STEPPING UP MY LORE | Reacting to WTF IS WARHAMMER 40K? by Luetin09

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@ti8ick 7 ай бұрын
@BigGator5 7 ай бұрын
You still have a "private" video in your Warhammer 40K playlist and it's driving my OCD nuts. You might be able to see it, but the rest of us notice the blank space there. It also just looks ugly. I apologize for bringing it up, but I appreciate you being understanding. Go in Peace and Walk with God. 😎 👍
@virtualatheist 7 ай бұрын
15:24. Is there a prize? Asking for a friend ;-)
@BigGator5 7 ай бұрын
Thanks! 😃 Go with God and Be Safe from Evil. 😎 👍
@Bruno_Genius 7 ай бұрын
From "it's a kitty" to "yea I have one of these MFs" 😂
@ti8ick 7 ай бұрын
@@Bruno_Geniusto be fair he do be a mf almost on a daily basis 😂
@mitchapalooza1 7 ай бұрын
I find the painting side of things very relaxing and therapeutic. It's how I wind down at the end of the day mostly. Sit down at my desk with something on youtube and paint for an hour or so. Not only is it relaxing though, it is very fun to see your art "come to life" so to speak. To see a grey plastic model turn into this really cool painted mini by the end feels like an accomplishment.
@ti8ick 7 ай бұрын
Your comment made me want to paint already so badly hahah I’m still waiting for my order to get delivered, but while I wait I could go to the store and get some paint and somewhat of a starter kit to be fully prepared when my minis get here
@mitchapalooza1 7 ай бұрын
Yes! you have a kill team coming? That's a great way to start. Some beginners tips 1. Learn how to make a home made "wet palette" this will keep your paints thin as you work which is very important with acrylic paints 2. Use a black or white spray paint undercoat on your models after they are built. This will help the acrylic paint stick to your models and also speeds the painting process along. 3. Don't be afraid to start over - if you begin with a certain colour scheme in mind but don't like the way it looks it's totally normal to paint over it and restart. 4. Have fun! :) @@ti8ick
@HeartlessNinny1 7 ай бұрын
That's some good advice. I'd add that learning the "slapchop" method would be a great way to start too. Your minis will look amazing with little effort and skill. It's a great way to get started.
@michaelriddick7116 7 ай бұрын
Agreed! There's something very zen about imagining something and bringing into too life one brushstroke at a time :D
@Morrodin182 7 ай бұрын
@@HeartlessNinny1 personally I would advice to first learn the 'normal' way of painting minis and only then go slapchop. The reason is that slapchop requires you to have some brushcontrol because otherwise your colors will spill over into each other. I really like slapchop for when you want to get an army quickly on the table but I would not advice to be the first painting style/technique someone should learn.
@johanvdmerwe8598 7 ай бұрын
Leutin is the master of 40k lore. New subscriber, glad to see another person getting into this amazing universe.
@ti8ick 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much and welcome! ❤
@20worldw 7 ай бұрын
Nope I think warrior tier is better
@IllegalTumor 7 ай бұрын
@@20worldwwarrior tier has a more cinematic or documentary feel to it, and knocks it out of the park when connecting with the audience emotionally. while luetin i feel dives deeper into the inner workings and critical thinking when analyzing lore. However both are amazing lore channels, and when they are watched by a newcomer they simultaneously get the intricate concepts and emotional ties to the setting. Also a great video from warrior tier for ti8ick to watch would be Trazyns history of the universe video, like if those planet earth videos had a collab with 40k
@20worldw 7 ай бұрын
@@IllegalTumor warrior tier vedios re all creepy actually wht grim dark is like👽
@erco9167 7 ай бұрын
@Bruno_Genius 7 ай бұрын
Having your own carefully chosen army through building, painting and modifying exactly how you want is an awesome way of bringing the lore to life. Something that just can't be replicated through books, film and video games.
@ti8ick 7 ай бұрын
I can’t wait to have my own army and treat them as my children ❤😂
@koendeprez9815 7 ай бұрын
@@ti8ickYour Emperor's Children ? 😂😂
@gawkthimm6030 7 ай бұрын
Even someone like me who dosn't paint, collect or play any tabletop games, who mainly read the books and play video games and roleplay games, I still enjoy the huge vastness of the lore as a setting for fanfic writing and creating homemade space marine chapters, Sororitas convents and whole planetary cultures (based on real life inspirations) and the Imperial guard Regiments from there
@gman7497 7 ай бұрын
I probably will never a single mini or play the TT, i have enough addictions, and it's a rabbit hole I don't wanna risk going down, lol. That being said the lore and the world building are so insanely good, idk how you couldn't be intrigued once you start learning. It's a different thing to immersed in a universe where everything has already gone to hell and the struggle is just to exist, by any means necessary, morality and compassion be damned.
@GetrazarX 7 ай бұрын
14:43 Magnus is the biggest fan of Egypt and loves cats. This is why Prospero was destroyed
@sindrimyr5351 7 ай бұрын
Good! Luetin is by far the best lore channel. good choice. The most interesting for beginers is likely how a space marine is made
@xxchaos315xx6 7 ай бұрын
I wholeheartedly agree. There's lots of great lore channels but he's always been my favorite!
@ti8ick 7 ай бұрын
Thank you! It’s a totally different vibe from what I’ve watched so far. Just like he says, it’s fun to not take 40k seriously, but it’s also lots of fun to take it very seriously and I’m there for it ❤
@sindrimyr5351 7 ай бұрын
@@ti8ick Bricky for example makes good videos to get you into the setting and capture your attention, give you an overall feel for the universe. Luetin is the specialist so to say. He goes real deep into the lore and is very precise and less humorous about his approach which I appreciate. Don't get me wrong, brickyard videos are phenomenal but Luetin has a real passion for the Lore and it's complexity and approaches it with a very precise and in depth way.
@timothymartin5538 7 ай бұрын
​@@ti8ickluetin is definitely spectacular for understanding the dread of the wars of 40k, personally I suggest luetins Ryza video, documenting the assault of one forge world which encapsulates the attitudes of the mechanicum, titan legios and knight houses.
@guitarguy3085 7 ай бұрын
I don't know who this sweet girl is but I've been enjoying her trek through the 40k universe. I guess my only suggestion would be to look into lord baldemort. His lore videos are very, unique and quite dense without being overwhelming.
@pfftpfftpfft 7 ай бұрын
Love Luetin09 vids, I sometimes just stick on a playlist and fall to sleep to the story. Glad you're enjoying the universe! I love it when people get into it, takes me back to when I started!
@Zolwiol 7 ай бұрын
He has an amazing narrator voice.
@dagonofthedepths 7 ай бұрын
Some clarification. There as they say a million worlds in the Imperium (which seems a little low to me but tangent) but not every planet is constantly at war. In fact, most planets can go some 500 centuries without conflict. On top of that, a hive planet can very easily have 10,000,000 people living on it. Necromunda is sited to have well over 100,000,000,000. Now not every planet is a hive but even so, finding 1,000 psykers a day isn't a huge deal even if it is rare. I mean really just to get a bit morbid, 100,000 people die on Earth every day so it's not really as big of a number as you would think. Also there is the psychic awakening that vastly increased the amount of witches in the galaxy among other things. Sanctioned psykers are psykers that went to Terra and got official training and certification. A lot of the people taken to Terra as sacrifices are processed into being Emperor food or skilled enough to warrant training in whatever field they are deemed best for. You also have space marines and navigator houses and the like that have their own training and certification programs. Edit:500 years not centuries my bad
@sombodi200 7 ай бұрын
500 centuries? that's 50,000 years
@dagonofthedepths 7 ай бұрын
@@sombodi200 yep your right my bad meant 500 years
@Paulcolonnadistria 7 ай бұрын
All this is true, but you don't factor in the fact that there is only one psycher born in a million commoners. Even with that in mind, yes the Imperium is vast enought to provide but barely, and it take a litteral noria of Black Ships to get all thoses psycher to Terra.
@dagonofthedepths 7 ай бұрын
@@Paulcolonnadistria Well I mean that's the problem with the numbers. Like if you have just 10 Necrobmundas that kind of takes care of that problem. Sure, you have to find them but 1,000 people is more of an issue of finding them in a large city than anything else. But GW has a problem with their numbers whenever they try to add this stuff up. Like the Ullanor Crusade is a prime example. I get the intent, but the math doesn't do them any favors. But with the psychic awakening it's much less of a problem if some of the Blood Angel's books are any indication.
@shaggybaggums 7 ай бұрын
"A hive planet can very easily have 10,000,000 people living on it" Makes it sound more like the planet is about dead. Tokyo alone in real life has well about 13 million. Hive cities should be vast in comparison, with several such cities across the world. Necromunda is typical of such a world in that respect. I agree with your point though, it's all about the scale of the Imperium. Even if psykers are so rare, amongst the sheer teeming masses of humanity there are plenty of them to be gathered up/set on fire.
@jonpaulevans31 7 ай бұрын
As far as how the Imperium can sacrifice so many to the Emp... We have almost 8 billion on a single planet IRL today. Humanity in 40k controls hundreds of thousands, maybe over a million, planets. 10,000 souls for the Emp every day? That's nothing. Send 1 million troops to their death to achieve victory on one planet? Got the job done. Exterminatus on a mostly loyal planet with a billion people, just so the Tyranids can't harvest it? Well, that sucks. On to the next one...
@stevenkolle08 7 ай бұрын
The imperium controls the galaxy so billions of worlds with trillions of citizens they send billions of guard to there death to win a battle
@tylerwarwick7975 7 ай бұрын
I can only assume that the painting of miniatures is almost like meditation that can give you a sense of accomplishment or pride, I've never painted or even held a mini before so I can't say for sure but with how much importance gets placed on it I have to assume there is some worthwhile reason.
@HeartlessNinny1 7 ай бұрын
You're spot on! It is meditative and therapeutic. It's a really fun (if expensive) hobby.
@HeartlessNinny1 7 ай бұрын
Oh, and I find building them super fun too. These days they are so well made that putting them together is easy but also incredibly satisfying.
@zebrion5793 7 ай бұрын
It's a very zen activity. A way to just blank your mind of everything going on and focus down on one singular thing.
@timothymartin5538 7 ай бұрын
Sitting painting on a bright morning whilst listening to an audiobook is a very decompressive and satisfying activity, I highly recommend.
@84darthme 7 ай бұрын
I specifically make sure to paint after a rough day for this very reason. Clears the mind, relaxes the body, and helps to recenter the self... Also get a really cool mini out of it too, but ya know. Whatever
@ICGravityPacific1146 7 ай бұрын
The Modeling and Painting is the most creative part of the hobby. To craft something (from a kit unless you scratchbuild or scuplt) and planning out a thematic base, an evocative color scheme from start to finish gives a REALLY strong sense of personal investment and helps each modeler "Own" a part of the hobby and story of Warhammer 40k.....that fact that ALL out custom creations are in a sense cannon (the universe is SO VAST that anything is possible) just makes it that much more satisfying. It is something easier to understand once you make a few yourself after you initially learn how to do it. A real "Oh THATS what that feels like......I could get used to this!"
@eikthesheik 7 ай бұрын
Painting miniatures with a Luetin video in the background is such a great combo. Painting is just a very relaxing thing to do, I think you'll enjoy it
@tylermudge2587 7 ай бұрын
One of the reason I really got into the painting is that it requires a lot of focus and helped with my anxiety. For my friends that were veterans the painting and playing would help them focus as well and was helpful for their PTSD.
@essi2 7 ай бұрын
Toy soldiers!? HOW DARE YOU call my mandolls 'toy soldiers'!!! xD
@pixelchickenrider9566 7 ай бұрын
I would recommend "Gav and Bob" to you as well. A wonderful little wholesome story.
@Morhgoz 7 ай бұрын
To me "The Hobby" is about the artistic joy of creating cool stuff and creating stories while playing. Originally it was to pretty much escapism from bullying at school, which was so bad that without "The Hobby" I would probably ended me life as teenager back in '90s. So it literally saved me life!
@danielleblanc572 6 ай бұрын
Luetin09 defiantly covers all the topics of 40K but in a very Factual Dramatic style. Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer is a a dramatic info-tainment style as well.
@HeartlessNinny1 7 ай бұрын
One thing worth noting: the Imperium consists of so many worlds that no one knows exactly how many there are. It's said to be a million. And most are hive worlds that have populations in the tens (or even hundreds) of billions. Terra alone has uncounted billions -- at least 200 billion. Its an ecumenopolis (a planet whose entire surface is one giant city).
@virtualatheist 7 ай бұрын
The remnants of humanity still number in the quadrillions.
@Crivicus 7 ай бұрын
If you love makeup then you will probably enjoy the painting side - many miniature painters actually use makeup tutorials to learn how to paint good looking faces for example. Many of the same principles apply across both. Understanding contrast, blending, layering and complementing colours for example will be of benefit just different due to scale. You may be surprised however - people often get into the hobby thinking they will enjoy one thing and actually end up preferring a different aspect or all of it. Glad to see you tackling a Luetin09 video at last. I look forward to seeing what you think of some of the deeper lore in future videos.
@ti8ick 7 ай бұрын
Yeah a lot of people are saying that a lot of skills translate well from make-up to painting minis! I also have a lot of brushes so I hope that helps haha Thank you so much for the encouragement! I can't wait to tacke more Luetin lore videos, I'm loving the format so far. Thank you for watching!
@Chousakan 7 ай бұрын
"they have cats" Oh yes, they also have empathic alien cats called Gyrinx and abhumans called felinids.
@TheBunnyb0y 7 ай бұрын
14:50 omg this cat thing and wh40k.. STRAY IN WARHAMMER HIVE CITY! Id play that
@admiralotaku9509 7 ай бұрын
Luetin09 is mister 40K. He is a walking wikipedia page of 40k knowledge. If someone ever has a question 40k luetin09 most likely has an answer or a very educated guess to it.
@84darthme 7 ай бұрын
New viewer here, but i love seeing someone new getting into the universe. If you are interested, Isyander and Koda have an excellent overview of the tyranids. Tells it from the perspective of a planet under attack. The Emperor protects
@ti8ick 7 ай бұрын
Welcome to the channel and thank you for watching! I haven't heard of them but I will write it down, I LOVE Tyranids... don't tell anyone. The Emperor Protects!
@Pyllymysli 6 ай бұрын
Remnants of the imperium still count as untold billions of plantes, so 10 000 souls a day isn't a problem, if not a moral one.
@josephgarcia9076 7 ай бұрын
Books, video games, board games, miniatures: collecting and or painting and kit bashing, dioramas, terrain building, actually playing 40k or one of its more story-driven spin-offs like necromunda or kill team.... So many different aspects❤
@Kar4ever3 7 ай бұрын
If you're good at painting minis, you can earn quite a pretty penny doing it for others. If they can afford the minis, they can afford to get them painted.
@jocosesonata 7 ай бұрын
*Okay, so!* A Hive City can house up to hundreds and _billions_ of humans. A Planet can have more than one Hive City. The Imperium has a Million Worlds. Add all that up, and someone made an approximate figure of _at least_ Quadrillions of humans. Humans in 40,000 are very expendable.
@Jargolf86 7 ай бұрын
Finally the REALLY Good Stuff happens =)
@thefloridaman41 7 ай бұрын
You should watch a 40k in 40 minutes video. They condense down the table top into easy to watch games and it is very beginner friendly
@M3h3ndr3 7 ай бұрын
I think Luetin is probably in the Hospital still, almost died after hitting the "stop recording" button after 20min, wouldnt be surprised if he released a 6 week long video just to recover from this :D
@vhanekyharc1475 7 ай бұрын
You are ready for Helsreach.
@theodoremccarthy4438 7 ай бұрын
The total human population of the Imperium of man is difficult to estimate. There are roughly a million worlds in the imperium, 10-25% of which are “hive worlds” that have populations ranging from 10 to 100 billion. Thus, there are at least 100,000 worlds with a population of at least 10 billion. That’s a minimum of 1,000,000,000,000,000 people on just one tenth of the imperium’s worlds.
@robgraham5697 7 ай бұрын
If the Imperium was still technologically advanced I'd be working on nanotech weapons. Take them apart at the molecular level. But they're not so it's up to Games Workshop to save humanity's ass. Again. Ket's hope they never get tired of it.
@nerofoxkrell 6 ай бұрын
She likes cats wait till she finds out about the Feilanids lol
@Zazutorque 7 ай бұрын
I recommend live streaming painting if the mania gets bad
@mattroxursoul 7 ай бұрын
You mentioned swarms of humans. Which is sort of funny. Because of all the factions, humanity sort of fights most similar to Tyranids and Da Orks. They throw body after body at the enemy. Instead of groups like Eldar/Dark Eldar and even the Tau.
@danpsyker6122 7 ай бұрын
I'm not sure where you're hearing it's now 10 thousand a day now? As far as I've read over multiple books, it's still stated as being around 1000 a day.
@Caderynwolf 7 ай бұрын
Necrons used to be a very boring army, they always looked cool but they were very meh... The "new" lore on them however have made them a LOT more interesting, and they have a lot more models with more character, so it's a good time to get into them, if you like an "undead" (T-800) army, personally I'm quite fond of the lore concerning Trazyn the Collector. Oh, speaking of small teams and such, you might want to check out Necromunda, it's a fun 40k tabletop set on the hive-world/city of nucromunda, nice short games that don't become overwhelming for new people - my group of friends, there's 6-8 of us all with different armies (we have tyrannid, eldar, dark angles, chaos, space wolves, imp guard, Ork, Necron - with alt armies dark eldar, sisters of battle, blood angels, the dark angle player has blood angel alt army because they used to be the same army until GW split them into 2 separate armies (dark angels used to be a sub-chapter/sect of the Blood Angels once upon a time) - and we play games ranging from 2500pt to 5,000pt (usually 3,000pt most games). "Jump Into the World of Skirmish Wargaming with Necromunda Necromunda is a world of mines, factories, refineries, and processing plants. In the darkness of the underhive and the rad-choked planes of the ash wastes, fights between the rival clan houses over the limited resources are a way of life for its citizens. Choose your gang and fight thrilling, fast-paced tactical games or long-running narrative campaigns set in this dark and dangerous corner of the 41st Millennium."
@Caderynwolf 7 ай бұрын
"Dear Lady, let me express my fulsome appreciation for your most generous gift. It is so very rare to discover another of my own kind that appreciates my work, therefore to find understanding amongst a member of another race is nothing short of a revelation. I realise that you briefly trod my galleries, but the fact that you spotted in so short a time that my Acabrius War collection was lacking three regiments of Catachan warriors reveals that you truly have a collector's eye for detail. And to send five regiments! Such generosity will allow me to weed out and replace a few of the more substandard pieces in my collection. If I might level a minor criticism, the instructions issued to your gift were manifestly not as clear as you thought, as most of them had to be forcibly restrained -- sadly it seems that the lower orders will always behave like an army of invasion, whether that be their purpose or not. However, this is a minor complaint and seems almost churlish under the circumstances, so please allow me to repay your gift with one of my own. Accompanying this message is the Hyperstone Maze, one of a series of Tesseract Labyrinths constructed at the height of the Charnovokh Dynasty. It is a trinket really, only of interest to scholars such as you and I, but I trust you will find it amusing -- assuming you have the wit to escape its clutches, of course." - Hyperscroll message from Trazyn the Infinite, addressed to Inquisitor Helynna Valeria, ca. 805.M41
@mikelator96 7 ай бұрын
Okay, now do the entire Dark Origins series and despair
@jamesfield1674 6 ай бұрын
Toy soldiers you paint 😅 Heretic by the will of the Emperor thy will be purged
@TheKaos8 6 ай бұрын
If you look for another good channel on 40k lore baldermort is one. At least in my book.
@XXXreddawn 7 ай бұрын
the video "TIMELINE of the 40K UNIVERSE by Trazyn the Infinite by warrior tier" is a great one if you are interested!
@steelbear2063 5 ай бұрын
It's 1000 psykers, not 10000
@P1lotP 7 ай бұрын
@Luetin09 makes great videos for the 40k universe and its factions. Though if you decide to check out some of the Primarchs I highly recommend @TheAmberKing. @baldermort ‘s Fulcrim deep dive is also great.
@hughmyron3845 7 ай бұрын
React to Harlequin lore by Baldermort!
@Magiqfish 7 ай бұрын
you rock! только не зазнавайся
@Magiqfish 7 ай бұрын
не десять тысяч, по книгам-ближе к 2500-3000 псайкеров в день. трон деградирует и ломается. есть даже "цикл" книг об этом. без спойлеров. население людей даже не триллионы. ТРИЛЛИАРДЫ. миллионы планет по 7-10 миллиардов жителей в ОДНОМ хайвсити на планете
@Magiqfish 7 ай бұрын
санцкионированный псайкер-чел, который прошёл обучение по контролю над разумом и знает границы своей воли. если он переступит ту границу в экстримальной ситуации-бросок кубиков на спасение души. есть большой шанс, что душу покушают демоны.
@knothanlakhorn8260 7 ай бұрын
Hell yeah helsreach
@ZEKEofDOOM 7 ай бұрын
ugh... Lutien's videos are super mono tone and boring.... Like having a wiki page read to you. No offense to Lutien as some people really love his content and I'm sure hes doing a great job for the community. His content is just not my cup of tea. I recommend checking out MajorKill instead. Dude is pretty funny and has great lore content. His Rylanor video was pretty great and worthy of a watch. Also, Helsreach is a must. Richard Boylan did a really good job on it.
@Maxisamo1 7 ай бұрын
Bricky is the fun guy who gets you interested in the lore, while Leutin is the librarian/drug-dealer who gets you addicted afterwards
@DaemonKeido 7 ай бұрын
What would that make Baldermort and Oculus Imperia?
@Spymaster001 7 ай бұрын
@@DaemonKeido they are the ones who make u od on the stuff and the animates are the ones who make u go the the golden throne
@84darthme 7 ай бұрын
What does this make Isyander & Koda?
@VelociraptorsOfSkyrim 6 ай бұрын
​@@84darthmeThe two buddies that help refresh your mind after you OD badly and blacked out.
@nicholasdeptola5639 5 ай бұрын
Bricky sucks omg idk why people like him..
@alexreiz6128 7 ай бұрын
Oh, finaly someone tackling Luetin content. Now thats officially point of passing more "mainstream knowledge" and testing deeper waters of 40k Altrough beware, Emperor series becomes a bit wacky around part 4 and requires certain degree of pure warp madness to embrace)
@ti8ick 7 ай бұрын
Thank you! I’m planning to watch the first two parts first and might switch to other lore videos for a while until I’m ready to continue
@stevencavanagh7990 7 ай бұрын
Of course, there are Cat's why do you think it took so long to get the Emperor on the Golden Throne, the Cat refused to Move LOL.
@ti8ick 7 ай бұрын
This should be canon lol
@Kar4ever3 7 ай бұрын
Talking about cats in 40k triggers some people. On both pro and anti side. Felinids.
@AzkuulaKtaktu 7 ай бұрын
"You need a whole room for this" Me, looking around: "...mhmm"
@Seldonlair 7 ай бұрын
Painting the minis is something to do that is a better waste of your time than vegitating in front of a television or endlessly browsing the internet. You can also see your skills improve and you will learn all sorts of tricks to achieve interesting effects. Best advice I can give: start with one, and before you paint it, study the model and figure out what colors you think will look intersting. Examine the details, try to plan for them. Take your time. I'm colorblind and never painted a single thing before picking up this hobby. And 7 years later I paint new 40k models for Christmas gifts for my friends.
@heisnotlongbutthin 7 ай бұрын
Concerning the Ork there is one among them that has argueably the most badass Name in all Science Fiction: "Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka"
@HeartlessNinny1 7 ай бұрын
Plus it harkens back to the more satirical Rogue Trader days from the '80s. Mag Uruk Thrakka... Margaret Thatcher... Hmmm...
@TheRhalf 7 ай бұрын
Is there a word pun that i'm not understanding? lol
@rodddxlprime3153 6 ай бұрын
"Boss" for short.
@IlikethingsIdo 6 ай бұрын
@@TheRhalf not really a word pun. You just need to know that the studio in the '80s was staffed by people who slipped in satirical commentary on current affairs to the names and lore of the warhammer universes. Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka referring to Maggie Thatcher the milk snatcher was supposedly to highlight the destructive nature of that particular politician.
@Nortic111 7 ай бұрын
Since you like cats you should take a look at the mini of the character 'Yvraine', she has a small feline companion known as a Gyrinx.
@Metzwerg74 7 ай бұрын
the moment, You realise, that Palpatine of star wars, is just an unsanctioned psyker, leading a few worlds into heretic war...
@LynxLord1991 7 ай бұрын
Eldar have a cat race called Gyrinx a highly psychic cat kinda lynx and house cat mix. If you feel nerdy you should watch How the primarchs got their names its very interesting by arbitor Ian
@HeartlessNinny1 7 ай бұрын
I second this. Arbitor Ian is awesome, and that's one of my favourite videos of his.
@ardeeseus 7 ай бұрын
Netflix and Chill < Tibs and Chill👌
@David-li4uw 7 ай бұрын
There are, literally, trillions and trillions of humans.
@johnatanrueda2584 7 ай бұрын
once you paint a mini you understand, the pride. your little kill machine, your sons, YOUR ARMY. its yours
@damnationdan5253 7 ай бұрын
love painting my funny little guys
@Skirmitar 7 ай бұрын
Besides Luetin and Bricky , there are other good lore channels like : Scholar's Lore, Warrior Tier, The Remembrancer, Arch, SleepySack, Sandman of Terra, Live! From The Black Library, TheLostPrimarch, The Book of Choyer, just to name a few
@telesedrin 7 ай бұрын
Yay Leutin videos, here we gooooooo!❤
@ti8ick 7 ай бұрын
Loving it so far! The Emperor of Man part 1 is next 🎉❤
@telesedrin 7 ай бұрын
@@ti8ick The Emperor of man series is so good 👍
@HiveFleetOni 7 ай бұрын
24:25 That’s the neat part, you can’t! The only solution is to run, hide and hope they don’t find you.
@edgewraith07 7 ай бұрын
Hello Tibick 😂❤😅😊 you cute sweetie have nice day
@ti8ick 7 ай бұрын
Hiii Edgewraith!
@jxhnxxi6333 7 ай бұрын
If you ever wondered where the name "Astartes" came from for the space marines, they were named after "Amar Astarte" the Gene Scientist responsible for creating the Space Marine project. The project which was meant to replace the Thunder Warriors after Custodes mass executed into the dirt Post-Unification Wars/Pre-Horus Hersey. She would later die in an accident underneath the Imperial Palace in an attempt to sabotage her own project cause believed once the Space Marines were unleashed there would be no chance to properly reign them in and control them after.
@IlikethingsIdo 6 ай бұрын
And Amar in english means love. Whilst Astarte is the Hellenized form of Astoreth or Ishtar, all names for a goddess of love.
@champcpr 7 ай бұрын
Painting is therapeutic. The patience and level of detail required distracts you from day to day BS. Plus there is nothing as beautiful as a gnarly axx Mortarion model. 🤢🤮😁
@gugurlqk 7 ай бұрын
Please for the love of the Omnissiah please pleeese watch flashgitz furry crusades! ❤❤❤❤
@vojtaTaylor 7 ай бұрын
I've been lately enjoying your 40k reactions so much! Your commentary is really entertaining and I hope to catch you on stream soon! I suffer from insomnia and Luetins videos help me fall asleep almost every night :D Don't burn out on the lore, it can be very overwhelming, but you are doing so good! Keep it up!
@gainz4dayz576 7 ай бұрын
Luetin makes the best 40k videos in my opinion!
@janviggoneubergjohansen 7 ай бұрын
You'l be air brushing your nails in no time.😂
@Dakkalistic 7 ай бұрын
Sleep Gang reporting in 😴
@xXturbo86Xx 7 ай бұрын
I watched a bunch of his lore videos and i'm pretty sure he's a heretic. Like 100% heretic. He even went as far as to say that Chaos Gods represent the good side of humanity. So i chose to not listen to his BS anymore. He explains things from a purely heretical point of view and it's a view i'm NOT interested in.
@ironduke5058 7 ай бұрын
What do you mean? Saying that Chaos represents some good parts of humanity isn't wrong. Khorne represents bravery, Tzeentch is hope, Nurgle is release from fear of death as well as the circle of life and Slaneesh is passion. None of these are wrong to want to have, but Chaos twist and makes it evil at the end of the day.
@Sense008 7 ай бұрын
I was never much into the painting myself (I am more of a lore consumer), But from friends who love the painting and modifying models, I gather it's sort of meditative for them, you focus on the painting and you can just empty your mind because you are concentrating so much on painting that tiny bit of heraldry on an already small model just right. I guess like knitting or colouring in mandala's etc.
@michaelriddick7116 7 ай бұрын
@ghostking8730 7 ай бұрын
One thing you find out in ciaphas cain is that Tyranids are competing with each other. I forgot which book but they found this out because their were sleeping Tyranids under their bunker and they woke up to fight the invading fleet.
@VelociraptorsOfSkyrim 6 ай бұрын
The strange thing is that seems to be the _only_ case of Tyranids fighting each other. As, for example, after the Great Rift opened up, a new Anti-Chaos Hivefleet (Hivefleet Kronos) appeared. It seemed designated to fight against Chaos specifically because, iirc, the Hivefleet actively avoided attacking an Imperium Fleet to engage a Chaos war band. As you can obviously guess, fighting Chaos isn't very helpful in the acquisition of Biomass and is often at a Net Loss for the Hivefleet. But there has been some cooperation between Hivefleet Kronos and Hivefleet Leviathan, as Leviathan was noted to be leaving behind conquered, Biomass worlds for Kronos to devour later
@ghostking8730 6 ай бұрын
@@VelociraptorsOfSkyrim true. But if I remember correctly Hive Fleet Hydra is one who eats weakened splinter fleets for the genetic material and knowledge to strengthen its own. But could be something I remember wrong.
@VelociraptorsOfSkyrim 6 ай бұрын
@@ghostking8730 Could be a unique aspect of that particular Hivefleet.
@theartfulrogers 7 ай бұрын
I’ve seen many reaction videos to Warhammer videos, but very little of them go on to buying and painting models. I’m so excited to see you start your new hobby! Please show as much as possible on the channel! Even if you just paint them, like me, there’s so many ways to customise them and make them your own. Just remember, the rule of cool! They’re your models, your faction and even your lore. Buy what you think is cool and enjoy!
@hordegaming4771 7 ай бұрын
I don't collect as don't have the money to but if I did. A it would be to make dioramas like 3D art essentially just look up dioramas on KZbin some that do feature 40K stuff like space marines even one where a facehugger from Alien, attaches to a Space Marine a cross over. But also B you're saying why do people spend so much money on this well what about cars? Or makeup, cosmetics, clothes especially women in regards to that or handbags, designer goods, food sometimes and the list goes on and on. People enjoy different things and that's fine, it's what makes us unique as people as human beings and there's nothing wrong with hobbies if anything go for it! Enjoy yourself and live a little 😊
@dazzmarshall 7 ай бұрын
Regardless of the lore/setting, sitting back for a few hours and assembling and painting a few models is very relaxing, apparently great for mental health as well. I feel like I've had a good massage, or eight hours of deep sleep after doing so. If you're into makeup, you'll love coming up with your own space marine chapter, you get to design their whole look from the colours to the markings and heraldry. The hobby is a very creative and addictive endeavor.
@HeartlessNinny1 7 ай бұрын
Well said!
@simplesmile6984 5 ай бұрын
ehhh imperium is not a xenophob, does luetin know the meaning of the word phobia? i noticed a all wokees use the word phob incorrectly
@luangu 10 күн бұрын
My ex wife asked me about the painting of miniatures, I answered: For the same reason you paint your fingernails.
@R3K7NO 3 ай бұрын
"How do people become addicted?" TL;DR - There's something for everyone. Not just dozens of factions and sub-factions. There's paints, models, games, video games, books, etc. You can love make up for how it's different and you get better at it every day, trying new or different styles, how you like a certain foundation or highlight, etc. You can love the game, trying new items, tactics, vehicles, factions, or painting, or game types, or just love the books, or different armies. Some people collect factions saying "I have my own story I made up" and others are like "I love this book and so I play this army" That is the beauty of 40k as a hobby. It really is for everyone. You just have to find the thing that really scratches the itch you didn't know you had.
@VashTS7 7 ай бұрын
Before you watch Helsreach, YOU MUST WATCH Black Templar videos to understand the chapter! SUFFER NOT THE UNCLEAN TO LIVE! HONOR THE GOD EMPEROR OF MANKIND! NO REMORSE, NO PITY!!!!
@ExUSSailor 6 ай бұрын
"Suffer Not the Unclean to Live Uphold the Honour of the Emperor Abhor the Witch. Destroy the Witch Accept Any Challenge, No Matter the Odds"
@timbanks8331 7 ай бұрын
Collecting 40k miniatures... is it expensive? Its an investment yes.. will you spend £500/£1000 on an army...prob! Lol But that £1000 army could be easierly sell on ebay a decade later for £400-800 depending on condition! Spend £100 on call of duty and that money is gone forever! 3rd party vendors generally sell at a 15-20% discount vs GW website!
@mclaine7342 7 ай бұрын
1000 souls per day is nothing. The emperium have hundred of thousands or almost a million planets with Billion of people. Loosing 1 Million soldiers per week is normal. I can recommend you Luetins THE DOMINION OF CHAOS Video. It´s very good.
@glrasshopper 6 ай бұрын
There are a lot of channels on KZbin that can show you why people get obsessed over the minis. I got into the hobby during the lockdowns caused by the Covid pandemic where I would have KZbin open on my second screen while being forced to work from home. I stumbled upon many channels such as : Eons of Battle (the painting side), Play on Tabletop (the game play side), and yes Luetin09 (the lore side)
@senor-achopijo3841 7 ай бұрын
You like Tyranids and Necrons? I sense some serious HERESY around here! Jk, I like Necrons too. Tyranids, not so much. Also, I love the "Brother, get the flamer. The heavy flamer" meme.
@freakmean16 6 ай бұрын
I remember The Vaults of Terra was my gateway to Warhammer lore back in the day....Luetin is the best...Wolf Lord Rho is the one that I'm listening more nowadayas...
@danedearmond4905 6 ай бұрын
There's a few lures into the Tabletop game. One, is obviously the interesting lore that draws people into the 40k universe. Next is the Crafting / Painting of the Army (or armies) you chose to own and play with. The painting can be wild and quite fun for the more creative players. Then there's the game itself. Imagine a war strategy game like Chess (which takes some deep thought and thinking ahead) and mix it with a physical 3 dimensional tabletop battlefield with freedom of movement for the pieces in a 3d battlefield. And you play in strategic battles against another player while each using an army with unique pieces often having unique abilities piece to piece. And to make it even more interesting, dice rolling determines the success or failure of many battlefield choices. If you like strategy and trying to out-think your opponent in a war / battlefield situation, 40k (or Warhammer Fantasy) are interesting hobbies. They just take a lot of money to get a decent field-able army going. Starting costs are often a couple hundred bucks all the way up to a couple thousand for a decent army. If you haven't already, there are a few youtube channels that record matches between really good players and they can be quite interesting to watch. Especially if someone is playing the Orks, as they are an army with some very unique and interesting rules.
@Morhgoz 7 ай бұрын
hah, video is at like first minute and someone chat succesting Nightlords Omnibus... Nice! That one is one the best 40k book series and so horrifying when compared to lot of 40k books and specially for scifi or fantasy in general... Literally shock start to 40k.
@xchaotickx1565 7 ай бұрын
The 10,000 psykers question is brought up a lot. Mankind is said to have extended to over a million worlds, each with potentially billions of inhabitants per world. This gives a potential pool of tens of trillions of citizens. It's suddenly not as big a number sacrificed after all!
@jameslewis2635 7 ай бұрын
As Luetin said, Warhammer 40K came from the UK. On brand with everything in the UK these days that means it is expensive and has an expansive history/lore that is mindbogglingly long and highly detailed. The attraction of painting miniatures is about the same as any kind of art as is collecting the figures. The other big part of that is the tabletop game. Then there are the books known as the Black Library. Personally I have only really gone as far as learning some lore, having read a few books and mostly played the computer games.
@VorteXMaxsong 7 ай бұрын
C’mon, you don’t need a mansion for games. Standard 40k tabletop is 44 x 66 inches in current edition. And Leutin actually shown in his video a not average table but dioramas. Usually it’s more sparse 😅
@Proteus-27 6 ай бұрын
Remember don't feel pressured to buy an entire army when you go for the miniatures. For well over 10 years, i bought maybe 5 models over the course of a year, just what looked cool to me. And I'm not the only one. Entire army's are just really expensy.
@Morhgoz 7 ай бұрын
There are also abhumans aka human subspecies which catlike features know as Felinids in 40k. So in theory you could field army of of neko Imperial guard in 40k.
@DanielKling 7 ай бұрын
I've been into 40k and warhammer since the early 90s and I have played maybe... 4 games? The rest of the time has been painting things, building terrain and reading the books.
@timothymartin5538 7 ай бұрын
Enjoying these, bricky was a great starting point and luetin is always great, but luetin is kind of like a history professor, can be dry at times. You might be interested in the narrator style of baldemort who does synopsis of factions and technology in a more personable manner. I think you might also enjoy a painting video, I would love to see you react to some painters, Juan hidalgo has a series called heavy contrast where he'll paint a specific chapter as a one off, he also does characters, I would suggest looking at his drazhar video. These are just some of my favoured examples, there are of course numerous content creators who do the same.
@Shiftry87 7 ай бұрын
21:28 Thats true. The Orks along with the Eldar was created by the Old ones back when the Necron was enslaved by the C´Tan. The old ones created them as a means to help fight against the Necrons and the C´Tan in the event refered to as the War in Heaven. The eldars was supposed to be hyper specialized as Psykers and the Orcs as the perfect frontline warrior big, scary and given there anatomy and reproduction practically impossable to get rid off once they appeared on a planet. At first the Orks were bigger and alot smarter then they are now but overtime they all got dummer and dummer to the comically state they are in now. Psykers are technically the best weapon to use against any warp based deamon thats why the Grey Knights are so super specialized to deal with deamons. While your regular Space marine chapter will not tolerate any use of Psyker powers outside of a chapter Librarian with some exceptions. A Grey Knight is essentially a buffed space marine but they are all very well trained and extremely powerful Psykers that can reach into the warp and use there powers in combat vs deamons while at the same time stay effectivly immune to the deamons corrupting nature. Maybe your already aware of this but as the space marines gets a gene seed from the genetic code of there Primarch, a Grey Knight gets the gene seed directly from the emperor himself. So given how powerful psykers can be and the fact that they need them to feed the emperor the Imperium tends to take anyone that shows signs of Psyker powers and on there way back to Earth/Terra brutally test them to se if they can be properly trained, used to feed the Emperor or they may straight up die or go insane as a result of trying to use there powers. So ppl that shows signs of having Psyker powers are very important to the Imperium be it as powerful spell casters or just food for the emperor.
@rgabi91 7 ай бұрын
Leutin is fine loremaster but honestly boring to listen to. Feels like someone just reading an essay. I like to listen to Archwarhammer when playing and stuff. I find his style more fun to listen to while playing and stuff.
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