@@richard2845 Terracotta actually seem like mixed breeds. It takes only 2 or 3 generations to look "Chinese". That's easy to be observed in modern days...
@@richard2845 Moron, welcome to America. We colonized Taiwan LOL. You got it wrong actually. Tang was colonized by Central Asia. It's not your fault. It's your education. Nationalism and racism are poisons that blinded you. Tang/Sui were made by Sibe lol. Who are you fooling? You yourself only. "Races" are only a recent artificial definition. If you understand culture, you wouldn't talk like a fool. Do you understand Chinese phonetics? Do you know how to reconstruct Middle Chinese phonetics? Learn your history lol. By the way, good luck finding a "Chinese" by your modern definition in any of royal tombs before Han Dynasty? Prove to me. Do it lol. To be fair with you, in the ancient time different tribes fought but also lived together, bred together... that did not start from the Mongolians, the Jurchens or the Huns.... it was how "Han" itself was formed, mixed of proto-Caucasians and the local tribes. Time to dump your self-blinding ultra nationalism...
@SummerStory1013 жыл бұрын
@@richard2845 多了解了解历史 lol. at least learn the basics in anthropology that people and culture evolve and integrate by layers. There is no "pure" or "original" Han Chinese... By the way, Min Nan and Hakka are actually more "real Chinese" than you probably, as Min Nan were migrants from central China since the Jin Dynasty till late Tang Dynasty to Hokkien/Fujian and later migrated to Taiwan during late Ming and Tshing dynasty, whereas Hakka were migrants since the late Tang Dynasty till Song Dynasty from Northwest China. The entire human history is a history of inter-tribal breeding and cultural integration.... too hard for your huge ego but tiny knowledge probably.
Xiao Liu 關於炎黃之戰,歷史上僅稱戰于阪泉.關於黃帝與蚩尤之戰,僅稱戰於逐鹿,再無其他可考.反而在山海經可窺得一二.大荒北經稱,應龍已殺蚩尤,又殺夸父(在山海經中稱夸父是炎帝後代),乃去南方處之.若三苗是炎黃之戰,炎帝戰敗南撤之人,則應龍不就剛好殺之.故黃帝應在南方,蚩尤與炎帝應在北方. 三苗與蚩尤是有關係的,蚩尤是在中亞早期的一個文明部落,其中一部向西遷到兩河流域,就是蘇美人,向南遷到印緬雲貴的就是三苗,故黃帝與蚩尤之戰就是埃及人與蘇美人之戰.炎黃之戰就是北埃及人與南埃及人之戰.