這個案件很經典,一些花絮和後續潛在商機如下: Hearsay字樣的T Shirt Muffin 梗 辯方律師的跳針問題和JD有趣的回答 Milani All in one Correcting kit 粉盒門 辯方律師自毀前程式的聽證會過程 Shannon Curry vs. Dawn Hughes ......
Great production, Mr K. Thank you so much for giving Johnny Depp a voice among the Chinese-speaking audience. I wasn't Johny's fan until I realised Amber has BPD (borderline personality disorder). I've got many years of first hand experience with someone having BPD and only narrowly escaped being destroyed by it. The Depp vs Heard trial not only testified that women are capable of abusing men but also that its verdict validated all the silent victims of psychological abuse behind closed doors... where the perpetrators are too often women.
Lunch time is 老K time! 有小伙伴像我一樣 希望老K每天更新的請舉手🙋🏻♀️!
@cocoll86352 жыл бұрын
我只能说,一开始,我也很想支持Amber, 没有听过Amber 2016年的指控和口供;但是看她现在的法庭供词,她有哪次(家暴)可以不进医院?特别卡手指和扯头发那两次--前者你第二天能走路?后者被打到失去意识,她放的照片是……可以用化妆品盖掉?一个男生认真地给女生两个巴掌(不戴戒指),脸除了淤青,还会是肿的(别提眼睛可能会充血,耳膜可能会裂)!看着这些照片”证明“之后,我觉得shame on Amber,她完全就是拿家暴来开玩笑的。