Jarret was my coach for my first 18 months at SSCbus. I was able to hit 600lb club, sticker club, top of the boards, competed and broke state records, all on top of becoming very strong and very confident. He’s an awesome coach and a genuinely great guy.
@cherylcrawford7570Ай бұрын
So glad I found Starting Strength 2.5 years ago!
@RichWithTechАй бұрын
SS is great but this man needs to sleep more, also it shows good character that he questioned if he was providing value to his clients. Self reflection is rare in personal training, from what I've seen
@fenghq1206Ай бұрын
Please can anyone tell me what that background music is? As cool as the content!
@JosiahTheReformerАй бұрын
We need one down here in Australia 🇦🇺
@greenwithagunАй бұрын
Ryan Burnell is in Adelaide. But nowadays there is no shortage of competent barbell coaches.
@urbanobstaclesАй бұрын
It really does
@janhammer4852Ай бұрын
@ExtraSubtle18 күн бұрын
Too many people are turning those back squats into good mornings.