You're a fucking beast dude! That was a hell of a fight to get out of that hole, I just included the clip to justify my decision to walk Rattlesnake, because it's one of then more violent beatdowns I've seen, and I was freaked out about accidentally ending up in that hole at 6.8 when the next 2 ledges were just a few hundred feet downstream 😂 You see what Art did though? You can sneak it to the right above 5.5 feet and avoid the Lady Kenmore hole entirely, it's a really good chicken chute down the right where you just power over the curler, and avoid the hole like 15 feet to the river right. Next time we paddle this at high water, we can take that line since both Art and Colton just slipped right through the dangerous area, it's an excellent sneak where you avoid the hole, but still get to run the slide! According to Mike Moore though, once it goes over 7.5 then then you can boof off the left side of the ledge straight into the eddy, because the curler on the right starts to get nasty. Either way though, we've got to run this again together sometime dude. Missing the 6.4 paddle at cheat fest 2 years ago is still my biggest paddling regret. Anyways sorry to remind you of the swim, but I only included it because you're one of the best paddlers I know, and if you got hammered by something, then I really don't like my chances of avoiding the same beatdown 😬 Seriously hope to get to paddle it at this level one of these days with you man! Thanks for letting me use your clip!