success is a myth

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@Swiss816 Жыл бұрын
Youre the only other person in the world to summarize this feeling ive had for my entire life. I really love you and your work and you have a fan for life. Keep up the amazing work.
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Thank you, that really is so kind. I'm happy I could provide that summary. I did genuinly feel alone with my thoughts for so long, so I'm happy knowing I can help prevent that for others
@AlexandreGarridoLopez Жыл бұрын
Definitely not the only one, you just need to read marxists
@Swiss816 Жыл бұрын
@@AlexandreGarridoLopez Im familiar but Prof V made me personally feel seen on specifically this beat for beat. Its a very specific feeling I cant really put into words but it felt seen and touched for the first time in my entire life after watching this video.
@snowman5173 7 ай бұрын
Here I was about to say the same thing, glad to know we’re not alone at least
@RainTheStrawberry 10 ай бұрын
"live as you want to live, because that is really what success should be" that hit harder than I expected it to, as a young, probably overly ambitious person, this is a really motivational statement.
@ProfessorViral 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for your own kind words. I really hope I can do my best to make that statement one which is easier to follow in this world so it lives up to the motivation it could provide
@Mahlak_Mriuani_Anatman 8 ай бұрын
​@@ProfessorViral but i wanna be a kryptonian :(
@volpe2077 Жыл бұрын
Yet again, thank you for the realness and raw emotion displayed in this video. All these feelings I myself feel but...that I just don't externalize either because no one would take them seriously, or everyone would just dismiss them. All of what you said is the truth plain and simple, I no longer even feel human in a society that only wants its own monetary success and hates me for wanting my own personal success detached from the capitalist machine. I no longer feel human in a world that forces me to have NO free time for myself just to /survive/, not even live comfortably. And *taking* that free time for myself is always at a cost, and I always feel awful for it. Whether it's by neglecting people, personal projects, or even my own health by not eating or sleeping as much, there's always a cost to "taking care of myself" and that is SO incredibly wrong. And I feel everybody dismisses these issues because there's the sentiment that we can do nothing to change things, or "that's life, it's always been like this", so why even think about it. Everyone just ignores the problem, ignores YOU bringing up the problem, because *they*'d rather not think about it. I feel hopeless about all this, truly. I feel less human living in this society, and I'm even being gaslit into thinking I'm being unreasonable or whatever. Maybe we just need to wait for newer generations who understand the state of modern society to get into politics, but maybe I'm being delusional.
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
The mention utilizing that free time being a cost is very real to me. I didn't it into those words, but I should have. I feel guilty for a day off because that mentality is what makes others the most money, so its what they push. The second section is just as real. I yell about these things because even my longest friends, whether with more or less resources, all have the mindset of "it is what it is," and refuse to even acknowledge the topic. Being aware of it makes life even worse, so many just dont think about it ever. But I hated feeling alone and weird for simply wanting to be happy. So, I decided to yell. I'm lucky to be able to do that, so I'll keep doing it for those who can't
@marocat4749 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, why is it wht it is and what can b don to adres that no matter how minor, is such an important question.
@colourwave3342 Жыл бұрын
I came into this channel because Makishima Shogo from Psycho Pass is one of my favorite villains and stayed because I thought I was the only who felt this way about the world and I’m glad that I’m not alone in it. Your character analysis of people in anime and being able to show how it reflects our real world speaks
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the very kind words 💙
@zafiruzoma6234 10 ай бұрын
He was too good of a villain they should've saved him for season 2 and have him team up with kogami to take down the Cybil system instead... Well you know the story
@lyr5641 Жыл бұрын
A life of a worker is tragic, for there is always more to do.
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
It makes the dystopian stories where humans become lazy and machines do everything feel so far away. With every advancment we're made to do more, not less
@madengineerkyouma Жыл бұрын
Let's be the villains who laugh maniacally and bring chaos to the world. El. Psy. Kongroo.
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
We must ensure the organization's plots against us fail!
@4k51. Жыл бұрын
"If I can't change all of this by 30, then I'll finally call it quits." That... that hit real close to my heart. A bit too close for comfort even but I guess it's reassuring I'm not the only one that had this thought.
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Looking at that note is what really kicked this all off. I thought about how impossible it was to be everything I felt I needed to be, including being young still, how all villains were that, how the rich could manage it because money, and the train kept going
@jakariashafin1695 Жыл бұрын
​@@ProfessorViral great video as always. Can you make a fate stay night video next if its no issue.
@copiumkiller Жыл бұрын
@@ProfessorViral Growth in YT is not linear. You can have draught for a month getting only X subs and then the next month get X subs every day. Views can 10x increase for upcoming some reason. Sadly the reverse is also true. That is why enjoying the process is the key. To fall in love with experimentation and in this case that writing heals your soul. And even enjoy "boring" job with gamification.
@copiumkiller Жыл бұрын
@@ProfessorViral I too have noticed the trap. Also make more digestable content 8 - 15 min long, separating bigger idea in parts. It would give extra time for jokes and better editing, because for now you have only good analytical writing. Why I should watch this video giving 50%, if others give 100% of what I am looking for?
@OneEyedreaper Жыл бұрын
Same thought process. Been trying to change it to be more positive lol
@RainTheStrawberry 10 ай бұрын
I truly hope that this channel will be able to support you financially, you're one of the realest, rawest people I've ever heard on this platform and you deserve to be able to be supported for it.
@undercore2677 Жыл бұрын
i struggle putting into words how much i appreciate your videos. they truly challenge my views with reason and compassion for others witch is something i struggle with finding in myself. so again thank you so much for making these
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
No problem at all, I'm happy I can help in that way
@erzascarlet7304 Жыл бұрын
One of the biggest questions I've had is "what is happiness?", not just the emotion, but a fundamental ontological reality of that word. I still don't know.
@pink_monster21 Жыл бұрын
Hello, Maybe this video could be of help to you: I do wish the best for you and you can figure out what you are going through.
@anlize3422 Жыл бұрын
The meat grinder must keep grinding and we, the meat, must be happy and honoured that we are going to get into that machine and come out destroyed, so someone somewhere up in the chain can get a few extra dollars. Lately I have noticed that are ways people "rebel" and "engage" in their own style of villany. If you look at stories of malicious compliance you can get a whif of that. Recently in media that has been that talk of "quiet quitting" or, to be put more simply, "only do your job well enough to not get fired". Maybe I am overshooting this, but I feel that you can put this movement in the same theme you worked over in this video. The "sole villain" act we all can take. Not getting neurotic nor getting workaholic. Doing only the minimum so you can focus in whatever is that you want to focus on. It feels almost wrong to "have time" to focus on whatever else that isn't the "daily grind", and that is the more enfuriating thing for me. You're supposed to feel guilty for NOT going 120% for your job, for for having time to kill in the afternoon, for taking a nap after lunch. This "hustle" culture and mentality that drives us even faster into the meatgrind is selfdestructive in the long run, but I have found that pointing that out is utter useless nowadays. Just take the point of climate change, everyone with functioning brain cells KNOWS that is a MASSIVE red flag, but to change that we have to move literall mountains of opposition. So yeah, fuck that. Do the minimum you can without getting beheaded by the system, direct your time to something else that matters to you. To be honest, I don't think there is a way to change things right way(or at all). Only when the entire system collapses on itself by some inner pieces failling or by external providence happening to bring everything screeching to a halt. If maybe we have another "french style" revolution with the elites getting headchopped in the townsquare can we reset this and maybe think of something new, but I believe this particular scenario is just a desilusion I find mildly amusing. All that to bottle away our revolt with the current state of affairs and to cut that violent impulse and urge off to not let it degrade us into simple violent thugs calling for deliverance by the use of violence. Ultimately, it would not do us any good to try to solve things with this way. Violence would only let to the affirmation of "might makes right" and I believe that path would lead us to the same situation we are right now. But to change that we would need to win the battle for the "hearts and minds" of the people (I feel a bit cringy using that phrase) but, to quote the matrix, _"You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it."_ Not that I would argue that people would not fight the system, just that the chains are too heavy, the risk is too great and many are not willing to take that gambit. Heck, I would not be willing to take that gambit. The odds are massively against us. Hence my particular pessimism a few paragraphs above. Thanks for the video Prof, I hope I didn't ramble too much and sorry if my english failed me anytime during this writing.
@derbruderweitz Жыл бұрын
hey, my name is luzifer, I am a 22 year old artist in London. My current focus is on music and poetry, I just wanted to let you know that I am on the same path and that I am deeply, to the core of my heart grateful that you make your videos and spread your truth, and even more, simply that you exist as a human. Not because of what you create here and "produce", but simply because YOU exist. You enrich my heart, soul, mind and the world I live in, I could have not come up with you. Your realness, pureness and ability to reflect on your self and others is inspiring and admirable. My world (on a conceptual level) is a better place because you exist. I usually don´t write comments but I had to let you know that you´re not alone in this fight and that a community is forming, where artists can shine together and support each other, to form a new way of living the human experience, or at least to dismantle forms of oppression and cultivating community and care. I don´t have money to support you in what you do, since I am a struggling artist myself but I vow that I will continue to share your light as I get to shine myself. Because together we shine brighter. I wish you the best and would like to end it with, thank you.
@RhythmLP Жыл бұрын
As someone that is currently between jobs and just barely managed to pay their car note and rent, the "Ones To Hate" section hit home extremely hard. God dammit I hate this system. 😕
@joshuaharris3039 Жыл бұрын
Feel you man; in a similar situation myself and just hope for things to get better
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
It's hard to watch everything run based on the perspectives of those who live in a different reality, a much more comfortable one. I hope everything goes as well as possible for you all until we can make this better overall
@algomi9280 Жыл бұрын
Mid life crisis true face, the peak of your career or life and realized that it not fulfiling. Or your simple dream is almost impossible. Which is a pre mid life crisis. ..
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Thats probably why we're all having crises earlier. Before, you'd get the basic life dream and then realize it wasn't what you wanted. Now, you don't even get that
@izzymosley1970 Жыл бұрын
The reason why I'm subscribed to this KZbin channel is because I find your ideas interesting I don't agree with all of them I do with some of them but definitely not all and because you shared your thoughts with me and because I found them interesting I want to share my thoughts with you even though they may oppose yours but don't take my opposition for hatred. One thing I have to say before I start is that I am a Christian so that does paint my world view a lot but I am also autistic and I'm lucky enough to still live with my parents so most of my knowledge of the world comes from the internet I know I'm in a lucky situation but for whatever reason I also suffer from the one-two punch of anxiety and depression does not like my life is completely easy at least from my perspective so now that all that's out of the way I can start for real now. So I do think you are correct about the myth of success when it comes to the fact that money and material things in general will not make you fulfilled but I also think you are wrong when it comes to things like work and success being completely society constructed because the truth is every living thing needs to work to survive whether it be a plant performing work turning sunlight into nutrients or a animal finding food everything needs to work to survive and I as a Christian think this is a good thing because there is something inherently good about work or at least good work and that is the fact that good work brings more good into the world as well as doing the ultimate good in pleasing God the Bible itself says there'll even be work in heaven so I guess what I'm trying to say my point is that work is inevitable and not invented by society. and obviously as a Christian I believe the best solution to the problems you mentioned in this video is more people becoming Christian which I think you should become a Christian too there is a lot more evidence to Christianity being true then you would think the main reason I even became a Christian is because I was convinced buy the historical argument and historical evidence of jesus's resurrection so I recommend you start there but there's also a lot of good philosophical reasons to believe in Christianity you chould look into that as well. Anyway does comet has gone on long enough and the point of this comment is mainly just for me to share my thoughts I have a lot more in-depth reasons for my beliefs I'm sure you do as well I know this comment was long and probably hard to get through due to my lack of punctuation but I hope you were able to understand my thoughts and whoever may be reading this thank you for reading my comment have a good day and God bless you.
@marocat4749 Жыл бұрын
Ther problem i ther are wa toomany people systemic tht use bing christian in a very unchritian way, to moralie without thmselves holding to any standard, or worse shaming peopl and spreading hate. You might ind more sucess in likeminded peoplle with yout values , and not i they are christian. Because there ar a lot people that are that and are not christian. Just that that arent jut christian values, an a lo chritians definitly arent valuing that in all but name. I ould go with regardless if people are christian i you want that better world, like people dont need to be christian, they need to be better (and if someone becomes chritian, good or them)
@xixivespertine6959 Жыл бұрын
Wow, deeply profound. I am a gen-certain and my son, a millennial sent me this link. It expresses everything I’ve tried to share philosophically abt the nihilism of our society. As a retired high school English teacher and non-professional writer/artist, I have basked in the glow and privilege of teaching dystopic literature while pushing beautiful but sad and confused young minds to explore their innate selves in order to gain access and presence to a deep personal empowerment, evolving toward an emphatic collective empowerment so that the world might be saved through their eloquently expressed, emotionally inspired collective voice and actions born of internal and external transformation. I still believe in you all and I’m so proud to be a parent to a 30-something who feels and gets this. It will all be okay. I promise. Just keep being true to you…always. ❤
@sheepyluvsyou Жыл бұрын
found through “existing only to exist” loved these since
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
@steelbulwark8094 Жыл бұрын
"Live as you really want to live, because that's what success should be!" God... The truth of these words is painful. Personal success brings sustainable meaning of life... But for so many in this cruel world, the pursuit of personal success simply isn't sustainable. There's something to be said for "that which is worth the effort is worth the pain." But... Why does happiness *have* to be painful? Viral, you can't possibly know what this channel has meant to me I've the last couple of months since I found you. I'm gearing up for the move I just made across the nation, I had to sacrifice a lot in order to reach for something I may never have. And this new start has isolated me in a way that even my paranoia never saw. But to feel your struggles through the words you've ushered into existence... I feel impossibly close to someone I've never met. I know that parasocial relationships are often viewed as creepy, but my own neurodivergence registers the vulnerability of your words and admissions as a symbol of friendship... And given that your discontent with the world mirrors my own, in another life, I feel we'd have been fast friends indeed. So thank you. For being real enough to affect me in the ways you've chosen to do so. For trying to affect the lives of others in a positive light. You may be a villain by the rules of the world at large, working within its systems to unsettle its foundation... But to me and those who wish we could fight outside ourselves, you are more of a hero than you may be willing to admit.
@darkmario720 Жыл бұрын
Omg i love your content! Lol i never say that about any other youtuber but i had to this time because you say the things I think about all the time but no one else "seems" to agree with. Whenever i talk about these things people are like "oh you are just thinking negatively you need help". Saying "oh I'll never succeed ever in life I want to die" THAT is negative thinking But Saying "I'll never succeed because I can't afford to fail." Is NOT negative thinking its just making an observation about life as you know it. I hate that people confuse this so much and so glad you appear to know the difference.
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
I get that all the time myself. People tell me to be realistic, but then call me negative when I'm being realistic. I'm glad you gave the example though, because I hadn't explained that distinction myself, and that'll help me in the future!
@xm2895 Жыл бұрын
I relate with you so much, I love your work man, seriously. All the effort you are putting will payoff.
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Thank you, it honestly has so much already with all these kind comments 💙
@xxsnow_angelxx3953 Жыл бұрын
I like listening to somebody's rambling so I feel good about venting too😭
@Peppybead Жыл бұрын
It takes a lot to say those things out loud and for a lot of people. I think your cool for saying the things you said.
@NQG420 Жыл бұрын
You have easily become one of my favorites people to watch because of the way you go into characters explaining them
@joshuaharris3039 Жыл бұрын
Thank You! I wish I had better words but I simply lack the ability to express how much your content touches me, makes me think and pushes me to simply be better but on my terms! I wish I could do more to express my gratitude but this is about the best I can do, at least for now; so, again, thank you so much 😊
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Don't worry, finding the words is very difficult. This one was a process of months of rewording. I'm glad I can help, especially as you put it, on your terms. That's the kind of growth I always wanted to achieve for me and help with others
@Kefkafish Жыл бұрын
HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW VILLAIN?! Legit. Thats a big part of why I went with the moniker I did, theres a touch more to it than all that, some kind of esoteric, some personal, but there reached a point where I realized that a great deal of philosophy becomes being able to stand your own moral ground when against the "VALUE" that other ideas have. Its rough, but I know everyone down here in the comments and the eightyfold who watch your work have an appreciation for it. It has value even outside of the self assigned.
@marquisstewart2904 Жыл бұрын
I recently found a push to try and live a life towards my personal ideals. I want to life a life where I can indulge in worldly pleasures. Not to just indulge in it selfishly but to also share them with others. If I can't live in a world that makes me happy then it's a world I don't want to be in. It is a world I can't allow to continue
@hab0272 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for making this video and questioning the endless chase. I think financial succes is worshipped because too many people experience scarcity. If (lack of) money is the biggest theme in your life it could make you believe that financial syccesful people basically aced life and that life revolves around financial success. But life can be about anything, so why money? Also people tend measure their succes by comparing to others instead of having a personally set standard. If money is the lifeblood of society then it should flow to all the cells of entire body in the right amount.
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
I love that final part. That's what I always try to say; if we're going to base everything on money, then we have to get money to everywhere, or else it's not really a society. It's just the image of one
@aaronoman6460 Жыл бұрын
Nice clip from Flobots - Handlebars at the start. That takes me back. 🙂
@commanderbash9033 Жыл бұрын
I thank you for putting into words what's often difficult to covey about society at large. through a decade of therapy and medications I've come to terms with the false dichotomies of success, pillaging planetary resources, and passing the buck when it comes to clean-up. I wish I had the courage to speak up about it more, even though the platform wasn't really there over a decade ago. While I don't enjoy your suffering, I appreciate you being vocal about it and the many injustices we've incorporated into the fleeting hours we have. Please don't grow complacent, it's not ideology to want people to live better.
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
To be honest, this is just how I seem to be. When people tell me how to "make peace with it all," the logic seems nonsensical. I can't ignore what's really behind all these "normal" things. So, I guess I have to continue, for better or worse. Might as well yell it a bit to hopefully make a change
@commanderbash9033 Жыл бұрын
@@ProfessorViral yell, for as long as you have a heart to; better to try and fail than grow complacent imho.
@AdamGentry211 Жыл бұрын
Your content is very relatable and I appreciate how personal and candid you are (particularly in the last segment). A lot of it is relatable, and I definitely think there is that recurring issue of "working way too hard in service to the goal of creating a life one actually wants to live." We see the pattern and because we see it, we have a desperate hunger to change the pattern.
@lunavee021 Жыл бұрын
Ive always been interested in everything because i enjoy the process of learning and discovery, and also it helped distract me from my depression. Ive self published a book, became the go to guy in my field in half the time, succesfully achieved multiple certifications, etc. Its weird though because those should be measures of success, but it always felt like a "well okay i did this... whats next?" No joy in completing it, and as time goes on those things just seem like a thing i did, not a success ive had. I think i learned that most of those things, like you say, are a product of the systems we are in. You can do something you are passionate about, but it may not make money or get views so was it really success or just a hobby. Real success, in my opinion, is living free of those societal restraints. Unfortunately, we still need money, but if you have the free time, make videos, or sketch in a book, or watch anime or play games. Play games on baby difficulty if they are giving you trouble. What pride will be lost? Make music, even if it isnt popular. Experiment and make whatever you want. If you are enjoying it, and its what YOU want, then that is success.
@indrajith2460 Жыл бұрын
I've never heard words or emotions more real than what I have found here. Thankyou....
@shakenbacon-vm4eu 7 ай бұрын
You’ve helped me, bro. Truly. I really thank you for that.
@teasinghorizon7290 Жыл бұрын
I.. have no words... i most definitely fit the mold of hitting the medical emergency, hell even a car repair will put me in a financial nightmare where i might as well go back out living in my car again. Probably without the car if it needs a repair. The world breaks down the creative everytime and holds the rivh up an higher pedestal each day.... its... soul crushing... makes alot of people feel like why bother? While its cliche to say this, you deserve hapiness... same as all others. Keep being you man.!
@dntcare9472 Жыл бұрын
Bro…. That is how I feel man, I don’t know if I’m going to be successful when I get out of high school.
@Appl3sandgrapes Жыл бұрын
Your stuff brings me hope. Thank you.
@so_far_away 3 ай бұрын
thank you for this amazing video. i recently found your channel and absolutely love your videos. i wish i found you sooner, this is the exact kind of discussion and analysis i crave and you articulate so many feelings that i've been unable to. this video hit really hard, because regardless of my hatred of capitalistic ideas of success and value it's all still so ingrained in me, it makes me feel worthless as someone who is too disabled to ever reach the type of success i've been taught to strive for. idk this was just very comforting i suppose. anyways keep up the amazing work 💜💜
@davidbouchard8963 3 ай бұрын
Goddamn I’m glad i stumbled upon this channel. This is brilliantly said! I could listen to you for DAYS!
@johnlogan7810 Жыл бұрын
This is amazing bro, this taught me a lot about my own experience, gave me some insight into a lesson my parents instilled in me without even teaching me. We aren’t rich, but comfortable, and are immigrants to the US as of 2017, but my parents always put me in different extra curricula activities because he knew a lot of people, never forcing me to pursue anything specific and reassuring me at it’ll be okay if I chose not to. From a young age I took coding classes, music, tennis, basketball, soccer, track, a ton of stuff. Wasn’t a natural at any but persevered out of respect for my dad. And I didn’t realize having that mental Safety net growing up gave me the confidence and joy to fail over and over at different things despite how stupid the odds were, and my peers called it balsy, but I didn’t understand that I was raised “affording” to fail. Out of school started a videography business instead of going to college after working 3 jobs to save up for equipment, after it made me some decent money became a flight attendant for American for a bit, then realized that pilots make way more money so now I’m an airforce C17 maintainer getting my A&P license while getting my degree to commission and fly fighters. Even though it all boils down to luck and well placed hard work, I can’t help but feel lucky that I felt safe to fail and get back up as a kid, and to have achieved and found a lucrative path at only 21
@S7E_Siriel-Privat Жыл бұрын
I have the "luck" of having about 14 hours a day to do whatever with since Cov began in my last year of school. Couldn't find permanent work since then, but I had a lot of time to think about what I want to do with my life and even got to test some of my ideas like live streaming. But with all that thinking about my ideal future I always came to the conclusion that I'd either need more luck than I could ever hope for to change things myself or someone else to change the world so much it wouldn't be recognizable as the one we live in right now. This ended in me writing page after page of plans and notes of ways to get there, but in the end of all this, I reached my final conclusion about 5 months ago, when I got no further than what can be summed up as: We need a societal collapse and complete rebuilding including basically brainwashing half of humanity for everyone to be able to live a happy life. I also can't live with the fact that there are actually people, including in my own family, that just... except this reality. Like, I was creating a Pen and Paper campaign set in the Cyberpunk 2077 world, but as I was describing it to one of the players, they said, they wouldn't see the appeal, that it was just, well, shit, but when I told them it's just like the world we live in right now just turned up half a notch they refused to belief me, literally saying "what you're describing, putting price tags on peoples lives, is bullshit, nobody does that", when I then told them what Nestle is doing in Africa and the CCP did to its people in the late 20th century, they again got into a complete defense stance. At this point I'm just sad that people are that blind or whatever I should call it, that they can't be human beings in my eyes anymore. It's like talking to lifeless husks, zombies maybe, just living for lives sake, not wanting anything but to live until they retire, no ambitions, no willingness to do anything that could be going against societies ideals... The few videos of yours that I've seen since I found this channel a few hours ago really made me happy though. Just having the knowledge that there is a whole community of at least 50k people out there, that think at least vaguely similar helps a lot. It just gives me this feeling of not being completely detached from reality, confirmation not to be insane basically. For this I want to thank you Prof.Viral, for building this community to discover and sacrificing your time, to make ours that much more meaningful through, if nothing else: affirmation that we are not alone.
@MithCypher Жыл бұрын
“You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain” - Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight (2008) Change impacts all current thoughts and cultures, the growing pains of any society for you to (during your lifetime) to come to the realization that change is the only constant in any time period. What is true today could be a lie tomorrow (from a populist outlook). that is why i take the villains example to heart whenever i see them depicted in any media. Their story, background and values its what makes them relatable. All this assuming that if you thrive for success you become a hero, even if for yourself alone...
@fifilulu5999 Жыл бұрын
You know, the more and more people repeat a single word, the less meaning that word holds. I think "sucess" has become just another one of those words.
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
When that happens to a word, do we recontextualize it for the current world? Or move away from it? I'd argue when it stops to lose meaning, those with a vested interest will just shift the concept and repackage it, ie hustle culture, "the grind," being sold as good, even though they're just subsets of success
@kynhaunmaddox2954 11 ай бұрын
Hey man I know it’s not much but your videos really put life into perspective in a positive way you are the only person I have found that does this by using the negative things that consume us and this world and showing us the negatives and positive of it all life sucks ever second is spent on survival and it sucks every day we have to eat to live every day we have to work to live and there is no other choice you will simply die most days I wish I was not born here and could leave but I told myself I would take life one day at a time and your voice and videos and ideas really help keep me positive when faced with the un winnable fight of life I hope this comment helps and don’t stay negative you will feel it ever day but tru to enjoy it when you can
@elios7623 Жыл бұрын
i'm pretty sure this video will be valid for the rest of life...... until the end of time
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
I hope not, at the very least. I hope one day this video looks absolutely wrong and silly
@elios7623 Жыл бұрын
@@ProfessorViral ik me too....
@bigboss6867 Жыл бұрын
Once upon a time (10 years ago to be precise), I went to college to try and become the next big thing in comics with a degree in graphic design; however, as time passed with the industry changing and after an unpaid internship at Dark Horse. My dream of success fractured before me as I realized the chances of publication in a toxic industry were slim. After dropping out and moving back home for a time, I'm better off with a regular job that pays well and has benefits. Sure, I could have gone independent and all but after the costs for ad space and having to work a day job to fund everything. It would have been more of a slog just to try and reach success and my dream would of easily turned into my worst nightmare.
@tonynightmare Жыл бұрын
Not sure if you remember me - but I left a comment on your channel years ago - I can’t remember what about… but anyway… I’m ashamed to say I fell off - watching other KZbinrs that destroy my brain cells instead of watching videos like this. That provoke deep thought and emotion. I’ve been pulling myself out and getting myself into “emotional mucks” desperately searching for people who can sympathize and empathize, but that’s difficult (insert excuse here to why it’s difficult). I can’t tell you why I fell off from your channel, I respect you enough (even though I don’t know you) not to bullshit you. But I guess the answer I can give is life. I feel you on those 70 hour work weeks. Work has consumed my life and… I’m okay with that. Maybe it’s coz I didn’t have a career goal in mind. I’ve had career ideas, but they were never set in stone. I found my career - I’m currently in it, but I wouldn’t really call it success, however, fulfillment. I’m about a year and change into my new career and I’ve had a mental breakdown crying actual tears, daily anxiety pains dealing with an incompetent manager and dealing with bullshit that may be minuscule to most. But for what ever reason, I still fucking wake up at 3:30 in the morning and enjoy what I do. If my opinion counts for anything - I say screw those KZbin algorithm numbers coz 50,000 people still give a shit about what you have to say. You keep doing what you’re doing bruv!
@vulcaire Жыл бұрын
i think a good anime example of how it plays out for most non-succesful ppl is cyberpunk edgerunners. David started very close to the bottom, his only silver lining being his mother's good rep with the edgerunners. He put in all the effort but still ended up getting many of his friends and himself killed in a pointless battle meant to test out some new technology. sometimes if you not it, you not it. I like to think David died happy tho, much like how we must imagine sisyphus happy, though David reached the top and is pushed all the way down again (to his death) there is meaning in that suffering, and he found his peace in that meaning. Idk cyberpunk edgerunners is a rlly cool show yall.
@LeviathanJoho Жыл бұрын
Great vid! Keep it up!
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@rezx1003 Жыл бұрын
Love your videos! I am lucky where I am despite the downfalls, thank you for this video! I have been blessed with time to work on art despite medication making me a zombie or having a mental disability, I atleast have canadian health care and despite just scraping by doing odd jobs, I still have time which is very important!
@Kitsun3-da-0 11 ай бұрын
"We are told that, in Spain, when Caesar was at leisure and was reading from the history of Alexander, he was lost in thought for a long time, and then burst into tears. His friends were astonished, and asked the reason for his tears. 'Do you not think,' said he, 'it is matter for sorrow that while Alexander, at my age, was already king of so many peoples, I have as yet achieved no brilliant success?'" (Plutarch, Life of Caesar, 11,5-6)
@darkmario720 Жыл бұрын
***Gives you a Hug***
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Thank you 🤣
@badassproductions4734 Жыл бұрын
Something I always said too myself was I'd be so far ahead in life if I just had money, if I just had a leg up in life. This truly encourages me, as a light fan getting rid of my foolish pride and truly aiming to understand. What a ride.
@delitahyral6221 Жыл бұрын
i am a sad soul living in the gigantic monster that is mexico city, your videos make me feel a little less alone and they are awesome.
@King_Of_Curses_09 Жыл бұрын
around the end and i just wanna tell you what you have done for me. You've helped me develop as a person and further flesh out my ideologies. im a rather priveleged brat who has all the time he'd need to do whatever he wants. yet i sometimes find the world not worth living for. these ideologies that im learning about and the concept that i can live in a way that will mean something to me helps me to.. well keep living haha
@chaoticlucifer Жыл бұрын
Ah excited to find time to watch this this week :3 I feel so behind in your videos!
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Don't worry, I'm behind on creative works from my friends as well. Take your time!
@johnhigh3914 Жыл бұрын
We are not what we have or what we take. We are what we give. Giving our honest understanding is a great contribution in a world full of lies. We can't change the world but we can change ourselves. The world can limit us but don't let it limit your heart. When the world gets dark and tries to erase and control our nature, be seen and heard. Be a light in the darkness.
@rexsalisbury3646 Жыл бұрын
I live for the day but plan for the next..
@dwayneasher6765 Жыл бұрын
Your videos are awesome please do a video on mobile suit gundam iron-blooded orphans
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
It's one I'll have my eye on for the future, I've heard good things
@michaelmoody5271 Жыл бұрын
I've been feeling so trapped lately. It feels like the only freedom I have is to ignore all the problems around me. I watched psycho pass for the first time this year and it almost feels like we're already living in that world. Not because there's some artificial autocracy, but because it feels like I've already lost my free will. Most of us are forced into careers that we don't want because it keeps us fed. We're too afraid to speak out on injustice because it won't do anything other than put a target on our back. I'm honestly scared because every day my dreams get pushed back further and further. The only hope left in me is knowing that I'm not alone and everyone else feels the same way.
@arcee9810 Жыл бұрын
ayo your black lagoon videos are still great even if theyre underappreciated
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Thank you! They're still a favorite to put together for sure
@justic7033 Жыл бұрын
Fellow pittsburgh love your content brother
@Mehno97 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I just wanted to say one unrelated thing: I think you are damm attractive. Im not usually attracted to men but you definetly are a pleasent suprise for me. Also: I didnt comment so far on your channel but your channel is honestly interessting. love it alot. For me you are the best anime/art-analyst channel right now.
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for both compliments! Glad I can be interesting in two ways haha
@NieJestemzPolskiPL Жыл бұрын
I have no words, such a good work here... 43:11 SOOOO TRUE!!!
@AmaknightSAMA Жыл бұрын
Bro keep up the awesome work and trust in the process. Your time will come where you will shoot to the top of your craft!
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Thank you, I hope so, but either way I'm happy with what I've done!
@AmaknightSAMA Жыл бұрын
@@ProfessorViral you’ve got so many absolutely amazing videos on your channel. All of them being high quality ideas and discussions.
@light4906 7 ай бұрын
I wanted to thank you, and to congratulate you, on your achievements and your curage to shere your thoughts. I know it comes from a place of dedication, and sometimes is hard to keep believing in ourselves, I was trying to sleep, but I wanted to express something. Thabk you, for taking your time, and sharing this with us. I can only say about myself, but I know others feels this way too. Now I can go to sleep, hehehe. Be safe, and and again, thank you!
@ProfessorViral 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing just the seem. Seeing kind support is a huge reason of why I can be dedicated!
@MegaAmmar46 Жыл бұрын
Please don’t stop making videos selfish as it sounds. I look forward to hearing your nuanced takes on relating anime to our stupid ass existence weekly. Between work, school, and the idiots i have to deal with daily it feels like I’m going insane. Getting to just kick back and listen to you is one of the few things i still enjoy in this fucking hell.
@gatorssbm Жыл бұрын
Such a well constructed video and sad it hasnt gotten much attention months later, hope you do eventually find some success. I feel ya at the end having to balance time to the point of rarely having time to do stuff I want to do but overall I still feel more satisfied pouring into other people than myself in most time and even having a shitty job that goes nowhere I still feel like I contribute to something. Otherwise I wouldnt really call you selfish if youre more goal oriented hardly ever having time to be with people, I dont think itd be healthy for either parties for you to be burned out to try and keep those connections alive too forcibly. Its hard to enjoy life when you self guilt yourself but its easier said than done, genuinely took me months to stop being such a people pleaser and assert some confidence in what Id want to do while trying to meet halfway when I could. Really do hope for the best if things havent changed much since the making of this video.
@misterhim7380 Жыл бұрын
I love this channel so much!!! I wish you the best. You deserve it!!
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much 💙
@ZeroRyu7 Жыл бұрын
Should you ever find the time, The Fountainhead might speak to you. You are right about success. My whole life I have wondered why everyone takes it as commonplace to sacrifice their lives in the now for a bright, shiny, fictional future for themselves or their children. You’re called lazy if you can’t bring yourself to swallow what so many others do daily. You’re called weak for not participating. The American Dream has to be beautiful. It has to look achievable…if you just work hard and give it your all. It has to be a dream. Cause when more wake up from it, we’ll all see it for the nightmare it is. This might sound hopeless, but I’m quite hopeful that things are changing, just look at some of the comments section. I may not be here when it does, but it’s been a hell of a ride with all of you.
@chubbs_j5918 Жыл бұрын
Love your work
@NaiChanify Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this.
@alexmacdonald2000 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your hard work and openness in these videos. It's always refreshing to see something like this.
@Mr-Eleven Жыл бұрын
The quote about hitting thirty feels all too real. However, I think success could be something that is different from person to person. I personally would be happy and feel successful if I had a family that I could take care of but I have no kid or lady and I'm gonna be 30 next year. I do think that a lot of life comes at you depending on your mindset. Yeah I messed something up and I get bummed out but that's normal. Dwelling on things and letting the problem consume me is not good. I'd rather express emotions, and then use that as a learning lesson. As far as struggle here in the US, it helps to build me us as a person because hardship builds character otherwise, if everyday was a good day, then things would be normal again
@bloodyheart936 Жыл бұрын
I think your videos are dope. Include the title of the anime in your titles but keep the rest and you’ll be straight. Nothing else really needs changing talking about the philosophy of anime is dope I love the content itself. Hard to find content about shows I like without the name in the title
@edwardlivingston9651 Жыл бұрын
My advice too you is too choose, "if one holds an object or ideal in each hand inevitably one must discard one to preserve the other" this is ironclad, as much as I wish it wasn't so it is, it's not what are you willing to do to get "success" but what are you willing to let go of, and what can your conscience live with at the end of the day as you go to sleep or look yourself in the mirror the next day. I myself have looked for another way and yet the only solution I found is if you truly wish to hold both objects or ideals, you yourself become the "sacrifice" you seem like you have chosen to hold onto it all and if that is your true wish, you will invariably drown yourself, your empathy is strong friend but empathy alone isn't enough to tip the scale, at the end of the day a debt is owed and a sacrifice will be required, be it you or the object or ideal in one of your hands.
@GaigeHawthorne Жыл бұрын
Such good content i need moreeeee
@DonnieDaise Жыл бұрын
You are a good person
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Thank you. I feel many of you here are just as much!
@scho_li8506 Жыл бұрын
A masterpeace of a Video wich perfectly described my love to the villans of this and the fictional world and my fustration of this system even though they do terrible things they do them to fight a rigged game
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the very kind words 💙
@MrLightlike78 Жыл бұрын
oddly, I would recommend a watch of "The Venture Bros" the whole show is kind of about failure.
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
I have heard that before, it's something I probably should watch as the few scenes ive witnessed were quite funny too
@itsme-bh8sk Жыл бұрын
Have you talked about Monster before? If not you should
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
I want to, but the length makes it hard. It's something I have to put off until I'm full time with this, unfortunately
@itsme-bh8sk Жыл бұрын
@@ProfessorViral thats fair. I was just curious because it seems like the type of show you like.
@ninebrains4769 Жыл бұрын
Lelouch isn’t TOO kind for this world, yet also too callous to be realistic. He has schizoid personality disorder.
@iballisticduals3048 5 ай бұрын
Time to waste - Landon McNamara
@watlix960 Жыл бұрын
no, we should take time to morne, for your pain, your desire, the achievement you will nerver reach, it all a tragedy. In the end i only see a voise who was crushed but remain whole inspire of it. Life for all it current beauty is worth living. wile it may be nihilistic as a world view, it a fact that as you said, a systematic problem with our current society. Yet there is still hope and redemption somewhere. You are a part of it too, not only ProfessorViral but anyone who is conscious to the systematic problem. The will be a war at some point in our life. A war which wile ask of us to fight against people that have the same goal as us, to live, to a fun, to make life worth it. our leaders will ask of us to fight a war against brother of a different part of the world. we should never accept that war because in the end who started it. it not us, trying to live and struggling, not it the people with power, the one with all the money, the capitalist. life is pain, but it should not remain so. it time we learn of our mistake and end the tool of our demise. We are really due for a revolution by the workers for the workers. it time to educate ourselves to prepare for a revolution
@pluralphilosophy6657 Жыл бұрын
I am with you.
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Thank you 🤝
@lordrichardlionheart Жыл бұрын
Villain Revolution! Embrace it!
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
A little villain arc, as a treat
@NocioKu Жыл бұрын
What the hell, love your content but i haven’t seen any of your uploads in three months
@digiworp Жыл бұрын
I agree with you comple
@d3clips391 Жыл бұрын
Successful one
@Pix256 Жыл бұрын
this video came out extremely silly at the end
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
I'm a silly ol' villain lol
@Pix256 Жыл бұрын
@@ProfessorViral You mean spoiled (? "This is why we hate billionaires, why we love villains, and why success is a lie." God this is such an immature line. What I see is a guy suffering the usual “philosopher archetype” major flaw which is lack of executions skills due to overthinking way too much to actually get good at tangible things. I will put it simply so everyone can understand, the authors of the animes you love so much to talk about didn't just "thought" their stories out. They actually had to perform; have you thought about it (? What degree of skills, talent and hard work are required to make the animes and mangas you love ? Most mangas are made by a single person, meaning they have to get good at many things to ship their stories, and they often do it from a young age. Anyone who really things chance is such a revelant factor in life is certainly deluded by self indulgency. Can you see how ironic and arrogant your line of thought is here (? I usually do like your exposition but this point you made here projects a major flaw in character.
@Pix256 Жыл бұрын
On youtube there's a bunch of people who seem to think they understand art by talking and reflection a lot on it. They don't. Realize that just by thinking out loud about a story you won't get good at actually making something of similar caliber, even less experience it by first hand. To a point it feels like you are talking soo much to yourself to avoid responsability or just work
@GustaferrEJ2 Жыл бұрын
Top 10 essays
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Ah, thank you 💙
@laninfapimentel311 Жыл бұрын
Me, going to your page and typing the word "horny": I can't believe I'm doing this🤨😆
@ramphastos1 Жыл бұрын
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
@DragonBall-Manga-1984 Жыл бұрын
what is your opinion about Chainsaw Man Anime?
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
I liked it, just waiting for more to speak thematically on it
@BakedBanana Жыл бұрын
@Eric1738-7 Жыл бұрын
pp caught this one early today
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Early bird gets the... p... nevermind
@ItsShaz1 Жыл бұрын
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
I hope so haha. Thank you as always!
@firebirdstark Жыл бұрын
Physical representation is not that important, nah. You missed me there.
@izzymosley1970 Жыл бұрын
I think you're wrong when you say that all of the most rich people in the world are rich because of privilege sure privileged people can take more financial failure than the average person but that doesn't mean they are the only ones who can take more risk I'm sure there are people who became rich just because they were that good at making financial decisions and of course there are always people who get lucky and become rich so even though most of the richest people in the world are rich mostly due to their privilege it's not the only way to become rich. Also rich people do add value to society because they're the ones who come up with the idea for the business and are willing to take the risk in the first place sure the employees do the manual labor but that's not the only type of Labor the bosses are the ones doing the mental labor when it comes to making big decisions for the company they are both equally important both employer and employee because one without the other would just not be able to get things done at least as efficiently.
@kurikari1675 Жыл бұрын
Haha fk my dreams
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
Whatever your dreams are, as long as they hurt no one else, I hope they come true
@strategicowl192 Жыл бұрын
Also most Boring company projects seem like prototypes for his libertarian Mars dreams
@ProfessorViral Жыл бұрын
I could have a whole rant on the idea of space colonization with a dying planet at home, and especially libertarianism haha
@marocat4749 Жыл бұрын
You mean his own rapture on mars :P
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