Strata prime uses a hall effect sensor to read a magnet's position. It is much more of a linear signal and more responsive than a FSR (force-sensitive resistor) which the Strike Pro SE uses. The only downside is that a hall-effect sensor is active in that it requires power (generally 5v) to operate where a FSR is passive and requires no additional power. I've created an arduino solution that allows a hall-effect sensor with the Stirke Pro SE and it is worlds better.
@ClayFunk7 ай бұрын
👀 that sounds cool 😎
@The0nlyy9 ай бұрын
I have the Strike Pro and the hi-hat is absolutely garbage imo. I’ve tried messing around in the settings but can’t get it to sound right. The volume for closed and open doesn’t match. And it does not function like an actual hi-hat at ALL when opening / closing it. My ride bell also stopped working less than a year into owning the kit. And my mesh bass drum head got a hole from my plastic beater within a year as well. To fix that I put Evan’s patches on the front AND back of the replacement head and it’s holding up much better now.
@ClayFunk9 ай бұрын
Have you messed with the VEL (velocity) setting 99=soft and 0=loud many people miss that one. The Strata is not going to work with the SE which is a disappointment. One would’ve thought Alesis would invest into the former flagship. So we would have to spend $1600 + instead of make upgrades.
@PumaPhreak19 ай бұрын
I'm also a Strike Pro SE user and am interested in the Prime kit.
@ClayFunk9 ай бұрын
For us, do you agree with changing out the hats first, if the prime allows?