I would buy higher price tag items because I appreciate their quality. I wouldn’t buy a replicate because I respect R & D. Most rich people I know don’t need to look at price tag. Why would they spend the time to look for a replica when they can just buy the one more accessible to them? Remember time is money. The time they would spend to shop for a replica they would have made enough money to buy the real one already. If the rich person you know use replica, they are probably not rich themselves. Although their parents maybe rich.
@ChrissySlora013 жыл бұрын
Agree. If I have money and want to buy a clothes, instead of spending time researching and worrying about quality and size of a replicate item put online, I will directly go to the website of a brand, find an apporiate size. I know it will be durable. Actually most of not-so-rich people doing the same thing, instead of comparing specs of different smartphone, they directly buy an iphone. Just most of people haven't realized it. Mark Zerkberg's everyday Tshirts are actually extremely expensive.(As a middle class people in Asia, you would shock someone buy a Tshirt at this price). He doesn't care about the look, but he does care about the quality.
很多地方说的是对的,但是片面了些。你并不是了解每个人的喜好,不是每个人都死要面子活受罪的,不过也不能排除有人会这样。奢侈品不只是奢侈这个名称而已,还与质量挂钩,到了一定的年龄,有了一些积蓄,为什么要买地摊货呢,用了一次就扔了,不仅破坏环境还很浪费(小钱也能积攒成大钱)。不如存一笔钱买个好质量的产品可以用很久,或者可以用一辈子,还能传给下一代,比如说便宜的首饰,衣服,鞋包 vs 真金首饰,轻奢衣物,轻奢或者奢侈品鞋包。我买奢侈品是我真的喜欢,适合我的日常需求,还可以传给孩子们。地摊货和奢侈品真不是一样的用处。我身边家里富有的小姐姐们真的不是炫富,她们就是喜欢买好质量的自己喜欢的东西。一句话,不管什么品,自己喜欢才是主要的,别管别人怎么想,也别去随便judge别人。