心里的洞,不同时代,不同国家,是用不同的东西及经历去填满的. 例如,朋友一起说当兵的苦乐事,那么这些人大多是新加坡人. 有许多人一起说创业的辛苦,可能是一群非大学生. 没有大学经历,也不一定会后悔. 因为同样时间内, 可能遇到更好的经历. 反之, 有大学经历的, 也有可能认为失去了体验更精彩人生的机会. 社会大学的存在比正统学术大学更早. 所给的经验五花八门,更精彩,更刻骨鸣心. 所出的人才更多. 反条条大路通罗马. 不要有执念, 老死在一条路上. 学会放下, 就会看到更多机会. There's a silver lining behind every dark cloud
@ChoyMooiKong Жыл бұрын
@ahhu4902 Жыл бұрын
Doctor, your topic today was pretty positive and meaningful, you are not only a doctor but also a good teacher.
@jiefkong1248 Жыл бұрын
@liqjyecheong607 Жыл бұрын
@nigeltatwai3107 Жыл бұрын
OMG~~ Laugh die me ! Suddenly sing pula..... I am a medical doctor, one year your junior Ah Chong. And i totally agree with your topic today. I am dealing with my dato datin and even Tan Sri now.... yes, they earned a lot with great social status, but eventually many of them went back to study in order to obtain the Dr. title because that is something that they have missed out. It is like an empty hole that need to patch up in order to complete the cycle. And yes, there are many ways to obtain the "Dr" title in Malaysia. Some even can buy it.... but i can assure you, buying it and obtaining it urself is totally different feeling. Buying it aka faking it , you wont get the satisfaction that you will get by obtaining the title title by yourself! Good job Ah Chong ger !
I never been to a university to study but I went to Universiti Malaya in the 80's to sit for exam. My exam centre was in Dewan Tunku Canselor. Then I went for my Covid-19 jab in UM too.
Education is a tool to help Ur develop our future . Not necessarily educated people will success but at least they are walking on the tar road not stoney road . When I took my CIMA I was rather uninterested but when I graduated I felt like flying in the air
In any country, not everyone can make it to the university or need a degree. A nation needs to balance white and blue collar workers. Gifted child can opt to study other institution. Future Economy will be very different then last 10 years.
chung graduated, of cause u valued your exprience. for those that for some reasons, didnt go Uni, are u saying we are some how short of something in life.