Stop using the WRONG Stance in Jedi: Survivor...

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SammyBoiii: Star Wars

SammyBoiii: Star Wars

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@kead6636 Жыл бұрын
If you think the blaster stance is just shooting bosses from a distance, it shows you haven't really given it enough time. Try to weave shots between your saber swings.
@liquidsword601 Жыл бұрын
I just really like the quickdraw ability.
@oneoffnate Жыл бұрын
Yea i don’t see enough people talking about how you can string different combos with the blaster and the saber. It’s has some cool animations and can also cancel most enemies unblockable move animations
@mrdrebin123 Жыл бұрын
It looks badass when you do those clean looking swings, and then just keanu reeves/Han solo them below the belt with the blaster, then another swing and another blaster shot to the face. It truly is the frontier way of fighting, both clean and disciplined with the saber, but brutal and unrelenting with the blaster. It is properly the best stance in the game, since Force abilities will help with it's shot comings, and every hit you connect in melee will keep your blaster shots reloaded and make sure you deal more damage.
@durtyjohn9339 Жыл бұрын
I'll do 2 charge shots and then get to hacking and shooting lol
@HelplessTeno Жыл бұрын
@Dr Drumstick That's also Cal's canon setup for the game. He only ever uses the single blade and blaster in cutscenes.
@HumanDevilTV Жыл бұрын
I think everyone is sleeping on the single saber stance. It's really balanced, has really good options in gap closing to melee opponents and doesn't trade off it's strength for speed. The new dash strike is really good against these drone type enemies and is not too bad in a duel, either, as it does good stamina damage and allows you to keep the pressure on.
@1AdA-Greats Жыл бұрын
@ThePengie24 Жыл бұрын
Agreed, I used single blade as one of my stances for the entire game
@alarminglyfastmovingskelet7289 Жыл бұрын
Single Blade is easily the 2nd best in the game next to Blaster. People like to say it's the "jack-of-all trades, master of none" when in reality it's the master of all. Decent damage, great stamina damage, good range/hitboxes, great attack recoveries, relatively fast. You just can't beat it.
@cristainnn9298 Жыл бұрын
@@alarminglyfastmovingskelet7289 it doesn't help that phrase is so misunderstood. The original quote is, "a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one." The single blade fits that perfectly.
@Kenz305 Жыл бұрын
Yep. Stopped watching after a minute. Single blade is so damn good against bosses. It has devastating combos, when fully upgraded.
@Tyrineal Жыл бұрын
I had tons of success using cross-guard as a counter attack stance, which also took advantage of the increased defense and stamina your given. Trying to treat it like other stances leads to a bad time, need to let the enemy come to you and requires patience to master and use properly
@960456 Жыл бұрын
I like to use Dual Wield to chip at the block stamina, then switch to Crossguard to just rock their shit lol. Using the Versatility perk makes it almost busted if you do it right
@scottball2796 Жыл бұрын
Yea heavy weapons in games like this, souls, the surge etc. require patience. Watch the enemy, learn the move set, let them come to you and rock them during their largest 'open' windows.
@secretmessage9130 Жыл бұрын
It was for a little bit but I found it too passive for me it had really bad recovery and for having the longest range for a saber you can stance break an enemy and then use a light attack making cal throw out a horizontal attack that NEVER connects that was annoying I found that if you jump attack you can get a quick swing animation that i used to open instead of the drop kick since its way quicker
@infinitedeath1384 Жыл бұрын
Yep this is the way for me. Crossguard absolutely destroys when you use it right. Heck it's actually better than double bladed Saber against certain blaster enemies, like B2 droids and droidekas.
@alarminglyfastmovingskelet7289 Жыл бұрын
Yeah if you're good at defense and got parry-timings down Crossguard's effectiveness goes up significantly.
@AJKiesel Жыл бұрын
What I especially like about the dual wield stance is that, if you are a button masher like I am, you can always cancel your attacks by blocking. That really helps me out.
@goaliepro1996 Жыл бұрын
It’s underrated
@hemigod2 Жыл бұрын
I was a lot like you, and that this method that you explained was a default and a bad habit. If I may, I’d like to suggest that you spend a minimal of a day in training with just parrying attacks. From this, my overall fighting method has changed totally and I know not longer button mash at all . this method I am explaining to you will open up so many more doors and give you better freedom if not the max in your fighting abilities. And it is the key to this game pretty much.
@seanmccready955 Жыл бұрын
​@@hemigod2 it's a game
@hemigod2 Жыл бұрын
@@seanmccready955 good that you realize that
@hetoverseo3887 Жыл бұрын
@@goaliepro1996 overrated. Almost everyone uses it.
@caleg2256 Жыл бұрын
My favorite combo is the Crossguard stance and Double blade. They balance fairly well for normal, non boss fights. For some reason I struggled with boss fights with these stances and ended up using the blaster stance.
@justkaizer4 Жыл бұрын
Single blade is my personal favorite. The other stances i find gimmicky sometimes. Either long animations or a lack of tools. If you learn to use all of the skills the single saber has then you will always have something to counter an enemy.
@BuddyChy Жыл бұрын
Yeah I definitely appreciate the single blade a lot.
@pollopollo3531 Жыл бұрын
I use single because I find it hard to believe Cal could weild other stances so well.
@KidNamedFinger45 Жыл бұрын
@@pollopollo3531agreed I only use the single blade stance and blaster stance because we haven’t seen him have training with the double bladed or dual wield lightsabers so i don’t know how he’d be able to wield the other stances so effectively. But the blaster stance is just so cool so my canon explanation for him using that is that he uses it to survive lol.
@NerdEmoji1067 Жыл бұрын
Same, I’ve been maining single blade
@TheFearsomeWaffle Жыл бұрын
3 hits is the longest chain most enemies will give you before a saber lock and reversal. Single Bladed has exactly 3 hits same as Cross Guard which gives them a small advantage since they can fully complete their main combo usually. It's a big annoyance for me as a Dual Bladed and Blaster fan since they both have 4 or 5 hit combos and I never really see past the third hit since again, 4th and on gets parried or saber locked and reversed by anything that's not a B1 droid or a beast/creature/killer chicken from hell.
@theycallmedip Жыл бұрын
Something that's not mentioned enough. With dual wield you can use some of the single blade abilities as well. If you have the dash strike unlocked for single blade you can use it to close the distance and do big block damage after throwing your saber in dual wield stance.
@olivermilton2413 Жыл бұрын
Only dash strike and basic attack.
@treybishop3557 Жыл бұрын
Crossguard can be pretty force depleting if you are really using it like you should. There’s a perk that slowly regenerates force but makes the force meter smaller. I actually love it, open a fight with the shockwave, get a swing or two in, by the time you have blocked a couple counter attacks you can do another force ability no problem. Love. Crossguard.
@tracemitchell5515 Жыл бұрын
The other thing that makes Double Blade is how good it is at applying pressure to stamina. You can almost stunlock purge troopers if you get the whole combo out uninterrupted. You can also get boss stamina down quickly too.
@nerdyhexel307 Жыл бұрын
For my first playthrough I immediately swapped to Crossguard and Blaster as soon as I got them. Blaster is fun and for knocking out weaker enemies pretty much instantly when paired with the perks that support it. Also made some bosses really easy when the charged shot would stagger them. Crossguard was pretty much my primary stance and I used it for just about everything. For faster enemies, you just have to be extremely patient for your chances to hit and creating openings via parries and dodges.
@celdere Жыл бұрын
Double blade and crossguard stance is my exact loadout. Love to see all the love you gave those in this one :)
@philm4109 Жыл бұрын
While playing this game, I used the single blade as a "end all be all". If I was struggling against something with other stances, I'd pull it out and wipe the floor with whatever I was struggling with, then put it away.
@Nickboy-791 Жыл бұрын
It's really simple for me. Run the double bladed stance for a strong defensive playstyle that lets you mow through fodder enemies in mass. Run the crossguard stance for stronger enemies and bosses. It's better to parry, but the increased guard gives your defense more longevity up close. You also get to wear down enemy stamina much faster. The slowness of the style isn't really a negative once you get your timing and footwork in duels down properly. I practice HEMA in real life so most of the skills around timing your wind ups, maintaining proper measure, and looking for mistakes in your opponent translates really well for me in a videogame.
@11jerans Жыл бұрын
Cross guard has two downsides for me. 1, Cal holds it in a good guard already, he can effectively block and swing with any need to wind up from that spot, yet when you hold block, he just holds it in front of him instead of moving to a different guard, and everytime he swings he rears back first, even though the blade is already starting from a back position, adding unnecessary time and jerkiness to each swing. 2, I wish the animations were more subtle and less over the top hammer swings. If the idea was a great sword, then give us HEMA accurate swings and twirls instead of Dark Souls hammer blows. Also some cooler flourishes would be nice.
@br4n905senkugo Жыл бұрын
I am using single blade and blaster stance, it fits roleplay and fighting, and the combat looks very clean when switching back and forth, some times it looks almost cinematic. Ive switched from single to blaster and back to single with a force push finisher and it looked so clean.
@Killerwhale317 Жыл бұрын
@Darth_Revan770 Жыл бұрын
I love how the Stances represent the Forms of lightsabers combat Single Blade: Form 1 simple effective nothing to much Double Blade: Form 3 best defense with multiple enemies and great counter attack Dual Wield: Form 4 fast acrobatic but defense lacking Baster: Form 2 Dualing stance for both sword and gun play and can adapt to different situations Crossguard: Form 5 Heavy attack and/or Strong defensive just like the two forms of Form 5
@justkaizer4 Жыл бұрын
I think all of the stances have a mix of forms. Single has some ataru, niman and Shii Cho. Double has ataru and soresu. Twin has some juyo with varied timing. Blaster is mostly makashi I think. Corssguard definitely has a fair bit of djemso, but it's simple swings could also be more shii Cho.
@TheProfessordank Жыл бұрын
I found that form 4 worked best with the single blades perks.
@Eliminator6363 Жыл бұрын
I used blaster and double blade for gm playthrough. Double blade to deal with multiple ranged enemies and/or grouped up melee enemies, blaster for the ultimate dueling stance. It's counter attack is borderline broken absolutely locking enemies down, and charged blasts interrupting 1 shot mechanics. Not to mention the cool factor of a Jedi Scoundrel. I've said it a few times now, but it's how I imagine Kyle Katarn would fight.
@BigMFWrubez Жыл бұрын
I use single blade and dual wield. Something old and something new. It’s hard to move away from single blade just because of the lore and you just feel like a Jedi with it. Biggest issue with it is that it takes a ton of investment for it to be really good. The best skills for it are high up on the tree. I use dual wield for crowds and when I want to use stance switch combos. Btw - stance switching in this game is most definitely a thing and can pull off some crazy combos. You can do something like a dual wield flurry, jump, stance switch and use the air attack with single blade. Cool stuff.
@rileyb517 Жыл бұрын
I use the same stances but I’m also ultra offensive and got really good with the parry and perfect dodge so I’m always able to push attack with the dual wield and if I ever get low on health or pushed back to much I switch to my single blade for defense with minimal attack
@alexvance3444 Жыл бұрын
Just a little tip: if you use the Dual Wield "Force Parry" and break an enemy's guard (which if you time it right with precision release, you should) you can change stance during the animation, so that afterwards you're in the other stance automatically. Going from the super strong DW precision Force Parry into a massive cleaving slash with Crossguard Stance does SO much damage. Yes, Dual Wield is hard to master, but if you put in the work you can pull off some crazy stunts. The video creator is right, though - DW is best against melee troops and Lightsaber-users, Crossguard is best against big creatures and to punish broken block bars (which precision Force Parry will generally one-shot). This also makes the Versatility perk really awesome, as the extra damage from changing stances not only makes the Force Parry - Crossguard cleave punish even stronger, but it also makes the next few seconds in DW stance stronger when you switch back.... which means more block damage dealt, which means switching back to Crossguard faster... you get the idea.
@blacombe420 Жыл бұрын
I did Dual / Crossguard which I find is the perfect balance. Dual is quick and fast, good for a large group of smaller enemies and crossguard makes you feel like damn Kylo against huge enemies
@alexvonbossi6753 Жыл бұрын
Double blade and crossguard is such a good combo
@makaiokalahama Жыл бұрын
What I use 💯
@bkg5494 Жыл бұрын
agreed this combo saved my life on grandmaster
@stateofmind578 Жыл бұрын
True Using the double blade since the beginning And yesterday i unlocked the cross guard and it is now my second stance
@herpderp9430 Жыл бұрын
I exclusively use the crossguard saber in NG+ but my first playthrough, I used blaster and double-bladed.
@radicallarry1006 Жыл бұрын
Same but I used dual wield and double
@gmikay Жыл бұрын
I used crossguard in my first playthrough but in NG+ I use blaster and double-bladed
@sofaking1627 Жыл бұрын
I played almost entirely with the dual wield and the blaster stance Just tried the double blade in NG+ and I LOVE it, can't believe I didn't try it sooner.
@alarminglyfastmovingskelet7289 Жыл бұрын
I think it's funny how everyone thinks dual-wield stance is the best because you can cancel out of attacks with a block. The reason they did this wasn't as a strength, they did it to prevent the style from being utterly unusable. Each attack input has two swings in it, so the ability to cancel out of an attack is just necessary. It isn't even necessarily a strength because the block won't even activate until you've already done one swing already, similar to other styles.
@lofty9579 Жыл бұрын
Crossguard is great, but I actually found the skill ceiling to be too low. Because the attacks are so slow, there’s few chances to get hits in between enemy strikes and parrying/dodging. Players just end up partying and dodging a whole combo and then counter attacking when the enemy is vulnerable. I’d argue the single saber and the dual wield have a higher skill ceiling because you can find gaps in enemy combos to slip in an extra attack. Combat flows smoother and faster with this style, and it feels like you’re always chasing some form of perfect balance of attacking and parrying/dodging. Way more fun imo
@Revanxbone Жыл бұрын
Crossguard and double bladed works soo well for me on GM difficulty
@gjdalupang4219 Жыл бұрын
The single blade stance has one strength that the others doesn't have: an aerial skill for aerial combat, and a reminder that even if Jedi FO or Survivor is a soulslike, its more akin to Sekiro, you can jump, dash and execute attacks mid air. The Blaster Stance, you can mix in shots in melee combos, even shoot charge shots mid combo, even parry, guard, attack while charging your shots, if you change the charge shot to stun, you could stun a group after force wrenching them together, switch to an aoe focused stance then wipe them out at the same time, blaster stance is also quite good at messing with some bosses, doing charge shots while they're knocked down while closing the gap, lunging and doing an energized flurry to refill the whole clip, and parrying with the point blank skill. if you're only using the blaster stance as a stay away option to attack enemies, you're playing it wrong.
@miguellodeiro9671 4 ай бұрын
I finished the main quest a few days ago. I struggled a bit with the stances until I got the blaster. At first I didn't feel right or fluid but a couple of hours in blaster got the main spot thruout the entire rest of the game. Blaster is a must once you get it and should be the first to top on experience points. After that I play a little bit with different stances on the 2nd slot and the Doble bladed took the spot for the rest of the game. So, what worked best for me was blaster + Doble bladed, except on boss fights when I prefer blaster + crossguard. I'm now "exploring the galaxy" trying to not let a stone unturned and make 100% on every map before I go to journey + where I plan to use other stances just for fun.
@kalebpowell7942 7 ай бұрын
I like to mix using some of the quicker stances like double blade because it’s so good with croissants and if you’re fighting a boss you use the double blade or the dual wield to protect and wear down and when ever you get an opening just wail on them with either. Or I use cross guard and blaster, I use blaster with ricochet for crowds and to help with bosses and beat them up with the cross guard, it is more difficult but it makes the game more fun with the difficulty of it.
@jason-hh6lu Жыл бұрын
I use Cross guard and the double sabre. I switch between the two although the switching could be smoother and flow better but hopefully that will be sorted with later updates. Nice video mate.
@jaevenmitchell9944 Жыл бұрын
Blaster stance is quicker than dual wield. If you look at it, it follows fencing 🤺 like how dooku uses his saber.
@d4rkst0rm16 Жыл бұрын
I feel like I consistently do more damage with blaster stance compared to cross guard on single enemies. just weave in shots with the attack combo. I imagine dmg will be much higher with the right perks
@johnphillips3332 Жыл бұрын
if you use the Marksman and Ambidextrous perks while using the blaster the way you said, the blaster shots basically become guard breakers, and your lightsaber attack mixed in follow ups usually kill / almost kill most enemies.
@d4rkst0rm16 Жыл бұрын
@@johnphillips3332 I just picked those up and I've been absolutely shredding bosses on grandmaster with it
@Barney_rubble983 Жыл бұрын
Cross guard with double blade is where I'm heading. I was using dual wield with blaster but now I've changed. I first used the cross guard on the second dagen fight after getting smacked for about 20 minutes
@BuddyChy Жыл бұрын
Double blade gang!! I beat the whole game on Jedi master with it and was so good and a ton of fun. I focused solely on using it so I could try and master it and I really feel like I learned how to use it effectively in every scenario. Took a lot of time, but worth it. People say it’s not great in 1 on 1, but used the right way it can be great.
@GeorgeCowsert Жыл бұрын
This guy: "don't use single blade" Single blade: *Is the most versatile and consistent out of all the options, and doesn't come with jank like the really long un-cancellable animations of double-blade or crossguard*
@KravMagoo 5 ай бұрын
Crossguard and double-blade are my two stances. Each shines in different scenarios. Magnaguards just melt under the crossguard...they barely even get a chance to take a swing.
@jimmyb2655 8 ай бұрын
Crossguard is the best IMO. I love that it mostly ignore the block meter. Just power thru enemies. You have to time it right. I use Crossguard and dual wield for the most part. But i have been using the blaster stance in place of the crossguard from time to time. The blaster stance is crazy strong too.
@ChrisJones-pi5mh Жыл бұрын
THERE IS NO *WRONG* STANCE! 🤦🏻 Once you unlock more and more abilities , they are all great. I used double-blade, and crossblade the majority of my first playthrough, with some single in the beginning. Now I'm using blaster and dual weild and guess what? It's just as fun! WHAT A SHOCKER! 😂 Anyone who thinks blaster is just for cheesing your way through Oggdo/Rancor fights clearly needs more practice.
@SquirrilahFish Жыл бұрын
Double + Single seems to be the most balanced way to play for me. Boss fights, Crossguard + dual wield seems to be the best. Dually for parry ability and wearing down block meter, Crossguard for damage, and Crossguard seems to have better defense/easier parrying.
@infinitedeath1384 Жыл бұрын
Oof, big oof on your take on the blaster stance. It doesn't struggle at all in close range, I use it all the time with multiple enemies around because that first thrust in the combo is so fast and allows you to dodge very quickly after you hit. You need to be aware of the enemies and what they're doing when you decide to attack, so you don't get hit, otherwise you're going to have a problem no matter what stance you use. That is especially true for the crossguard, and I main crossguard since I unlocked it, as I have the blaster stance. Also crossguard is better in its own way against blaster enemies, especially droidekas. I tried using double bladed stance against them, and ran out of stamina before I even got their shields down. But with crossguard, thanks to the skill that enhances the bolt that you deflect, I can kill a single droideka by deflecting 4 of the bolts with the crossguard, and that's on grandmaster. Also the blaster stance is far better against large beasts. I can get free damage in at the start of the fight with blaster, and sneak hits in while I dodge their attacks. It makes most of the large beasts on jedha and koboh a breeze on grandmaster. For a whole group of enemies, there's no contest using the force ability to pull them in (left trigger + right trigger) and then using the crossguard sweep attack (block + attack) to shred the enemies around you. For groups of b1 droids with blasters, a strong force push is enough to kill 10+ of them in one hit. Crossguard is better against B2 droids, as it will stagger them so they can't get off their charged shot, and it does more damage than if you deflected their bolts with double bladed. So all around I found the crossguard with blaster stance to have coverage for every fight.
@YamadaJisho Жыл бұрын
They streamlined quite a bit in the single-bladed stance. Just from a gameplay perspective, I used it probably more than any other stance. It's a huge amount of fun. I usually ended up with single-blade and dual blade as my general defaults.
@demonkey6997 Жыл бұрын
Dual stance is the only stance where you can cancel the attack. In any attack use block after the first swing (which is very fast) Cal will block using the second lightsaber and cancel the attack. It's the most aggressive one
@Commander_Appo Жыл бұрын
My first playthrough is in GM, and I almost exclusively use split saber because I can cancel my attacks. Now I think I understand why I’ve been having a hard time with this game, I didn’t know that the parry time was more strict with it. I also used Crossguard for a while for the challenge, and I used blaster up until recently for my secondary, where I replaced it for double to use against crowds and blasters.
@562.anthony2 Жыл бұрын
Damn that makes sense that the party timing is a little harder. Noticed it was super lenient in others
@FlyingFox86 Жыл бұрын
I imagine the crossguard stance synergizes well with that perk that increases the damage of the lightsaber attack directly after using a force ability. As that perk only applies to a single hit, you get the most out of it with a heavy hitting weapon. So slam the enemy into the ground or make him float, then whack him with the big sword. Only thing I don't like about that stance is that it feels too heavy for a lightsaber. I'm okay with it being slower and more deliberate than the other stances, but I think they went a bit far.
@alarminglyfastmovingskelet7289 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I'm not a fan of how they make it looks like Cal can barely wield it. If it was supposed to be slower that's fine but it looks like Cal can barely hold on to it lol
@pigpig252 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been using crossguard for single targets and double-blade for crowds and it’s great
@adam_williamk8280 Жыл бұрын
Single and cross guard for me. Do love the double blade as well. But like you said I think for immersion the single is perfect.
@reaty05 Жыл бұрын
Thats the same 2 im going for since it reminds me of the lightsaber fights in jedi outcast heavy attacks to break through and damage and a balanced decent speed attacks that is all the areas covered
@MisanThrope-cu1mw7fj3p 3 ай бұрын
I don't like double-bladed because of long animations, short range and the lack of mobility. Personal preference - dual-wield, blaster. Crossguard is a pleasure to work with against slower, more powerful enemies.
@Pumpernickel420 Жыл бұрын
I just wish I could have 3 stances available at a time, I find myself swapping Dual and Blaster out alot now, Crossguard my number one tho
@captkalik 11 ай бұрын
I think the blaster stance is the best cause it has the parry shot, but also it has two perks strictly for it, marksmanship which increases it’s shot power and ambidextrous which increases lightsaber damage after you shoot once, and blaster has ricochet or stun shot that can eliminate crowds real fast when put together with those two perks
@konstantinospetrakis2418 8 ай бұрын
As someone that has used crossguard for 4 playthroughs so far , i can tell you that the baton-purge troopers , are some of the easiest opponents. Just gotta let them be aggressive , and the moment their block meter is down , you 1shot them.
@kynickkearns2868 Жыл бұрын
The double blade and crossguard are my favourite. Had so much fun playing with these two stances
@alecbrotzer1495 Жыл бұрын
I’m sorry but I got to point this out whenever I here the draw “Jack of all trades master of none” used the full quote is “ a Jack of all trades master of none is still better than a master of one”
@xXSasSusXx Жыл бұрын
When I saw in the trailer that 2 swords could be used, I was hyped. When I played it I realized that it was horribly done, the animations never complete and it has an ability for people with skill issues
@Tommy-st6nf Жыл бұрын
I am the great cross guard Jedi and what I have to say is it is the best stance but only if you put in the time to master it the only time cross guard can go wrong is against multiple strong enemies like magnaguards and hammer guys but use the wrenching pull and sundering swipe for a great combo against fast enemies
@thingsstuff6564 Жыл бұрын
If you wait for an opening with the cross guard stance with the purge troopers, you can easily overwhelm them with the sheer force of your blows
@AiR1DaN 11 ай бұрын
3:00 when a beast like this lights up blue, use your Force Push There's a reason they light up blue instead of red :)
@oldcaptainjack 11 ай бұрын
Not a fan of the crossguard (too slow), not a big fan of dual wield (not enough defence), blaster stance however has grown on me cos I've noticed the very quick thrust move Cal does can actually cancel some enemies unblockable (red) attacks. Double blade is definitely the best all rounder though aside from the obvious single blade (which at this point must seem a bit boring!)
@hemigod2 Жыл бұрын
The cross guard stance is better for those who wield the force a lot. You definitely would have to be one of those Kylo Ren style fighters. I am not really a blaster type of guy, but it is the quickest way to get rid of those pesky one hitter quitter’s, so you can get down to business with a bigger boys.
@johnphillips3332 Жыл бұрын
my favorite build is blaster + Crossguard. Blaster rips up most situations with the ricochet charged shots for groups, or standard shots to break the guard of lone elite enemies / bosses. Crossguard's critical blaster deflection skill basically instant kills swarms of blaster enemies and AT-ST's (which the blaster stance doesn't work against sometimes), and is handy for fighting skritons on Jeddah, (Skritons are blaster proof so blaster stance is useless against skiritons)
@lanthropy Жыл бұрын
The blaster stance has a slow swing because you can put blaster shots in between them. There’s a skill that knocks enemies with a blaster when they are about to attack. When an enemy attacks you while doing the swing and blast combo, there’s a chance that they’ll knock back. Saved me a couple of times.
@kroppsomvandling Жыл бұрын
Im doing it like this. while playing story and running in to bosses i use Blaster and dual wield. when just exploring i like the double and cross. I didnt like using blaster together whit cross. Also i dont know if this is for controller players but i find it a lot more ez to time my parrys on jedi GM than on easy. So ppl try Jedi GM if it feels of on easy.
@theaether3124 Жыл бұрын
My first playthrough I used blaster heavily closing the gap and pinning down an enemy until their stance was broken or near broken, then following it up with a blaster/sabre combo
@finntomasso7826 Жыл бұрын
Play all stances except single, stance i have the most time with would probably be the blaster because it's like elegant Count dooku style but with a gun and crossguard just needs you to get good
@DjBuddhaInBlack 8 ай бұрын
The Crossguard stance is HIGHLY effective at breaking down guards quickly, especially against bosses. It's got the best defence stats of all the stances...
@MrTypicalPlayer Жыл бұрын
I was never a huge fan of the cross guard saber. But surprisingly in the game it fits my play style perfectly.
@peyejon6541 5 ай бұрын
Crossguard veing significantly slower than the rest and most abilities requiring force by far has the steepest learning curve, but once learnt melts bosses.
@ahnjoemama7104 Жыл бұрын
I'm using the blaster and crossguard stances, simply because i want a more unorthodox gameplay (from a traditional jedi standpoint) and the constant switching between the crossguard and blaster between combos has made me unstoppable, ngl the blaster is the worst of all the stances for close range attacks, but thats where the the power of the crossguard comes into play. All this being on jedi grand master.
@mos_tekmusic7285 8 ай бұрын
Idk much about star wars I just really enjoy the games, but the crossguard doesn't make sense as a lightsaber stance. Like a claymore is swung with wide heavy swings because the blade is extremely heavy, i dont see how cals lightsaber suddenly gains an extra 50lbs
@azazelangelus4914 Жыл бұрын
Dont forget about the glitch on koboh. Atfer you get tame warp back to the big dinosaur at Southern reach used him to call an animal on the animal run towards the wall jump up it and you can run along that wall before you unlock the skill to pull it down and get to the hidden area also you can pick up an extra lightsaber here right away
@azazelangelus4914 Жыл бұрын
Although it is not easy to do you just run with the animal at the wall jump jump off the wall jump again run along the wall and grab the vines it can be done I heard about this from someone else on a different video and yeah I didn't even think of it they'll probably patch it soon though
@azazelangelus4914 Жыл бұрын
Ok I heard wrong about a light saber bat they it's things u can't get until you have a grapple skill later on in the game. But the person that said there was a light saber back there must have been playing around just to see who would do it .
@jonmann4980 Жыл бұрын
Double blade is GOATED used it my entire playthrough. Good damage, great crowd control, awesome abilities when you upgrade and like he mentioned amazing defense
@cristainnn9298 Жыл бұрын
I have used the double-blade the most by far. It just feels like the best tool more often than not in this game. Second most used is crossguard for big fights against single targets; whether that be bosses or just large creatures. After that I would go single-blade. Is it boring when you have so many other options? Yeah, probably. But it does everything so well. There are not any compromises when using it. Dual wield is too weak defensively for me and the blaster stance feels lazy. I get it has some cool combos and is really strong, but meh.
@moehasan7534 Жыл бұрын
Say what you will but double blade might be the best offensive stance as well if you're patient and know the animation times. Those hold-square attacks are so fun to watch and pull off
@Anonyomus Жыл бұрын
Single blade stance would stand out, if you press heavy attacks even once: staggers enemies, does plenty damage, moderate animation times, hits rather quick. Double-blade feels like flashy, but less substance. Feels like half of the spinning blade just goes through and damage is awful. Animations take huge amount of time. Defense is the only viable part of double blade. Other than that, even in crowd control (in which Cal as a Jedi isn't good at anyway), it just doesn't work for me. And I mained double-blade for most of the story, because I mained it in FO. In this game, it ain't worth it. It's cool, but it takes too much time to kill one enemy with double blade while being vulnerable during animations. Crossguard is okay, but way too slow. You gotta play passively and predict a lot of enemy movement before attacking. Dual wield is okay, but haven't yet found too much of use of it yet. But it is far better for crowd control than double blade. Blaster stance is faster version of single blade with range. Much more ergonomic and efficient than any other stance in terms of animation. I don't like the blaster in design, but it is really viable stance. Especially against big enemies. The only way you can keep your sanity in Coruscant Force Tear is the fully upgraded blaster stance. Remember this. And looking at this gameplay, you don't use skills at all that define these stances on how they work. If this is how you play this game, then no wonder some stances feel lackluster. Edit: correction to dual wield
@Yuurei21 Жыл бұрын
I save the single or double blade for boss fights. I use the blaster stance strictly for immersion.
@g1yugioh640 Жыл бұрын
I love using the blaster and crossguard stances. They made the game for me honestly so much fun. Also i almost always go for heavy builds and big swords in games like the soulslike ones 😅
@jimbeaux89 Жыл бұрын
I use only double blade and blaster. I think the cross guard stance is beyond stupid. His movements remind me of shulk. Like having an extra foot on your lightsaber isn’t going to make you swing it as if you were swinging a 60lb 2 handed mace. It’s a “laser sword”. Lasers don’t have much weight, if any.
@maxbeech4899 Жыл бұрын
It’s the least novel of all of them but single blade can do anything. My first play thru I went single blade and blaster style the whole time and did just fine- was on Jedi knight difficulty though so idk if a higher difficulty might require you to switch it up more
@Th_Uslss_Indvdl Жыл бұрын
Love the double blade for blaster defense. I always have it on me.
@TheProfessordank Жыл бұрын
I pretty much only used the single bladed stance. The most acrobatic style, works best for form 4 lightsaber use.
@RagnarokMic Жыл бұрын
Dual wield and crossguard were my go to.
@mickael922 Жыл бұрын
Dual is the best because you have animation cancel. And that on Grand Master is a must have
@Wolfbane1677 4 ай бұрын
I love the single blade stance it feels so natural and fluid, but I felt bored using even after unlocking all the skills for it. The double bladed lightsaber is so easy to use against crowds and rifle users to the points thats all Inuse it for, but when the enemy count falls it just feels to slow and bulky forces me to change my stance. Dule weild feels so smooth and fluid just like single blade just faster and if you time your strikes with doges parries and even the special parry it comes with then you will feel like a bad ass hell its the stance I used most of the game. The blaster stan e was fun and I loved comboing into my blaster shots or charged shots, but I geel the stance it made for small groups of enemies as its combos and counters I feel leave you open for punishment from another enemy unit if the group is bigger sure you can switch to double bladed to take those enemies out easier but if single blade could also deal with those enemies better then its not worth leaving yourself open just to use the blaster. I love cross guard and wish I could use it more, but I can never get the timing right on the slow swings othet then that its a great weapon to use and when you do land an attack on an enemy the combos are so smooth that I thwir health drops fast hell I beat most of the games bosses using the cross guard thanks to its high defense and attack. In the end my gear mainly consist of Dual wield for main combat and Double blades for swarm combat. Oddly enough the reason why I like playing with this combo is mainly because of Force unleashed.
@leocreuu3254 Жыл бұрын
I was exactly in the same mindset about the cross guard always go for speed on mele games but towards the end of the game It wound up growing on me. I maxed out the duel wield first and kind of put the double bladed on the back burner before getting its abilities but it’s easily the best stance abilities even more fun then the duel wield. Duel wield is good when your learning to parry
@TheFearsomeWaffle Жыл бұрын
Cross Guard takes an absolute dump on the hammer bros in the raider faction particularly if you open with that heavy overhead chop (first skill you get). That either full breaks their guard or nearly breaks it so you just use like one basic attack to open them up then follow with your Force heavy on Triangle/Y button which throws them half the time. Can also Force lift them and do the charged throw to ravage them hard. Most of this also applies to Dark Trooper Sentries but instead of big staggers you like one shot their arms off. Between those two enemy types, the BX Hybrids and BX Melees and the Raider Elites or Purge Troopers with the staves and even the Magna-Guards you can straight bully the harder enemies with Cross guard and put them all down fast. Then switch to Dual Blade[d] or Blaster [for] anything that's not a heavy elite.
@mrwillmoi 11 ай бұрын
Is double bladed and blaster stance a good combo?
@the_sixxness Жыл бұрын
The Single stance has many new looks in Survivor. And is has the best aerial attacks in the game.
@pausecode Жыл бұрын
I’ve been rockin’ the double blade since I got it at the beginning, paired with the dual wield and then after I got the crossguard I tried it out and enjoyed it so I switched out dual wield for the crossguard and I’m probably gonna stick with these til the end of the game as well as NG+ the blaster stance I think is only really useful if you want to xp grind but I wouldn’t recommend doing it unless you want to just unlock all your skills early.
@chriscote601 Жыл бұрын
Playing my first go on the difficulty below grand master and i run dual wield and cross guard. Its so much fun.
@randomcommenter3662 Жыл бұрын
Me personally i like to use dual blades with cross guard because they cover each others weaknesses dual sabers are weak blocking stamina so when i need to block and pary a lot of blasters cross guard will last but when there's a lot of melee enemy dual blades definitely help me get in and out but for slower enemys or if an enemys guard has been broken leaving them stuned potentially getting a couple swings in with crossguard destroying there health
@codyvanderzwaag8031 Жыл бұрын
I re-specced a few times throughout the game, but I kept coming back to both double blade and crossguard
@montyboon4127 Жыл бұрын
For me i use the Double blade and the crossguard. However for Main bosses i use the duel wield as it has attack cancel and it means you have a little bit of time to parry if you go to attack but the boss is also attacking
@anotherfacelessname9270 Жыл бұрын
The only stance I dislike in the game is the dual wield stance. Other than when he's blocking blaster bolts (which looks hella badass in dual stance), I think he looks goofy, plus, dual lightsabers are really overdone in starwars. Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad they included it, because I know people love dual wield, but for me, I just don't like the way it looks.
@jtfbreedlove Жыл бұрын
The one change I'd like to the gameplay is cycling thru your unlocked stances with l/r on the d-pad or numpad on keyboard.
@n0body550 Жыл бұрын
I think they have it set up the way they have for a reason
@cameronkelty8725 Жыл бұрын
people making guides on this game without playing on grandmaster is really silly imo i played through a vast majority of the game with the dual wield and double bladed sabers however boss fights like rayvis and bode i literally could not use them, i died over and over again trying to use those stances, i had to switch over to blaster stance for bode (which is sort of fitting) and the cross guard for rayvis, i know the hardest difficulty is rough but it really teaches you on what works and what doesn’t, on lower difficulties you can basically use whatever you want anyways
@SammyBoiiiSW Жыл бұрын
I'm currently playing the game on Grandmaster my guy. This gameplay is all from before launch and was on Jedi Master to fly through the story before the embargo date. Even if I didn't play on Grandmaster, claiming people can't make guide content if they don't play on that difficulty is cringeworthy levels of condescending 😂
@cameronkelty8725 Жыл бұрын
@@SammyBoiiiSW i’m not trying to be condescending buddy, all i’m saying is that the tips you have provided literally don’t work at higher difficulties, while i’m sure that someone out there can beat the whole game with whatever stance they want on the hardest difficulty these are just not good tips for any one trying to learn the mechanics of the stances other than double blade, especially when the title is to “master the stances” (when this is just a basic breakdown) i think the only cringeworthy thing here is you getting butt hurt of someone having a difference of opinion with something in your video but hey what do i know 🤷🏻‍♂️
@RoadManYT Жыл бұрын
@@SammyBoiiiSW yeah saying this is the definitive way to "master the stances" in the video and even titling it that people are using the "WRONG" stance isn't condescending at all. especially when you failed to talk about any of the skill trees or abilities of the stances and basically admitted that you didn't even use the single blade because it's not as flashy. if you're argument for not going further in depth on the skill trees and abilities is "it's just a short/basic rundown" that you wanted to push out asap for views because the game is new then again, postering yourself as the ultimate authority on this is what's cringe.
@IsraTheBlack Жыл бұрын
Dual wield stance is better than you think, it can guard cancel at any time so you can be as aggressive as you want.
@peterlanguila4028 Жыл бұрын
I like the cross guard because it looks good asf during the fight cutscenes
@Jonnygriz Жыл бұрын
Blaster stance is the only stance i could beat rayvis with. It has a better range with its thrusting attack
@HelplessTeno Жыл бұрын
They're all capable in their respective roles. You can go through the whole game with double-blade if you want, even though it's weak against single targets and probably the 2nd weakest stance overall, especially on Grand Master. There's no "wrong" stance. You took your preference and passed it off as being objectively better than everything else, even though it's quite the opposite. Double-Blade is great against multiple weak targets like droids or regular troopers, but it falls short against bosses, larger targets, and most solo encounters compared to the other stances. Crossguard is probably the "worst" simply because you have to time and space your attacks really well or you'll leave yourself open to attacks. This video is a great example of someone spouting opinion as fact instead of focusing on objective differences.
@SquirrilahFish Жыл бұрын
"Wouldn't bother using single blade" ... you're DELUSIONAL! Single is the 2nd best stance IMO Single also had THE BEST combo's + the most distance with the Ariel moves.
@crasovius Жыл бұрын
Blaster + double-bladed is like easy mode. Blaster for single-target, double-bladed for multi-target. It made Jedi Knight so easy that the contrast to being locked to single lightsaber against that certain Sith Lord on Jedha made me rageswitch down to story mode for that boss only.
@allandm Жыл бұрын
Your have more defense with the crossguard, so i think you are meant to focus on parrying and only attacking when you broke their guard or is sure the enemy is done with their combo
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