Hi,Lilly!! I'm probably the farmer's daughter. He was complimenting you. I went there on an excursion when I was in elementary school. It's sad that the place of memories is gone. I hope you find a good place for you. I'm looking forward to see you someday!!
Surprised that the farm is still preserved/kept perfectly, and also watch out for bears, when going to the hill side.🚜 🐻
@cimajeenvet3 жыл бұрын
I would say the ruins of ranch is a good place to start a stock farm. It would need a lot of fix but better than start from scratch:)
@一休寿-k8h3 жыл бұрын
@edrussele11813 жыл бұрын
@cassiopeia4133 жыл бұрын
I have been very excited to see your new adventure. Thank you very much for sharing your experience in a real time. There is one thing that makes difficult for me to watch your channel which is random going back and forth between two languages. I hope you can stop switching langueges, speak in one language at a time. I will be able to enjoy watching your KZbin that way.
Glad to hear around 9:00 the song of The Sound of Music all of a sudden from our "LIlie" Andrews, who must be a reborn of one of my favorite singers in the 60's. ^^ Not only a bear spray, I would recommend to carry with you a bear bell and a portable radio. These are not high-tech products but so-so effective for some bears that are not get accustomed to those yet. Wish you always "bear" in mind that selling is much more difficult than buying as far as INAKA properties are concerned. (since Supply >> Demand) There are some more to be taken into account but will talk at other opportuinities ... Have a nice and proactive life here in Japan, my dear Lillie san! ^^
Hi Lilly san , good afternoon this time. your trying to find your best place to live in the Mountain longer is the very good shooting material . so for me, I may already loved in your independence mind alreay? in anyway, I have captivated by your life style that you are trying to find a new land .yes it is difficult you to chooce the place . if you could decide to iive place , how about your brother will help you to develop it with you?
It's interesting that a Japanese word 'Fun-iki' which I couldn't catch at first time comes out in English sentence. You're thinking abstract notion rather in Japanese, aren't you? Btw, if you are prepared for snow and bears, Hokkaido is wider and plainer because you'll feel troublesome to climb up and down with getting old though hi-guma is wilder than tsukinowa-guma.
Finally LILLY discovers the GARDEN of EDEN ? ついにエデンの園を見つけたね!! Lilly efforts and dreams whether it will be heaven or hell そこが天国になるか地獄になるかはリリーの努力と夢 bears before hibernation are very dangerous 冬眠前の熊は危険 this video in daytime is so nice but it's pitch dark at night .この動画は昼間の為すごく景色がきれい、でも夜になれば真っ暗. The mountainous area of Japan are magnificent 日本の山岳地帯は雄大 Be very careful 十分に気を付けて!!
こんばんは〜あの場所狩の獲物の破棄場所だと、きっと熊とか肉食動物の台所になってますよね。熊は食べ物に執着するらしいので、土で埋めても毎日ご飯食べに来ると思います。食べるものなかったら、飼ってるヤギとか食べちゃうと思うので、あの場所は危ないかもです。 I think people are dumping dead animals in that former farm, so bears and other animals go there to eat the dead meat. So, even if you fix the ground, bears would go to the place and look for food. So it may not safe for you to live there by yourself.
There are many choices for agriculture!? There are many options in Japan, such as dairy farming, rice farming, upland farming, beekeeping, vinyl house farming, mushroom farming, flower farming, and poultry farming. As a business manager, please consider what kind of agriculture is attractive and do your best.