I'm Scared of Birds | Art + Storytime

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@rengie-feather8 Жыл бұрын
Honestly the bird thing is fair. I own 2 budgies and I'm very scard of hurting my little baby's.
@yoriichitsugikuni4149 Жыл бұрын
Bruh... I had 11 parakeets! 2 have died and 2 have been injured! I get very traumatized every time they get hurt and with 2 who have died it just stabs your heart.
@Rozedpawzzz Жыл бұрын
@@yoriichitsugikuni4149 My parakeet/budgie died and I had her for like 5 years- and I agree it does stab your heart
@Mapple318 Жыл бұрын
I have lovebirds, but i am scared to touch them because the first one we had bit me so hard as a kid- (':
@TehTeh911 Жыл бұрын
The moment you said specifically small birds I was like "they're scared of hurting them" and I feel so validated in guessing correctly.
@AnArtist0328 Жыл бұрын
@Sanitised Жыл бұрын
Subbing because of profile picture
@terrytheinsane Жыл бұрын
"You're scared of hurting birds" "I'm scared of birds hurting me" "we are not the same"
@FordKensa 3 ай бұрын
i guessed that "birderer" was going to be said and i laughted way too hard
@PeriluneStar Жыл бұрын
I get grossed out by stuff that affects teeth, fingernails, and eyes too! One of my worst fears is hurting my eyes because I'm an artist I don't know what I do if I couldn't see.
@FluffRainbowDash Жыл бұрын
Same. It's the reason why I'm not a fan of the Saw and Final Destination movies. I also hated it in movies where animals are harmed and or killed just for shock.
@PeriluneStar Жыл бұрын
@@FluffRainbowDash never watched those movies, but yeah I hate it when animals die in a movie, sometimes it's sadder than when one of the humans die lol
@KelniusTV 11 ай бұрын
That's understandable. The only downside is that you can't watch Oculus, a horror movie I really enjoy. No spoilers (or details, for the squeamish), but it has both teeth and nail stuff. It's not a phobia of mine, but it's gross.
@PeriluneStar 11 ай бұрын
@@KelniusTV yeah I would probably end up covering my eyes 😅
@idrawstuff6971 3 ай бұрын
@springsutton5989 Жыл бұрын
FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE WHO HAS A FEAR OF DANGLY EARRINGS!!!!! 😂 mine isn't severe enough to stop me from wearing them, but anytime ANYTHING got close to my face, I would quickly protect my ears
@amandaadamson8723 Жыл бұрын
@opheliasrandomvideos9455 Жыл бұрын
@rosebud1868 Жыл бұрын
I thought, “wait, is she talking about The Mist?!?!” I was so happy, and it’s probably one of my favorite horror movies, supes-dupes depressing though😁
@KrisOrcott Жыл бұрын
Having worked in a vet office I was incredibly grateful that it was either the vet who held the parakeet size birds while drawing blood or one specific tech who held the songbirds. I like birds, I enjoy handling them but restraining (ex. for nail trims) anything smaller than a parakeet is terrifying. I also spent so long being determined to not be scared of spiders that I'm fine with spiders but having a harmless stick insect or butterfly on me freaks me out.
@ilovekittens5937 Жыл бұрын
Two of my worst fears are Bugs and Organs (What I mean is stuff inside the body)
@Are3.14 Жыл бұрын
God bugs scare me so much too Maybe im not scared of organs / parasite stuff because i work with microbiology- but bugs are just Ew
@blueberry_isbored Жыл бұрын
@Tw1sted Princess yeah they gross me out too. Also I love your pfp.
@edgrimm5862 Жыл бұрын
Having looked into the number of different strains of avian flu exist in the world at any one moment, I personally think you're wise to try to avoid touching birds.
@Gleamiarts Жыл бұрын
i don't have many fears but i have a lot of squicks and unfortunately one thing that freaks me out is vtubers 😔 especially when they lag a bit or blink and its just kinda uncanny
@niicespiice Жыл бұрын
i guess they can be a bit uncanny valley sometimes, so i can see why
@_Aceus_ Жыл бұрын
The thing about the earrings kind of happened to me in elementary school, some of the kids in my gym class were throwing their drawstring bags, trying to get them in one of the basketball hoops, and one got caught on my earring and ripped my ear a tiny bit. Hurt like a bitch too ;-;
@Sly_Fox_23 Жыл бұрын
Oh man, so the earring one I understand with the dangly bits. I didn't have one ripped out, but I did have to have one surgically cut from my ear when I was younger because it went in crooked and then got infected. Two people had to hold me down in order to cut the earring out of my lobe. It was horrifying. I also now only wear studs for the most part ;-;'
@wildparrot Жыл бұрын
My friends brother ripped her earrings out once.
@emd4361 Жыл бұрын
I am afraid of complete silence, when it's so quiet it makes your ears ring an' stuff. It's also kinda unnerving when there's very little ambience. It makes it very hard to sleep when I go to my church's camps each year cuz we aren't allowed to bring electronics. It's also caused some sleep deprivation when I've gone to stay with family. I dunno why it freaks me out so much, but it does. Also, I'm freaked out by escalators and using an elevator by myself. I think I know the reason for the elevator one (I once went to use one at a hotel and it didn't move after the doors closed cuz I forgot to press a button and got claustrophobic), but not sure about escalators. They just move fast. During the summer my grandma had to temporarily disable one cuz I couldn't get myself to step on it. Maybe I'd do better with one that goes up cuz there's less of a possibility of me falling down the stairs, but idk. After my escalator freak-out, while we were waiting for me and my brother's plane to come, my grandma had me and him go on the moving sidewalks to try and start lowering my fear of escalators. Haven't been able to use one since then, though, so I have no idea if I'm still scared of using them or not.
@Cheesecraft612 Жыл бұрын
I sort of relate to the first one. Whenever I take my headphones off and it’s just silent I get uncomfortable. Also because I have a really calm vent in my room but it turns on and off, so when it’s been going for ages and I’m half asleep, it turns off again and I’m like O_O
@justadumbchrysanthemum Жыл бұрын
11:38 me too! My special interest is birds, but I don’t want to touch them because they’re just so small! I can’t touch any small animals because I’m so afraid I’ll accidentally hurt them
@KelniusTV 11 ай бұрын
Bird bones *aren't* hollow, like, empty - they're full of cavities, but they're very sturdy, with dozens and dozens of strutlike pieces of bone for strength. They're also not "lighter" for flight, but supposedly hollow to help contain air for respiration. All this said, I would also be anxious to hold something small, like a baby chicken. So tiny!
@hannahdawg6829 9 ай бұрын
Two of my biggest "no's" when it comes to horror is anything involving hurting an animal, especially a dog or a cat, and if it involves someone eating said dog or cat. That is a no for me and immediately makes me want to hold my dog Daisy close and bawl my eyes out. As for stuff that scares me, insects, anything with insects, especially big insects. The nails, eyes, and teeth thing too. Although most horror honestly just annoys me. It will make me jump, sure, but if it keeps making me just jump I'm going to get annoyed, there's only so many times you can have Freddy Fazbear and his buddies scream in my face before I get annoyed with it.
@F0XY5O1 Жыл бұрын
The bird fear is exactly why I was afraid of butterflies because I was told the oils in my skin would KILL THEM IF I TOUCH THEM. I have no idea where I heard this but every time I went to the Houston butterfly museum I was terrified of accidentally touching them. I’m not longer afraid of them (I handle them regularly now) but man was that a constant fear I had growing up.
@StormAsher104 4 ай бұрын
Bugs, I had a single bee fly right past me and make such a loud buzz that it almost felt like it was in my ear and ever since I always flinch and freak out whenever I see any sort of creepy crawler, or flyer, I had a black orb weaver spider literally sit right next to me while I was on a chair just recently and I fucking freaked the hell out, I don’t care if most spiders aren’t dangerous I hate them, which is ironic because I used to have a pet spider because my family caught one when I was kid and decided to keep it, and I loved him.
@citrinerey4900 Жыл бұрын
I know it's no longer spooky month, but yeah. Your channel is all over my suggested list lol, and I am LOVING it. ^_^ You have such an adorable art style!! I also fear the dangly earrings. I honestly do not know how people can wear them!! I have never been a fan of horror movies. I THINK that's because my Grandpa, being really dumb and not aware of how to baby sit kids, had me watch Aliens with him when I was like...4 or 5. That movies TERRIFIED me. BUT, I still somehow recall that memory as a good memory? I think it's because I always loved hanging out with him, and he ALWAYS had a mountain of candy. Seriously, the man could eat more candy than anyone I ever met. But yeah, horror movies in general are a no-no for me. The bird one was interesting. But I guess it makes sense? I was thinking you had a fear of their feet or something because I have heard that one before which I find odd, but I am odd so there's that. XD I mean, smol birb is smol. I have never been afraid to hurt a smaller bird because I am used to handling delicate things, but I can see it as a true concern. You have a good heart. ^_^ Despite being a HUGE bug lover and novice Entomologist, I still have a fear of....Roaches. u_u I know. How can I be a bug lady but be terrified of probably the most common one? Well. When I was about 13, I lived in an apartment that was INFESTED. I mean like, at night if you turned on a flashlight, you would easily see 5-10 of them scurrying away. One night, I am not sure why, but one decided my ear was a great place to try to crawl into and hide. I obviously woke up because the sucker was thankfully too big, and I swatted it away so fast I actually smashed it. I can sorta overlook my fear sometimes, especially when we're talking about "exotic" roaches like Madagascar Hissers or Dominos. I was a Zookeeper briefly, and had to take care of a bunch of these myself. And you know what? They are actually a little sweet...in a weird buggy way. But when I see a common, typical, pest roach? Nope nope nope nope nope! I've gotten better to where I can smash/clean up one if I see it, but my heartrate spikes still.
@SarahSmith-ht9bd Жыл бұрын
The bird fear is so wholesome
@aPhrogg 10 ай бұрын
I have an irrational fear of closets, because I'm scared that someone is in there stalking me. This is made worse by the fact that my closet, wich is two closets put together, can't close properly so one side is always open and I can look into the second one through a small opening from my bed, everytime I try to sleep. QwQ
@Phantomfizz 2 ай бұрын
I hate hearing about others getting hurt. Not only do I feel bad for them but hearing about them getting bruised or cut up makes me curl up in a ball from grossness and makes my legs hurt for some reason
@CushionSapp 7 ай бұрын
My main fear nowadays is hearing a sound when I enter my home or at night when I'm sleeping, because that just makes me think I have an intruder
@GoohToo Жыл бұрын
I have a phobia of butterflies and I start crying and screaming whenever I go to a butterfly conservatory, i am fine if they are far away. And if it’s a picture it’s fine unless if they are up close
@ImpossibleGirI Жыл бұрын
I’m glad I’m not the only one with a fear of butterflies. I will not go near them. If I see them I’ll back off and when I was younger me and my family went to a museum or something like that and there was a butterfly conservatory part and I hated being in it.
@ShelbyLikesStuff 11 ай бұрын
7:00 okay don’t come to Australia, seeing a spider is weekly here *especially* in winter and summer. They’ll either be Daddy Long Leg spiders or Jumping spiders and they’re not venomous but sometimes other spiders come in,
@xRaiofSunshine Ай бұрын
Nope nope nope nope nope-
@CeyasStuff 8 ай бұрын
Butterflies and moths. I cannot. I just freeze up, watch em, and when I think it's safe, I run. No idea what it is, I am just incapable of being around them.
@F4dded Жыл бұрын
my friend has a split earlobe from an earring!! they can stil put earrings in them because they got a seprate pirceing above the damage hole. It looks cool ngl
@greenhydra10 10 ай бұрын
I also hate stuff involving fingernails, teeth, and eyes, so I got chills just from Star talking about it. Fortunately, I was too busy jamming to Spider Dance to feel too sick.
@commentbot9510 Жыл бұрын
Your fear about touching birds is how I felt when I held a newborn kitten. They are just so small and fragile
@GretchenCooper Жыл бұрын
A little late, but my biggest fear is basophobia, the fear of falling. I am not afraid of heights, but the sensation and action of falling... terrifies me. Especially slipping on ice or tripping. I don't do well on gravel either. The eyes, teeth and nails thing, I get. I have never been comfortable watching anything that has to do with stabbing, cutting, or doing surgery on eyes, and as for fingernails... just thinking about dragging my fingernails on stuff (like the "fingernails on chalkboard" thing) freaks me out. I'm also kinda paranoid, so if I'm walking down the street and someone slows down as they're driving by, I go into fight-or-flight until they're gone. Side note, I found your webcomic a few days ago, binge-read it, and am in the process of watching all your videos, especially the art ones (I am an artist myself and am considering making a webcomic of my own). I love your content and art style, and I am very excited to see what'll happen next in Castoff!
@otaku-sempai2197 5 ай бұрын
When I was a kid I had a recurring dream that a giant spider was crawling out from behind the window curtains in my bedroom. I blame Saturday-afternoon monster movies on local t.v.
@fannikarpati5563 Жыл бұрын
When people say they have a weird fear/phobia Me who has fructophobia: wow can you say something more weird than the fear of FRUITS JUST FRUITS like oranges, grapes, and even pears and sometimes apples as well seeing a fruit makes me phosically unconfortable exept melons those are fine for some reason idk why
@captiki7seas Жыл бұрын
i like how the spider dance was in background of the spider part
@dualisdraconicvods3727 Жыл бұрын
My best friend was afraid of birds because of the movie The Dark Crystal
@521cjb Жыл бұрын
When I see someone with a face full of metal, my first thought is, " stay away from MRI machines."
@corvidzcorpse_ Жыл бұрын
on the topic of weird irrational fears, for some reason, something like a spider for example, doesn’t scare me at all, but WORMS. Worms, maggots, or any sort of wriggly worm like bug larvae, leeches, even some caterpillars ABSOLUTELY TERRIFY ME. I don’t even know why, but whenever I see a worm in the garden or something I freak tf out. first time I got a leech on me I threw my shoes off and started crying and screaming at the top of my lungs bloody murder all the way home.
@Hellysal Жыл бұрын
The most non-horror horror stuff that gets me everytime is messing with someone's brain, be there electrodes to head, lobotomy, that kind of stuff. Someone stealing someone else's sanity and identity just like that, in a medical procedure taking away who you are. Shudders everytimeeee
@silverscorpio24 Жыл бұрын
I am a scaredy-cat when it comes to horror movies like It and Saw. But real-life things that REALLY scare me is complete darkness, and I'm claustrophobic.
@Are3.14 Жыл бұрын
As a microbiologist i can confirm that people frequently get mad because of me talking about parasitism
@joshuawinter7483 Жыл бұрын
That roof spider might of been a huntsman because they can hang on roofs and I’m so glad huntsman’s don’t bite
@Chocibunny Жыл бұрын
"Anything that gets things put into your eyes or messed with"- watching this knowing how Baldurs Gate starts..I feel for you
@oisinman5 Жыл бұрын
its wild how relatable the fears were to me. one of my biggest fears is dogs, i can't stand being around them. irl, im fine with seeing dogs, just being near them. i think it's because i got chased down by a dog in a forest when i was young, because i was messing around with a wooden sword
@cooldude815doesthings14 4 ай бұрын
Holy crap I can relate, once my family went to a statue park and a bird made a nest in one of the statues, and it attacked me when I went over to look at the statue. I never have felt comfortable around birds ever since
@kendradupree1094 Жыл бұрын
i have an actual phobia of dead things my dad was making thanksgiving turkey and was trying to (i don't remember the name but basicly butterfly it) i was trying to help nether of my parents are good at look at written insuctions and tuning that into actions so i had to help the whole time i was trying not to run out off the kitchen and or barf panicking
@nellieuwu4548 Жыл бұрын
Your voice makes me think of Eda Clawthrone from The Owl House :)
@FordKensa 3 ай бұрын
@Jgame0701 13 күн бұрын
3:08 speaking of dreams of (sorta) fears, I have this random reoccurring dream where I’m riding in a car on a windy, twisty, forested road, when, all of a sudden, I’m careening off a cliff or into the woodline and then… I wake up. The strangest thing about it is that this dream started after I had this… experience? (I don’t know if it actually happened or not, very strange,) where I was on a bike in my great-grandmother’s backyard, and I was on a bike, and then I started rolling down a hill, completely out of control, and I crashed into either a fence or a bunch of really tough branches. I don’t even know if those two things are related, but I really wanna find out. Sorry for the rant.
@Ke.nu.li.K Жыл бұрын
our scare sensce is quite similar. when you see stuff go inside your ppl in makes me paranoid for a month
@Weird0Wolf Жыл бұрын
I feel you with the game bird i can’t eat lobster cause I’ll end up staring at the face and get sad and start making up this dramatic life story this poor lobster had
@wolfyartfull1479 Жыл бұрын
Omg. I'm so thrilled that you named dropped the Magnus archives... I honestly love that podcasts sm (I'm part way through season four so far) and, honestly, it NEEDS more recognition!
@CharlotteCardone Жыл бұрын
One of my greatest most terrifying fear is waking up and finding all my family and friends and pets dead in my house and I’m the only one alive. What makes it worse, they were all brutally murdered in different ways and the weapons are all lying next to them and are completely covered in blood.😣😰
@stinkology Жыл бұрын
I love birds. I'm an avid bird watcher and are constantly on the lookout for them when I go outside. I share this same fear because they're delicate and freak the fuck out like most wild animals. A squirrel ravaged my feeder one afternoon and left a small crack in the lid open just large enough for a grosbeak to get stuck inside. I had to wedge my hand through the tube and it was flailing around like crazy and I was so terrified that it'd snap it's wings trying to grab it. It was like the most stressful last chip of a Pringles can. I eventually decided my ogre hands would probably make this thing never fly again so I did the most humane thing and tipped it over and pounded the bottom until it fell out.
@lilymoon9659 Жыл бұрын
I have a pretty common fear which is bug larva, they freak me out. But theres irony to this...I have frogs, frogs that eat wax worms (if you have this fear DO NOT look them up, there basically slightly bigger maggots)
@courtneykleiner9666 Жыл бұрын
My earring was a stud earring and it ripped through my earlobe. I don't remember how but it hurt so much, and I have a scar and can still feel where it split. Luckily it closed, not perfectly because like I said I can feel where it split.
@wild.berryz Жыл бұрын
your set of fears is practically identical to mine i’ve never held a bird before but anytime i hold a little kitten it makes me a little nervous i feel like every time i pet them i’m going to break every bone in that poor cats body and instantly kill it
@Executable_file_404X Ай бұрын
I fully understand that first one definitely the eye part
@commentbot9510 Жыл бұрын
I just looked up a huntsman spider and omg I would not leave that in my bathroom for days and I have the same attitude towards spiders that you have in terms of just leaving them be (if tiny) and not freaking out.
@blueberry_isbored Жыл бұрын
I have a fear of spiders and of being watched. The being watched one is from my mind forcing images to try and freak me out this has happened twice. And it’s usually specifically through glass like a window or glass door.
@ScottyArts7035 Жыл бұрын
I also have a fear of birds but all of them scare the living heck out of me. I don’t know how my fear started but just the way they move and look just creeps me out. Especially little birds or baby birds but crow’s don’t really bother me just how they move. Ducks just are trouble in general.
@FroggieBee Жыл бұрын
Mirrors, just mirrors, they are so Flippin terrifing and im always scared when i see one, like im afraid that something will be in the mirror even though its not actually there and im afraid of some random thing moving in the mirror even though it never moved at all. 🐝
@jondw Жыл бұрын
I definitely get the eating meat that still looks like the animal is a big no(also doesn't trigger with seafood for me either). as well as the "afraid I'll hurt them" small animal thing, mine even works on animals as large as cats at least. while I'm good with bugs generally, bugs on me are no no no. a pair of annoying ones are snakes(beautiful creatures, monkey brain is terrified of them though) and pain(fairly reasonable, except I have a pain tolerance that has walked off broken arms on multiple occasions and yet am afraid of shots, such as those needed for vaccines, which given recent events... yeah)
@something-from-elsewhere Жыл бұрын
The fear of hurting the small birds may be irrational but it's _very_ understandable
@something-from-elsewhere Жыл бұрын
(And the earring thing HOLY SHIT is that a mood)
@opheliasrandomvideos9455 Жыл бұрын
when i heard "dream spiders" i thought of a dream i had when i was younger. i was at a park with my mom and a weird giant spider that would flip upside down in order to FLY was chasing me or... flying after me. we found a place somewhere in the park that was safe. the spider flew toward me and idk what else happened and i woke up
@math1937 Жыл бұрын
I understand you said this is an irrational fear, but I thought this might be an opportunity to share info! When it comes to stretched ears, if the person stretching their ears has done it healthily (slowly, frequently moisturizing, listening to their body), it’d probably take a lot more force to tear them than it’d take to tear a typical earring! If done unhealthily though, there are probably thin spots on their lobes, making them a _lot_ easier to tear than their healthier counterparts. This can also be exacerbated by severe coldness since it’s harder for the body to get proper circulation to really large stretched ears, which can end in tissue death if not kept warm. Thankfully, you can get these really cute knitted earlobe covers online that keep them nice and warm!
@emmaclouse6352 Жыл бұрын
the movie was "the mist" based on the story by stephen king, ironically enough that is the only scene in the movie like that, although if you try to watch it again and end up skipping that scene, expect to cry a ton if you get emotional (commented this before you mentioned the name and such lol)
@MrMG-il5hv Жыл бұрын
I’ll think I understand the ear ring fear especially after watching the WWE hell in a cell match where Randy Orton put a screwdriver through Jeff Hardys earlobe piercing, and started twisting the screwdriver
@SosaKahn 4 ай бұрын
I share this bird fear, when I was little we had chickens and when they were little my foot got caught in a net while I was putting them back on their coop… I tripped and fell on two and saw ones intestines when I looked back and it’s panicked face with wide eyes. The other chicken I also fell on broke its leg and I watched my mom kill it with a shovel through my bathroom window…
@SosaKahn 4 ай бұрын
Also I clicked the close window on adobe animate when I started this video and it still hasn’t closed or loaded :(
@pauline_ig7252 4 ай бұрын
MAGNUS MENTION!!!! (love ur story times sm, thank you!)
@Catsmakemeselfconscious Жыл бұрын
Things I’m scared of Spit Anything touching a specific part of my head That one scene in poltergeist where that guy is ripping his face off Sudden loud noises Sudden gun like noises (fireworks for example) Guns Knives Needles Birth
@MikeyGardner1524 3 ай бұрын
My Sister *Maddie* was Scared of Crows One Time and IDK Now in 2024 if She's Scared of them anymore 😅😁
@AraileLioness173 3 ай бұрын
My gross and quote on quote stupid fear is dead bugs and live bugs. If I see one of those suckers in my room regardless if it's alive or not I will go to the other side of the building and need someone to get it out.
@heartofthewild680 Жыл бұрын
Your reason for not touching birds is the same reason I won’t hold a baby. Thankfully, the only time someone has asked if I wanted to hold one, I was at work and was able to use the “I’m not allowed to because liability reasons” excuse. Otherwise, I probably would’ve been scrambling to find some reason I couldn’t without seeming rude.
@MrMG-il5hv Жыл бұрын
There is one thing I’m afraid of that I know of and it’s pretty irrational, Lonestar ticks(it’s because a lot of my favorite foods contain red meat)
@WishfulThinkingArt 10 ай бұрын
As soon as you mentioned the spiders being inside the person, I had a flashback to watching “The Mist” with my boyfriend and the two of us being absolutely GROSSED OUT by that scene! That’s not the best Stephen King movie out there, but man, it has scenes that stay with you!
@eeveefennecfox Жыл бұрын
2:21 I'm the same way,cause I saw a anime clip of a character getting her finger nails ripped out,it scared the hell out of me,I never watched that clip ever again,same with tokyo ghoul,I'm surprised I got far as I did,but when I got to the episode where the character was being tortured over and over and over,I just couldn't handle it,I'm very sensitive,I get scared easily and I'm squeamish so that makes me sad as an anime fan,but the point is,I can't handle characters getting tortured
@saranorah228 Жыл бұрын
I have the same earing fear, like exactly the same except my ears aren't perst
@wildparrot Жыл бұрын
About birds disintegrating, my sister had a dream one time that she was walking in a creek with some random people, and she had a little pet blue bird named Peet. They were about half way through the creek, and all of a sudden Peet FRICKEN EXPLODES, none of the other people in her dream paid attention to it, while my sister was like "Guys- my bird just exploded." There was apparently blood from the bird everywhere also.
@ShelbyLikesStuff 11 ай бұрын
14:53 haha I don’t have to worry about this that much since I wear headphones 90% of this time, the idea still terrifies me though,
@lumc1754 Жыл бұрын
Stalkers freak me out so bad. I had a horrible dream about a serial killer stalker and it messed me up so bad. I sleep right next to my window and don't close my blinds. I couldn't sleep right for weeks. Sometimes I still stay up late hiding under my covers, scared.
@YUKIBUNNI Жыл бұрын
I'm afraid of VOMITING! Seeing someone vomiting I feel like vomiting to. That means IM AFRAID OF CATCHING A STOMACH BUG sooooo yeah...
@cameronguzman-keller477 Жыл бұрын
This is such a specific fear for me to have, but I don’t like having my razor being in the same vicinity as my toothbrush, bc I’m afraid that one day I’m gonna be so tired in the morning that whenever I brush my teeth, I’m gonna accidentally pick up a razor instead. I also always sleep with the door closed instead of it being open bc I don’t wanna wake up to someone standing in the doorway like NOPPEEE
@NutCase Жыл бұрын
SO I get dangley earrings thing! I did rip out an earring. And I don't wear them anymore, including studs. The holes were fine, heck I have 2 on each ear but to this day the holes have never closed up XD
@1Gengar Жыл бұрын
@JacobGamin-hg8xs Жыл бұрын
That movie you saw with the man on the wall was most likely "the mist"
@RavensGem Жыл бұрын
I can't eat things that look like they should be alive. Still traumatized of those lobsters. Also earrings are terrifying. I have had birds before and that fear is valid personally I am not scared, but I am not handing off my smol bird child to some stranger so they can squish them.
@jasperhollow664 Жыл бұрын
Big things. Like, seeing a picture of a black hole or a whale won't freak me out, but seeing a size comparison of a black hole to earth would, or of a blue whale to a human. If you want an exact example, there's a scene in the treasure planet where the ship is being sucked into a black hole, and THAT was horrifying. And in a movie called sth like ,,the sea monster", the first scene is the reason I didn't watch it. There's a boy holding onto a plank in the middle of the ocean, probably with a sinking ship in the background. Then the water gets darker, it zooms out and you see the silhouette of this GIANT f-ing fish thing underwater.
@locopokyo Жыл бұрын
For me it is also birds but its actually a phobia for me, I really HATE seeing them in person as I think they'll attack me and hurt me if that makes sense so ya- NO BIRDS!
@PeriluneStar Жыл бұрын
@robintheartist2925 Ай бұрын
I have an irrational fear of alcohol. It's been with me since as soon as I knew that that stuff was. I'm mainly afraid of drunk people/people drinking it but overall, I do not like it. I don't know why this happens or why it manifested, thus being dubbed 'irrational', but it doesn't bother me too much since I'm not of legal age yet nor does it seem appetizing, but it does get in the way whenever an adult around me wants to have fun/any drinking moments in shows bother me a bit.
@katemakes6370 Жыл бұрын
.... grew up on the matrix that seen still freaks me out and for cotext neo (main character) was "bugged" (agents or code guys didnt want him getting free of the matrix and insted basicly turned him into a dreamer agint for like 5 minnutes of the film) and the bug was a little robot bug thingy that started out looking like a worm.... it was placed on his stomach and crawled into his belly button.... it still creaps me out me years later
@blade5521 Жыл бұрын
The fear of birds thing is a lot like my fear of snakes. I love snakes, I love being around snakes, but I'm scared of holding them. Because I know that animals can sense fear and I used to be afraid of snakes so what if I'm still scared of them and they sense it? Then I get nervous because I'm scared of being scared of them and is that enough for them to sense and bite me? And it just keeps looping and building until I have to put the snake down.
@EllaMessenger 8 ай бұрын
I can relate to this video. I drape bed sheets over my bed so almost nothing can be seen from the outside of my bed, because it is near the window and why am I talking about this? - rawr- 🐉🐲🐉🐲
@wintertigerdraws Жыл бұрын
My mom is scared of birds because one time two pigeons got stuck in her very big 70s hair
@prodashibe Жыл бұрын
@windwakerfrog678 Жыл бұрын
When I saw the stream clip, i instantly knew you have good taste in games. Wind waker is the best.
@followthelightdearfriend Жыл бұрын
I agree with eyes SO GODDAMN MUCH like, when I was 6-7 I loved to watch The Bones. For those who don't know The Bones is a detective show where a group of scientists and police officers investigate murders based on a victim's rotten skeletons. I never ever EVER was afraid of those skeletons, in fact I was interested of how da hell are those people gonna find the culprit just by *bones*. However, there's one episode my brain managed to completely wipe out of my memory and bOY AM I GLAD HE DID! I don't remember what was the plot or how the body looked but I know that THAT THING STILL HAD IT'S EYEBALLS INSIDE EYE SOCKETS OH MY GOD!! This was one and only encounter in series but hooooollyy shiiit that was TERRIFYING... I might be wrong, but I think MC had nightmares or hallucinations from that case. I MEAN WHO WOULDN'T??
@semiatolanigan7066 Жыл бұрын
Bro says “I don’t get scared easily” and “Not a lot scared me anymore” and “horror doesn’t really affect me that much” then lists a boatload of fears, a lot of them horror related 😅
@LillianGraceFullofficial Жыл бұрын
I hate flying things. their wings can be loud, they can fly ANYWHERE, and they’re faster. I also have thalassophobia and just looking at water pictures or hearing water noises will put me in panic mode for a minute or 2
@LunarLOLz2022 Жыл бұрын
My aunt’s scared of birds in general.
@nikacomedawn Жыл бұрын
I have a phobia of basketballs.
@theartcorner0920 Жыл бұрын
I’m actually scared of most of the things your scared of except for the bird one, it is reasonable tho and I also have the thing we’re the meat look like the animal it came from it just gives me the chills and I can’t eat it anymore😅
@TheobaldLeonhart Жыл бұрын
The usual things... Kinda - clowns. Except, I think it's mostly just, clowns with the big red noses So no, looking at a picture of Pennywise, won't scare me. But slap a big red nose on him, and I'm scared - What could be in the dark. I'm actually a big fan of nighttime, and how things look in the dark... When I'm safely inside a building - People following me. I think this started as a coping mechanism. But it's still a fear. Basically, I'm afraid that... Random people walking behind me, will kidnap me And do, something - Being up high, and seeing how high up I am. Basically, I'm afraid of falling. It's why I refuse to use escalators, but will use elevators - Things that have extra [blank] (eyes, ears, arms, legs, extra) This can range from me just, mildly being uncomfortable, to me freaking out (and yes, this includes spiders) - Uh... The number between 12 and 14
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