Рет қаралды 196,796
large salivary gland
situated in anterior part of digastric triangle
size of walnut
weighs about 15-20gms
roughly J - shaped
posterior border of mylohyoid divides the gland into
large superficial part
small deep part
partially enclosed b/n two layers of investing layer of deep cervical fascia
superficial layer
covers the inferior surface of gland - is attached to base of mandible
deep layer
covers the medial surface of gland - attached to mylohyoid line
Superficial Part
fills the digastric triangle
superiorly - deep to mandible upto mylohyoid line
inferiorly - overlaps stylohyoid & posterior belly of digastric
Inferior surface
cervical branch of facial N deep fascia
facial V
submandibular lymph node
Lateral surface
submandibular fossa insertion of medial pterygoid facial A
Medial Surface
Deep Part
small in size
deep to mylohyoid
superficial to hyoglossus Extent
posteriorly - continuous with superficial part round the posterior border of mylohyoid
anteriorly - it extents upto posterior end of sublingual gland
laterally - mylohyoid
medially - hyoglossus
above - lingual N with submandibular ganglion
below - hypoglossal N
Submandibular Duct / Wharton’s duct
Thin walled
about 5cms long
emerges at the anterior end of deep part
runs forward on hyoglossus
b/n lingual & hypoglossus Ns
At the anterior border of hyoglossus, the duct is crossed by lingual N
opens on the floor of mouth on the summit of sublingual papilla, at the side of frenulum of the tongue.
Blood supply & Lymphatic Drainage
Arterial Supply - Facial A
Venous Drainage - Common facial V or Lingual V
Lymphatic drainage - submandibular Lymph nodes
Nerve Supply
Supplied by branches from
submandibular ganglion.
Branches convey
secretomotor fibres sensory fibres
vasomotor sympathetic fibres from the plexus on facial A
Nerve Supply
Superior Salivatory Nucleus
Nervous Intermedius
Facial N Chorda tympani N
Joins Lingual N
Submandibular Ganglion (Relay)
Submandibular Gland
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