STOKKE YOYO3 vs YOYO2: Ultimate Travel Stroller Comparison Review |

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Destination Baby & Kids

Destination Baby & Kids

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@irisau7450 7 сағат бұрын
I have bought and sold a yoyo2 as I didn’t like the fold so I wanted to try the Joolz aer plus. Now I have just got myself the new yoyo3…IMO it’s a great stroller and even better than the joolz aer…. And here’s why. Withvyoyo, I’m able to easily take off and put on fabrics again for washing. And it has the small pocket for handy storage of phone and keys. The joolz fold is great but the hood opens up as the stroller opens so I’m always having to pull it back, if you get in and out a lot it can get annoying. Also I really dislike how difficult it was to remove the seat fabric. As well, if anyone has ever managed to pull it apart, you’ll see the seat support is a cheap piece of plastic held together with tape, on such a premium travel stroller I was surprised to see that! And lastly we took this stroller to Malaysia and Thailand… and boy it got hot in there!!
@malcolmbancroft7916 3 ай бұрын
You have the best baby-stuff reviews on KZbin!
@patpatmoomoo5524 3 ай бұрын
Just what I wanted to research… thank you
@Peachlover345 3 ай бұрын
Do you recommend the yoyo as the only stroller for suburbs from birth and onwards? I’m petite so looking for a light weight car seat that I can put in and out of the car.
@destinationbabykids 3 ай бұрын
I suspect you probably at some point would want an additional larger stroller but Yoyo works for many many people as their one and only. It's an awesome choice and the accessories really enable you to use it so many places. I love it.
@kerstinr8940 Ай бұрын
Absolutely! We live in a city and it would have been totally enough. But you could also have a look into the Joolz Hub plus, in my opinion it is the best smaller all-in-one stroller.
@deb8723 2 ай бұрын
Hi! Is this the taupe color or the toffee color? Thanks!!
@HelenaThiman 2 ай бұрын
Would you say the Yoyo3 has more of a rattling sound when driving it, compared to Yoyo2?
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