In March 1993, German television channel RTL launched a second channel known as RTL II. In September of that year, the logo and graphics package RTL II used at launch unexpectedly made its way to America when KGAN began using a variant of it. The logo similarities resulted in a dispute that ultimately forced RTL II to withdraw its logo in April 1996. KGAN was allowed to retain its logo as part of the settlement of the dispute.
@blind_t2 Жыл бұрын
keep em coming! hope more coming soon! you should also think of doing this by state.
@jinglebell61 Жыл бұрын
This Fox 43 station identification is from Peoria, Illinois.
@jackatkinson368211 ай бұрын
0:59 I miss this station (even though it was cable-only). Turning it into a 24-hour news network (even long before Time Warner or Soectrum got their greedy hands on it) was a crime. #BringBackIndependentTV