There are 3 hidden lives in this game. The first one is at the very start of Level 1, immediately go LEFT and pick up the life behind the bin, on Level 2 immediately after the truck bit, go to the top left hand corner of the screen and pick up the life, on Level 3 you accidentally found the life immediately below the alien head, centre of the screen at the bottom. When you're surrounded back and front, do your standing special to avoid a beat down. Any enemies who grab you e.g R.Bear, do your standing special to break the hold. Keep using the up and jump to land. You stopped using it and lost a lot of health. I hope this helps.
@MegaverseofPreston28 күн бұрын
When I play again I will try and remember this, once again my friend, thank you for the tips and tricks :) So much of good advice and help. It's trying to remember it all :)