Did you know?とかYou know?など今までに動画で学んできたことが実際の会話の中で聞いて使い方を再確認できたり、「あ、あれか!!」と理解できたりしたのが嬉しかったです😊始めはなるべく字幕なしで聞いたのですが、割と理解できました。清家さんの日本語が入ることでヒントになって分かりやすかったです😊 私のバレンタインの思い出は清家さんの思い出の逆バージョンみたいな感じです✨中学生の頃に友だちと家までいって勇気を出して渡しました😁❤️清家さんの話で思い出しました‼️ I wanna give you chocolates on this Valentine's Day🥰
When my daughter was little, she gave me a letter. She could not write letters yet, so she drew many pictures. That was my sweetest memory of Valentine’s Day .
All in English・・・すごく勉強になる😊 何回か、聞くのに、見ないで、音声だけで聞いたりもします。 でも、二人のやりとりは見たいから、最低1回は、動画も必ず見ます。 kinda It could be 色々、使い方が気になりました。 また動画お願いします😉 『サミシマス』私も、I've never heard that !!! でも、上手な言い方ですね。 私のことですけどーーー😅苦笑 ハートのミートローフの話・・・ おそらく、ハート型のハンバーグを作ってあげる感覚に近いのではないでしょうか〜❓ だから、なんで、清家くんが怖いと思わはったのか、 ちょっと、わからなかったですが😅 みっちゃん、彼氏がいるの❗️❓ なんかちょっと悲しくなっちゃった。 清家くんとカップルになってほしいと思ってたんで〜 (インスタで、お二人の動画を見つけた時、 カップルが発信してるんだと思ってたんで。) 私は、今カナダにいますが、付き合うのに、はじめ、告白文化がそもそもないと 知った時、じゃあ、一体、どっから彼氏、彼女になったと理解できるのか❓ 正式に、彼氏彼女になるまでに、何人も同時進行、普通とも聞きますが、 そういう、日本の常識と、違うようなところの感覚も紹介してほしいです。
日本のバレンタインデーとホワイトデーは同時発生ではありません。どちらもお菓子メーカーの仕掛けで、まず「女性→男性」のバレンタインデーが始まりました。かなり経ってから「男性からのお返し」としてのホワイトデーが始まりました。アメリカではそもそも Valentine's Day が「女性→男性」限定ではないから、ホワイトデーの必要もないのでしょう。
Wow, many boys have done like Seike! On Valentines Day, boys tend to get nervous and they searched in their desks of school thoroughly. And no one could find what they wanted, though😂
@Junko-jq5ge4 жыл бұрын
I like Valentine's day in States! So romantic! When I was a kid, I used to get angry at ''girichoco'' which were given to my dad on Valentine'sday!! I was jealous, so that I took them away and cried ''Don't eat the chocolates😫'' Even my mom didn't mind at all, though haha😂 That's a good memory now! Thanks for another interesting movie! It was really fun😄
みっちゃん's memory is so sweet 😍🥰 ところでwhereが結構出てましたが使い所があやふやなので深掘りしてほしいです!🤔 あと英語と日本語の字幕あるのがすき😊
@NAOnopokopoko3 жыл бұрын
@shinoutoshi10924 жыл бұрын
Every day I enjoy this channel. I've never given any present to anyone on Valentine's day, but when I was a high school student, my 'co-hi'(younger members of the club I belonged to) gave me some chocolate. In Japan on Valentine's day a lot of girls exchange chocolate with each other. This chocolate is called 'tomo-choco', which confirms their friendship.
I don’t like Valentine’s Day because I feel lonely. I every year ask for a shift on the day at the work.haha
@ゆらまちこ4 жыл бұрын
That reminds me of my Valentine’s Day. It was 45years ago, though. At that time, Valentine’s Day was not so popular,but I had a special feelings about a guy. He liked smoking, so I didn’t want him to take my thought seriously and I bought him a chocolate shaped cigarette. When I handed it to him, I was so intense. After that I satisfied with my bravery. Because it was my first time to confess my feelings to a guy.
@nakachan43 жыл бұрын
クリボッチ? 意味深‼️
@noahchannel6144 жыл бұрын
"Micchan speaks all in English and Seike speaks Japanes. As always. That was fun!!
@banachek92594 жыл бұрын
Just between you and me… I always put on 10kgs after Valentine's Day. I don't want to get metabolic syndrome.😅
I have never given chocolates to someone. So I don't feel the Valentines day is special day.
@ex_poison3 жыл бұрын
@tomoz0mofucomomo4 жыл бұрын
I had a experience too but the opposite way with Seike. When I was in the junior high, I gave a chocolate to a boy who I thought was cute and he did the same thing at his front door, just like Seike did! I felt like my love to him was smashed to the floor and sadly went home. 27 years later, I found out that he was still single and I have a lovely husband who takes good care of me, and felt like “BOOM!”