a little more ambiguous than in the vanilla game, and I was wondering if you had any thoughts on how to address this in the future.
@ekRapidMods Ай бұрын
In the first kitty video I published 5 days ago I was using the 4 seconds healing 0-100%. Due to personal and player feedback, I changed it to 6 seconds which makes body shots more effective. I assume this feeling for what is right was because of the way I tested the mod at first (mostly by spawning lots of enemies) Which falsely led me to believe that 4 seconds was better, I do see now that 6 seconds is better and it helps me in making melee enemies such as creatures and robots more effective. Going to 6 seconds of health regeneration speed is a good way to make healing items more viable. Health items should always carry a tiny advantage for the player or come up with a sufficient downside to counter the good. So they can improve regeneration speed a little bit, to 5.5 seconds for example. Or heal the player real quickly with a major downside. Healing items may not work as intended right now as I haven't tried to use them in combat yet to get a better feel, you might also say that like in vanilla and other games, empowering drugs/potions are more suited to the highest difficulties. Immersive Gameplay on very hard is really hard. I'm probably going to quote you on the main page if you don't mind :-) "As I watched the video of Immersive Gameplay for Starfield, I felt like it was a constant firefight, and it's like watching a cleverly plotted movie to be able to enhance gamer fun in this way." @Px2Px2Px2Px2 August 2024
@Px2Px2Px2Px2 29 күн бұрын
I'm probably going to quote you on the main page if you don't mind :-) - Sure. I feel bad that I didn't say something a little nicer, but I'm honored to have left my mark on such an awesome mod. “Health items should always carry a tiny advantage for the player or come up with a sufficient downside to counter the good.” - I'm very happy to see that this is in line with your philosophy, which is my personal belief that creativity comes from constraints and that's what makes it fun. Additionally, after watching the video again, I like how the automatic health regeneration makes headshots more valuable and single-shot weapons with high damage, such as sniper rifles, that can reliably do this, much more effective. I personally love single-shot weapons. And it's amazing to see that carry over into the actual gameplay, where it's hit or miss. It feels like the combat design of a Souls-like game where the gamer has to grow into it. Also, at the end of the video, when you're dealing with enemies at a distance, you can see that you change the type of gun you're using as you close the distance, which makes the game much more interesting because it feels like you're given a role based on how the gun fires, damage properties, etc. I'm rooting for you, and thanks for making a great mod.
@Keldarzockt 28 күн бұрын
I think the health regen is a bit "unimmersive", althought i admit Nanite technology is not out of bounds here. Beside that, ill try your overhaul with your extended regen time so its not that fast. Thank you for modding Starfield
@ekRapidMods 28 күн бұрын
Thank you for your comment, in the rules of Starfield universe you have magical med paks, like stimpaks and healing potions that came before them that heal you rapidly. These magical items are there to permit fast-paced gameplay, what this game mechanic does, that is immersive within the rules of this game universe is allow for a more engaging and equal gameplay. It works like the nanosuit from Crysis. If a personal shield mechanic was easy to implement then I would have gone that route like in Halo, Space Marine, Mass Effect, and many other sci-fi games. Having space magic is why I find sci-fi shooters more Immersive than modern-day shooters. It is easier to immersive thinking there are some personal shields to deflect bullets or super rapid nano tech regeneration like Wolverine, and Kill Joys.
@ekRapidMods 28 күн бұрын
I did a little bit of extra reading, rank 4 emergency kit heals you 18% a second for 6 seconds. At the moment the standard Immersive Gameplay version for Stardfield is 16.6% a second, with an option for players to patch to 12.5% health a second. There are also patches for a delay and I'm also open to releasing as many patches as required, (10%, 8%, and so forth) I feel like for the pace of the game 16.6% is really good. You don't want to have too much downtime but you still want to be able to kill distant and hard-to-hit targets and to keep body shots viable. The reason I changed things from 25% to 16.6% was because I wanted to make body shots more efficient.
@Keldarzockt 28 күн бұрын
@@ekRapidMods Now i get where you are coming from. Still, i'd descripe it as "Auto-Stim" of some kind. But thats just me. Just downloaded the mod. you have both esm and esp files innit. I doubt having both active is good. Which one should i activate?
@ekRapidMods 28 күн бұрын
@@Keldarzockt esp. I don't know how the esm got in there. Thank you again for your comment, it made me think that I should rename this mod to reflect its nature more, as it works differently than Immersive Gameplay for Fallout 4 in a way the fits better intense sci-fi combat.
@Keldarzockt 28 күн бұрын
@@ekRapidMods Your welcome. IN the end its nitpicking. Because words^^. Personally i don't like the regen at all, but as i said i try it with the longer recovery time and see how it goes
@valrdragur 3 күн бұрын
every thing is so good with this mod but my game crash so many time after install it i use different load order but still has this issue i dont use any other mod that change the damage or something like that but i use starvival mods can it be for that ? im on Xbox btw and thanks so much for this mod this is soooo good that's why i came here and try find solutions good luck
@ekRapidMods 3 күн бұрын
Hi Valrdragur, I haven't received any other reports about crashing or experiencing them myself, I didn't make any risky changes. It could have been one of the other mods you have uninstalled. Especially if they added new edits(New file IDs) Or independent scripts. Uninstalling a mod that created a new ID(new file entries) creates problems that can lead to crashes. A good way to test it is to try a new game only with Immersive Gameplay and see if you are experiencing any problems.
@valrdragur 2 күн бұрын
@@ekRapidMods i just start new game for your mod man its so good love it thank you my game is oky for now i hope its working i just a little struggle for my health if it can be customize for every player its will be a god tire mod
@Kwadneuf_Dokter 18 күн бұрын
Is it possible to remover health bar on mobs to increase immersion ? And what about headshots, are they more realists and one shot ennemy ?
@ekRapidMods 18 күн бұрын
You need another mod to remove health bars, I created such a mod in the past for Fallout 4, but I didn't for Starfield. Only sniper rifles one shot all human enemies. Regular rifles don't because enemies can't 1 shot you in first person(enemies don't get a headshot multiplier in Starfield when firing at a player in first person mode unlike Fallout 4 ) But maybe that is for the best, it makes the game more arcady, but also less sudden. I can imagine many would not like to get 1 shot in the head very often. This way you have much high likelihood of surviving longer.
@Kwadneuf_Dokter 18 күн бұрын
@@ekRapidMods thx a lot
@sadevanka8542 Ай бұрын
hi can i get only health regeneration please? I already edit the health for enmy, so i cant use your setting.. thank you so much! i mean if you could add new optional file (regeneration mod only without any modified perk, enmy, weapon, etc)
@ekRapidMods Ай бұрын
The easy way to do it(not the way I did it for my own reasons is to edit the human race and add health regeneration there. And also tick the flag that has regeneration in combat. You can look in Rejuvenation under spells to see how it works there and copy the healing outside combat to the human race.
@sadevanka8542 Ай бұрын
@@ekRapidMods ⁠hey thanks for the explanation! but still really new on modding, i only could only do a small things, but not this regeneration, i mean if you have another free time, can you upload your mod regeneration only? thanks! but if you dont want to do it its okay.. and i think, i kinda want regen only for player, me and some people feel this like more of a fancy sponge enmy.. i already use outdoor combat enhanced, which adding lot of enmy in most outpost, we can fight againts 20+ ppl outside, if enmy have regeneration too it would be too spongy
@ekRapidMods 28 күн бұрын
@@sadevanka8542 go to rejuvenation under spells and improve combat regeneration, this will help you improving the regeneration speed of only the player.
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