千尋のワルツ(千と千尋の神隠し)00:00 丘の町(耳をすませば)04:25 ハトと少年(天空の城ラピュタ)07:42 晴れた日に(魔女の宅急便)11:00 海の見える街(魔女の宅急便)14:23 ひまわりの家の輪舞曲(崖の上のポニョ)17:34 鳥の人(風の谷のナウシカ)22:33 マーニー(思い出のマーニー)26:46 カントリー・ロード(耳をすませば)32:26 世界の約束(ハウルの動く城)37:09 風のとおり道(となりのトトロ)41:54 時には昔の話を(紅の豚)46:25 アシタカとサン(もののけ姫)50:57 ひこうき雲(風立ちぬ)55:23 演奏、編曲:kno Twitter: twitter.com/knopiano Instagram instagram.com/?hl=ja Arranged and Performed by kno Waltz of Chihiro(From"Spirited Away")00:00 A Hilly Town("Whisper of Heart")04:25 Pidgeons and a Boy("Laputa:Castel in the Sky")07:42 On a Clear Day("Kiki's Delivery Service")11:00 A Town with an Ocean View("Kiki's Delivery Service")14:23 Rond of The House of Sunflowers ("Ponyo on Cliff by the Sea")17:34 Bird Person("Nousicaä of the Valley of the Wind")22:33 Marnie("When Marnie Was There")26:46 Take Me Home, Countory Roads("Whisper of the Heart")32:26 The Promise of the World("Howl's Moving Castle")37:09 The Path of the Wind("My Neighbor Totoro")41:54 Once in a While, Let's Talk About The Old Days("Porco Rosso")46:25 Ashitaka and San("Princess Mononoke")50:57 Vapor Trail("The Wind Rises"55:23 Twitter: twitter.com/knopiano Instagram instagram.com/?hl=ja Arranged and Performed by kno