Reading The Tea Leaves: You'll Die Alone When SHTF

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@chrishappysofar2090 Жыл бұрын
Setting my ego aside is my first step towards becoming a member of a community. It starts with me making myself available/vulnerable and accountable to others, that is not an easy task for me, but it’s a crucial step for me to take.
@subdawg1331 Жыл бұрын
well said
@subdawg1331 Жыл бұрын
@@lonedog0156 a standard setup and sop written at the beginning and a vote system ...we have found only individuals who cause trouble are the problem .. ( and removed). The leader depends on what farm or retreat the group ends up on is who is in charge.. we also have areas of expertness and those members run those parts of our group ie Medical. coms , tactical , security , stores etc etc
@WithmeVerissimusWhostoned Жыл бұрын
@@lonedog0156 dictatorship is not necessarily a bad approach though... in fact, if people are free to choose their dictator then those communities become 'subscription based' where one subscribes to certain values instead of having a 'democracy' that can literally shift and shit on any value.... I'd rather live in a subscription based community than a democracy, tbh.
@PreppedinKansas Жыл бұрын
I feel this. I grew up an only child which kind of made me mostly dependent on my self in most situations and I've not really overcame this aspect outside of work. I understand that team work is important but it seems like I have the mentality of, get the job done and then we can go our separate ways.
@nealfry2230 Жыл бұрын
I'll Always Love Heroes Hayden Panettiere
@NiMi93 Жыл бұрын
History has shown that if you control the food, you control the people. For those that can't continue another day into SHTF, those double-fenced FEMA camps with hot soup and bed bunks will look awfully appealing. Hotel California
@m118lr Жыл бұрын
…I believe MANY will RACE TO the ‘camps’..all due to hunger and ignorance (ON numerous levels). SO..sadly this will/would prove .gov is THEIR thinking of the SHEOPLE. They will the most likely SEND OUT GROUPS INTO THOSE “former” haunts and areas to help provide info BACK to shall we say, “MORE AGGRESSIVE TEAMS”..?
@GJWGregory Жыл бұрын
Stoker handing out solid advice, and not just for when SHTF. My wife and I live in a massive city, working long hours. It’s a lonely existence on the whole. Our new neighbours are a God-send however. They helped us out with practical and selfless acts of kindness. Made all the difference in the world.
@williammcginley6543 Жыл бұрын
Your touching on a much deeper problem ,we all need to be more friendly,and put our ego aside be help to our community instead of a drain ,good work Bill
@mollyhogen5036 Жыл бұрын
Good point sir. It's hard to believe how many folks are either blinded by the bullshit in nothing could ever happen here in country. For me trust is not cheap and brotherhood I take to heart. Someone once said 3 can keep a secret, if two are dead. Makes sense to me... Hard to find like minded folks these days.
@brucehillbillybarthalow3786 Жыл бұрын
I'm surrounded by people that helped take us to where we are now and going . They'll probably conform to the ways of society.
@TennGrizz Жыл бұрын
When ones time has come, go down standing up.
@literalantifaterrorist4673 Жыл бұрын
if you have people looking out for you and you in turn look out for other people in a SHTF scenario, you’re all going to thrive better than anyone could as a lone man
@DJTheMetalheadMercenary Жыл бұрын
Teamwork makes the dream work. While more mouths are more problems, having a multi-skilled and well functioning team of people for survival does help guarantee success in longer term exigent situations, its a balancing act but isn't unobtainable. People with deficiencies in having an effective and cohesive team/ MAG are behind the curve, but its not unachievable yet. Good stuff!!!
@SlimShady771 Жыл бұрын
Here is the key about the series alone. Within the first few days I already know when they will quit. Listen to what they say and it always has to do with missing family or being lonely. Within a day or two they tap out. Not all of us are like that or have no family. You have to be mentally tough and that's the most important thing. Society is soft anymore and most will perish.
@KevenTomlinson Жыл бұрын
Yep. The majority has always been wrong and always will be. It’s mind set that sets us apart.
@stann6868 Жыл бұрын
And take you down with them if your in a group just to be in a group. Jmho
@Seedsofreason Жыл бұрын
Right 👍. In a SHTF situation I think many will find strength they never knew they had. They will find ways to get it done as long as they have the will to live. You can have a group and all the best equipment but without the will to live you're SOL.
@Ovokor Жыл бұрын
From what I can tell intentionally not having a tribe boils down two things, 1. Distrust- they are going to betray me 2. Ego-I can make it on my own and I can do everything. I consider a community of 10 to 20 people depending on land available to be just about right. You can't go foraging every day, you have to do things like wash your clothes, dig a well, plant your food. All the small things that our society has made into a simple thing such as washing our clothes that chore which takes five minutes now takes your entire morning. The biggest threat is not a raider but it could be but rather lack of calories and bogged down by tasks needing to be done to survive but not having the energy for such as repairing the wall tent after a gapping whole develops due to a tree branch falls on it which will require all day to fix. I was reading a book on mountain men and they had 14 people, not everyone trapped. You had your cook, person who processed the animals, wrangler, and camp chore person. Already of a team of 14 only 10 can be out trapping and finding raw materials. Can there be a rotation, sure but those key jobs are critical for success and they have to be done. That said there are people who are a calorie waste and should not be part of the group for example having a useless dog and wont eat their dog nor eat their dog's food when the dog is gone. One overly lazy person can sink an entire team into starvation. Based on how fat we all are we don't know what starvation is actually like so we have a hard time understanding how grave it actually is nor how to pull ourselves out of starvation.
@m118lr Жыл бұрын
‘Riggs’ THE man! HE’s proof that ONLY ONE specific animal can be “Man’s Best Friend”, and I would argue one of the BEST family MEMBERS. Invaluable beyond imagination. Great vid again Bill… SO much truth being spoken HERE. Keep CO-starring Riggs Bill…at least that’ll DOUBLE your odds on channel views! Ha ha..🇺🇸
@jimboalogo Жыл бұрын
"Trust no one" has worked well for me so far. I'm gonna stick with it. I'm ok with dying. I'll do it on my terms.
@EngineersQuest Жыл бұрын
So far.
@JohnDoe-mt8rf Жыл бұрын
Trust no one suspect everyone.
@HighSpeedNoDrag Жыл бұрын
"Trust No One" Benjamin Franklin, Versailles France, 1783.
@navigator1372 Жыл бұрын
I agree
@davidgill7495 Жыл бұрын
When true SHTF happens, people are going to be your worst nightmare. When people get hungry and cold, they are goi g to turn on you. Then what?
@fmyles3 Жыл бұрын
I don't need a group to survive. I can do that well enough. I need my team to get the fux that caused this. That's our mission. Accountability top to bottom or bottom to top. Active not reactive. We found that worked better "there" and are sure it will here.
@JohnDoe-mt8rf Жыл бұрын
You are right . I thought alot about death and I have made my decision on dying on my feet then wearing a collar of a slave. There are two of us that train but I get to decide were,when and what time I chose because we might get into a fight with a superior force . To except death will make you a better soldier. Their is another kingdom besides this sh#$ one. Amen!
@projecttwentytwentyfiveisgreat Жыл бұрын
Im not afraid of dying. I fear not taking enough of them with me when that day comes.
@ricardoguzman7593 7 ай бұрын
Amen, community and trust is so important. 🤙🏼🙏🏼
@mixmix1487 Жыл бұрын
So many variables we could talk about with lone wolf vs community. City, country, region, family, no family, land locked, etc. what we can say is that community works when done right. Prime example, THE AMISH.
@spartancrown Жыл бұрын
I’ll die alone wether it hits the fan or not.
@ABH313 Жыл бұрын
I'm from Detroit and our motto here is "Trust no one, help no one", it's better to stay safe than be sorry. Also another funny one is, "If it didn't happen in your square, it don't involve you." If you get that, you know. I'm a natural loner, don't crave much human interaction as it is. Throw in the fact that preppers like us seem to be the only ppl awake enough to "read the tea leaves" as you say. It makes us that much more untrusting of normies who seem to have no clue what's actually going on...we tend to be loners just because other sheep think we're crazy. That being said, I completely agree with everything you said. The context and references you provided would be hard for anyone to argue with. Definitely need ppl with medical skills, building skills, engineering, security, farming/hunting, etc. Community is important for the long term survival of our species but it requires compromise to work together. The Darwinian principles of life will be ever-present. Only the strong survive, and the strong don't like compromise. The harder the times get, the less compromise will be present. TEOTWAWI has happened many times throughout history. Some believe we're on as many as the 12th go around at this point but who knows? Even in our recorded history though, you can look at many other failed societies and draw parallels to the modern's all coming to an end sooner than later unless the pendulum starts to swing the other direction.
@freedomloverusa3030 Жыл бұрын
We all are going to die alone, no matter what, so, F IT.
@rickm4295 Жыл бұрын
Im stuck between Eglin AFB , Hurlburt Field , Duke Field, Whiting Field and my house.....Everyone is in the military but me it seems , hehe. With all of the SF personnel around , I wonder if Im stuck behind enemy lines or if im right where I need to be. Its interesting here... I am stuck here though , so I will have to make the best of whatever happens , if it happens, right here most likely.
@RealitySurvival Жыл бұрын
@MrDhdiaz Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the conversation
@YouveBeenMiddled Жыл бұрын
There will be a vast elimination initially, even within communities. Conflict for survival is part of our nature despite societal limitations. Those who have the skills, resources _and luck_ to survive will reform their family spheres afterward. P.S. I think *many* of us are interested in your search results vs. search methods. We often hear of options, but very few effective methods. There's a large number of us discouraged like-minded folks.
@jelkel25 Жыл бұрын
Top tip, of course you have to watch out for the guys who've had the leather studded cod piece and Mohican wig in their closets for years and are determined to have a Mad Max style shin dig but they will calm down when they realise there's a half starved desperate person behind every door who no longer cares about the law. One stepped on rusty nail can end you and no doctor to patch you up. Therein lies the tip, think small, dysentary, cholera, vials disease. There will be dead stuff and human waste everywhere. Bleach, garbage bags, thick rubber gloves and a shovel could be as valuable as any weapon.
@manuelgchapajr2000 Жыл бұрын
I will Live on my terms and Die on my terms! I am not afraid to fight for my freedom!
My biggest weaknesses are medical and technology, I'm pretty good and being self sufficient and living off the land. But having family and good friends in your tribe is definitely crucial to thriving and not just surviving!
@fight4blaque529 Жыл бұрын
My people are the indigenous people of America. Not being of any immigrant class, we have been here for thousands of years and know this country from coast to coast. Many of us have gone it alone for YEARS ultimately returning to our perspective tribes. I had the pleasure of serving six years in the USMC and learned a great deal in surviving the wilderness. The number one possession any man can have being alone in the wilderness is knowing when to fight and retreat. A coward is an individual that is oblivious to courage. A man who know how to retreat is a man that will find a way of not becoming a casualty by his own means and also knowing how to return and fight when the numbers against him are manageable. Yes, prepare for when the SHTF but prepare as if you WILL be alone.
@digitalpunk5365 Жыл бұрын
I come from a traditional Asian family. We have a wonderful community foundation to start. It’s not perfect though. Sometimes people think we’re digging them so we have to learn to smile more. My cousin especially has the most awkward slant in his eyes. Looks angry all the time or psychotic when he smiles. Not sure what to do with him.
@qotsadet Жыл бұрын
Very on point sir.
@randelldarky3920 Жыл бұрын
After Your nice friendly neighbors run out of their limited supplies, they will kill for Yours.
@yepyep1013 6 ай бұрын
Going at it alone is a no go for sure. You need community with trusted individuals. Character quality is important in trusting others in a “down the drain” situation. On another note, I like the idea of getting a ruck put together. Making the connections.
@doubleduty1703 Жыл бұрын
Your right This old paratrooper will probably die alone, My wife has stage 4 cancer . I welcome it.
@laurineil-morin3792 Жыл бұрын
Come on down to True Prep in Marietta a great place to meet or find like minded folk.
@jacklow8590 Жыл бұрын
Most people can't even cook and eggs.
@jpaul8589 Жыл бұрын
I have my tribe. We’re all heavy hitters. Military, IT, physics, horticulture. Our shooting days are 500 rounds minimum in the Texas heat doing sweaty lifting, running, climbing. Build those civil crash skills peeps.
@semperfortisjiujitsu Жыл бұрын
Very true and well said. You are literally saving lives of anyone smart enough to listen to your advice.
@TAVAAR7 Жыл бұрын
Looks like Riggs has adjusted just fine to the move. Even though its a new area there's still plenty of sticks that need throwing 🙂
@Gothic1Actual Жыл бұрын
Excellent message. I hope everyone is listening. Thanks for sharing.
@richardriley3543 Жыл бұрын
I'd like to see a template of sorts for the gathering of my tribe .many of us need to see the times at hand.and prepare.Thanks stoker for all the work.Hod bless
@richardriley3543 Жыл бұрын
God bless
@GruntProof Жыл бұрын
Yes sir. Most people wouldn't make it in the initial downfall.
@tomcatt998 Жыл бұрын
i hv been a loner all my life and i hv found that U can't even trust the people that U trusted.. And that's Y i avoid humanoids
@quinntheeskimooutdoors6234 Жыл бұрын
😊Thanks for sharing 😊 Hard to stay awake 24/7. Nice to have a team. Dogs are great also😊
@greenwithagun 26 күн бұрын
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
@bafumat Жыл бұрын
I believe you are correct. I have thought this myself for a long time. But you brought up Alone. And they did have a team event. But strangely the duration was only about the average for the show. Two people didn't necessarily mean they lasted longer. In fact, it looked like they just had double the chance to fail as a team.
@NobleSavage44 Жыл бұрын
Be that as it may. I prefer the solitude vs. the back biting of some pack. So am prepared to die alone.
@joedouche3818 Жыл бұрын
I'll just keep playing dumb to neighbors and friends, SHTF will be when they think they can just run up in my house during a shtf. (If I'm still there).
@reallifehardtruth4465 Жыл бұрын
I really don't have anything to add to the comment section other than a friend of mine has a granddaughter. He is 64 and I'm 60. We were out in the desert with the yunguns shooting. We had the usual assortment of pistols 357 9mm etc. I had an old 30 06 he brought out his 308. I had bought my first scope. And we were going to mount it and zero it. Got his granddaughter to shooting it and were amazed' she was 14 at the time.' She was ringing steel at 500 yards everytime! Sometimes on never knows where the next set of talent and skill will come from.
@roypaulcarter4654 Жыл бұрын
Survival on your own can be done it’s just a matter of preparation and developing mental strength. I can think of two Japanese soldiers from WWll who lived on their own for years. One in Guam and one in the Philippine. But I get your point and agree with you for the most part.
@artofwar4644 Жыл бұрын
Alone is another way of armed struggle
@kp1knight725 Жыл бұрын
Get involved, there's a bunch of social media groups (gardening, DIY, camping, hunting, etc.) that you can search. find a few that are local to your area. Join up and talk shop, you'll find people who are like minded and looking to "team" up when SHTF
@PhillipFilides Жыл бұрын
What if there's no one you trust
@MikeDaniels-n9z Жыл бұрын
Semper Fi brother, keep up the outstanding work. Take care Devil dog
@fkn_nightmare7861 Жыл бұрын
Helpful information ℹ️
@Op4Grunt0311 Жыл бұрын
I’ve met some solid dudes at gun training courses and matches also through some chats.
@BRLaue 6 ай бұрын
Next time you see them all together, ask who is going to be the leader in SHTF?
@SurvivorMetalMan Жыл бұрын
Good information and insights brother. Some cold hard facts too.
@acerrubrum5749 Жыл бұрын
Tho’ Nature, red in tooth and claw With ravine, shriek’d against his creed- Who loved, who suffer’d countless ills, Who battled for the True, the Just, Be blown about the desert dust, Or seal’d within the iron hills?
@thearrowheadwoodsman3811 Жыл бұрын
Great channel here. Happy I found it. That show "Alone" is great, I watch it whenever I can. I always thought they should do a series of it in downtown slums of Chicago or Detroit, maybe D.C.
@98xj64 Жыл бұрын
Your dog is awesome 👍
@dennisseverns4014 Жыл бұрын
Them Georgia woods, look so much different than the PNW. Bet it is humid there right now.
@recon1986 Жыл бұрын
I have no choice but to be alone untill I'm not... all my good friends have died over the years to the fentanyl war and the friends I have now dont take any or this serious and I wont be able to trust them with my life or with a firearm... no one wants to learn how to use a firearm or learn bushcraft/survival skills because they ignore everything going on and think nothing is going to happen. Plus I'm in a blue state which gives me no real trustworthy people to have in a group. I am forced to be a lone wolf until I come across a good group
@mikhailkalashnikov4599 Жыл бұрын
Finding the neighborhood NCOs is key, fear will bring you all of the inexperienced troops you could want after the collapse.
@thefucrew9865 Жыл бұрын
Finding out that your "neighborhood NCO's" are incapable of leading the neighborhood, and/or the "inexperienced troops", will only create a concentrated group of victims.....possibly, an easy to conquer, or easy to rob, group. I proved that by allowing the NCO's from supply, transpo, and commo, to lead the Infantry lower enlisted - who were told to listen and follow exactly what those NCO's were telling them.
My group is all grunts, infantry men, 2 marines, three army and one navy one air force vet also several retired police officers. We're all ready to defend the neighborhood.
@thefucrew9865 Жыл бұрын
@@CIVILDEFENSEBUNKER , that's hilarious. No need to try to be disingenuous, or a prima donna. When I lived in Chicago, I used to go to Vet-togethers where I never even got around any REAL Infantry guys. But, always had all of the other vets circle up around me, even though I didn't talk much. LOLOLOLOL !!!
@wellmansrants4282 Жыл бұрын
@thefucrew9865 Жыл бұрын
@@mikearnold7982 , I don't give a fuhck about them being a "Vet". If you have supply guys or 99M's pretending to be doorkickers, you have nothing but sandbags.
@TL-uk2zj Жыл бұрын
Greet advise 👍 Building community is tough and it takes time. Shooting competitions, GoRuck and milsim (airsoft) are ways to get out and meet others. If you can afford it, take local courses or travel out a bit to learn new things.
@MannyScoot Жыл бұрын
different people have different skills...... but some have outstanding survival and planning skills and are hard to kill ........
@SnakeBitBob1982 Жыл бұрын
Well Riggs certainly steals the show...
@moonchild2213 7 ай бұрын
73% of Americans are overweight and un healthy and rely on medication daily to need to go out and buy up all the guns, ammo, and food. 2wks into SHTF and there will be all the guns, ammo and prepper food for the 23% who can actually get off the couch and live with out AC. To the 73% of y'all out there, keep getting ready for the end of the world, us 23% will continue going to the gym each day and greatly appreciate your hard earned money when you're gone.
@jelkel25 Жыл бұрын
No man is an island except when he's in the bath.
@Oldspartan65 Жыл бұрын
The man is right😊
@apersons4525 Жыл бұрын
When it comes down to it people will be scared panicky animals. Few will have the WILLPOWER to keep a sound minds and an COMPASSIONATE HEARTS. In the end survival will be a pure stroke of luck. Been through a crisis before. The ones i thought were the closest and most trust worthy were the ones that cowarded the quickest. And cut and run. The others worked together and we pulled through. The more people you have the more secret opinions. Choose your group very carefully.
@StevenRoberts-m8v Жыл бұрын
For me / myself, it's a 10 year minimum,even before I can trust the person/individual!!!!!! That is the safety net..... Just my opinion!!!!!!! 🤨😉✌️💪🤝👍👍
@8AD858D8 Жыл бұрын
The more capable the group the higher the infiltration of undesirables will be. The lesser the number of unknowns the better
@moorejl57 Жыл бұрын
The information and experience you are providing is obviously helpful in the context of a SHTF situation. I find myself wondering how likely is it a SHTF event will occur. Does it make sense for me to prepare myself?
@Wolfman_NV Жыл бұрын
Great message! Side note and irrelevant I know but I’m a sucker for nice gear.. mind sharing what pack you are using?
@thewalkingdead9302 Жыл бұрын
Watch the movie THE ROAD will be close to that kind of s.h.t.f.
@hairlessharescrambler56 Жыл бұрын
In a shtf scenario people should stick together and help defend one another,if you need help it would be nice to know your neighbors have your back and vice versa,we are all citizens of the same country and should not let the enemy divide us,stand together if nothing else do it for our children's future, rights and freedom
@grumpybuzzard7131 Жыл бұрын
Words of wisdom !
@donwest600 Жыл бұрын
People as always will form groups, good will join with good, bad with bad it's what we do.
@thefucrew9865 Жыл бұрын
And, eventually, you will have Liberals become the bleeding-heart that accepts the lazy, the losers, the incapable ones, that will weaken your group from within. It's what you do.
@craigcook1571 Жыл бұрын
I agree, it’s going to take groups to survive if at all possible. I know there’s always that one individual that can go it alone but that’s the exception not the rule and their chances of a long survival is slim in my opinion. There aren’t many real life Rambo’s and a real SHTF situation is not going to be a movie set where a scene can be retaken.
@subdawg1331 Жыл бұрын
mountain-men actually the majority starved , most ate roots ... a mag is the only way... build now and sort it out now! It took 10 years to build ours ex army brothers... long term friends now we have a retreat ... plant coop and even our dogs get along , kids are like our own ... water and supplies building every week..
@Keepmelevel Жыл бұрын
I live in Nashville I'd be willing to participate in a gathering.
@10milBill Жыл бұрын
Some are lucky and have a team. Some are alone and its better than being part of bad team
@ifyoudontfailyouarenoteven6210 Жыл бұрын
Another question - there's a lot of talking about building a tribe, a small group of like-minded people in order to survive the dire situations (and that's solid advice, no doubt), but the history, including the contemporary history of US knows examples of hermits and fugitives that survived time counted in decades, without contact with other people, although not with civilization completely (I mean by that theft of certain resources). I wonder if there's something we can learn from those guys (never heard about a gal going down this road).
Possible - but not probable IMHO
@ifyoudontfailyouarenoteven6210 Жыл бұрын
@@STOKERMATIC Those are guys we probably can count on fingers of both hands - the ones that survived decades. Christopher Knight is one example, another is probably a few Japanese soldiers who left the jungle after 30 years from the end of the war. I believe my question is still valid - can we learn something valuable from them?
@williamschlosser77 Жыл бұрын
True, die I probably will... but not alone.
@BrianJohnson-bb2vi Жыл бұрын
Pretty good vid, super cool dog.
@acerrubrum5749 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps the groups to be involved with ... the town Emergency Preparedness program, 4 H, local Fish and Game Club, Red Cross, Neighborhood Watch, Volunteer Fire Dept., Police Auxiliary, Neighbor Soup Night, PTA, Scouts & Guides, Habitat for Humanity or other service organizations, Emergency Preparedness dept. municipal, Red Cross branch, Recreation Sports Teams, Committees for and against XYZ, Personally, it will be me and the librarians defending the books. :) Develops skills, broadens contacts, and up your social credit. It also gets one out of the echo chamber and broadens the world outlook. If you do not have Social Capital banked up you are just a stranger that no one knows or trusts and equals a threat.
@Trailtraveller Жыл бұрын
Not so long ago, you had the family/friend connection. Certainly things changed in about 30 years. Family/Friends are avoiding offering help, rather doing their own thing.
@Pug351 Жыл бұрын
Its a nice speech and sentiment but for 99.9% it won't work or happen. I think my own attempts at it and recent American history back me up with the same evidence and conclusion. Years ago we tried to organize several prepping families to use one large communal area in case SHTF. We trained, met, planned, got training, brought in people with different skill sets. We did more work at community organizing than I bet most preppers ever will. To make a long story short, what eventually broke up the group was bickering and arguing over who was doing more or less work and whose resources would and would not be shared. In the end everyone wanted to go off on their own and not share any of their work or supplies. A prime example of these same issues are seen in the history of the American Commune movement in the 1960s and 70s. (I've done serious research into this to see why similar attempts at community organizing failed. ) Out of all the hundreds of attempts at community , communes and "tribal" living and organization, they all failed for basically the same reasons. In the end people fought and argued over who was and wasn't contributing equally in resources and labor. Eventually they would break up out of resentment and hostility. True community and "tribal" organizing has to have a basis in shared values, morals, usually ethnicity, often religion, and in most cases family blood ties. Outside that you'd have to organize a 'Nation-state' or government where an elite oversees cooperation through forced decree, that is then executed by Order followers who gain compliance under threat of imprisonment or death. Such is the history of mankind. ALL governments eventually become evil and use people as cattle for the benefit of the elite. Going out randomly to find or advertise for people with like-minds and needed skills sets has no basis in the bonds required to create long term communities. The only groups living together successfully, long term would be the Amish or Mennonites but then they share values, morals, religion, ethnicity, and blood ties.
@nimroddiaries_ Жыл бұрын
Agree 💯 Top. You need to build relationships before you can build community before you can build a tribe. Shunning everyone is a fools errand. My guess, because it was my route, most arent ready to learn nor teach. A friend finally pushed our idea and we have a nice group or like minded people teaching and sharing skills amongst ourselves. I know i missed the SHTF portion but... you walk before you run. Your learn before you trust your own canning. You dont step onto the range hot without learning basics. I say, get off your ass and find a way to start finding like minded people. Plant walks, comms talks, etc. Over time you will have a barrel of a community you can filter for those you take in close. You don't disgard the rest but keep them at the mutual sharing of skills distance. 73 God bless
@CosmicTaco333 Жыл бұрын
You're extrapolating your military experience in a big "group", i.e. the military unit, into the mindset of the general civilian population. Most civilians have no military "function as a unit" training and background, nor is there time to inculcate such thinking. On the "street", and especially in urgent times, no one can be relied upon to come through for his/her fellow human beings other than his/her immediate family. I saw a small sample of this living in L.A. during the Rodney King riots. Sure, the Rooftop Koreans worked together to save some of their businesses, but they were also knit together as an ethnic minority in America.
@MonkeyBoy-sd9vc Жыл бұрын
Exactly, this is going to be a matter of racial unity. White people are going to have to stick together with other White people. Anyone telling you that we can survive without racial unity is someone who either has no knowledge of history or is actively subverting you. White unity, or we don't make it.
@Ralphydc Жыл бұрын
What pack is that? Thanks for your vids!
Tactical tailor removable operator
@jenniferbauman4802 Жыл бұрын
Good video.good talk. Good to have a team you can trust. But sooner or later that could go to shit. God bless. From Glenn CATT. In Massachusetts.
@KevenTomlinson Жыл бұрын
You’ll die alone no matter what happens.
@davidb.cooper3296 Жыл бұрын
With out question building a tribe has been the hardest part of this so far
@JChris143 Жыл бұрын
When Jesus is ready to take me, I am ready to go with him. While I have been blessed with time here on this earth, I will serve in his name with every spoken word or action taken. God bless you all ✌️✝️🇺🇸
@johnfaramelli8138 Жыл бұрын
All I can say is my MAG is very small. There's a good reason for that, most people in Pennsylvania think everything will be ok, AND those who know shit ain't right have taken NO steps to prepare. Make NO mistake, I ain't wiping anyone's ass. Especially people who we've warned. Our gift to people are our warning about what's coming. Now my advice to EVERYONE reading this is, TAKE THE APPROACH I DID DECADES REGARDING MY PROFESSION, LEARN AND MASTER AS MANY CRAFTS AS POSSIBLE! Your worthiness will be your ticket to ride! 👍👊🇺🇸
@brianwatson3011 Жыл бұрын
Brother I've only watched a few of ur vids; truly not out to be critical. I am an army airborne infantry veteran (ranger qualified too) & I definitely see the pros & cons on both sides of the argument. However, I 100% guarantee my chances of survival are INFINITELY higher solo (grew up on farm/in woods 48 yrs) than protecting a toddler & 70yr old granny out in bush or urban warfare. I'm not claiming to be Bear Grills (but as a self proclaimed MacGyver I also feel I can survive nearly everything ive seen him thus far) & I also took note of comments: some of us have no choice & reside in areas where that's most likely gonna mission critical. Prepping has become the LARP craze/phase for most ppl imo.
@jimmyfields5831 Жыл бұрын
Riggs definitely steals the show, I know some of the mountain men had help from the native Americans.
@mervmartin2112 Жыл бұрын
Community colleges offer EMT courses. From that find a wilderness EMT course. The first you have the ambulance, the second you don't. Some of the better med training you can get. Besides, both courses are fun!!! Solo is never a good idea. For instance if you break or seriously bruise both of your collar bones (takes about 10 pounds pressure) you'll need someone else to wipe your butt for at least a month while they heal.
@brentwentfishing Жыл бұрын
Great points, Top! The comments to this video by the weirdos and haters are hilarious! 🤣 They will be the first to lose their way and starve to death.
@RagnarDanneskjold-Pirate Жыл бұрын
Anyone here in the Texas panhandle areas?!
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