Stargate Lore: Serrakin and Hebridian

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SG- 2 4

SG- 2 4

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@DSzaks Жыл бұрын
I think one of the most interesting aspects about the Serrakin/Hebridan society is that is appears to be one of the only advanced civilization in the galaxy in which space travel technology is standardized to a point that is readily available to the general public. The only other race I can think of that is kinda similar is the Nox who it seems even a small group of country bumkins can have access to their most important defense structures and can control stargates with their minds. Though I guess Lya does turn out to be like ambassador of sorts. Most other races included Earth, and Tollan and even the Asgard ship travel seems to be relegated to only a select few of population. This might have to do w/ the corporatization and subsequent commercialization of the society, which would also explain why there are so many ship designs as different companies compete to sell their own version. It's also possible that this widespread availability allowed the 2 bounty hunters to make contact w/ the Lucian alliance or any number of other races/worlds w/o any contact from the planetary government.
@robkemp598 Жыл бұрын
I wish we'd got to see more of the Serrakin, seeing just humans over and was Stargate's most annoying flaw. Plus I do love the very Robocop like adverts lol 😆
@sg-24 Жыл бұрын
@rob Kemp I agree, these guys are my favorite nonhuman group in Stargate, and SG has a lot of good alien designs. But they never really used them.
@nicholaspokorny5058 Жыл бұрын
1. If there ever were going to be a trial episode, have the governments of other planets be involved, to show how wide spread that screw-up was. 2. What did the rpg say about these guys?
@sg-24 Жыл бұрын
@Nicholas Porkorny odd not much. I made this video before that book came out, and honestly I was hoping they go more in depth, but they don’t really.
@cernstormrunner7263 Жыл бұрын
I would love to see some kind of "New Alliance" to replace the old Ancient/Asgard/Nox/Furling alliance, consisting of the Tau'ri, Hebridians, Jaffa, and maybe the Tok'ra and i'm hoping some Tollan that managed to survive somehow
@sg-24 Жыл бұрын
In a few external cannon things they do add that some Tollan survived. So it’s a possibility.
@nicholaspokorny5058 Жыл бұрын
Maybe throw in some Unas.
@cernstormrunner7263 Жыл бұрын
@@nicholaspokorny5058 I would love to have an Unas as the Teal'c / Ronon character on a new SG show
@sasquatchandme3673 2 жыл бұрын
Id like to see more about the Serrakin and Hebridan, especially after the Ori occupation. I like your idea for a trial episode featuring Daniel and Vala. I'd like to know how the Serrakin feel about the amount of humans populating M Class planets and how they currently feel about Tau'ri tech exceeding theirs now.
@sg-24 2 жыл бұрын
That would be interesting how they would react to all the humans in the galaxy. If they would see them as aliens (they called SG-1 that a few times) or something else. As for tech maybe they would try and trade for it, like if they ever do the trial thing maybe the way they get out of it is to share their tech.
@tylersoto7465 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't think the serrakins and hebridans be jealous of the tauri to be more advanced than them, I loved the hebridans and tech con group too , they would of been a very great, useful and practical ally with the tauri , they have a huge mega corporation industry and infrastructure economy going on and are space explorer's and have energy weapons, shields and ion drives that have hyperdrive capabilities too and they mass produce this stuff on a large scale selling it to the public and actually build a space empire etc , having them as a trading partner would be a great idea to do and wished they got more into them, we can buy spaceships and equipment etc and give them whatever , they have the means to be a beginning of a space republic like in star wars I would love to see a hebridan space republic form
@cernstormrunner7263 Жыл бұрын
7:30 what if the Serrakin are evolved offshoots of the Unas?
@sg-24 Жыл бұрын
@Cern Stormrunner there is a Unas sub species that is said to be more intelligent than their Unas cousins. It’s not said to be the Serrakin, but I’ve had the same thought about the two races.
@terranempire2 2 жыл бұрын
Crossbreeding between the species shouldn’t be possible unless the two species are genetically close. Humans and Neanderthals for example. The Hebridan and Serrakin shouldn’t be compatible. Unless two ifs. First if being that the Serrakin if they had been reseeded by the Alterans after the Deekara device was used. This might mean some common genetics. Then you would probably have to have some genetic engineering to assist in creating a viable hybrid.
@sg-24 2 жыл бұрын
@Leon Cranson Some really good points. I should have mentioned this, I would like to say it was because I didn’t want to have a repeat of the last time I tried to talk about real world science, but in reality I just forgot. I think this is more of a trope of fiction where two species can produce children. Star Wars and Star Trek are full of examples like this.
@terranempire2 2 жыл бұрын
@@sg-24 Starwars was always more fantasy than Sci-fi. However I always suspected that much of the races in a galaxy far far away were the result of Panspermia. “Human” colonists who adapted or were adapted to survive a n planets where they normally wouldn’t. Star Trek’s canon does establish panspermia having happened, though even then most cases genetic modification takes place to help the process. In the few cases where they didn’t have the assist the child was either weak and died, the child is more like a sea horse where only one partner isn’t actually a genetic parent or in the case of Bajorian and Cardassians they may be in fact the same root species with Cardassians being an offshoot race. Same for Romulans and Vulcans. In the Stargate Canon we know that the Ancients reseeded much of the life in the Milkyway after the Ori plague ran rampant. We know that the human line came about from that and some Ancients interbred with the Human population. It wouldn’t be surprising if like the Forerunners of Halo canon they altered the genomes of the reseeded species to give them a degree advantage and speed up development of sapients to space faring.
@sg-24 2 жыл бұрын
@@terranempire2 For the Star Wars pansperima I'm not so sure. With groups like the Chiss they were decedents of humans. But the Twi'leks weren't, though they may have been an engineered race made by the Rakata (maybe? MetaNerdz has a good video on that topic). I plan to at some point do a video on the reseeding thing and where humans come from. Turns out a lot of people have different ideas on how that all happened/worked. Like someone told me that the Aschen were the direct descendants of the Ancients and not humans from Earth based on commentaries.
@rikubrown8109 2 ай бұрын
You should do a video on the Satedans(Ronin Dex's race in Atlantis), I've always been curious on them and their lore.
@sg-24 2 ай бұрын
I will add them to the list.
@GamerM1235 Жыл бұрын
Anybody remember the time traveling Daedalus episode of Atlantis. There were the borg-type aliens that were fought at one point. And going just off memory, I want to say their pistols were the same design.
@sg-24 Жыл бұрын
@GamerM1235 They are actually, as well as the same ones used by the Twl’ik looking guys.
@JimmyBlether 6 ай бұрын
Guess I have a few thoughts and comments considering now I know the origin of something in stargate which in a way "haunts me" as I know more context thanks to this video. (long as hell comment sorry) 1. Those ion drives AAAAAAAAAAA I remember years ago hearing Carter say something along the lines of their technology being more advanced than earth's, and mentioning their ion drives which use nitrogen as a propellant. I didn't think of it much at the time, but nowadays as I know better it really really annoys me. While when the show was written we hadn't made an engine like that, we literally have now. ESA have used Earth's atmospheric mix as a propellant in testing for ion thrusters, meaning yes it operates with nitrogen. Caveat is that it's for extreme low earth orbit use as an intake would take in the extremely rarified atmosphere at such altitudes and accelerate it through the engine to compensate for the drag which occurs when orbiting so low around the planet without literally burning up due to friction. Thing with ion engines though as that they're pathetic. You literally cannot lift off of a planet using them let alone even tiny irregular moons as individual thruster thrust to weight is so low, not even counting the weight of the attached spacecraft and propellant. This is why they have crazy long thrust durations on spacecraft that have used them. They admittedly are more efficient than any chemical rocket and most basic nuclear thermal rockets, but they're not a jack of all trades super engine like usually treated in sci-fi. For that matter, the writers of the show (much like with star trek) unfortunately don't seem to have an excellent grasp of other rocketry topics when it comes to the X-302 and F-302 due to how its propulsion is described with jets, aerospikes, and a "rocket booster" along with overall vehicle performance as a single stage to orbit and space fighter, but that's a story for another time. 2. Human-Serrakin hybrids Yeah nope. While a common trope in science fiction for species that have close relations or live with each other to produce hybrids, that's not gonna fly IRL. Too many genetic differences assuming said species even uses DNA to store their genetic information let alone issues with reproductive anatomy and method in of itself. That being said, the Serrakin can be live bearers, there are so many reptile species that give birth to live young (notably a large portion of snakes), assuming of course the Serrakin are actually reptiles and not effectively mammalian with weird skin (not meaning in the way pangolins have scales though). 3. Serrakin sexual dimorphism (and lack thereof) Assuming there's no kind of sexism going on in their culture, which would be uhh considering the SGC works with them well (same with how its uhh if the Tollan weren't actually diplomatic), there are a few things that could be going on. Firstly is that males and females can literally look identical, which there isn't actually a fundamental issue with. If they're indeed "reptiles," then that's perfectly plausible as besides size, it's sometimes externally impossible to tell the sex of a pair of reptiles of the same species apart. Also kinda avoids the issue of giving female humanoid reptiles certain human features and all. If they're all single sex or hermaphrodites though, that is interesting in the context of living with humans and having intimate relationships and all as clearly is the case in universe, and would also avoid the cliche kind of issues that "blue sexy space babe" that Mass Effect's Asari have partially down to their appearance but also because they are very much "guys" in appearance. Amusingly there are actually a good number of reptiles which are all female too, which if anything adds plausibility to that aswell. Mourning geckos being a good example. 4. Serrakin appearance Personally I'm not really a fan, despite being a person who really likes reptiles. It's probably because visually you can see them being too human. I don't mind how they act like humans honestly it's just that unlike the wraith which are explicitly meant to be human like as a result of heritage, in their case it just kinda looks, off. This is probably just down to me not liking too many of Stargate's alien designs in general but still. Not sure if things would be better or worse off if they had a non-human-proportioned head and tail though. Wouldn't be practical in budget or on technical grounds for when the show was shot and would be hard today too in live action, but honestly it would probably not work too well. Hopefully this wasn't intolerably long but I talk at LENGTH.
@sg-24 6 ай бұрын
Oh trust me, I've gotten some long comment before. So, I don't mind. Looking at your points in order. 1. Yeah even though I'm not a space engineer I do know that ion drives aren't not all that powerful. But it is something that sci-fic likes to use. I think even Star Wars tie fighters run on them (thank you Modern Marvels). Though to be fair alot of this was done before the internet when you could casually look up these things. 2. Again, yeah. Looks of sci-fic loves to do this, but in reality it would never fly. At least not without some medical help. 3. That is a good point and would be cool if they stuck to it in the future. 4. I actually disagree here, I think SG always had pretty good alien designs. I think it's because they do forehead bump thing. But I can see what you are saying. Especially the first Serkain design looked off.
@jeffbrownstain Жыл бұрын
Never trust a wiki, and never trust content made using a wiki as source. When writers forget their own lore, they can put mistakes from their own shows wiki into their own canon. Happened with Ben 10 🤷‍♀️
@sg-24 Жыл бұрын
@Sozeb Ffej why is that my mind went to Ben 10 even bore I finished reading you comment?
@jeffbrownstain Жыл бұрын
@@sg-24 This video which I also watched about Kevin Levin, maybe:
@Big_Black_Dick 2 жыл бұрын
jeez bro ur videos are so awesome 🤔 u should seriously have like 80k subs or even higher lol i think it's that quality 😅
@sg-24 2 жыл бұрын
Well thank you. That means a lot.
@Big_Black_Dick 2 жыл бұрын
@@sg-24 😀 no doubts lol
@tylersoto7465 2 жыл бұрын
Love serrakin and hebridan world very interesting , liked our serrakin aren't much different than humans and actually went out their way to save the people from goul'd and defeated them and how so futuristic their cities are and have a mega corporation and it's advertisement lol
@imbetterthanyouis Жыл бұрын
heb re dian , its taken from a part of scotland and an island in the south pacific near the soloman islands , the Hebrides in scotland and new Hebrides in the south pacific and they are pronounced heb re dees hebredees
@sg-24 Жыл бұрын
Good to know, thank you.
@imbetterthanyouis Жыл бұрын
@@sg-24 no worries
@stevencorrell6473 Жыл бұрын
ok so if your looking for cannon I would suggest maybe taking the cannon as it is from the show where said subject was started would be a good place to start since the ones that ultimately created the show get to judge where the cannon goes and for that matter is the one that came up with the original idea for Stargate as a whole really down for the TV show making SG-1 and it's subsequent spin-offs questionable when it comes to real cannon anyway.....then the question turns into is that over thinking or not thinking enough
@sg-24 Жыл бұрын
@stevencorrell6473 I’m not really sure if it’s about over thinking or not thinking enough. I agree that the shows creators should be the ones who decided what is cannon and what is not. I think the issues it that there’s no clear rules set forward by anyone with authority about what is and isn’t cannon. Sure fandom and GateWorld have given their two cents into this, but those are just fan groups. That’s why ones includes includes the books/rpg stuff and the other doesn’t.
@stevencorrell6473 Жыл бұрын
it's just when you get so many storylines coming from so many directions it makes things hard that's why like it or hate it they had the right idea with Starwars the stuff from the movies and shows and the original story (and I think the games?) are cannon all the other stuff is legends basically meaning if you chose to believe it's cannon go ahead doesn't mean it actually is but that's ok and there's more than enough room in fandom for both perspectives@@sg-24
@dragoninthewest1 Жыл бұрын
12:19 I think what could have worked better if Amon had name 3 high ranking humans. There is accusations of tokenism.
@jeffbrownstain Жыл бұрын
Watch Cyberpunk Edgerunners :p TechCon is just baby Arasaka.
@sg-24 Жыл бұрын
I actually did start watching that, but then the ending got spoiled and I just lost stopped watching.
@jeffbrownstain Жыл бұрын
@@sg-24 Everybody dies in Cyberpunk, no one gets a happy ending. That isn't a spoiler, that's the entire genre. Sucks you didn't get to see it as intended but it's still worth it to finish, the ending is baller.
@sg-24 Жыл бұрын
@Sozeb Ffej didn’t one character get a happy ending. Still it was made by Trigger so I should try and finish it at some point.
@jeffbrownstain Жыл бұрын
@@sg-24 I am 100% positive the character you're referring to killed herself just after the closing credits sequence. Wrong city, wrong people.
@sg-24 Жыл бұрын
@Sozeb Ffej why would you tell my that?!
@mediamass1404 Жыл бұрын
why do you think the crusaiders left, crusaiders in one galaxy wont just change their mind when they hear all of their authority figures back home have suddently inverted their opinion on their entire religion right after a strange mind manipulation light all across their home galaxy?! Depending on how many forces were sent to the Milky Way you are looking at a percentage of their military with a majority of their heavy weapons and the means for people to potentially partially ascend with brand new worlds with brand new civilisations backing them up. If the Ashen had a secret goauld rueler or decided that Origin is a usefull tool then countless worlds could have their populations skyrocket instead of get suppressed and they coul be the ones behind the lucian aliance
@sg-24 Жыл бұрын
@Media Mass ⚔️ well the ending of the Ark of Truth set up that everyone from the Ori galaxy knows the truth about Origin. I agree it would have been more interesting if they dealt with the idea of rouge crusaders, but at this point in the franchise they had to wrap up SG-1.
@mediamass1404 Жыл бұрын
@@sg-24 if I were a crusaider knight and I realised that everyone back home had just been brainwashed I would cut off comunication, start addopting the enemies tactics and build up my resources for an invasion,, If the power of the priors can be maintained then a new church waiting and prpping, potentially organising bandits in to an army becusee of some teaching
@yazanmowed Жыл бұрын
​​@@mediamass1404The "brain wash" wave also hit the Priors in the Milky Way Galaxy. So the Crusaders would have been on their own without ship support if they stayed.
@Grungy1 16 күн бұрын
I don't recall this
@sg-24 15 күн бұрын
This race of string of episodes?
@Grungy1 12 күн бұрын
@@sg-24 no. I will have to look them up.
@tylersoto7465 2 жыл бұрын
I if I was educated in propulsion engines etc and was from earth I'll go work for tech con group the world sounds awesome lol
@sg-24 2 жыл бұрын
They do seem like a rather nice group, I get a lot of SpaceX vibes from them
@tylersoto7465 2 жыл бұрын
@@sg-24 yes it does lol
@fingerinalightsocket2309 2 жыл бұрын
Is there any info on exactly which Goa'ould controlled the planet before the Serrakin drove them away?
@sg-24 2 жыл бұрын
Not as far as I know. I know the StargateGuy said it was likely Camulus since he took the persona of Celtic God, but it was never stated, and I decided not to include it.
@fingerinalightsocket2309 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, it would make sense that it was Camulus
@sg-24 2 жыл бұрын
@@fingerinalightsocket2309 yeah maybe in retrospect I should have added it. 🙃
@tylersoto7465 2 жыл бұрын
@@sg-24 that would make since the planets name is very celtic origin lol
@samuelcampbell9017 Ай бұрын
Honestly these were my least favorite story Arch
@sg-24 Ай бұрын
Why’s that if I may ask?
@hellstorme Жыл бұрын
Feedback: If you can't pronounce it, don't do a video on it. Take some time and practice and ask someone for help. This is a trick other content creators do to annoy their audience into listening (think 'burger king foot lettuce') and makes you look bad by association even if you aren't doing it. It looks better if you took the time to learn and/or the effort to get it partially right. Example: You clearly pronounce the planet name 'Hebridine' as 'Herb Ra Dine' and 'Hebridian' as 'Heh Bri Dan'. This makes you look incredibly bad faith since that one single syllable trip-up is not consistent. Even if you have a speech impediment or ADHD it doesn't really pass the smell test to others, even if myself and others are going to overlook it. If the problem is typos in the script, then address that as well. Feedback only. Thank you for the video, I know these are harder to make than most viewers realize.
@sg-24 Жыл бұрын
@Gaius Maecanus thank you for the advice. It’s something I have struggled with, especially on mic. I have started to do serious practice runs on the names. In my recently video about who should have succeed Ra I spent more time repeating Heru’re names than I want to admit. But still thank you for the advice.
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