I've tried different collars, the harness, nothing seems to help. She will acknowledge the correction for a very little amount of time, then she right back to pulling.
@Christopher-vf6kx2 жыл бұрын
If its a dog over 8months [9yr old in dog years] I've had to make it super boring for the dog when she does that. Literally taking one step at a time when the leash is loose. Stopping like a rock if any pull. Offering treats when they come back to me using Touch or Focus tricks. Makes walks take forever initially, yet necessary. Eventually the walker became more interesting than everything else. Puppies will be puppies in our house with soft pops, harder training when they get old enough to keep focus.
@watchmoivies1232 жыл бұрын
Hello, I have a dog that’s two years old and have been pulling on the leash and I tried many many methods and one of them is exactly what you are doing, but he only gets not even one step and can pull my arm out, so what do you suggest?
@freelancedogtraining47702 жыл бұрын
I'd recommend contacting a professional trainer in your area that uses balanced training methods and has at least 10 years of experience. Unfortunately advice on the internet or short videos can't compare to in person coaching for people who are really struggling with difficult dogs. I make these videos primarily for my clients as reminders but hope they can reach and help other dog owners. Also teach heel, I have a video on that that may help a bit with your dog.
@Yoursoul1012 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure why these examples never go over a dog that is nervous or anxious. A dog that is happy to walk is pretty easy to train. A dog that is anxious will pull like you can't imagine. Mostly to go back or away.
@freelancedogtraining47702 жыл бұрын
Dogs with anxiety is a complex issue that requires more than a 10 minute video to address. I have made a video for dogs who are wary of strangers and some of those principles can be applied to other scenarios dogs are anxious about. But with proper exposure training and training with the right methods & tools in environments that aren't stressful for you're dog, you're more prepared for working your dog through those stressful situations. If your dog is a really anxious dog, I'd recommend seeing a local balanced trainer with at least ten years of experience to help your pup. It may be pricey but good dog training isn't cheap and cheap dog training isn't good!
@watchmoivies1232 жыл бұрын
So I have a question to the trainer have you ever seen a dog that you could not walk on a leash?
@freelancedogtraining47702 жыл бұрын
@@watchmoivies123 earlier in my career for sure but I haven't had a dog truly challenge me in a few years, which I know sounds cocky but yeah I've worked with enough difficult dogs to be able to help those struggling with their dogs who contact me.