Starfield Spoiler NG+ Is the Hunter that wrong?

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Emperor of Mankind

Emperor of Mankind

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@dragonquest8ftw1 11 ай бұрын
I think the Hunter is just someone who's been desensitized to what he's become, much like players in a video game that they play over and over and over, he doesn't care for those around him anymore, they're just toys to be played with and destroyed when they annoy him. Hell, the only reason he stopped fighting you was because you became a new variable, something different in his repetitive game for him to have fun with. He doesn't particularly find enjoyment in killing people, he just believes it's the fastest way of doing it, and this is also reflected in your journeys through the unity, when you start killing those in your way to gather more power and repeat the process. The problem with the Hunter is he believes his actions don't matter simply because he's not there to bear witness to it, he leaves that universe thinking it vanishes when he's gone when that's not the truth, you get those recollections for all the factions you interacted with and how your actions influenced them and what became of them. it comes down to the underlying question, does a universe deserve to suffer because of your impatience?
@Emperor.of.Mankind 11 ай бұрын
Thats true, when we keep playing the same thing over and over we start to be like the hunter. But its really funny that Starfield can pull something like this to debate. There are some stuff in the game the get us under the skin. (like is the hunter really evil?) should we take X action? What will happen. This is the RPG experience i like after all. ;)
@agirlnamedmichael1670 11 ай бұрын
The thing is, the Hunter gets those overviews every time he jumps too...he's become a psychopathic killer until he starts to self-reflect. I'd like to think his interactions with us is what start to draw him back to his humanity.
@gateship2 11 ай бұрын
@@agirlnamedmichael1670 I very much doubt he even looks at them anymore. Likely he just enters the unity and beelines for the next universe.
@agirlnamedmichael1670 11 ай бұрын
@@gateship2I would agree that's how he would go, but we did get his attention in our universe =)
@Zednoght 11 ай бұрын
This is why I like the story. The Hunter and Emissary are in some ways reflections of player characters, 2 who lean on the extreme opposites of doing things and you a 3rd variable that ether agree with one or disagree with both, I feel that the power of the Starborn should be for any who has the drive to achieve it, but not if it means you would indiscriminately kill anything that even walks in front of you
@nikolasvalentine7712 Жыл бұрын
The Emissary: **breath** The Hunter: mate, I am gonna stop you right there and tell you why that's bullshit lmao.
@Emperor.of.Mankind Жыл бұрын
For real. But i feel that the hunter is the one right all around. But he does not do it in the right way tho.
@nyx2903 Жыл бұрын
@@Emperor.of.Mankind In the end they are both playing god. And I wouldn't even say only the hunter goes down the "evil" way. The Emissary also attacked the player after they retrieved the artefact from Neon. Only difference between the Emissary and the Hunter therefor is that the Hunter managed to kill a Constellation member, where the Emissary tried and failed over Neon. They are both the same. One just thinks he/she has the moral high ground, while the other one sees things as how they really are.
@Emperor.of.Mankind Жыл бұрын
Hello @@nyx2903 you sound like the hunter *pun intended* i do feel the Emisssary is an hypocrite, and as you said, he have tried and failed to kill the constellation members. i would like to see more depth in this 2 characters, because bouth of them are grey to me... they are not fully oposites for me. its just 1 its just more... greedy...
@nyx2903 Жыл бұрын
@@Emperor.of.Mankind Honsetly my character was a bit like the Hunter in NG+ 2 just to see how things turn out when you make different decisions 😂 I wished for more character depth as well with these two though. Once they introduce themselfs you have like 2 little talks to them and then the game ends. In my first playthrough I wasn't even expecting the last quest being the last quest. Hopefully Bethesda fleshes them out a bit more with future DLC.
@Emperor.of.Mankind Жыл бұрын
@@nyx2903 how was the experience (playing like hunter)? NPC's went mad at you? Because the NPC companions in this game share all the same moral compass. No diferent interactions by their part.
@frederickkriesel2724 11 ай бұрын
You'll literally become The Hunter as you keep getting reborn then eventually bored.
@MoeLaneIII 10 ай бұрын
Me: Look, I just did Unity that one time to get all the Temples and build this neat resource network thing that I worked out. I'm not going through all of this a THIRD time. My interest in this yin-yang thing of yours ended when I saved Andreja. I'm fine just hanging out here indefinitely. Emissary: Hunter: Me: I'm also kind of immune to damage at this point. Emissary: Hunter: Emissary: ...You're playing God. Me: Yes, but I'm Neutral Good. Emissary: Hunter: What are you waiting for? Me: DLC. Emissary: What's that? Hunter: Is that something from your original universe? Me: ...You know, that's not a bad way of putting it. Sure, let's go with that. Can't wait, really. God knows I've already paid for it... Emissary: Nevermind! If you stay, you will have no purpose! Hunter: No! If you stay, you will become bored! Me: Actually, you're both wrong. If I stay, eventually there'll be mods. Emissary: :frowning: Hunter: ...What are 'mods?' Me: The thing that allows me to happily wander through worlds like yours for literally longer than either one of you have been alive. Hunter: Wait. How many times have you been through all of this? Me: Here? Not too long. Bethesda games generally? About six thousand hours. Emissary: :Looks at Hunter: Hunter: :Looks at Emissary: Me: Yeah, this is kind of a really meta moment, I know. Try to think of me as extra-dimensional at right angles to yours, if that helps. Emissary: It does not. Hunter: In this, we agree. Me: Fair.
@Emperor.of.Mankind 10 ай бұрын
ROFL Would be amazing to make this in game. And get them really confused xD
@hereticalsock1542 Жыл бұрын
Honestly the hunter is right all over. Its a shame the game tries to make him as the bad guy. Bethesda tried to set up a morally grey story and then squeezed it into black and white game mechanics.
@agirlnamedmichael1670 Жыл бұрын
He's right in some ways, but not in others. The Emissary as well. The Emissary is wrong to want to control who gets to Unity, and the Hunter is wrong for murdering his way to it. The Hunter is selfish and arrogant. He doesn't even see those he murders as people...and leaves the lives of those that survive in ruin. I'll take the Emissary over that evil POS any day.
@AgentExeider Жыл бұрын
@@agirlnamedmichael1670 Honestly, both of them are wrong, and fact is, the entire eternally repeated quest of finding artifacts, jumping universes is both pointless and morally wrong. Given that by going through the unity every person basically imposes their essence on a universe that neither asked for nor requires their involvement, effectively manipulating things on a fundamental, quantum and universal level.
@agirlnamedmichael1670 Жыл бұрын
@@AgentExeiderI thought we were "imposing our essences" as well, when it turns out that NOPE- we're full-body jumping into another universe. I don't find it morally wrong nor pointless. What the hunter does is morally wrong- he doesn't see the people in the other universes as people anymore so he mows down anyone in his way. If you choose to make the "new" universe a better place, why wouldn't you? You can fundamentally change it for the better, or, as in the Hunter's case, you can leave chaos and ruin in your wake. Either way, the game plays out quite interestingly as you progress through multiple NG+'s and your perceptions change.
@tyrians 11 ай бұрын
@@agirlnamedmichael1670 The problem is if you try to leave the universe in a chaotic and ruined state, you'll run into a lot of 'important' essential NPC's that can't be killed. It's awful. The only times you can straight up kill someone is if it's part of the story and the game 'lets' you do it. But even when you get the option, it feels like Bethesda never wanted you to take it to the point it ruins that play through.
@agirlnamedmichael1670 11 ай бұрын
@@tyrians It would have been easy enough to do what other games do and just have backup NPC's that will fill the role if a quest giver dies. They never do that though. Maybe a mod will, someday heh
@TheGeoCheese 10 ай бұрын
They’re basically trying to lobby for your support because they don’t know what to expect. The Hunter however really does want you to succeed because he wonders what kind of a Starborn you’re going to become but at the same time he doesn’t want you to become a hypocrite. The Emissary on the other hand wants you to succeed because you’re capable of standing up to the Hunter and so you will be useful in pushing the selfish ideology of the Hunter back. This pretty much reminds me of the Kryx’s legacy quest line with how things eventually get played out. Sysdef claims what they’re doing is the right thing even if how they intend to accomplish it is wrong and they were responsible for the creation of the Crimson Fleet in the first place. In the mean time the Crimson Fleet is interested in finding the treasure and will utilize any means necessary but they were originally brutalized by Sysdef. Both sides are in the wrong in how they’re accomplishing their goals, it’s just the Crimson Fleet is a lot more honest about their intent and how they plan to do things. It’s like Andreja says towards the end. Sysdef will cover it all up and help the UC look morally superior but she doesn’t want the pirates to win at the same time which are outcomes she despises. No one really wins in the end.
@Emperor.of.Mankind 10 ай бұрын
This is the beuty of this games. They have this moral... implications into the story. In my prespective the crimson fleet are the bad guys. Because they did something wrong before they got jailed. Was the UC right in throwing them to the cold planet? maybe not... but i didnt like to play the pretend to be friends to betray them. but oh well... i had to try.
@juanjosemendivil1626 11 ай бұрын
You know, i would have chosen the Emissary if they said that they want to stop potential genocidal maniacs from going to the Unity multiple times. And it would make sense because we can say that we won't let that happen to us until they point out, "You say that now. But can you still believe it after you enter the Unity and leave everything behind? Will you still value and care for things just as much as though it is the only thing left? What if someone precious to you, died in front of you? And instead of grieving, you felt nothing. Will you still care, or will you treat the Universe as your plaything and become another Hunter? That, is why i want the Artifacts. I care, and the Hunter does what he does because it amuses him."
@agirlnamedmichael1670 11 ай бұрын
I felt it a bit elf-explanatory that that's why the Emissary does what they do- especially once you reach the Unity and your "Unity Self" says the Emissary helps many "Noble" Starborn cross over. It seems intended that BGS didn't spell out their intentions to the player because it allows you the NG+ journey to see what you could become and how you relate to either of them
@itsflexplays 11 ай бұрын
For the most part, I agree with the Hunter, but-as plenty agree-he's too jaded. He's played the same game over and over, and he's so tunnel-visioned with the Unity that getting to it makes the little things: bonds with other people and seemingly insignificant yet valuable experiences don't matter to his mission. At NG+11, all I was then was tired. I just wanted to stop and let that universe be explored to the fullest.
@oditeomnes 10 ай бұрын
But in the end he matures from that and becomes the Keeper. I see the Hunter as the earlier phase of that and the more well rounded philosophy of the Keeper Aquilus makes him rather pleasant. After all he told me to think for myself and not nessessarily subscribe to the ideals of either side.
@Taedrin 10 ай бұрын
I feel like The Hunter is the hypocritical one. The Hunter is all about everyone doing their own thing, but then complains about The Emissary doing their own thing. The Emissary may also be hypocritical, but at least they are trying to minimize the amount of harm that the Starborn cause whereas The Hunter is a complete sociopath.
@r3kk3n54 3 ай бұрын
the only thing that makes the hunter wrong is that he kills one of your crew or doesnt depending on how you play it
@aegyo9272 10 ай бұрын
The emissary is being misunderstood. They just want you skip to the part where you avoid quests and instead go straight farming xp at outpost. That way you can level up to 200 in merely 3 hours like those yt guides say.
@Emperor.of.Mankind 10 ай бұрын
ah yes. the Emissary is the avatar of good and xp farming. The personification of game grinding god's. xD
@java-x1w 8 ай бұрын
I can’t connect habs to airlocks
@shaojiezhang8276 11 ай бұрын
The Hunter is right, he's just a murdering asshole. Comparatively, the Emissary is just slightly less of an asshole but way more of a hypocrite. I always side with the Hunter or against both of them, never with the Emissary.
@globe1987 10 ай бұрын
First playthrough I almost sided with the Emissary. Now I find myself more aligned with the Hunter. At least he's honest about his intentions, where the Emissary wants to gatekeep who should be allowed to enter the Unity. He feels he's the one to decide who is worthy.
@willwinters3910 4 ай бұрын
I don't understand The Hunters logic. He claims The Unity is up for grabs to and for everybody, then unalives the players' friends to obtain the means to get there. Can we really trust his actions against what he says? Keep in mind that the overall stakes in one universe are the highest. ANYBODY is susceptible to lying at that point.
@miniverse2002 3 ай бұрын
Because anyone who can connect to the artifacts can use it and morality apparently isn't a criteria for passing through the Unity. He isn't lying, he's being blunt about the reality of becoming Starborn. It's a process that doesn't appear to judge one's actions.
@noctotainlowry9246 3 ай бұрын
Are you dense? How the fuck do you not understand his ideology it is literally what he says flat out. If you can Get the artifacts you deserve them Period. Does not matter How you get them theft, exploration, money or Murder. If he kills you and gets them they are His. If you beat him they are Yours Anyone who can get the artifacts and manage to keep them deserves the unity. Meanwhile the emissary wants to be grand puba and decide who gets them when and where based on their criteria alone and nothing else
@Frostman411 11 ай бұрын
Main issue of the Emissary vs the Hunter is that the hunter is completely amoral that this point. He sees nothing wrong with wreaking havoc in a new universe as long as he gains more power. He sees the Emissary trying to bring order to his chaos as hypocrisy. The thing is, yes, the Hunter is evil. He ignores suffering because it no longer exists to him once he's in a new universe. But those universes still exist. Lives are still destroyed by him. It's the shitty part about adding a multiverse into this game. It makes the question, "Is killing someone wrong if they still exist in another universe?" When yeah. It is. Another version of them might exist but that's not the version you killed. The Hunter is a psychopath, while the Emissary is at least trying to be responsible with how they gather relics in their own journey.
@kieranlark8900 11 ай бұрын
that actually makes sense; however, the emissary still resorts to attempting homicide over neon, which is proof of their hipocracy.
@befuddled_buddha 11 ай бұрын
The Hunter is a sociopath. Psychopaths are born, sociopaths are forged.
@shaojiezhang8276 11 ай бұрын
Agreed, the Hunter is very much in the wrong. He's just very good at pointing out all the flaws in Emissary's philosophy.
@TheGeoCheese 10 ай бұрын
He’s not completely wrong. He’s just wrong in the methods being used. Should the universes become a Starborn’s playground? No absolutely not. However what exactly happens between both the Emissary and the Hunter? The universes become their playground since both of them are directly responsible for the deaths of others. The Hunter is just willing to be more honest about it and simply doesn’t lie to your face with false claims of being high and mighty. So what happens when you enter the Unity for the first and you start collecting artifacts hell bent on fighting both the Emissary and the Hunter? The exact same thing. This is one of those examples of there are some things that are best left alone and forgotten.
@Andrew-gt6qx 7 ай бұрын
Wait, some people actually think the emissary was right?
@Emperor.of.Mankind 7 ай бұрын
well... he had is points xD
@teamofone1219 Жыл бұрын
Spoiler alert They both lied to us they claimed that every universe they've been to we've never made it this far. We've either died by them or died from other means but when we cross through the unity ourselves we find one universe where there is multiple versions of us all in one universe.
@diinouhothead9362 11 ай бұрын
Well, there are infinite universes. Can't run into them all. (Narrative trying to hype you as special, I know)
@Theaveragegamer_12 11 ай бұрын
The version of "You" in the Unity explained that by stepping into the Unity would cause ripple effects and change the multiverse as well. Said ripple effects could be the other versions of the player character making it to the Unity a lot more often.
@shaunwilson3059 11 ай бұрын
they not really lieing as once you first pass through unity, you start that loop - and are you sure that you are just sent to another universe on at a time, you could be placed in mulitiple universe. on other hand, it could be the odds playing and they genuinely never entered a universe in which you survived or encountered you as starborn
@PantsuTaigas 11 ай бұрын
It’s not a lie, when we first enter the Unity we essentially enter infinite times. Now every universe will have a Hunter, an Emissary, and Us. If we stay in a Universe, Starborn will continue to be born, hence why there is a universe with multiple us’s. That’s also how Keeper Aquilus and the Hunter coexist, once Keeper abandons the search a new Hunter is found to continue it.
@westenev 11 ай бұрын
They could be future variants of your character, or possibilities born because you reached the unity.
@guynamedbob8374 9 ай бұрын
Did you also kill both of them?
@Emperor.of.Mankind 9 ай бұрын
yes, in the last combat i didnt take parts.
@thedrunkenmudcrab 10 ай бұрын
The Hunter isn't wrong at all
@arkachivanagand9915 3 ай бұрын
Just my opinion but... all Starborn will eventually has the same apathy as The Hunter. The Emissary is simply just a young Starborn who hasnt experience much
@noctotainlowry9246 3 ай бұрын
Not necessarily the pilgrim is implied to have just...Stopped eventually, and rhe pilgrim is either a way way older version of the hunter or in my opinion a Much older version of the player who has been through the unity countless times. What makes me think the pilgrim is the player is one "he is said to have explored every inch of the settled systems" I.E what most players do trying to complete and see everything. And two.....think about WHAT the pilgrim does his notes lead you to a temple that gives you the exact location of the hunter and emmisary's meeting place....Why would a older version of the hunter care? It makes more sense if the pilgrim is the player setting up the events needed to actually push rhe story forward cause without that temple showing rhe meeting spot we never find the hunter/emissary during their convo never learn all they tell us about the Unity and arent given the location to the nasa base that kicks off the endgame
@NameName2.0 10 ай бұрын
Kunselokkiin doesn't really roll as well Edit: actually hol up. Kunselokkiin kunselokkiin na na na na na na... Yeah no nvm it works, it's the kiin part or kin? Idk
@CalciumEnjoyer 10 ай бұрын
Hunter the type of guy to and the emissary is a kind of person to
@ber_gx2966 9 ай бұрын
Nah, at that point i didn't care and destroyed them both. I am now willing to to kill starborn at the point their numbers become no longer infinite.
@cristianvogelfang5670 11 ай бұрын
No, you are just justifying being a psicopath
@cristianvogelfang5670 11 ай бұрын
@@Him535 the definition of a psychopath
@Prof.GoodFeels88 11 ай бұрын
​@@cristianvogelfang5670literally just not. Psychopaths, and sociopaths for that matter, are specifically incapable of empathy. Pick up a book.
@cristianvogelfang5670 11 ай бұрын
@@Prof.GoodFeels88 ??? You really need to re-think what you answer
@TheBHAitken 10 ай бұрын
Uninstalled, don't care.
@noctotainlowry9246 3 ай бұрын
Dam and your still clicking on videos about it looser
@christopherbull7856 11 ай бұрын
At least the Hunter doesn’t sugarcoat this fact. Even the u in the unity say that. It just makes u wonder how many times they played this game since both of them don’t really care about people dying so it’s something they are used to.
@GenericUsername-qp1ww 4 ай бұрын
the Hunter gives you his gun, Unrestrained Vengeance if you damage him enough when fighting him and the Emissary doesnt give you shit. Hunter is the G
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